Dreams listed by date:
There's one blockbuster dream, The Hedgehog Dispensary, illustrated (as an experiment) in watercolor. But mostly I illustrated older dreams this year. Nondream projects include a complex sculpture group called Unicorn Orgy and the huge Venus Unveiled, a portrait of that planet 1000 years from now--when, after heroic engineering, it's more fertile than Earth. Unlike Mars, our Venus data is murky: no photos, just ambiguous radar-scans and blurry altimetry maps. I had to learn orbital mechanics, terraforming, geography, climatology, ecology, sapiogenesis (the evolution of intelligence), then write a dozen regional tours with fake photos and sketches and maps, and a gazetteer describing every feature on Venus as it'd be with seas, decent air, life... As much work as a novel! Maybe I should've just written one, but VENUS UNVEILED was built for the Net from the start, as true hypertext--each tour sets out on a linear path, but forks, so you can wander round the planet, migrating with the natives.
I also went to Burning Man for the first time, showing seven planets in the Center Cafe, including Venus Unveiled. But my car died crossing the Sierra and I came back with a flu-like virus that hung on all year--one reason the list is so short.
NEXT: 2005
to 1799,
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What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000 dreams plus 1000 pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.
HALF-COCKED: by Larry Vigon; 2004/1/4; an alarming dream I'm in the army, in line for a prostitute. An earlier dream cut my cock in two. It heals, but my stodgy technique bores my assigned girl; and the cops break the legs of girls who try to leave. A riot begins--can I even escape? CAUTION: STARTS SORDID, ENDS BRUTAL |
FLOWER CONVERSATIONS: by Larry Vigon; 2004/1/12; a surreal psychedelic dream Worms rappeled down from my ceiling. My friend says "I've had great talks with those creatures." They became flying flowers exuding a gas that, if you napped, let you have wonderful conversations... |
I DREAMED MY PILLS WERE TAKING ME: by Wayan; 2004/3/13, a dirty lie. A dream that'd explain why I quit taking Western medicines-- (and why haven't you?) Only I didn't dream it. Just lived it. |
FREAKY DREAM, or, HEART IN MY STOMACH: by Ratiries Steelclaw; c. 2004/3/30, a dream comic I felt like my heart was in my stomach. My friend Lyx opened me up & said "It is." She scolded me for eating it... CAUTION: URP |
UNICORN ORGY: by Wayan; sculpture group based on 1995/4/22 dream, finished 2004/3/30; 1' tall. A sculpted orgy of unicorns, dryads, and werewolf-satyrs designed to stand sideways on your wall... CAUTION: SEX |
HOP: by Emily Joy, Maddie, and Kathe, 2004/3/31; three linked dreams of a single character Three friends in one bed dream three dreams in one night about a talking rabbit with a persistent request... |
HUMMINGBIRD: by Larry Vigon; 2004/4/4; a predictive dream A hummingbird was trapped inside my home. So beautiful. I set it free. The next Saturday, I found this hummingbird on the patio... |
DISTRACTUS: by Wayan, 2004/5/5, a comic sexy diagnostic dream... that baffled me. Sex in a meadow? A protest march distracts us. But a friend warns me of a disease, Coitus Distractus... CAUTION: (DISTRACTED) SEX |
BLEEDING HEART, the SELF-HEALING CORPSE, and IN THE FUTURE DESERT: by Wayan; 2002/5/29 - 2004/5/11, a diagnostic, predictive dream-series; Bleeding Heart as comix A tree-girl moves to Hollywood to make film deals, but jealousy stabs her... CAUTION: BLOODY ASSAULT, GAY DRYADS, MUTANT NUDITY |
FIRST IMPRESSIONS: by Wayan; 2004/5/20, a dreamsong (MP3+lyrics); Dreamverse #0 I meet a monster--half earthworm, half giraffe. Then I realize she’s kind of cute... |
A TOUR OF YOUR BRAIN: by Wayan's brain, 3.4MB (MP3 + lyrics), May 2004, a rock-jig. A lobe-by-lobe musical tour of your brain with Buddha as your tourguide... |
THE TAKEOVER: by Lee Olivier; 2004/6/28, a triple diagnostic nightmare An alien is taking over our world, and I feel so helpless that even when I wake I want to just forget the dream... |
DESCENDING THE MOUNTAIN TOWER: by Jenny Badger Sultan, 2004/7/6, a dream of grounding The boy and I walk a spiral trail down the mountain to the caves of tears... |
THE CHIANG-SHIH: by Julian Garberson; 2004/8/23, a surreal Han Dynasty nightmare A vampire wrestler on the Throne of Heaven pins me. Visualization and prayer don't free me--in fact, they get me killed... |
VENUS UNVEILED: by Wayan, 2004/8/30; a virtual world with c.200 photos, maps, portraits. Tour Venus as it will be in 1000 years, after terraforming: paradise for dozens of intelligent species! |
THE DESTRUCTION OF HAWAI'I; 2004/9/2 by Anonymous #37; a short apocalyptic nightmare I was a small boy living on Oahu. Out my front door I saw a 20-mile-tall wall of flames stretching across the horizon... |
TRAIL OF POGS: by Wayan; 2004/9/6, my dreams' response to the first Burning Man dream-workshop A trail toward Freedom has extra markers, for it's three trails, superimposed! Not all the cues are for us... |
OVERLAY: by Wayan; 1984/2/11, 1995/8/26, and 2004/9/11, 3 dreams shape a 9-page comic on living with ESP Dreams of translucent fairies, centaurs, robots & gnomes prompt me to cartoon on transparent overlays to show how dreamworlds overlay ours... |
THIRD-PARTY DEFENSE: by Wayan, 2004/9/11, a dream challenging lifelong pacifism DAY: At a party, this stranger keeps sniping at me. I see no gain for me in fighting him, and just leave. DREAM: Aliens attack. They've wiped out other planets, so we fight all-out! Not just for us, for the next species... |
AFTER BIRTH: by Wayan, 2004/9/29, astral acrylic painting Never mind an afterlife! What if, before life, we were spirits with no idea what happens after birth?... |
THE HEDGEHOG DISPENSARY: by Wayan; 2004/10/2, furtopian watercolor 12-page dreamcomic (or text + pics) A rabbit shaman makes his student drape dead hedgehogs round her neck til she bleeds. How to free her? CAUTION: FURRY NUDITY, ABUSIVE MENTOR |
F*CK CALIFORNIA!: by Wayan; 2004/10/15, a surreal, embarrassing dream I'm trying to hump the entire State of California. In public, too. What brought THIS on? Well, actually, I know... CAUTION: OBSCENE SITUATION--AND TITLE. OOPS, TOO LATE. |
THE ELEVATOR PROPOSAL: by Wayan, 2004/10/15, a dream baring a subtle lifelong pattern I'm in an elevator with a giant guy with a hotel cart bearing a silver platter. On it, an erect penis. The guy tries to enlist me in his program to... what? CAUTION: CARTOON PENIS |
ALTARED MANSION: by Wayan; dreamed 2004/10/18, a dream on all the world's religions I'm touring a gloomy, firelit Victorian mansion filled with icons and idols from every faith in the world, while this funny theme song loops in my head. What is that song? CAUTION: MUSLIM RANTER; EMBARRASSING SONG |
HAND US THE FRENCHMAN!: by Wayan; 2004/10/24, a comic dreamlet on hippiedom's last gasp The Feds order my friend Mike to hand them a Frenchman we haven't seen in years. Mike substitutes a junk VW... |
CLASH OF KNOW-NOTHINGS: by Wayan; 2004/11/3, a election-day rant We don't face Huntington's Clash of Civilizations. This is a world war--inland reactionaries attack tolerant coasts. CAUTION: POLITICAL IDEAS, POLITICAL RAGE |
STREAMLINING: by Wayan; 2004/11/10, a dream within a dream I dream I'm an otter, and wake into a dream about sculpture--and learn my style's due to my species... |
REJECTED! SO?: by Wayan; 2004/11/12, a dream of political AND personal advice A middle-class girl rejects me, and a newsman declares my politics irrelevant. "Liberal media" my ass... CAUTION: POLITICS |
CLOSE THE GATE: by Emily Joy; 2004/11/19, a dream of decision. My foxy lover teases and tempts, but I can't let him into the patio for fear he'll hurt the rabbits… CAUTION: UNFUNNY BUNNY PUNS |
A MUSLIM CHEETAH: by Wayan, 2004/12/2, a dream of fundamental ambivalence A cheetah is a saboteur for a violent Islamic group. I'm attracted, but tear into her; "You plant bombs in the name of a rulebook meant for apes not cats!" CAUTION: NUDE CHEETAH; CRITIQUES HOLY BOOKS |
SERRANA: by Wayan; Oct-Dec 2004, a sculpture/webtour; 60 maps, photos & sketches A dry little world with many small seas, Serrana has at least six intelligent species and an anarchist culture. It's a tribute to Ursula Le Guin's anarchist utopia, "The Dispossessed", and Kropotkin's theories of biological cooperation... CAUTION: ANARCHIST POLITICS, ALIEN NUDITY |
CHART THE GROWTH: by Brenda Ferrimani; 2004, painting of an incubated, oracular dream I asked my dreams "What's my truest purpose?" I dreamed my body was a tree, and a voice said "Chart the growth"... |
THE DREAM TO LAST YEARS: by Elizabeth Church; 2004? to March 2008; repeated meetings with a guardian--in dreams & out! For five years now I've been dreaming of this guy. Many dreams, same guy... |
GALLERY GAWKERS: by Wayan; 2003-5; sketches of San Francisco characters
For two years, I sat at the desk in our co-op gallery, and secretly sketched our bewildered, art-assaulted customers... |
TIME WARRIOR: by Katie Hofgard, c. 2004, a daydream on transformation She was a girl playing in the woods when she found the dying silver fox. His body transformed into a fox-mask. His spirit said "When you come of age..." |
WINTER DREAMS: by Jenny Badger Sultan; winter 2004/2005, a painted series of color-dreams. After teaching a class on color, I had a series of vivid dreams about color, and tried fusing them into one painting... |
THE MÖBIUS STRIP OF GRIEF: by Ruth Stone, 2004-2008; a dream poem You say you're leaving me. I go to grab an ice pick to stab you, but my hand freezes to the ice block on the stair--I dare not even dream of murder. Since... CAUTION: RESPONSE TO SPOUSAL SUICIDE |
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