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Remember, this lists dreams dreamt this year, but not all the dreams sent this year! I'm glad to get older dreams--they don't have to be fresh off the dream-press.
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What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 3300+ dreams plus 1000 more pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2019.
COMPLIANCE: by Wayan; 1984/12/20 & 2021/1/9, twin dreams 36 years apart showing cryptomnesia 2021: I dream I'm confessing to friends how I'm over-compliant. I wake, and start transcribing my 1984 journal. Turn the page and find a dream of a horny stallion who's disturbingly over-compliant... CAUTION: KINKY STALLION |
PORTALS OF THE PAST: by Wayan, 2021/2/6; a timish dream. The time-caves under Golden Gate Park lead to supervillains, magical girls, miniphants, bamboo thugs, adorable dinosaurs, and... pandemics. But is there a way back home? |
LADDER OF FEAR by Mike & Wayan, 2021/2/9; parallel dreams MIKE: A reckless friend races up a hazardous ladder. I follow slowly, reluctant, scared. Almost a nightmare... WAYAN: Mike recklessly climbs an outdoor ladder as lightning strikes. Scary! Wait--this dream feels psychic... CAUTION: APPARENT E.S.P. |
LIZARD OR WIZARD? Or, ARACHNOLYPSE by Wayan, 2021/2/10; a cynical magical dream An idiot wizard lures car-sized spiders into town. I find a spellbook that repels them, but have to hide it so my community college professors, Gandalf & Saruman, don't take it. For I'm no wizard, just a lizard... CAUTION: HUGE SPIDERS, HUGE SELLOUTS |
POX: by Wayan; 2021/2/10, a short undream poem Smallpox is extinct. No need to worry. But the pocked face of the rising moon reminds me malice, madness, incompetence and black-market greed, our four horsemen, aren't extinct... CAUTION: ODE TO SMALLPOX, WHAT DO YOU EXPECT? |
A HISTORY OF ENERGY: by Wayan; 2021/2/19, a dream warning we're all shortsighted I dream of a parade or train of energy sources--human muscle, horsepower, coal, oil, gas, solar... But the train's ultimate engine is in our future, and is impossible--a dragon riding a broomstick... |
RIDDLE ON HER BREAST: by Wayan; dreamed 2021/3/1; a dream using sex to hide a pun I'm told a girl in an armored nutrient-bath wheechair has my shoes. I need them back. But to get them I have to answer the riddle written on her breasts. We both get a bit distracted... CAUTION: CARTOON BREASTS |
FURRY TRINITY: by Wayan; 2021/3/1, a dream painting three facets of... me? Or of dreaming? Three furry people show off their collected art & pets. But then they dissolve into their art & pets! The room itself dissolves into a river-raft. A unicorn girl in a gauze ritual robe studies a map... CAUTION: MILD FURRY NUDITY |
GOD OF THE GULF: by Wayan; 2021/3/3, a dream warning piety has hazards I'm in the Gulf of Mexico watching the Creator of North America place mountains, rivers and ancestors just where they belong. I wake knowing this pious, static view is immoral... CAUTION: CRITIQUES TRADITIONALISM |
STATUES ON ICE: by Wayan; 2021/3/12, a dream of blue politics Weird blue snow covers a dump of unwanted historical statues, but they seem less political than... strange. Is that a griffin? What's really getting covered here? |
WITCHMARE SEDUCES TWILIGHT: by Wayan; 2021/3/12 & 13, a dream with a confirming follow-up DREAM: Witchmare the sorceress patiently wins over Twilight, a unicorn who thought she was straight. NEXT NIGHT: at a queer picnic, I find I know my orientation--witches! But I'm less sure what sex I am... CAUTION: LESBIANS, UNICORNS, FANART, COMPLEXITY |
DESOCIA: by Wayan; 2021/3/29, a warning dream A woman camps in the hills with her dad, till he hikes off, indifferent. Not amnesia or dementia; he no longer cares for people. A case of Desocia! As I meet relatives of other cases, I start to suspect I have it myself... CAUTION: ALIENATION |
E.S.P., NOT LANGUAGE: by Wayan; dreamed 2021/3/29, an Aspie dream about you humans Turns out humans communicate mostly by mental imagery; speech is just a carrier wave. But in most cases, ESP is subliminal. I'm autistic, though; for me, background stuff jumps out. Like all six senses... CAUTION: AUTISM, E.S.P. SPECULATIONS |
FOUR OF TEN: by Wayan; 2021/4/3, four examples from ten dreams in one night Books are clothes, and always were. A potato makes me lie, and everyone gets it but me. Sex in a crowd disarms the Mom Squad! And a Mystic Autistic's soul explores my room... CAUTION: PUBLIC SEX? PROBABLY. |
DESIGNER: by Wayan; 2021/4/8, a dream of being a mishmash god I'm a world-creator, lost in mist, unsure just what sort of people to make-- since I'll be joining them. I'm only sure what not to make--or be... CAUTION: NUDE, FURRY DEITY |
GANDHI OR WAR!: by Wayan; 2021/4/26, a dream warning my anger-dialect gets misunderstood DAY: I watch Chef starring Dustin Hoffman as a guy with rage issues--like every guy in the film! DREAM: On a TV show, I must defend my perks from other men. Anger's a male dialect... CAUTION: ANGRY |
MOUNTING PROBLEMS: by Wayan, 2021/5/22; an anti-Freudian punning math dream. I'm a giant wolf with a human girlfriend. A formula says I must shrink until my paws are 128 times the volume of her feet. But I'll still be way too big for sex! Eight seems more like the right volume... CAUTION: HORNY WOLF, MATH, CLIMACTIC PUN |
FREIGHTER DROPS A NUKE: by Wayan; 2021/6/8, a health-warning nightmare Am I on this ship's bridge, or only watching on video? It matters, because that other ship half a mile ahead just exploded, and the shockwave's about to crush us like a soda can... CAUTION: NUCLEAR DISASTER |
IS LONGING A RIGHT?: by Wayan; 2021/6/26, a dream on willpower & guilt I'm in a dance class where we built not just muscle strength but strength of will, too: the idea's to magically summon your soulmate through sheer longing! And my classmates succeed--intermittently... CAUTION: QUEER THINKING |
WAYMO BALLOONISTS: by Wayan; 2021/7/16, a surreal predictive dream Huge balloons labeled "Waymo" in bad Chinese are taking over San Francisco. But the sexy balloonists seem to be more into masturbation than conquest... CAUTION: EXHIBITIONISM OR OBJECTIFICATION? |
DEER PEOPLE, BREAST-SHY: by Wayan; 2021/7/30, a dream with predictive tinges DREAM: bisexual deer-people go on dates. Despite their fur, they seem shy about breasts. WAKE: read Alison Bechdel's latest confessional comic. Bisexual phase, shy about breasts... CAUTION: POSSIBLY PREDICTIVE; TOPLESS DEER |
LIZARD-BUG DISCIPLINE by Wayan, 2021/8/7; a Star Trek dream on... negotiation vs. force? I'm in an alien empire dominated by big lizard-bugs. Humanoids are second-class, but they're trusted with weapons--I witness a human squad executing a lizard for dissidence... CAUTION: REPRESSION, OR IMMUNE SYSTEM? |
LIZARD by Miriel, 2021/9/??, a dreamlet about a familiar? I'm lying on a foam pad in a Volkswagen bus I remember from years ago when a lizard half a meter long dances up to perch on my shoulder... |
PIE HOLE: by Wayan; 2021/9/12, an Emperor's New Clothes dream with a twist I'm shyly making love with a classmate, Cynthia. Classmates gawk & point, through the pie-hole in the ceiling. But our perspective reveals that under our critics' skirts... CAUTION: UPSKIRT NUDITY |
SEA-SPHINX: by Wayan; 2021/9/26, a nightmare? or advice on desire? Three successive attacks! I escape the Roadrage Nut, I withstand the mob of Angry Ghosts, but the Tsunami floods all. Strange--that angry, glowing, blue Sea-Sphinx who summoned the flood is really sexy. Why is she mad at me?... |
NOT A LICK OF E.S.P.: by Wayan; 2021/10/22, a sex dream not about sex (or ESP) After an impatient bookseller puts me down, I dream I'm licking a girl who nothing pleases... |
PARROT SITTER: by Wayan; 2021/11/19, a flying-pulp-fiction-babysitting dream A girl becomes a raven to cross a pond. Asks me to fly across carrying her (flightless) pet parrot in a bag. I do, but later the parrot falls downstairs. So yuppies call me an irresponsible pet owner... |
SAVED BY A CYMBAL: by Wayan; 2021/11/29, a dream punning about dreamwork! Stranded on an island where a marching band drowned, I escape by paddling across the Pacific using a rusty, er, cymbal... |
A SOUND NOT UNLIKE A BELL: by Wendy Xu, c.2021, a dream poem on... poetry itself? I was desperately arranging cut flowers for something important; the forces that acted upon me seemed to say "Your life depends upon this assemblage"... |
WHEN YOU WERE HAVING A GREAT DREAM: by Miranda Tacchia; (pre?)2021, a universal frustration When you were having a great dream, but wake up for no reason... |
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