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Raven's Mirror

Dreamed 2022/8/15 by Wayan

My parents' old back yard. A big black bumblebee floats by, slow as a rowboat. No, wait, it's feathered. A raven chick no bigger than a bee!

Then the mama raven swoops by, and lands in the uphill neighbors' tree. It's an odd one, spangled with rectangular fruit: packs of playing cards, twig-skewered. She steals a beakful of cards, and as she flies off, Raven Mom projects (onto a round shimmering thing--a floating mirror?) a humanish face expressing the moods and situations that the cards symbolize in Tarot--although it's a plain card deck, this raven's scholarly--knows all their meanings, even without the classic neo-medieval images.

I creep to the hedge and peer through, curious. Raven plucks more cards, tries on more moods--or archetypes, based on the cards? Speculative expressions, goofy expressions! Like testing new hues of makeup in an oval mirror--"does this work?" Her reflected face is mobile--beak smiles, brows semaphore, eyes colored somehow, unravenishly revealing where she glances and if they're narrow or wide instead of their usual black on black. Flutters two long mammalian lashes. Sexy. Winks.

A flying raven peers at the human face reflected in a floating mirror. Her? Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.
All her facial drama's on a silvery disc of light, floating before the raven, even in flight! How can she navigate or see?

The neighborhood wolfdogs growl at me, hedging as I am. I snuffle as though I'm a dog too, and they promptly calm. It's only humans you gotta beware.

My own autistic raven-face may not express it well, but... I know how they feel.


LISTS AND LINKS: dream beings - animal people - birds - corvids - kids - size - Tarot - flying - mirrors & doubles - faces - body image - dreams personified - tricksters - blindness & delusion - shamanic, surreal & comical dreams - dreamwork - digital & woodblock art - 4 months later: Oracular Ravens - 38 years earlier, same dreamer, same issue: Four Eyes!

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