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What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000 dreams plus 1000 pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.
PAIN-RATIONER'S STRIKE: by Wayan; 1987/1/1, a dream on self-torture. Three men torture my friend (or is he ME?) and try to keep me from intervening... CAUTION: FAST-TALKING BULLIES |
MULTIPLEX: by Wayan; 1987/1/9, a dream on multiple dreamselves. Inside my brain's a fractured legislature--a hive-mind where da beez disagreez... |
CLAN TAUR: by Wayan; recurrent dream-family (best example: 1987/1/9); pencil studies 1998-2002. I keep dreaming I'm in a multispecies family full of centaurs and satyrs, having a reunion at the beach... CAUTION: NUDE BEACH, STRANGE RELATIVES |
NORASINGH: by Wayan; 1987/1/15, a Tantric Frankenstein dream. I fall in love with my sculpture of a mythical Southeast Asian creature. Then a mad yogi breaks in... CAUTION: SEX, TANTRA, AND GENERAL WEIRDNESS |
QUEEN COBRA: by Wayan; digital painting of a 1987/1/15 dreamlet. I asked "I'm still scared to date anyone. Why? What's my next step?" That night, I was answered... CAUTION: SEXUAL IMPLICATIONS |
LUNAR WEDDING: by Wayan; 1987/2/5, a poem of a surreal futuristic dream I'm at a fancy wedding on Mars, I think, but slowly realize the black sky and huge blue ball mean this lawn is on... ...the Moon. In the open. What are we breathing? Well... old money, I think. |
JOVIAN REVOLUTION: by Wayan; 1987/2/22, a dream-poem of another life. Deep in Jupiter's atmosphere it's dark as a moonlit night, but warm; we sail a world-sea. And mutiny against our commanders! Clouds clear to a red dawn... CAUTION: RED POLITICS, GREEN NUDITY |
GOLDIE AND GRIMOIRE: by Wayan, 1987/3/2, a dream foreseeing My Little Pony? I get a crush on two mare-girls--sunny palomino Goldie is cute, but it's dark-silver, lunar Grimoire that really stuns me... CAUTION: EQUINE NUDITY, ESP REFERENCES |
DRAGON'S EYE VIEW: by Wayan; 1987/3/7, a dream through other eyes. From Baffin Bay to suburbia, dragons are everywhere... if you look with a dragon's eye... |
'WE'RE ALL HUMAN': by Wayan; 1987/3/13, a dream trial. For flirting in the astral cafeteria, we all get sentenced to group therapy-- till I catch the lie in my life. What lie? Read the title... |
HOW TO BE A WOLF: by Wayan; 1987/3/15, a dream of a trickster-mentor We're hiking in the Sangre de Cristos when a girl offers to show us how to be a wolf. We're eager--until she turns wolf, bites us and leaps off a cliff! Furious, we stupidly follow her over... CAUTION: NUDE FLYING WOLVES |
TIGER HONEYMOON: by Wayan, 1987/3/16, a dream of a trickster I buy a charming ruin in the woods. Newlywed tigers prowl! The tiger bride tells me "He expects predictability. But I'll show him what a tiger really is..." |
DRAGON BANNERS: by Wayan; 1987/3/19, a dream on the value of inner emptiness. A dragon's daughter seeking her inheritance defies a sneaky dragon-realtor out to own the world... |
THEA'S HOUSE: by Wayan; 1987/3/23, a life-changing dream. I dreamed the Earth Goddess invited me to live with her. She was lonely to be seen for who she was... |
WARIA: by Wayan; 1987/3/23, digital painting of a pointed advisory dream. My life was a sex disaster. I felt ugly and sick. Then I dreamed I found a counselor who really helped. But my parents warned me against her. Why? They explained: WARNING: NUDITY |
SLEIPNIR: by Wayan; 1987/3/31, a dumb physics dream. I'm at a physics conference. A new force has been discovered that may just allow travel faster than light. Strange, how'd the Vikings know?... |
MY NEW JOB: by Wayan; 1987/4/20, a haiku-ish dream joke? At the library, my boss says we're restructuring, modernizing. My new job is to... |
LION SUIT by Wayan, 1987/5/4; a short dream-poem; predictive or clairvoyant? DREAM: A series of old films with Erroll Flynn looking shy in his glasses, and his... lion suit? NEXT DAY: Hunting pumas is legalized; the paper shows a sit-in full of people in lion suits... |
SILKY'S BRIDGE: by Wayan, with brief parallel dream by Liz; 1987/5/7, apparent shared dreams WAYAN: I'm a cat climbing on sea-cliffs. Fear I'll fall. Run into Silky, an archer firing a line across to an islet. Now the Deer People can build their gossamer bridge... LIZ: I was hiking along a trail atop sea-cliffs. But I feared I'd fall... |
THE ROAD TO HEAVEN: by Wayan; 1987/5/12, a recurring shamanic dream The Rem Road I climb every night, from flesh to spirit, earth to sky. Though tonight, all these wounded skateboarders worry me! And my own bruises say I overdid it in contact improv today... |
DUCK!: by Wayan; dreamed 1987/6/5, digital painting 1988 I was on one of those package dream-tours--an hour here, a scene there. But then in Patagonia... CAUTION: CREEPING PAGANISM |
GRAMPA GOT AIMED: by Wayan; 1987/6/17, a psychic dream. The girl I love has a family that'll stop at absolutely nothing to destroy us. But I'll fight for love... CAUTION: SEX; EMOTIONAL VIOLENCE; MOLESTATION HISTORY |
DEERTAUR TRANSFORMATION: by Wayan, 1987/6/22, a dream of mythical art A strange book has woodblock prints telling how a princess turns to a deer-centaur and meets animal-headed forest guardians. But the message is rather practical... CAUTION: (FURRY) NUDITY |
NO BLUE RIDER: by Wayan; 1956-8 recurring dreams; a 1987/6/22 dream brought them back; painted 1996/1/21 My first memory is of being a wild horse, and waking up to find I was now a human child. Franz Marc's "Blue Rider" paintings felt like my dreams; but as I learned of his life... |
OUT OF THE PIT by Wayan, 1997/7/6, a genderbent dream of inherited... drama? I tell Socrates "All my life, I've dreamed that the Orchestra Pit in the Phantom Theatre tries to swallow me." Years pass, my daughter grows up-- and she dreams of the Phantom Theatre too! But without that hungry Pit... |
BLUNDERING LINDA: by Wayan; 1987/7/12, a namedropping predictive sex dream I'm in bed with a witch and a piano who's come alive and wants to try sex with us. But I worry a stranger named Linda will break in. I wake, write the dream--and a stranger breaks into our house seeking her son! Her name's... CAUTION: BIZARRE THREESOME, BIZARRE PRECOGNITION |
SABA REVIVES: by Wayan, 1987/7/12, a sexy dream on convalescence Mermaids swim by, on land, using the new bubble-generators. Saba, my friend Karina's sister, nearly dies in a sailway crash. Recovering, Saba's shunned--her feline relatives call her a zombie... CAUTION: NUDE CATGIRL |
PENGUINS TALK ONLY TO...: by Wayan; 1987/7/25, a comic dream-poem. Talking animals flood my bedroom. Well, they'll talk to me--but they're cliquish. Hippos snub cats snub bears snub deer, and no one talks to penguins, for... |
TILT THE GLOBE TO MAXIMIZE BIOMASS: by Wayan, 1987/8/15, 1990/3/31 & 6/10, 1993/8/10, four dreams prompting Planetocopia I dreamed I took a globe off its stand, drilled new poles, and put it back on tilted, so that most continents are greener; Tokyo, Alaska and Tierra del Fuego are now all tropical... Over a decade later, dreams forgotten, I start what I think is a nondream art project, by tilting... |
WHY COWGIRLS LOVE BROCCOLI: by Wayan; 1987/8/19, a surreal dream of love. I'm a cowgirl in Nevada circa 1900. In the canyon below Haunted Mansion, I meet a broccoli-green lizard girl. Naturally I help a lady in distress... CAUTION: QUEER-POSITIVE |
DALMATIAN MARE: by Wayan; 1987/8/22; a dream on hiding and showing off. I dreamed of South American musical intrigue in a grand hotel. Enter a polka-dot shapeshifter... |
FLY & ULTRASOUND: by Wayan, 1987/9/4, a surreal dream on chucking out experts THAT DAY: I test my hearing range; it turns out to be more dog than human... DREAM: To banish a teacher & her giant fly, I summon a musical goddess... |
PIANO AND CROCODILES: by Wayan; 1987/9/6, a predictive dream with teeth. My parents host a dinner party, but squeeze us all onto a piano stool. I plink away nervously. The guests flee. My sister blames me, but I suspect it's my dad's pet crocodiles! Next day... |
HUNTERS' FIRE: by Wayan; 1987/9/8, a nightmare that may be a memory. I'm an orphan shot at by hunters. They shoot my sister! But no one believes me... CAUTION: VIOLENCE |
WATERCATS: by Wayan; 1987/9/10; an epic, clear predictive dream I dream I find a few 'extinct' watercats--in a slum! They talk. They say I'm one of them, brainwashed to think I'm human. I wake, go to a dinner, and hear a tale of... watercats! |
CANDLEPOWER by Wayan, 1987/9/15, a predictive dreamlet DREAM: Outage! I bike through dark streets. One bay window glows--room lit by a glowing woman reflected in many mirrors... NEXT EVE: Outage! I bike home through dark streets. One bay window glows--room lit by candles reflected in many mirrors... CAUTION: NUDITY; APPARENT E.S.P. |
GIMME YOUR CAR: by Wayan; 1987/9/16, a predictive/warning dreamlet Dream: a woman wants to drive my old hippie bus. But a tire's missing! She pushes. I don't think it's safe... Next evening: my housemate wants to drive my old hippie bus. She pushes, but I don't think it's safe... |
HOT WATER KNOB: by Wayan, 1987/10/5, a punning predictive dream DREAM: my car has a fuel leak. Luckily, I carry around a crystal hot-water knob-- for beauty, not car repair. But I screw it in & stop the leak, fixing my 'drive'... NEXT EVENING: turn on the TV news, and there's my hot water knob... |
THE LOCH NESS DANCE: by Wayan; 1987/10/14, a Zen dream. I'm chasing a guy named Will (short for Willful Conformity) through the classes of a mad dance academy... |
A DEAL WITH GOD: by Wayan; 1987/10/21, a heretic dream. Evangelists pester me until I get so mad I make an on-the-spot deal with... CAUTION: MAD AT CHRISTIANS AGAIN |
THE CATBIRD SEAT: by Wayan; 1987/10/27? Daydream/fantasy A vague, warm, confusing image of a sort of half-bird half-cat who was half-pet, half-lover... CAUTION: AVIALITY (THAT'S BESTIALITY WITH FEATHERS) |
CATGIRL WITH A SWAN NECK: by Wayan; 1987/10/27, acrylic wash on Xeroxed ink; daydream. |
SIXTY-NINE MIDAIR: by Wayan; 1987/10/27, hypnogogic/daydream image Just a lazy, sexy image that came to me, of floating in air like a pinwheel, licking and being licked... CAUTION: SEX |
UNICORN LEAP: by Wayan; 1987/10/27?, nondream ink sketch tinted with acrylic. A unicorn in a dance performance--a solo vignette with a spectacular leap. And the dancer knows it... |
ULYANOVSK: by Wayan, 1987/11/4, a predictive & advisory dream DREAM: I'm a Soviet Potato Fest. Reds, grannies, food. A girl's told a life-and-death lie about a canine... NEXT DAY: I read a version of Red Riding Hood, and the dream's weird elements suddenly make sense. CAUTION: SOVIET CLICHÉS, E.S.P. SPECULATION |
BETRAYING DREAMS: by Wayan; 1987/11/6, a dream about dreamwork. As I hike across the tundra to win a bet with God, I realize I've been subtly betraying my dreams... |
UNICORN, MERMAID: by Wayan; 1987/11/15, dream figures; primitive (16-color) digital art. A unicorn wades in the shallows to meet a mermaid. Are they lovers now, or just headed that way?... |
PIG YOYO: by Wayan; 1987/11/21, a dream on how to end self-torture. A hog is tied so it bounces in a fountain, and at the bottom of each bounce, a fork jabs it! How to free this yoyo pig? CAUTION: PAIN |
ORDEAL BY INFRASTRUCTURE: by Wayan; 1987/11/22, a Clintonian dreamtale--before Clinton! I want to join the inner circle of America's political elite. But to do that I have to survive the Ordeal by Infrastructure... |
THE RIFT ZONE: by Wayan; 1987/11/27, a long-term psychic dream. I'm not ambivalent--I'm confused! I live here by the Rift Zone and I don't. I'm single and not. Two lives!... |
BEAUTY, BRAINS, WARMTH: by Wayan; 1987/11/28, a didactic dreamtale. The Goddess won't tell me who to seek, to love, just WHAT to seek--and what not to... CAUTION: DIVINELY SANCTIONED TRIGAMY? |
CENTAUR: PAULINA AT SUNSET: by Wayan; 1987/12/8, three dream-infused figure studies Fear anorexia? Gain weight, yet stay slender--be a centaur, like model Paulina Porizkova... CAUTION: NUDITY; BODY IMAGE/ANOREXIA ISSUES |
THE 1200-STEP PROGRAM: by Wayan; 1987/12/17, an illustrated dreamtale. I'm climbing a tower, as my dad, Apollo, drunk, throws bottles at me from the top, breaking bones... CAUTION: DENIAL ABOUT ALCOHOLISM |
DATELINE WEDNESDAY: by Wayan; 1987/12/27, a dream of the shamanic heartland On Thursdays, in Tungusia, looking at your watch could save your life... CAUTION: DEFAMES SIBERIANS |
THERAPIST GARBLES "I" & "YOU": by Wayan, 1987/12/28, a dream warning of bad therapy In therapy, I'm wrestling with sex. But workmen invade--hammer & hang pictures. MY pictures! And my therapist keeps confusing me and her, and our sexual orientations! She means well, but... CAUTION: NUDE PORTRAIT |
ANDROMEDA: by Wayan; dreamed 1987/12/30; a Greek myth turns Jungian and Buddhist I dream of the legendary maiden chained to a rock, and the dragon coming to abduct her--but neither one is as advertised. They look strangely akin... CAUTION: NUDITY |
EIGHT INJECTIONS AND A SHOCK by Georgina, Dec. 1987, as told by Peter James; a predictive dream. Georgina woke me. "I had to give a rich acquaintance eight injections in the neck. He left, climbing on high-voltage cables.." That day, we met a rich friend who had a ski accident. He got a new therapy: eight injections in the neck, then electroshock... CAUTION: UNCOMFORTABLY SPECIFIC "COINCIDENCE" |
BE FIERCE OR DIE: by Gayle Delaney, between 1982 & '87, a business warning dream I had to negotiate a salary for hosting a radio show. I'd never done such a thing. I asked my dreams. I was shown a land of ruthless warriors with a bushido code. So I went in tough, stayed tough, and... |
BIRDS OF DREAM: by Kathleen Raine, between 1981 & '87; a mystical dream poem Colorful birds swirl round me. They may be natives of Paradise--may be, in fact, avian angels... |
BREAK / FAST: by Roswila; c. 1987, a poem of a predictive dream My friend stuffs a broken feeder with birdseed. I worry it'll attract too many wild birds. He laughs "Exactly!"... |
CENTAUR SOCCER: by Wayan; ink sketch of daydream I'm not a big soccer fan. I'd play more if only I had enough feet... |
CELLO CASE: by Jim Shaw; between 1987 & Jan. 1995, an odd dream image I was going to music camp, but I didn't know how to play my cello. A teenager and her mother slept like vampires in her giant cello case... |
HEART AND LUNGS: by Claire Sylvia, 1987-88, recurrent dreams as told by Patricia Garfield After heart-lung surgery, Claire had dreams of her donor that told his name, his appearance and some of his behaviors. She contacted the donor family and verified these. Can dreams access nonbrain cellular memory? |
HERE IN MY IMPOVERISHED PSYCHE: by Tracey West, 1987? 88?, recurring nightmares I'm Mary Ann on Gilligan's Island. But the theme song repeats endlessly--not the later version with my name, but the early one dismissing me and the Professor as and the rest. I wake up screaming... |
IGUANA: by Jim Shaw; between 1987 & Jan. 1995, two surreal dreamlets on water damage In a flooded room, an indignant iguana scolds me, while my wife Marnie checks her computer implant for water damage... |
THE IRON WINDOW: by Jim Shaw; between 1987 & Jan. 1995, a grotesque dreamlet Bearded professors call through an iron-barred window shaped like a woman's torso, hoping to lure a nude model to fill it so they can grope... CAUTION: CREEPY |
LEAN ON ME: by Wayan; 120K; 1987, 1992. Recurring dream image.. This couple keeps appearing in my dreams--as equals, as mount and rider, as friends, as enemies, as lovers... CAUTION: NUDITY |
LUCID, HELPLESS, RECURRING NIGHTMARES by Christopher Burns, c.1985-7? A soul-sucking job all day, lucid dreams at night. But not compensatory, full of lucidity's freedom; replicating exactly the same miserable milieu. I was lucid, yet I couldn't seem to change a thing... CAUTION: UGH! |
THE MAGIC OF WRITING: by Diana Wynne Jones; 1974, mid-'77, '82, late '83, early '84, & '87; prediction, or causation? What I write in my books and think I have made up has a creepy way of coming true. I noticed it first... CAUTION: DISTURBING INVOLUNTARY MANIFESTATIONS |
MY FUTURE ART: by Jim Shaw; between 1987 & Jan. 1995; a self-fulfilling dream prophecy This woman shows me a book of my art. I'm not sure I want to see them--some pieces are from my future... |
MYRNA, LOOK AHEAD: by Myrna, drawn by her daughter Joey Epstein; before 1988, a dream of ghost advice After Myrna’s husband died, one night she felt him behind her in bed, and he whispered... |
NAMED: by Kathleen Raine, between 1981 & '87; a mystical dream poem A voice calls to me by name--but not the name I now bear, evoking memories of another life... |
THE OUTSIDERS: by Grady Towers; 1987, article on genius. Towers, before he was killed, argued Terman was wrong: geniuses are often isolated and maladjusted... CAUTION: UNCOMFORTABLE TRUTHS |
THE RICH WRECK THE WELL: by Jim Shaw; between 1987 & Jan. 1995, a dream of Heaven A movie version of heaven. Souls line up for rejuvenation from a great fountain. But fat old rich guys crash the line, demanding to be first... CAUTION: UGLY NUDITY, UGLY BEHAVIOR, POLITICALLY PREDICTIVE |
THE SUMMONERS: by Jim Shaw; between 1987 & Jan. 1995, a mysterious dream Two nude women (drawn Wally Wood style) dance ritually in a forest, summoning a worm-snake-dragon with a ring of fangs... CAUTION: NUDITY |
SWALLOWING NUMBERS: by Jim Shaw; between 1987 & Jan. 1995; a surreal eating dreamlet I was late for something, so I opened my pocket watch and swallowed a bunch of numbers... |
THROATS and SLOT MACHINE: by Jim Shaw; between 1987 & Jan. 1995, two odd dreamlets THROATS: Men put babies into giant throats inset in a funhouse wall; SLOT MACHINE: I see a slot machine generating random art-speak phrases... |
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