Dreams listed by date:
I was so busy, I didn't even keep a journal for much of the year, so I can't be sure of most dates. I did far more art than this, but most of it ended up as dream-illustrations, so it's scattered over past years. What's here is just a tiny subset: the few non-dream non-illustrations done this year...
Except for one. After the Bang is about dreams--about the strange place I'm in now, as I wind down this vast project, this year-long dream, and wake to stare around me bewildered...
Dream well.
NEXT: None. This is it. Burnout. I'm done. Well, just in case: 2002
RELATED TOPICS: Behind the Curtain, 9/11
to 1799,
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What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000 dreams plus 1000 pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.
FRACTURE SPEEDS MARRIAGE: by Wayan; 2001/1/1, a dream of advice on health and romance. A baseball star got her leg broken. It stalls her career, but helps her marriage. Did she need a "break"? Do I? |
JILL THE PEST: by Wayan; 240K, 2001/2/22, a nondream visionary comic. I had a headache and couldn't sleep. I started drawing, and asked for a cure. And a cartoon angel said... CAUTION: TANTRUMS, MASTURBATION, JUNKFOOD, ANGELIC SCOLDING |
THE MER BUILDING: by Wayan; 2001/2/23, a dream of a double life. I’m a puma with a night job as a cellist. But my day job with The Architectives is the bizarre one... |
JEAN ARP'S OCTOPUS: by Wayan; 2001/2/26; a surreal dream of my surreal reaction to a surrealist and his... lunch A library shows me surrealist Jean Arp's sketchbook. One Eschery sketch with repeated focal points is hypnotic. But they also show me his lunch, and I try to eat it! I fail. Head & gut disagree. Stuck Arp-way... CAUTION: NEVER EAT 12-YEAR-OLD SUSHI |
BOATS: by SAO (Shawn Allen O'Neal); March 2001, a doubly predictive dream. Were the rowdy face-boats really ghosts haunting this old house, harbingers of my future online... or both? |
SCIENCE IS A BUILDING THAT COMES ONLY HALFWAY TO THE GROUND: by SAO (Shawn Allen O'Neal); March 2001, a painting of a dream-scene. In the golden light of a primal Eden, my friends and I flock naked through emerald glades like wild deer, until the tower approaches... |
CATCH-UP: by Wayan; 2001/3/14, a dream on maturation Revelations about my mom put my own shyness in a new light. That night I dream twin sisters zoom through puberty in hours... CAUTION: VERY SUDDEN BREASTS |
WARM MOTHER: by Jenny Badger Sultan; 2001/3/24, 3/29, 3/30 & 4/1; dreams I dream my mother takes over caring for my sick daughter; I feel pushed aside. When I wake, I try to paint a more positive image of mothering. For a week, dream after dream has opportunities for patience and letting go of jealousy... |
AFTER THE BANG: by Wayan; 2001/5/16, a poem on the World Dream Bank. |
The Big Bang happens, you're inspired, you make something of it... then what? The Big Whimper? |
MENTOR: by Wayan; 2001/6/13, six advisory dreamlets. |
I meet a shapeshifting mentor who warns of coming war (9/11?). Then a sentient book, "The Art of War," gets intimately involved... CAUTION: ELECTRODES, LIBROPHILIA |
PORTRAIT OF LADY DRACANTHRA: by Wayan; mid-2001, acrylic dream painting. |
Among the family portraits in the hall of my ancestors was this one of a formidable old... woman, I guess. |
A FINAL GOODBYE: by Justin Hall; dreamed summer 2001, drawn 2003; comic of a lucid dream on closure. |
I found myself in a cafe in Amsterdam--or was it Sevilla?--with Kevin, who I knew was dead... CAUTION: GRIEF |
DOLPHINS: by Larry Vigon; 2001/8/6; a dream personifying dreams? |
The beach. Smoke? No, spray from hundreds of dolphins hunting. I thought a giant wave was coming in, but it was just a trick of the light through fog... |
DREAMING TO SURVIVE: by Christoph Gassmann, 2001/8/13 & 2003/9/2: two lifesaving dreams |
A spot on my elbow triggers a dream of being in a suicide clinic, getting the injection, starting to die. Yet for two years, I put off having that spot checked! Only after a second warning dream do I go in to find... |
GROUND ZERO: by Al Davison; 2001/9/9, a predictive dream-comic. |
Two days before 9/11, I dream I'm a child at ground zero, mourning the devastation--and witnessing rebirth. |
JUST BEFORE 9/11: by Patti Viscardi; 6 AM 2001/9/11, a predictive nightmare |
I was on a plane... It was almost graceful, the plane actually entered the building before everything dissolved into flame... CAUTION: DEATH. DEATH TWICE. |
FALL INTO FEAR: by Brenda Ferrimani; 2001/9/12, a 9/11 nightmare transformed by lucidity |
I’m falling into endless darkness. I feel like screaming, but then I remind myself I’m dreaming. “What is for me here?” I demand. “SHOW ME!” I begin rising toward the stars. Huge metal discs with alien writing rise with me... |
TRAILER PARK ELF: by Dolores J. Nurss; 2001/11/18; a troubling dream of incompatible realms |
I dreamed I was a blond guy tracking down an elf who lived in a trailer park. She'd gone mad; elves trapped in the human world mostly do. Awake, I sketched her, then saw she's a lot like my younger self! Disturbing... |
CREEPINESS: by Scottopic; 2001/11/30. A hypnogogic nightmare. |
I'm in bed sleepily petting my cat, when I see my cat across the room! What's on my legs? It's big. My cat chases it off... through the wall? My room is sealed. Where did it come from, where did it go?... |
ASTEROID STRIKES: by Ben Bamber; Sept.-Dec. 2001, 4 dreams predicting 3 meteor strikes |
I witnessed strikes in Brighton and Devon through the eyes of others; but I felt the Cheltenham impact in my own body... |
THE LAST WORD: by Larry Vigon; 2001/12/5; a wistful apocalyptic dream |
A huge explosion knocked the earth off its orbit; it struck other planets and wrecked the whole solar system. Where will the souls ready to reincarnate all go? Or do they even need a planet?... |
ELEPHANT UPSIDE DOWN: by Xanthe, c2001, a surreal underworld-dream |
In the underworld, soldiers chase fundamentalists in underwear, as leopards stare. The upside-down elephant plugs the exit. We can only escape if we |
FANFOX: by Wayan; 2001, self-portrait as a fox woman. |
This foxgirl had my own uneasy mixture of exhibitionism and wariness. Baring sex, but not my face... CAUTION: NUDITY |
JACKIE: by Lindsay Vanhove, early 2000s? Premonitions and a dream prompting a bird-rescue |
I dreamed a big black bird shared our house, and whenever I walked a certain street, I had flashes of raising a corvid. On day, on that street, I saved a jackdaw hit by a car. Her broken wing has healed; now she flies in and out of our house as she pleases... |
JANE GIFFORD: dreams drawn/painted by Jane Gifford 2001-'23 |
From the dream-sketchbooks of Jane Gifford: odd creatures, flying, coping with Covid, and cleaning the underworld (as one does)... |
KESCIA'S NESTED DREAMS: by Kescia, 2001 or before, two false-waking sex dreams |
I'm alone in bed, but begin to see sensual bodies around me. I start to masturbate, climax, and wake. I feel loose and light-- so light I float above my bed! A beautiful woman's next to me. We caress mid-air. I come intensely, and wake again, alone... CAUTION: SEX |
THE LEAP: by Naguib Mahfouz, 2001?, an aborted flying dream. |
I rode with my love in a cart drawn by a winged horse. But as we flew over the Great Pyramid, I jumped... |
NISROCK: by Dolores, 2001 or earlier; a predictive dream |
DREAM: a man tries to break into my house. I call for help; the operator says "Oh, that's Nisrock." DAYS LATER: I open a book on the unconscious. It says Nisrock was a Babylonian god of dreams... CAUTION: BAD MYTHOGRAPHY |
RUBBISH: by Naguib Mahfouz; dreamed 2001? A dream of advice from the dead. |
My dead friend lost patience with the local dump, so I beat the trash--and out came shining people... |
SAMURAI BULLET: by Wayan; 1985 automatic drawing, 3x5", ink; tinted 2001. |
I didn't know myself what this was about, till I had to write this note--and suddenly I got it... |
UNICORN BOY: by Wayan; drawing 1984, shaded 2001; dream-self portrait. |
Me as a unicorn boy. Though I got a haircut since then, and most people can't see the horn... CAUTION: NUDITY |
YELLOWBALL ABSTRACTION: by Wayan; 2001, ink sketch at first unrecognized as a dream! |
Another lie from those fiendish abstractionists. Turns out it's not a yellow ball at all... CAUTION: LANGUAGE |
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