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For me, '79 wasn't about Khomeini, or punk. I joined a psychodrama troupe run by a friend of Ken Kesey's, and tried to put faces on my demons. In summer, I drew more dream-Tarot cards, some of which you'll see below...

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WITWEET WAYAN: by Wayan, 1979/1/10, a dream of butch and femme.
Six generations in the future, I find a poodle who can defuse the bomb my snotty friends can't...
THE HEAVIEST FLYER ON EARTH: by Wayan; 1979/1/25, a dream of (clumsy) flight
Both my friends can become birds and soar; but all I can manage
is angel wings--barely enough to hold up solid-boned me...
A DINNER WITH DEATH: by Wayan; 1979/2/12, an optimistic nightmare.
The dinner went badly. Power outages, alarming transformations, murderous
minions. Still, I'm here to tell you! So Death is weakening...
YELLOW SERENADE: by Wayan; 1979/2/22, an absurd dreamtale.
Restrain yourself! Or you too may end up on a giraffe
rollerskating down the freeway singing perverted popsongs...
TAROT: THE WINGED COYOTE (Freedom!): by Wayan; tarot card from a dream, 1979/3/14.
I dreamed I was the Spirit of Mexico: a winged coyote flying around Sonora howling at the moon...
NUCLEUS: by Wayan, 1979/3/18, a surreal dream of character-insight, set inside an atom
I dream my theatre friends are particles dancing inside an atomic nucleus--
particles that reveal their character, motivations and power. And I'm one too...
THE MUSICAL AMOEBA, by Hermester Barrington, spring 1979, a predictive musical dream
I'm hiking through the Catskills when a gigantic amoeba comes slipping over the hills...
TAROT: THE SULKY: by Wayan; tarot card of a dream, 1979/4/17.
This grumpy little greenish Scotsman rode a 'sulky', a one-man buggy, pulled by
a playful black mare. I worried her clowning was a safety valve leaving her unfree...
THE BIG CRUNCH: by Wayan; 1979/5/9, a cosmic nightmare.
I'm a girl being stalked. I get drastic--scrunch up the universe & shake it out! And is THAT enough?
A CAT AND HER GIRL: by Wayan; 1979/5/15, a deep little dream.
I'm a doctor in the future, trying to heal the neurolink between a girl and her cat...
BLUE CRYSTALS: by Wayan; 1979/5/20 dream offering guidance.
Throw a dream-crystal, or dangle it by a thread, and it'll point the way to go...
TIME PIRATES: by Wayan; 1979/6/6, a genderbent pirate dream about... healthcare?
I'm a modern girl facing pirates from the 17th Century Caribbean. Outgunned, but I
have something intimidating to bluff with: perfect teeth...
SPUTTERNIK: by Wayan; mid-1979, a Beat poem: the comedy of the streets.
A street poet preaches a gospel of smallness, until he pokes at capitalism in a slightly too personal way...
TAROT: CARING or THE PIETA: by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1979.
The card of caring, caregiving, and compassion...
TAROT: GUILT TRIP: by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1979.
When the card CARING comes up reversed, you get this crucified guy floating over your bed...
TAROT: DEATH (Resurrection): by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1979.
So you die, and to your secular surprise, your soul metamorphoses into...
TAROT: THE YIN-YANG EARTH (the Wheel of Fortune): by Wayan; 320 x 490. Tarot card, 3x5", 1979.
Earth is never shown from its axis. Polarly, it's a vast wheel, the real Wheel of Fortune...
TAROT: HOKULE'A (the Star): by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1979.
Hokule'a, the "Star of Gladness", guided Polynesians across thousands of miles of ocean...

TAROT: A JOVIAL INFLUENCE: by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1979.
Jupiter's massive presence tugs its moons to geologic life. Just being exerts a power and a pull...
TAROT: THE MAGE: by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1979.
Jung said most people let one aspect of life dominate them. The Mage balances them...
TAROT: THE MOON (Full Tide: Life): by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1979.
Time, tide, cycles. In the full phase, life brims over. Time for passion & action...
TAROT: THE MOON (Ebb Tide: Memory): by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1979.
Time, tide, cycles... At ebb, the hourglass drains, the tide recedes, life hides in the cracks...
TAROT: PHOBIA!: by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1979.
Groundless fears slow you to a crawl, testing every step of a clear, safe path...
TAROT: THE SOLAR REVOLUTION: by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1979.
The card of revolution! The old towers of strength come down, not via war but obsolescence...
TAROT: DREAMTIGER! (Strength): by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1979.
Find your strength in dreams: facing (and befriending) what you've feared, or fought...
GENDERBENT LUCID DREAMS: by JHM Whiteman, pre-1961, compared to Wayan, 1979/8/29
Celia Green, lucid dream expert, claims nearly all lucid dreamers keep their waking
bodies, their self-image. But Whiteman & Wayan both have genderbent lucid dreams...
MINE BACK DOOR: by Wayan; 1979/9/7, a dream on mining the unconscious.
Deep in a secret diamond mine, I see stars. A door opening to the night sky!
But this shortcut's heavily guarded...
KISS THE GLASS: by Wayan; 1979/9/23, a dream on priorities.
My parents' house is now a sex club. I walk in, and meet my soulmate! But in awkward circumstances...
JACUZZI JAIL: by Wayan; 1979/10/12, a dream of parental poison.
My family has shackled my little sister in the dungeon
in the hot tub full of carcinogenic bubble bath...
POD WAR: by Wayan; 1979/10/14, an "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" dream
Emotionless pod-people surround the last free humans. I fight for humanity, but I'm not human or pod--I'm...
RICH BITCH: by Wayan; 1979/10/20, a dream on money, sex and class.
I dreamed I met a wealthy werewolf. My parents were leftists and told me the rich are wicked--but...
WAITING FOR PIGFALL: by Wayan; 1979/10/31, a puzzling Halloween dream.
The messiah of a suicide cult prepares to ritually sacrifice me. Then a miracle occurs! But... whose?
A LAKE DEMON: by Wayan; 1979/11/3, an anti-lucid dream.
I walk through worlds, fight a deadly lake demon, and work magic--but I mustn't go lucid...
GALILEO FALLS: by Wayan; 1979/11/7, a mysterious dream .
I was a closet unicorn. SO closet, I didn't even know what a unicorn was,
till I went to college and met Lindsay, who was half and could pass...
A WILD WOUNDED BITCH: by Wayan; 1979/11/28, a dream of displacement.
My dad steals my furry girlfriend! The maid and I spy on them;
we get hot and do it, but it's just not the same...
FEVER DREAM ON THE EVE OF ILLNESS: by Joyce Carol Oates, 1979/12/24? a nightmare of self as skyscraper
My body is a residential tower sheltering centipedes, basilisks, dragonflies, bagworms,
skeletal cranes; without my blood's heat and the moist caverns of my soul they would die...
FIGHT GOD!: by Wayan; 1979/12/25, a Christmas fight dream.
I'm in Heaven, but... it's full of Christians! I fight 30,000 angels, but I wanna go right to the top, and...

BURNING HOUSE: by Graciela Iturbide, 2006 or before; a Pygmalion dream
My home was burning; I despaired. All my negatives would be lost. But
some figures arose from their photos and walked out of the fire...
CLASSICAL BIRDS: by Anonymous #58, 1979 or before, as told by Gayle Delaney; a wish-granted dream
I was tired and sad and mired in routine. I asked for a dream to restore my soul.
I found myself under a tree as a chorus of gorgeous birds sang classical music...
EDITORS: by Gavin Ewart; late 1970s, recurring nightmares of censorship.
My new editor starts rejecting my poems. My new new editor rewrites them for me. I feel lucky not to be arrested...
FALADA: The Goose Girl's Best Friend: by Mardi Storm, recurring predictive dreams c.1975-79, sculpted c.2000
I had recurring dreams in which a talking horse’s head was nailed to a tree.
Strangely, this was before I read "The Goose Girl" in Grimm's fairytales...
GARDENIAS: by Laurel and Frank, 1979 or before, shared marital-advice dreams
Laurel and Frank each dream the gardenia in their bedroom went
neglected & unwatered, but with care is now blooming again...
GET THE PICTURE? by Barbara, as told by Gayle Delaney, 1979 or before; a prompting dream
I was half-drowning, holding our son up in the pool, while my husband tried to take a
photo. I kept gasping "Did you get the picture yet?" but he kept saying "Not yet"...
THE INCEST DREAM: by Maxine Kumin; 1979? a dream-poem
As my brother was dying, I had a series of vivid premonitory dreams about him. But I was unprepared for...
KEN'S DREAM: by Ken, as painted by Rita Wolff; 1979, a flying dream.
Night. A big city. High in a tower, a man in a wetsuit and flippers is
swimming in air--practicing before slipping out the open window...
LAST NIGHT I SEEMED: by Kathleen Raine, between 1978, '79 or '80; a revenant dream poem
Last night I seemed in your embrace; you were about to die.
Today I wake into my place: you immortal, I...
LEO'S DREAM: by Leon Krier, as painted by Rita Wolff; 1979, a mysterious dream.
A marsh. One figure's wrapped in mummy bandages; another swims--or drowns.
A ruin's being rebuilt. Out in the bay, a faint water-road leads to the open sea...
MEAD'S ADVICE: by Beverly O'Neill; c.1977? 78? a dream on seeking a female rolemodel
I try hard not to invade Margaret Mead's privacy, but I need her advice;
after I find a fruit true growing in a forgotten room, she unbends...
THE MOTORCYCLE-BOOK: by Alyse and Tim, 1979 or before, complementary dreams
ALYSE dreams Tim drives a motorcycle-book up a hill, but she doesn't LIKE riding so fast...
TIM dreams a wise woman tested him, but found him unqualified to play teacher to Alyse...
MUSCLES: by Gayle Delaney and "John", before 1979, simultaneous out-of-body dreams
I dreamt I was out of my body. My friend John was too, so I slipped into his to see how it felt. Big lungs,
big muscles! When I woke, John told me he'd had a great out-of-body dream and was reluctant to wake...
MY SPLEEN: by Ned, as told by Gayle Delaney, 1979 or before, a diagnostic dream-pun
DAY: I write, exploring my jealousy toward my wife, though I know she's not cheating on me.
DREAM: Doctors remove my spleen and wake it up! Now my spleen is out to do me in...
NIGHTMARE FROM 'SISTERS': by Margarethe Von Trotta; 1979 or before, an unexamined nightmare
A dream of body parts--maybe, impossibly, alive--hung up like drying laundry. Von Trotta inserted it in a film
script to foreshadow a suicide, but seems deaf to any personal warning--as if it's not her dream at all...
OVARIES: by "Ann", as told by Gayle Delaney, 1979 or before, a curative dream
Ann faced surgery for inflamed ovaries. She asked her dreams for a second opinion. She was told
"there's plenty of time for all this:" swimming, meditation, having a baby, climbing a ladder to her law degree.
She woke cured! Her doctor said "you must've been misdiagnosed; you just thought you were in pain."
VIVISECTION: by Bob Stickgold, c.1979, a nightmare dismissed as the brain at play
After a class where students are forced to vivisect anesthetized dogs
I dreamed I'd made a mistake; I was sawing open my daughter...
THE MONK STRUCK BY VISION: by Wayan; late 1979 or early 1980, sketch of visionary stress.
I sympathize with visionaries whose gift is so urgent and extreme, most would call it illness...
TAKEN OVER: by Eileen, Jony & Kim, as told by Gayle Delaney, 1979 or before; parallel nightmares
Eileen rose out of her body. A man dared her "How far away can you go?", then stole her body!
Jony and their daughter Kim had nightmares of invasion too; all three woke up shaken...
TAMALPAIS: by Anna Halprin, 1979, a dream inspiring annual healing ceremonies
A murderer was stalking Mt Tam. I dreamed I met the murderous spirit; only
by allying with small dancers from inside the mountain could we defeat it...
TITANIC: by Nina; 1979 or before, an incubated nightmare
I ask how my relationship with Scott was going. That night he asks me to sail on the Titanic. I say
"That ship will sink!" but he won't listen. I see a skeleton-baby and know I have even more to lose...

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