House and Home, M-Z
Dreams of home--seeking, finding, staying, leaving, returning; of homesickness, nostalgia and exile; and of houses, ancestral mansions, nesting, renovation, and that secret room (or floor, or wing) you always knew was there...
RELATED TOPICS: a sub-list: those secret rooms - building & architecture - inheritance & heritage - family & community - homelessness & refugees - mazes & labyrinths - buried treasure - cellars & caves - castles & towers - cities - abiku, homesickness for heaven -- See also the full INDEX OF SUBJECTS.
What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000 dreams plus 1000 pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.
MAGENTA SQUARES: by Wayan; 1991/1/27, a predictive art dream. My bedroom's full of magenta squares with stuff glued on. The room glows pink. A girl who's an expert on the marketing of such installation art gives me advice... Then I wake to find my housemate Sarah filling our flat with an installation of magenta... CAUTION: APPARENT E.S.P. |
THE MAN-EATER: by Carl Jung, 1879; a precocious formative nightmare. Jung (at age three and a half) sees a terrifying god deep underground, and is told "That is the man-eater!"... |
THE MAN IN BLACK: by Florita Thesiger, 1930s, recurring genderbent pastlife dreams Each time, I'm a young Elizabethan man in a grand, new-built country house. In the main room, I find a man in black by the fire. He comes at me, and as he shoots me point-blank, I wake... |
MANSION OF THE DEAD: by Kathleen Raine, between 1974 & '77; a nightmare I roamed the mansion of the dead, my heart athrob with terror, lest I see faces, not human, that once shone on me with familiar love... |
MANSON'S CAGE: by Wayan; 1992/9/10, a nightmare. At the end of my long, tiresome tour of Hell, it's feeding time in the cage of the Manson cult... CAUTION: SO MEAT REALLY IS MURDER! |
MARABOU MONSTER: by Rustling Leaves; dreamed 2014/3/15 I've got too many obligations, an elderly relative to care for, and now giant birds are invading my house. CAUTION: STALKING, KILLER BIRDS |
THE MARTIAN FEUD: by Wayan; 1994/3/10, a warning dream. On Old Mars, before it died, two rival families' teasing finally goes too far, despite the whale's warning... CAUTION: VIOLENCE |
MARVIN, CRASH: by Rick Veitch; Feb 1974; a predictive/warning dream My "friends" pull me away from the girl of my dreams, push booze & pot at me, and won't even try to climb the rope to success. But Marvin saves Evel Knievel from a motorcycle crash. Sounds good--until, ten years later, I hear how Marvin died... CAUTION: GRIM AFTERMATH |
MASTER OF THE HOUSE OF DUSK: by Wayan; 1994/10/10, an initiatory dream. To enter the House of Dusk, I must say what haunts the Pass. Even if I guess right, do I really understand? |
THE MATING GAME: by Wayan; 1992/3/18, a dream of spillover. A TV crew invades the house, setting up for a special. I didn't expect to see a president on the work crew... |
MELTDOWN VALLEY: by Wayan; 1993/2/13, a dream of scrupulous balance. A park in San Francisco has melted into a bizarre mutation-zone. Its guardian is a lonely elf-woman... CAUTION: ELF NUDITY |
MEM LOI'S SEARCH WARRANT: by Wayan; 2023/4/2, a dream of my own immune system? My home's a huge maze. Find a clinic and a cafe. Cops appear, & claim I'm a woman named Mem Loi & confiscate weird masks off our walls. Ugly masks, so who cares? Wait, one looks like a covid virus... CAUTION: DREAMER'S A DOORMAT |
MEN CATCH FIRE: by Shannon Frazier; 2020/12/8, an identity-bent dream I was a South Asian teenage girl. Strange men throw rocks at our house, then explode into fire. I don't trust my dad to get my little brother out... |
MERCURY: by Wayan; 1982/3/7, dream-poem of a lost future. Mercury didn't spin! One side fire, one side ice. We farmed in domes, between--until the sun brightened... CAUTION: RETRO SCIENCE |
MESSENGER: by Denise Levertov, April 1978, a dream poem on being a divine herald I had to deliver a message from the gods. Not that I understood its meaning! I arrived at your home, and found I liked and envied your big, warm family. .. |
MIDWAY: by Wayan; 1994/2/4, twin shamanic dream-lessons. I'm cold and dark and disoriented! What am I doing wrong? Nothing--I'm just halfway to Alpha Centauri... |
MIGRATION THROUGH FIRE: by Wayan; 1999/9/3, a dream of what matters. I'm a shaggy primitive whose tribe's outgrown our caves. We migrate, and meet two new species of people... |
MILK ADDICTS: by Wayan, 1974/6/2, an early psychic dream. I'm in what seems to be a village of very conservative Muslims. But they're really alien castaways... |
MISFITS ON MARS: by Wayan; 1986/11/20, an epic dream; the climax of the dreamseries UNICORN TAG. From the punk clubs of Frisco to the Safeways of Si Valley to the vermilion sands of Mars, Silky the were-nightmare fights for the Misfits against every cliche in science fiction... |
MISTRESS TOOTHSMOOTH: by Yves Delage, 1915/1/20, an early anima dream I'm in the cellar, petting a tiger-cat. She speaks inside my head: "I'm tired of living on bread. I need meat." I make excuses--it's pricy--then see big hanging quarters of meat. I hide them! She says "Call me Mistress Touttmouss"--well, something like that--I know it's English, but can't make it out til I wake, when I see... |
THE MONEYBIRD: by Wayan, 2005/3/18, a dream-poem on renunciation. Stupid renunciation. Inspired by a bird who weaves her nest of dollar bills, I become a sort of monk, sweeping, renouncing wealth--but my monastery's a Silicon Valley BART station... |
MOOSE: by Wayan; 1984/3/12, a dream on the blessings of curses. How the Supreme Court gave my brother antlers, and where his soul went: where I'll go, now that I know... |
THE MOUSE BANNER: by Wayan; 1986/9/4, a dream fable. I'm a mouse with a protest banner saying "FREEDOM!", having a slight argument with a cat... |
MOVING: by Roswila, 2007/10/13 and 2007/10/23; a recurring dreamku My dreams support a radical break from my past--to let go of possessions and friends in a cross-country move... |
MULTIPLEX: by Wayan; 1987/1/9, a dream on multiple dreamselves. Inside my brain's a fractured legislature--a hive-mind where da beez disagreez... |
MUSIC HEALS SMOG: by Wayan; 1994/4/28, a career-advice dream The smog of Portland is so bad it hides the dream-towers! Only one thing will heal it: making music... |
MY BEST FRIEND'S HOUSE--AND MOM: by Barbara C., 1983/11/22; a psychic dreamlet I dream of my best friend, but she's in an unfamiliar house. I notice its address. On impulse, when I wake, I go to that address and ask the woman living there... CAUTION: APPARENT E.S.P. |
MY CUBIST CONSCIENCE: by Wayan; 1982/8/5; a dream warning of overharsh ethics. I dreamed I was trapped in the maze of my pacifist vegetarian feminist anarchist eco-conscience... |
MY FLUORESCENT WORLD: by Wayan; 1997/8/16, a psychedelic dream. I always thought I saw differently than others, but when someone builds the Goggles... |
MY GATE: by Wayan; 1996/5/29; a bizarre, joyful dream; 4-page comic (or ill. text version) The full moon rises: I become Weregirl, do the Moondance, and gnaw open the lock on my heart... CAUTION: MOONING |
MY MUSLIM MOTHER-IN-LAW: by Wayan; 1995/3/25, a dream on repression. How exactly did I acquire a mother-in-law snooping on my phone calls, when I don't have a wife? |
MY THREE HUSBANDS: by Wayan; 1981/2/26 & 1991/5/26, dreams drawn as a 15-page comic I'm three women at once! We marry a unicorn, a goat philosopher, and a magic talking cat. But cops raid our furry commune... CAUTION: INTERSPECIES MARRIAGE, TEEN SEX, BAD COPS |
NAIAD AND GOD-DOG: by Wayan; 1980/11/7, a manipulative dream-tragedy. I love a Naiad who's lost her God. Tragedy strikes us. I'm devastated till I meet the aliens who explain... |
NATIVE LANGUAGE: by Wayan; 1996/11/17, a dream about senses and speech. I'm at the beach, seeing it through English linguistic filters. Or do I? Is there a language under language? |
NEUTRALITY'S ROOMMATE: by Emily Joy; 2007/4/19, a spooky dream. At our commune's new house, pandemonium breaks out when our matriarch meets a spook. Can we live together in peace? |
NIGHTMARE STUDIO: by Gary Panter, 2003, a 5-page comic of his lonely surreal dream world (plus a 2018/8/31 dream by Wayan provoked by Panter's dream art) Rather than a dream narrative, this is a tour through Gary's common dreamscapes-- forgotten places, empty streets. Or ones you wish were empty... |
NISROCK: by Dolores, 2001 or earlier; a predictive dream DREAM: a man tries to break into my house. I call for help; the operator says "Oh, that's Nisrock." DAYS LATER: I open a book on the unconscious. It says Nisrock was a Babylonian god of dreams... CAUTION: BAD MYTHOGRAPHY |
NO GAS IN SANTA CRUZ: by Wayan, 1984/4/11, a predictive frustration dream I'm in Santa Cruz. Low on gas, but the pumps died. Hwy 17, the route home, is blocked. Drive back roads on fumes... Next day: a friend's in Santa Cruz. The power goes out, pumps don't work, 17's blocked. He drives back roads... |
"NO ONE REALLY": by Wayan; 2019/7/13; a ghostly dream of weak borders My new bedroom has huge windows, but no blinds. I pin up bedsheets for now--flimsy. A girl walking by peers in. Wait--we're 50' up! She's in my room--and transclucent. I yell "WHO ARE YOU?" She looks shocked I can see her, says "No one really" and fades... |
OBISPO'S OUT OF RANGE: by Wayan; 1997/2/2, a dreamtale on ESP. I move hundreds of miles away to escape my family's psychic broadcasts. Pathetic, but... does it work? |
OCTOPIA: by Wayan; 1996/3/21, a spiritual dream-comic on play; ill. text version I'm a stratospheric bat who finds a flying swastika. Is it creeping fascism? Or a Hindu blessing? Neither! It's an Octopian frisbee. I return it... |
ONE FRUIT REMAINS UNEATEN: by Catshall; November 1983, a journal dotted with dreams My day life as an artist and explorer of the San Francisco underground scene gets regularly commented on by my dreamlife... CAUTION: SEX, BONDAGE |
ORBITING THE CRYSTAL PALACE: by Wayan; 1998/1/12, a dream of making a home. A wild flying dream lands me among feral children fighting to live in a glass conservatory of lost flowers... |
ORIOLE GIRL: by Wayan; 1992/1/23, psychic dream told as illustrated poem. While conducting a census of fairies in Golden Gate Park, I fall in love with an abused oriole-girl, and we try to heal one another... CAUTION: AWKWARD SEX |
OTTO PREMINGER: by Gayle Delaney; 1972 or '73, a dream on dreamwork! I DREAM I'm in the mansion of my favorite film producer, Otto Preminger. Then I learn it's my home! I WAKE realizing I'm the producer of my dreams--not some impersonal, instinctive Unconscious... |
OUR BEST SONG: by Wayan; 1983/10/25, a decade-long dream of song and flight. The artcops search-and-destroy our flying band, and my wings are shorn. But ten years later, songless, apathetic, I climb through my TV--and the women of Vietnam show me a new way to fly... CAUTION: LANGUAGE, ATTITUDE, ALTITUDE |
AN OUTGROWN BED: by Wayan; 1990/10/14, a dream of growth and time. I'm a girl in a Catholic school. But a magazine and my too-small bed combine to change my life... CAUTION: MASTURBATION, QUEER-POSITIVE, CHRISTIAN-NEGATIVE |
THE PARABLE OF THE CAVE: by Wayan; 1993/9/18, an antisocial dream. Plato never did say what shed the light that cast those shadows on his cave wall. I find out. CAUTION: CUT-RATE APOCALYPSE |
PARENTAL TOUGH LOVE: by Wayan; 2023/4/5, a dream baring a deadly pattern My parents, alive again, steal my car, my meds & my supplements, trapping me in their isolated house and forcing me to stay awake-- no sleep, no food. They're out to cure my silly, selfish idea I have needs... |
PARVATI SAWS THE WALL: by Wayan; 2013/6/26, a dream-poem about a Himalayan kook Martial-arts student Parvati just won't fight the teacher she loves (too much!)-- not even for her final exam. Instead she gets a rotary saw and... |
PEGASIA: by Wayan; 10MB mini-site (200 maps & images), spring 2006 to present (ongoing); tours of an alien moon. A contest! Here's a wide, fertile world full of empty ecological niches for intelligent creatures. Design one! |
PESCADERO MONET: by Wayan; 1983/11/4, a happy art-cult dream. Monet is over 100 now, living in an art colony. I visit him, but my parents come along. Bad idea... |
PETER PAN SYNDROME: by Wayan; 1995/1/10, a dream on those books... I meet Peter Pan grown up: a stark, fey prince in exile. Why do only I see him and the Lost Children? Oh. |
PICARDIAN ANGELS: by Wayan; 1993/1/7, a dream of time and wishes. I walk on Martinique with Captain Picard of the starship Enterprise. He's here to see a dreamy boy... |
PIED MAGE: by Wayan; 1995/2/6, an architectural dreamfable. A wizard into spots and dots invites me into his beach house, hungry for advice on his peculiar fears... |
THE PIRATE TWINS: by Wayan; 1996/7/25, a dreamtale on intrigue. I love the Twins. They love intrigue. So when a hired crocodile sabotages our Egyptian treasure-hunt... CAUTION: BAD GIRLS |
PONYBOY: by Wayan; 1982/12/9, a dream about the control room of dreams. The child who runs with wild horses finds the secret spy-room of dreams! But no one's watching... |
PORTALS: by Wayan; 2020/7/30, a dream about family, uh, bonding... I sneak into a mansion where a mom & daughter bond by interrogating willing victims who get off on the bondage. Later, Inquisitor Girl and I are waiting to use a teleportation gate and discover we have something in common: not just weird moms, but even weirder dads... CAUTION: KINKY FAMILY VALUES |
PORTALS OF THE PAST: by Wayan, 2021/2/6; a timish dream. The time-caves under Golden Gate Park lead to supervillains, magical girls, miniphants, bamboo thugs, adorable dinosaurs, and... pandemics. But is there a way back home? |
PORTRAIT OF LADY DRACANTHRA: by Wayan; mid-2001, acrylic dream painting. Among the family portraits in the hall of my ancestors was this one of a formidable old... woman, I guess. |
POTLATCH SMOKE: by Wayan; 1988/5/10, a shamanic dream-inside-dream 4 levels deep! Refugees flood the spirit worlds! War looms. Wolf, Silky, Dr Who, even the Bug-Goddess of Love are alarmed. I'm just a blonde ditz, but I help inspect realities till we trace the source: a Tlingit potlatch! Why? |
PRINCESS LILY: by Dou Xun, as told by Pu Songling; before 1679: recurring psychic dreams, or fiction? Dou dreams he marries Lily; when a monstrous snake attacks her huge family, he reluctantly hosts them all... when he wakes, they turn out to be bees driven from their hive by a (very real) snake... |
THE PROWLER: by Wayan; 1997/2/4, an anti-nightmare. My sister hears a prowler. I go out blind in the dark, and learn she's right. But what a strange intruder! |
PUPPY: by Naoki Higashida; March or April 2015, a role-reversal dream I walk home with a puppy to meet my mum, who addresses the dog by my name and invites him in, while I head for my doghouse in the garden... |
PURE LOVE: by Wayan; 1986/10/9, an epic time-travel dream with ego shifts Two shapeshifters meet, fight and love over the centuries-- and I live out scenes from both their long lives... |
PYRAMID POWER: by Wayan; 1981/2/2, a dream of love and time. We drive into a zone of perpetual night to see Sweet Melinda, but veins of light burst across the landscape, and our time-path splits! I'm living two lives at once... |
RABBIT WORLD: by Wayan; 6-page comic of a 1990/9/26 shamanic dream. I'm a telepathic rabbit defending our world from space-laser attack. We do, but do we modernize too much? CAUTION: IDEAS |
RAETHE: by Wayan; 1990/4/19; a delicate follow-up dream, drawn & poemed In the Cave of the Ant Ambassador, I meet his mate, a beautiful translucent fox named Raethe. Way happier with her mate (& body!) than in that dream just two months ago... |
RANGE: by Wayan; three 2019/8/19 advisory dreamlets plus 2020/1/8 followup 1: My dad can't see my world. Literally can't see my world... 2: The House of Busyness is unlivable--busy, crowded, noisy... 3: Achievement takes twelve factors; any one can block you... |
RAZOR GHOST: by Wayan; 1974/5/5, a nightmare posing a problem. A man slowly walled in by neighbors till he died, is now a mad, murderous ghost. And he's me! Can I exorcise MYSELF? CAUTION: VIOLENCE |
REFLECTIONS IN THE POOL: by Wayan; 184K total, 2 panoramas; a 1994/7/2 dream. Night. A mirror-maze of contradictory preachings. But in the secret mermaid pool, I find love. Then... sphinx-angels war in the air! A war of riddles. Can I, a batwinged devil, make peace? CAUTION: SEX, NUDITY, MEAN ANGELS, AND ONE HAPPY DEVIL |
REMARKABLE: by Joseph Wilkins; 1754, an out-of-body dream Wilkins visits his parents in a dream. Only they think he's a ghost, and panic--in the real world... |
A RENAISSANCE WOMAN: by Wayan; 1997/7/3, a dreamtale. I'm an abused girl turning tricks to survive. But this is San Francisco: I join a prostitutes' co-op, and meet... CAUTION: PROSTITUTES WITH SELF-RESPECT, OH NO! |
REVOLUTION IS MESSY: by Emily Joy; 2006/4/26, a political dream When whites invade, two shapeshifting Native American cubs resist architecturally... |
THE RIVER: by Kathleen Raine, between 1965 & '71; two mystical dream poems on dropping the ego I tossed the crystal decanter of my self into the river, and watched it float away... |
ROCKET BREATH: by Wayan; 1989/2/17, a physics dream. Floating in my parents' house, I get trapped in free-fall! How can I get a grip? (Nothing symbolic here!) |
RONALD'S FORBIDDEN FIELD: by Ronald, patient of Jan Ehrenwald, before 1954, a telepathic dream? DREAM: a distinctive house with a tempting green field by it. But the field's forbidden... DAY: Ronald's analyst had rented that house--but the adjacent field was forbidden... CAUTION: E.S.P. THEORIES |
SALIA AND CHUR: by Wayan; 1989/2/25, a psychic Star Trek dream. Our starship signs up a strange new woman whose quirks turn out to be fallout from slavery... CAUTION: SEX, ABUSE ISSUES |
THE SATURATION DIAL: by Wayan; 2015/11/7, a surreal lucid dream with a control knob! Night. Two moons. I go lucid! Find a knob adjusting the dream's color saturation. Dial it up--and meet ghosts of pure color, invisible til I luridified... |
SATYR: by Wayan; 1999/4/1, a frustrating wish-fulfillment dream (yes, both). I'm a faun, the oracle for a Greek village. But my predecessor set up rituals I want to change... CAUTION: SEX, PAGANISM, SELF-SATYRE |
SAX: by Wayan; 1991/5/19, an 8-page digital comic--a true nondream story. Alone in my blue room, I heard sax music. Two sunbathers were jamming outside my window... CAUTION: SEX AND SAX |
SEA EAGLE: by Robert Moss, 20th century, a psychic dream I dreamed a sea eagle I saw as a boy led me back to my native Australia, to a Dreaming place. Later a 'spirit man' of the Mununajali in Queensland led me to the exact place I'd seen in my dream... |
SEA MASSAGE: by Wayan; 1995/10/3, a puzzling dreamtale. I can fly and breathe water. So I fly into art-rich mansions, though not to steal--I earn plenty from undersea massage... |
THE SECURITY GUARD: by Wayan; 1994/12/30, a nightmare on anger. A crazy security guard with a squirt gun full of acid kills freely over and over, for the court system keeps paroling... CAUTION: VIOLENCE |
SERAFINA AND RAM DASS: by Wayan; a 2000/11/6 dream anticipating an 11/9 experience with auras A Finnish shaman/witch gives me a lesson in night flying; in the waking world I meet Ram Dass and sense him speak astrally before his body can get the words out... CAUTION: HIGH MYSTICAL QUOTIENT; IF ALLERGIC, AVOID |
SERRANA: by Wayan; Oct-Dec 2004, a sculpture/webtour; 60 maps, photos & sketches A dry little world with many small seas, Serrana has at least six intelligent species and an anarchist culture. It's a tribute to Ursula Le Guin's anarchist utopia, "The Dispossessed", and Kropotkin's theories of biological cooperation... CAUTION: ANARCHIST POLITICS, ALIEN NUDITY |
THE SHADOW OF LIBERTY: by Wayan; 1989/7/8, a comic nightmare, possibly telepathic. My sisters get bored with the game of power, so I watch TV-- until it melts, and a terrifying giant rises to chases me... |
SHADOW PUZZLE: THE LORD AND HIS SERVANT: by Wayan; 1984/5/23, a reflective dream. A puzzle-game of eyes and mirrors and shadows starts revealing the players' deepest secrets... |
SHARK SENSE: by Wayan; 1988/12/9, a diagnostic circus dream. I'm a circus tiger, then a performing shark. One day, I block my human partner's high dive... Why? |
SHASTA OCCUPATION: by Wayan; 1996/11/1, a dream of telepathic spill-over. I'm teaching in a wizard's college near Mt Shasta when one astral world decides to occupy another... |
A SHELLFISH EPIPHANY: by Wayan; 1996/6/14, a spiritual dream. Our family of Japanese pearldivers is cast away on an atoll. One day, lonely, scared, I cast away fear... |
SHOCKWAVE: by Wayan; 1996/7/27, a predictive nightmare. My childhood home explodes into a vast pyroclastic cloud that comes boiling toward me, miles away... CAUTION: DOOM |
MY SISTER'S GRAVITY WELL: by Wayan; 1995/4/25, a dreamtale. We play with worlds for balls, and gravity wells for goals. How do the worlds see it? Well... I find out. |
SISTERS OF THE INTERFACE: by Wayan; 1983/12/21, a shamanic dreamtale. My sister's beautiful; I'm plain. When she's murdered, I ride into the Interface Desert, where worlds meet... |
SKUNKERPILLAR: by Wayan; 2018/4/7, an advisory dream on metamorphosis After I (sort of) foil some elf-burglars, a friendly elfwoman shows me a black caterpillar, then the rare white-striped skunkerpillar... |
SLAVES DON'T DANCE: by Wayan; 1999/8/1, a 17-page Shakespearean dream-comic (or ill. text) Stolen by the Fairy Queen, I'm forced to nurse her great project: creating life! But her synthetic baby is... |
SLEAZE: by Cecy and Wayan; 1991/7/28; subtle shared dreams. Wayan: A sleazy brother calls the cops, blaming us for a fire he set... Cecy: A sleazy brother calls in a fire while not even trying to put it out... |
SLUG ETHICS: by Wayan; 1974/10/7, an undream tale. A man who wants to love and respect all life has unwanted kitchen guests: a wave of slugs... |
SMOKESTACKS: by "D", before 1990, told by Andrew Samuels; a dream on starting therapy "D" wants to renovate her house. A powerplant with twin stacks is ugly, but will power the tools to get the job done. But her new therapist interprets the dream very strangely... CAUTION: NEO-FREUDIAN PSYCHOBABBLE |
SMOKING REX: by Wayan; 1989/3/29, a dream of unlikely alliance. A cigar-smoking tyrannosaur moves into our neighborhood, upsetting us bluebirds and vampire bats. So we... |
SNOWDRIFTS: by Catshall; c. 2014/11/5, a dream-haiku on the drought I dream of snowdrifts too deep to get back home, even though... |
THE SOLE FISHER OF THE EIGHTH NODE: by Wayan; 1986/9/25, a prescriptive dream. The pier jutting into the sea of dreams has an 8th chakra at the end, where a lonely woman fishes for, um, sole... |
SORTING HAT, DRUNKEN CAT: by Wayan; 2013/10/18, a steadily mutating warning-dream I discover a Sorting Hat, as in Harry Potter--and it moves in with us. Our cat crawls in and plays peekaboo. She becomes a teenager eager to get drunk at Thanksgiving--like every adult in her life. But she's not puking drunk like them, so she must be OK! Just as I think I am--I only overwork to exhaustion. CAUTION: DRUNK TEEN CAT, SEVERELY ALCOHOLIC ADULTS |
THE SPELL BLURS WOMEN: by Wayan; 2013/5/5, a poem from a Lorelei dream In a creepy castle on the Rhine, whenever I'm near three women, they blur into one. A powerful spell! Now where have I seen this effect...? CAUTION: DISSES PATRIARCHAL RELIGIONS |
SPEWING WINE: by Wayan; 1992/8/17, a Freudian-slip dream baring family dysfunction My family moves into a damp, leaking basement. My dad just sneers at us for fussing about the cold, the damp, the mildew, the leaks. "I'll show you REAL leaking..." |
STANDING UP CITY: by Wayan; 1970, childhood imaginary world As a kid, my Ecotopian fantasy city was hollowed out of living rock, with hanging gardens and terraces... |
STINKING RICH: by Wayan; 1993/1/20, a dream about class rage. Stupid class rage. I envy and resent a rich family's mansion so much I break in and sabotage their giant meat freezer... CAUTION: HOSTILITY, ENVY, WASTE OF BAD FOOD |
SUCH STUFF AS DREAMS ARE MADE OF: by John Anster Fitzgerald, 1857?, dream painting In bed asleep, the dreamer discovers this seemingly empty room hosts a fairy ball, full of luminous half-seen beings serenaded by a monstrous band... |
SULE SKERRY: by Wayan; 1984/8/13, a non-nightmare. My sister and I are on a ship abandoned by its crew, heading full-steam for the rocks, when... |
SURRENDER DARCY!: by Wayan; 1982/6/14, a dreamtale on pride and prejudice. I'm Doctor Who, being chased by an air-surfer who demands we give up a reserved, proud man named... CAUTION: MILD NUDITY |
SWAN: by Wayan; 1995/4/8, a transformation dream; 3-page dreamcomic (or as ill. text) I wake amnesic in a cabin in Alaska, in a dress printed with self-putdowns. I track down the wizard who cursed me. He turns me into a swan! Worse? No! His first curse was on a human being, and now I'm a bird. My mind is free!... |
SWEDENBORG'S VISIONS: as reported by Immanuel Kant, 1759-61; three solid ESP hits. Swedenborg stuns the Queen of Sweden by whispering a secret only she and a dead man knew; A widow begs him to ask her late husband to find a lost receipt. Swedenborg reveals a secret drawer; Swedenborg, at a dinner party, grows alarmed by a fire that nearly burns his home--500 km away! |
TAROT: DIRTY DISHES: by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1978. It's time to tackle that unpleasant task. But so what? You know how. And you have gloves... |
TAROT: THE YIN-YANG EARTH (the Wheel of Fortune): by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1979. Earth is never shown from its axis. Polarly, it's a vast wheel, the real Wheel of Fortune... |
TARZAN AND JANE IN SUBURBIA: by Wayan; 1993/7/11, a dreamtale. Well, Tarzan and Jane are living in suburbia now, but though Tarzan's given up so much, Jane complains... |
THARN: by Wayan; 2006, 45 p, 200+ ill., a nondream virtual world: maps, photos, portraits, tours Tour a rugged, scenic moon with air and water in deep canyons sheltering a dozen intelligent species CAUTION: ANARCHISM, NUDITY, SCIENCE |
THEA'S HOUSE: by Wayan; 1987/3/23, a life-changing dream. I dreamed the Earth Goddess invited me to live with her. She was lonely to be seen for who she was... |
THEN I REVISIT SELMA CALIFORNIA: by Jack Kerouac, late Oct. 1952, a predictive dream I dream of strange wide brown houses on the tracks... A knock wakes me--our train's moving out. As we pass through San Mateo, I see them on the rails, ready to roll--the first prefabricated homes... |
THEY DON'T BELIEVE ME: by Wayan; 1989/10/4, an unbelievable dream with 15 illus. My dog and I are abducted by aliens who turn us into cats. We escape & go feral to survive. How we got back, and what happened along the way, even my own shrink refuses to believe... CAUTION: LEWD SQUID AND KLEPTOMANIAC BUGS |
THIEF OF DREAMS: by Wayan; 1996/11/29, a sexy soul-swap dream; a 22-page comic (or text w/pics) I was a mermaid trying to find Count Coyote's stolen dreams, so I could marry my human girlfriend... CAUTION: NUDITY, SEX, LESBIAN MARRIAGE, ANTI-FUNDAMENTALISM |
THIRTY DAYS; 1980/4/15-16 by Wayan; a poem on an ill-timed premonition--or something worse Did sex turn creepy because I sensed the madman stalking us? Or did our sin (casual sex) summon him? CAUTION: CREEPY SEX, CREEPIER PREMONITIONS |
THOSE BITCHES! OOPS, I MEAN... GREAT GODDESS!: by Wayan; 1988/8/19, a dyslexic dream. I live in a beehive. We must mate with dogs. I'm assigned a bitch. But I'm allergic to gods! Oops, I mean... CAUTION: SEXUAL THEME, DOGGESS WORSHIP |
THE THREATENERS: by Wayan; 1997/4/23, a small psychic dream. Two gunmen break in, call me by a strange name, and demand I repay a loan I never borrowed... |
THREE DREAMS: by Al Davison and two friends, 1985, a shared nightmare I dreamed I checked my neighbor's flat for prowlers; I got shot and fell out a window. The same night my neighbor dreamt she asked me to check her flat, I got shot and fell out a window; the same night her best friend dreamt she came by and saw from street level the gunmen and my fall out the window... CAUTION: VIOLENT ATTACK FROM THREE VIEWPOINTS |
TIAMAT'S REBELLION: by Wayan; 1988/1/1, a dream about neoteny. That day: I read of a young healer in rural Indonesia harassed by the local mullah. That night: I dream she leads a revolution on a starship against her elders... |
TIE MARK UP: by Wayan, 2019/2/1, three dreams warning lifelong habits demand serious change 1: Crystal-skulled wizards, dino & lionfolk parade by. 2: I curl up with three skittish beasts. Patience! 3: My friend Mark tries to rape me. I tie him up, seek a restraining order. Will the cops believe me? CAUTION: RAPE ATTEMPT |
THE TIGER CUBE: by Wayan; 1996/1/19, a mysterious not-quite-nightmare. An alien tiger and his human girlfriend herd me to their house and show me a cube of raw flesh... but why? |
TIGER HONEYMOON: by Wayan, 1987/3/16, a dream of a trickster I buy a charming ruin in the woods. Newlywed tigers prowl! The tiger bride tells me "He expects predictability. But I'll show him what a tiger really is..." |
TIGERBORN: by Wayan; 1996/7/28, a dream of an alternate life. I was raised in the redwoods in the nest of a black tiger. Only a foster child, but emotionally, I'm tigerish... |
TIMEDOORS OF THE GODS: by Wayan; 1998/2/17, a mysterious initiatory dream. I'm mortal, yet I'm offered a residency in the Commune of the Gods, along with Xena the Amazon Warrior and... Little Red Riding Hood? |
TIME WITH A NIGHTHEAD: by Barbara Gordon Paine; c.1960, a nightmare-poem on overconfidence A toy's delivered, unasked. A jumping jack. It tries to eat me! I defeat it but then peer in the box to be sure... |
TOADFISH TOWERS: by Wayan; 1992/8/6, a psychic little dreamtale. I'm in Houston, gawking at giant starfishy towers looming through the smog. Their shapes are familiar... |
TORRENT OF CONSCIOUSNESS: by Anonymous #41, 1996?, a surreal word-association dream Asparagus, wings, an unhinged hand, a boxed ghost, butter, sister incest, tomato-pincushions, secret volcanoes, one-eyed integers, chickenleg dresses, mirrors and bananapeel beds... |
TRAILER PARK ELF: by Dolores J. Nurss; 2001/11/18; a troubling dream of incompatible realms I dreamed I was a blond guy tracking down an elf who lived in a trailer park. She'd gone mad; elves trapped in the human world mostly do. Awake, I sketched her, then saw she's a lot like my younger self! Disturbing... |
THE TRAIN ON TIME CAFE: by Wayan, 1981/12/20, an epic political dream. Silicon Valley goes enthusiastically fascist. I hide in a berry patch. They build a shining world, and then... |
TREE, RIVER, BIRD, MOON: by Davi Kopenawa, 1959-62, a child's shamanic dreams I climbed a tree with a beautiful view, but climbing down I fell, and woke. I visited the people under the river. A beautiful ayocora bird danced for me. But so did the moon spirit, baring its fangs. Terrifying! |
TRESPASSER TRIANGLE: by Wayan, 2022/3/6, a comic frustration dream My girlfriend and I find ourselves naked in my neighbor's yard! A second neighbor spots us, and knowing my house is empty, she breaks in! The first neighbor, seeing her home's empty, breaks into hers. We go home, stomping loud so our burglar flees back home, driving her burglar out, and... CAUTION: UNINTENTIONAL NUDE PICNIC |
TRUSTING FOXES: by Wayan; 1997/8/20, 2-page comic of a psychic dream. Evicted. Lawsuit. I dream a lawyer sends me a letter full of fox-girls! In East Asia, foxes mean trouble, but these are friendly--good news is coming! I wake to find we've won a home... |
TUBA BEANS: by Wayan; 1996/3/24, a Star Trek dream. Changelings invade our orbital station, selling drugs, kidnapping teachers--but Constable Odo can handle that. What's weird are the beans pouring out of that kid's tuba... |
TWO-HEADED BEAST: by Wayan; 1997/7/31, a 5-page Gothic dream-comic (or as illus. text) In Castle Frankenstein, will Mary Shelley wed Elmer Fudd? His two-headed monster has marital advice... |
UNDER: by John Collings Squire, c.1917; a surreal dream-poem She tells me there's a stream under the floor, upstairs. Peel back the carpet, pry up the boards. An icy creek. Trout. She brings me a fishing rod. But the fish say they're too young to die. I feel such guilt and grief... |
UNDER THE FUR: by Wayan, 1997/10/7; a 5-page dream-comic (or as ill. text) A strange creature slunk into our yard, carrying a skunk lunch. But she dropped her fur coat, and I recognized a kindred spirit... |
UNICOITUS INTERRUPTUS: by Wayan, 2024/10/21, a triple sex-frustration dream 1: My unicorn girlfriend and I are in bed. As we near orgasm, idiots bumble in, wanting help. 2: Deal with their demands, shoo them out, go back to bed. As we near orgasm, idiots... 3: Deal with their demands, shoo them out, go back to bed. As we near orgasm, idiots... CAUTION: SURREAL, BUT PREDICTIVE |
THE UNICORN MASK OF IGNORABILITY: by Wayan; 2009/10/13, a predictive dream; Dreamverse #59 My family home's invaded by ancient Egyptian architects. So I put on my unicorn mask and eavesdrop on their plans... |
UNSWEPT HOUSE: by Emanuel Swedenborg, 1744/4/1, a flying-searching-unreadiness spiritual dream Swedenborg flies on horseback through a house seeking someone. One room's clean, lit, full of people, but most are empty and dirty. Longing to meet God is not enough! He's only cleaned up one aspect of his life... |
VAGUE HOUSE: by Rick Veitch; c.1995; a dream labeling its own symbols! I grope through fog to the Vague House. Fog inside, too. Find a stone carved with an Eye of Horus, and know it's my anger. Find a bigger stone scarab, and know it's my REAL anger... |
A VALLEY NEAR HOPE: by Wayan; 1984/10/17-19, an epic dream. I wander a valley where unicorns love cyborgs but fear giant ants, who love unicorns but fear cyborgs, who love ants but fear unicorns! And while the Three Tribes squabble, cave-monsters sculpt them all. I set up peace talks between these four aspects of my tetrahedral soul... CAUTION: SWEARING, DRUNK LIONS, CYBORG SURGERY, AND GOGGLE-BARFING |
VAMPIGS AND SMILES: by Wayan; 1991/12/9, an advisory dream. Our landlady was a friend, but she broke our rental agreement. Talk, compromise, or rent strike? |
THE VAT MESSIAH: by Wayan; 1985/2/27, an epic dream of magic, flight, and sex In our cult, we lie in vats of goo till we grow wings. But we're feared more than we knew... CAUTION: SPECIST LYNCH MOB, NUDE IN SCHOOL, LESBIAN FEELINGS, OBSCENE CARROT |
VELOCIRAPTORS AND BANANAS: by Wayan; 1994/2/6, a predator-advisory dream. After a visit from our landlady's angry, crazy son I dream hungry velociraptors invade our house... |
THE VERIZON EXPERIMENT: by Wayan; 2014/3/31, three linked dreamlets, the last self-flagging as predictive 1: A nature spirit's physics experiment proves that time forks. But how much? How dense is the multiverse? 2: I sculpt a model of this multiverse. A physicist likes it; the nature spirit likes it more. So she swipes it... 3: A 'friend' offers refugees my bedroom, crowding me and my work into a corner. I wake. The phone rings... |
VIRGINIA'S TRAIN: by Emily Joy; 2005/9/24, a psychic dream and poem
We lose control of our new time machine, which seems to have its own agenda... CAUTION: CONTEMPLATION OF SUICIDE, CHRONOLOGICALLY IMPAIRED DREAMER |
VISIONS UPSTAIRS: by Wayan, 2007/1/15, an ero-spiritual dream-comic Junk in the attic? Treasures! The cat musicians shift from cartoons to life as I ascend, til in the ultimate attic--the astral beach--I meet a cattaur made of pure (de)light... CAUTION: SEX-CRAZED CATS, NEW AGE FINALE |
VRILLASSA'S ONLY PRIEST: by Jo; 2007/2/10, a dream of meeting God A job as the only priest on an island colony sounded perfect, only I'm the wrong religion... CAUTION: DOGMATISTS AND DEAD BIRDS TALKING |
WALL TO WALL WATER: by Larry Vigon; 2003/3/18; a surreal, beautiful dreamlet The home we were to stay in was on fire. The next had a living room that was shallow water, wall to wall, where turquoise fish swam... |
WAPATO BIRDS: by Wayan; 1986/2/2, a subtly psychic dream. I'm a Wapato Bird: part crane, part elk, part tree-bud. Despite my shyness, I must lead our people's migration to the Grand Teton lakes... |
WATERCATS: by Wayan; 1987/9/10; an epic, clear predictive dream I dream I find a few 'extinct' watercats--in a slum! They talk. They say I'm one of them, brainwashed to think I'm human. I wake, go to a dinner, and hear a tale of... watercats! |
WATERSHIP DOWNTRODDEN: by Wayan; 1983/6/22, a dream of another life. I'm an intelligent rabbit in an alphamale's harem, organizing a feminist movement... |
WAYAN'S STUDIO: Wayan, 1999/10/6, ink sketches of workspace These sketches bare my work process: I multitask, but without planning, in a flow state. I really do just follow my bliss. Works better for me than logic. |
WHARTON TOWER: by Wayan; 1985/7/24, 3 surreal dreamlets on gender & class? 1940s reporters almost trap me in a mob shootout. I shelter in a gender-segregated hotel. The owner of Wharton Tower shakes the hotel so it swings between its butch & femme halves. I fall off the Hudson Palisades, but I land safely on the Glass Ceiling... |
WHAT LIES BENEATH: by Susan Vasiljevic; undated, 2012? 13?, a feminist nightmare-painting A male real estate agent knocked on the door. The house was full of sleeping crocodiles. She fled through the house, trying not to rouse the attention of either sort of predator... |
WHAT TO DO IN A WIZARD'S LAIR: by Wayan; 2013/4/23, a comic dreamlet A friend who's a sorceror's apprentice shows me his Dark Master's tower. And his Dark Master's bed strewn with all his stuffed animals! I just can't resist... |
WHERE'S MY MUM?: by Pauline Ramsey; 1972, a long-term predictive nightmare. My mum's under my bed, unconscious, her head cracked. I wake knowing she'll lose her mind... |
WHO ATE MY LETTUCE?: by Wayan; 1983/1/13, a short dreamfable. An invisible monster is eating my lettuce patch. It casts a huge blurry shadow, leaves footprints, but... |
THE WILD HUNT: by Wayan; 1998/7/24, a dream of myth--or abuse?. We're exploring the English farm we inherited, when The Wild Hunt storms over the hill... |
WILSON'S PLAN by Graham Greene, late 1964, a snarky political dream Prime Minister Wilson was gushing about urban renewal. He planned to raze the slums and make the poor camp in public buildings until enough apartments were built... CAUTION: TECHNOCRATS! | ||||
WINDFALLS IN EDEN: by Wayan, 2000/3/30, a religio-politic dream. I'm a part-owner of Eden, harvesting windfalls. But a renter says his Landlord promised him all the apples... |
WITCH AT THE IRON CORE: by Wayan; 1998/10/16, an engineering-proposal dream. A witch in the future invents a new way to terraform small dense moons--and it'd work!... |
WITCH, FLY FREE!: by Wayan; 1997/5/3, a predictive dream. A castle of witches in Europe. Persecuted for centuries, they're wary. Still, such a treasure-trove of kindred spirits! Can I find a witch to love? CAUTION: PAGANS CRIPPLED BY SIEGE MENTALITY... |
THE WIZARD'S HORSE: by Wayan; 2018/9/3, a magical dream about... toxic waste? I'm a wizard's horse, trying to warn him about a toxic spell on a roadside corpse... Wake into a second dream, but try to return to being a dream-mare and warn my rider... And then wake to realize my Nightmare was warning about a home-renovation project! |
WOLF AND BURROWING OWL: by Wayan; 1999/12/5, a scientific fairytale dream. A burrowing owl invites her friend the wolf over for tea. It sounds very Beatrix Potter, but... |
WOLVES EVOLVE: by Wayan, 1983/11/11, a Darwinian dream. After seeing 'Rear Window', Grace Kelly and I are wolf children in a pack that's quickly evolving into... CAUTION: VIOLENCE, CHILD SEXUALITY, WOLF-SLANDER |
YOU LOSE EVERYTHING: by Rachel Yoder, spring 2023, a dream of discovery and loss The house I'm looking at has unexpected rooms, even a pool, but another buyer beats me out. An old woman says "Don't worry dear, in time you lose everything." A comfort at first, but then... |
YOU NEED TO FIND HER: by B. Bigham; 2010/4/27, a strong psychic dream of history I walked into a 19th century home--and family quarrel. Decades passed in seconds; then the house burned--with me in it. Two years later I learned the house and its history were real... |
YOU'RE THE EAGLE: by Wayan; 2000/2/8, a dream fable. |
A hermit spends his life wrestling with shadows. His only disciple becomes famous. Who was happier? |
ZENNA CAT: by Wayan; 1972/10/13, a childhood dream. |
My cat dissolves in the shower. I follow her to a telepathic world. I want to stay, but can I?... |
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