OTHER WORLDS, K-Z (see also A-J)
Dreams of (or set on) other worlds. They range from mythic lands like Oz and Middle Earth to dreams of every planet in the solar system, and many moons--for particular ones, see Places. Extrasolar planets are here as well. So are future and parallel Earths.
RELATED TOPICS: The Grand Tour (dreams of each world in the solar system, including...) the Moon - Mars - orbital or local space - interstellar dreams - cosmic dreams - doors to other universes - time travel - parallel worlds - Star Trek dreams - Middle Earth - Faerie - a set of nondream imaginary worlds: Planetocopia - See also the full INDEX OF SUBJECTS.
What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000 dreams plus 1000 pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.
KAKALEA: by Wayan; 2012/7/23 to early 2017; a good world on a bad hair day We search for exoplanets whose stats are Earthlike. But mass, chemistry, warmth and air do not a biosphere make! Geography alone--the mere placement of lands and seas--can also make a world lush or barren... CAUTION: CENTAUR BARBIE NUDITY |
KIBBLE FROM HEAVEN: by Wayan; 1986/10/13, a dream on love and money. I'm a dog princess, on a world where kibble falls from heaven. When I meet our species' guardian angels... CAUTION: DOG NUDITY, LAWYERS |
KIDNAP LI PO!: by Wayan; 1990/1/16, a poetic dream. I dream a Chinese fable: how the poet Li Po was abucted by the gods, till they face heavenly justice... CAUTION: ABDUCTION, DRUNKS, EVIL PUN |
KIDS' WORLD: by Wayan; 1996/8/2, a dream on solitude. The children of some castaways refuse to go 'home': to them, this shore IS home. So what won't I leave? |
KING-MAKERS: by Wayan; 2000/2/21, a dream of mediation. I'm a political aide to the leader of a hot-tempered, clawed, fanged alien people. And then my boss dies... |
KINSHIP IN WINTER: by Elia Rowan; 2023/6/2, an exoclimatology dream On a scorching world not built for people like us, I find someone who seems to be a lot like me... |
THE KRELKIN SISTERS ON MISSION ST: by Wayan; 1995/6/7, a dream of superior beings I was walking in the Mission, in San Francisco, when two sisters came up to me who no one else could see... CAUTION: FURRY NUDITY |
A LAKE DEMON: by Wayan; 1979/11/3, an anti-lucid dream. I walk through worlds, fight a deadly lake demon, and work magic--but I mustn't go lucid... |
LAPUTANS LECTURE BROBDINGNAG: by Wayan; 2014/10/1; a dream defying the patronizing 'conscious' We ride on a flying saucer made of stone. Atop the great cliffs, we meet a giant and warn him not to slip. He doesn't appreciate advice from little alien tourist twerps... |
LASERBOMB: by Wayan, 1995/7/3, a dream on paralysis. I'm on Mars. The terraforming is going well. Then saboteurs set off a laserbomb in the street near me... CAUTION: TERRORISM |
THE LAST LUNAR STORM: by Wayan; 1999/8/27, a dream of a future squared. Lunar terraforming lags behind Mars; a global ice storm hits, like the bad old days. But the future... |
LEARNING SCALES: by Wayan; 1985/6/26, an epic dream of Chinese dragons. I find myself in astral China. The Empress is banished, the Jester rules. Wisdom is lost. We need an Imperial Dragon... |
THE LEASH: by Wayan; 1995/6/26, a dreamfable. Alien abductions upset us--being studied, treated like animals. But isn't that how we treat other species-- study, exploit, ignore their feelings? That night, I dream one dog on a leash paralyzes a civilization... |
THE LEMON SEA: by Wayan; 1982/2/22, a dream warning. I wake up as someone else. I go through her working day, till Captain Kirk comes to take me to... |
THE LIMIT OF HUMAN EXPERIENCE: by Wayan; 1974/3/13, a dream of madness. Deep in the caves, a Voice announces I've gone as far as the human mind can stand. But ahead, I see... |
THE LITERAL EMPIRE: by Wayan; 1997/11/17, a dream on flexibility. I join the alliance against humorless humanoids who are invading funny-animal planets... |
LIZARD-BUG DISCIPLINE by Wayan, 2021/8/7; a Star Trek dream on... negotiation vs. force? I'm in an alien empire dominated by big lizard-bugs. Humanoids are second-class, but they're trusted with weapons--I witness a human squad executing a lizard for dissidence... CAUTION: REPRESSION, OR IMMUNE SYSTEM? |
LOON LADDER: by Wayan; 1993/5/13. A dream of rising above. I had this near-nightmare about climbing a DNA stair up to the sky, and stepping off... CAUTION: NUDITY, INCEST ISSUES |
LOVE IS REAL, REAL IS LOVE, BUT...: by Wayan; 1993/5/30, a musical mystery dream. Singing a Lennon love song on a planet of giant women provokes first wonder, then disbelief. Why? |
LUCID ON THE MOON: by Wayan; 1980/2/23, a long-term psychic dream. I'm on the run, on the moon. Cyborgs toss bombs at me. Yikes! Is this what melted Mare Orientalis? CAUTION: NUCLEAR IRRESPONSIBILITY |
LÜK: by Emily Y. Chan, 2022/1/8 or before; dream painting A blind girl had trained for years to get revenge against a winter god named Lük or Lock, who took the form of an ice wolf. By defeating the god, she would get her sight back, but she didn't know she'd also send the world into an endless winter... |
LUNAR REPUBLIC BORDERGUARD: by Wayan; 1996/8/30 sculpture of 1995/11/14 dream. A looming figure on the border of the new Lunar Republic, who told me it's time to turn from war to art... |
LUNAR WEDDING: by Wayan; 1987/2/5, a poem of a surreal futuristic dream I'm at a fancy wedding on Mars, I think, but slowly realize the black sky and huge blue ball mean this lawn is on... ...the Moon. In the open. What are we breathing? Well... old money, I think. |
LYR: by Wayan; 7MB, 2005, 80 pages w/200+ drawings and maps; a virtual planet A vast sea-world with 7 times Earth's mass, whose isles are home to at least 19 intelligent species... CAUTION: CUTE ALIENS, WEIRD SEX CUSTOMS, GODLESS EVOLUTION! |
MARK'S DISSOLVE: by Wayan, 2015/7/31, a dream-poem of a world where death is different My friend Mark is ready. He evaporates into the spirit realm--as we all do here when we die! Flesh to glass to air... |
MARRIED TO MYSTERY: by Wayan; 1992/7/29, a dream on dream research. The starship Enterprise. A world ahead sends the Captain and the Nurse odd psychic urges. Follow or resist? |
MARS GLOBE : by Emmy Ingeborg Brun, 1909, a nondream but hallucinatory globe This handmade globe of Mars, state-of-the-art for 1909, has Schiaparelli's nomenclature and Lowell's canals--mostly illusory, though not quite all... |
MARS REBORN: by Wayan; 15 pages, 27 photos, 2003/9/22, a tour of a sculpted/virtual world Mars as it will be 1000 years from now, terraformed. A guided tour with photos... |
MARTIAN AIRLOCK and JAGUAR MASK: by Wayan, 2015/6/22, twin shamanic near-nightmares Jaguar Mask: a were-jaguar stuck in human form asks me to sew a new jaguar face on."But won't it hurt?... Martian Airlock: I'm suitless on Mars. Freezing, choking, I dive into an airlock & slam the switch--but it's sabotaged... |
THE MARTIAN FEUD: by Wayan; 1994/3/10, a warning dream. On Old Mars, before it died, two rival families' teasing finally goes too far, despite the whale's warning... CAUTION: VIOLENCE |
MARTIAN ROBOTS DRESS LIKE FREUD: by Wayan, 1975/8/16, an absurd dream... predicting my life-path? Martian robots pester me. I flee through the Asteroids, leaving chaos, cratering Earth. Years later on my farm, a bot shows up disguised as Freud. I start mudslinging... |
MARTIAN TIME-LOOP: by Wayan; 1994/5/2, a dream of the future shaping the past. I'm a small boy in a ship docking in Mars Orbital Station. I meet a strange man: myself as an adult! Uh-oh... |
MCKILLIP'S NEW BOOK: by Wayan; 2010/7/23, an epic literary dream I'm inside a magical novel by Patricia McKillip, amid tricksters, cosplayers, spooks, sex changes, levitation and (sigh) cops... CAUTION: COYOTE SEX |
MENOLLY: Love Song to a Dragonsinger: by Wayan; 1977, a dreamish poem on giftedness and abuse. As a kid I was haunted by the parallels between Menolly of Pern and me... |
MENTOR: by Wayan; 2001/6/13, six advisory dreamlets. I meet a shapeshifting mentor who warns of coming war (9/11?). Then a sentient book, "The Art of War," gets intimately involved... CAUTION: ELECTRODES, LIBROPHILIA |
MERCURY: by Wayan; 1982/3/7, dream-poem of a lost future. Mercury didn't spin! One side fire, one side ice. We farmed in domes, between--until the sun brightened... CAUTION: RETRO SCIENCE |
MICROGRAPH: by Wayan; 1991? Illuminated page on psychic dreaming A mad experiment one night in Micrography, with a midnight rant for scripture and my girlfriend for God... CAUTION: BLASPHEMY OF SOME KIND OR OTHER |
MIGRATION THROUGH FIRE: by Wayan; 1999/9/3, a dream of what matters. I'm a shaggy primitive whose tribe's outgrown our caves. We migrate, and meet two new species of people... |
THE MIRANDA OATH: by Wayan; 1998/2/24, a subtly predictive political dream. Strange oaths are proposed for the first expedition to the Uranian moon Miranda... |
MIRIEL, DON'T GO IN!: by Wayan; 1982/10/6, a dream of a stunted planet's stunted god. God offers gifts to pilgrims, so my sister enters his door. Fierce light shoots out... |
MISFITS ON MARS: by Wayan; 1986/11/20, an epic dream; the climax of the dreamseries UNICORN TAG. From the punk clubs of Frisco to the Safeways of Si Valley to the vermilion sands of Mars, Silky the were-nightmare fights for the Misfits against every cliche in science fiction... |
MOON BLOOMS: by Wayan; 1997/7/22, a dream on traces of love. Everyone has a personal moon. At first, mine disappointed me, till a bard dumped his trash on it, and... |
MOONCAT: by Wayan; 1995/11/14; a subtle dream-comic about sonar. text version Near a mysterious sculpture garden on the moon, lives the blind, bike-riding sage I seek: Moon-Cat... |
MOONMARE (Around #6): by Wayan; ca. 1998/7/23. Digital drawing made deep in art trance. I made a cold moon of burnished metal, rusted and scraped. But then this warm mare reared... |
MOOSE: by Wayan; 1984/3/12, a dream on the blessings of curses. How the Supreme Court gave my brother antlers, and where his soul went: where I'll go, now that I know... |
MORAL FIBER: by Wayan; 1997/11/10, a dream of trouble in Ecotopia. We hippies won, but now we're backward and isolated; it's time we joined the rest of our alternate Earth... |
MUIR ON MARS: by Wayan; 1994/5/14, a dreamtale. I'm John Muir reborn on Mars, supporting Mars First against tree-cutters, who poison their enemies... |
MUTISM'S PENUMBRA: by Wayan, 2019/9/9, an otherworldly dream of a curiously familiar malaise In a world of wizards, many have gone silent. They seem to forget speech exists. A toxin, a disease? But what explains people's calm as more go mute? No, it's an insidious spell--with a penumbra making us take its spread for granted... CAUTION: IMPLICATIONS FOR OUR WORLD |
MY CUBIST CONSCIENCE: by Wayan; 1982/8/5; a dream warning of overharsh ethics. I dreamed I was trapped in the maze of my pacifist vegetarian feminist anarchist eco-conscience... |
MY FLUORESCENT WORLD: by Wayan; 1997/8/16, a psychedelic dream. I always thought I saw differently than others, but when someone builds the Goggles... |
MY GLASS HEART: by Carl Linkhart, 1998 or before; dream poem/painting My glass heart survived the rocket's blast, but I'm stranded on this barren world. Wrapped in glamor, we climb a steep forbidding stair into a rosy, fake tomorrow... |
MY WILDCAT WOUND: by Wayan; 1994/7/8, a dream on gender trauma. I'm a wildcat in a cat/fox team led by a woman who wants us to merge with a man/wolf team... CAUTION: LANGUAGE |
THE NESS MAN, or, HOW TO HEAL: by Wayan; 1994/4/13, a mytho-musical dream. Mythic creatures round a woodland pool want to heal a businessman. Do too many cooks spoil the soup? |
"N---!" HE SAID: by Wayan, 2024/8/15; a possibly predictive but clearly diagnostic nightmare DAY: My doctor sharply upped my meds. Insomnia, sweats, mania, tachycardia. Ask my dreams: "Overdose?" DREAM: I try to get a dentist to fix the work he botched. A staffer yelling "Nigger!" attacks me with a razor! A MONTH LATER: The doctor sneers "Symptoms are subjective!" Because uppity patients are just n... CAUTION: THE N-WORD. OH, AND MALPRACTICE, TOO |
NOT OUR HAWAI'I: by Wayan; 2008/8/20, a dream poem; Dreamverse #10 My sister & I swim round a weirdly shrunken Pacific. Near Fiji, we blunder too close to the drain... |
THE OBSERVER EFFECT, OR, WATCH THE WATCH: by Wayan; 1997/1/21, a dream of time and opticks. After seeing an Einstein biography I find myself in the bathrooms of Thought-Experiment High, and... CAUTION: DARK SIDE OF AN ICON |
OISIN: by Wayan; 2005-2013, 32 maps and images; a nondream virtual world A model of a moon, half-Europa, half-Mars, with (intelligent?) life in seas under a skin of ice... |
OLYMPUS UNMASKED: by Wayan; 2022/8/10, a far-future dream On terraformed Mars, we set out to climb Mt Olympus without oxygen masks. The first miles are OK, but the air thins until... CAUTION: ANTICIPATED DEATH? |
OMELET BEACH: by Wayan; 2007/1/15, a dream on how things look through your third eye An alien beach scene--as seen through eyes that see bodies’ energy fields more than surface forms... |
ON THE NIGHT RIDE HOME: by Wayan; 1971/11/8, a dream-poem on pushing past prejudice As I bike home at night, strange doings--a rat is sacrificed; gemstones delivered; an astronaut shows glowing alien objects; a second rat becomes a... firefighter? |
ONCE A HERO: by Wayan; 1998/10/22-25, 17 images, a raw dream-series. Sexy dreams of Chinese archeology, authorized by the fairies, make me face that my family abused me... |
THE ONI PLAGUE: by Wayan; 2018/2/2, a dream implying our leaders are sociopathic Humans and elves like me can get along, but not oni (Japanese demons)--they'll hurt anyone for gain... CAUTION: POLITICAL BITTERNESS |
ORDEAL BY INFRASTRUCTURE: by Wayan; 1987/11/22, a Clintonian dreamtale--before Clinton! I want to join the inner circle of America's political elite. But to do that I have to survive the Ordeal by Infrastructure... |
ORIOLE GIRL: by Wayan; 1992/1/23, psychic dream told as illustrated poem. While conducting a census of fairies in Golden Gate Park, I fall in love with an abused oriole-girl, and we try to heal one another... CAUTION: AWKWARD SEX |
OTTER NERD FROM TITAN: by Wayan; 2012/4/15 & sequel-dream (2013/2/9), a dream-poem on social skills A suspicious exobiologist warns me that otter from Titan may not be the amiable, nerdy celebrity it seems. But... |
OUT OF BODY TO THE MOON: by Hervey de Saint-Denys, 1860?-67? Early out-of-body dream I rise out of my body, find I'm invulnerable, visit the moon, with its volcanic rocks, re-enter my body, "wake" and write the dream--only to wake again and find all my notes gone!... |
PASS THE VIAL ON: by Wayan; 2000/4/18, a dream of renunciation A vagabond king showed me the way into Faerie, and it made my fortune. But now it's time to pass the gift on... |
PEAK PORTAL: by Wayan; 2014/8/27, a dream-poem on half-conscious shamanic possession At a strange gate between worlds with high and low sea levels, a meddling spirit prods me to clear a path for a salt torrent... |
PEGASIA: by Wayan; 10MB mini-site (200 maps & images), spring 2006 to present (ongoing); tours of an alien moon. A contest! Here's a wide, fertile world full of empty ecological niches for intelligent creatures. Design one! |
PERISSA: by Wayan; 1997/9/13, a sexy dream-comic (small screen, slow loading? Illus. text) When Perissa, an exhibitionistic centaur, bares her body in a crowded Coliseum, she also bares a human-supremacist plot... CAUTION: EXHIBITIONISM, SPECISM |
PESSIMIST HELIX: by Wayan; 1996/6/9, a wise time-travel dream. I work the info desk in a futuristic library. But one question leads me into a DNA-helix, a tornado of doubt... |
PIED MAGE: by Wayan; 1995/2/6, an architectural dreamfable. A wizard into spots and dots invites me into his beach house, hungry for advice on his peculiar fears... |
PINBALL SHOWDOWN: by Wayan; 1995/3/18, a flirty game-playing dream. I suspect the pinball champion of Jupiter is cheating. I try to scare her psychic confederate out of hiding... |
THE PLAGUE-CURE: by Wayan; 1996/1/1, a diagnostic dream that worked. After weeks of headaches I dream of a fatal, mosquito-borne plague. Humanity looks doomed till my friends devise a folk remedy... |
PLANET CAT: by Wayan; 1995/11/12, a First Contact dream of love. I'm the first man on Planet Cat, falling in love with my guide. And then I'm the Cat, falling for an alien ape... CAUTION: NUDE CAT |
PLANETARY EYE: by Wayan; 2023/7/9, a surreal world-building dream I'm building a planetary model a kilometer across, inset in Bernal Hill like an eye in a socket. My intern Silky kicks the globe, scuffing a caravan trail in a desert. Needs to be crookeder... CAUTION: FATSHAMING? OR CALLING OUT SKINNYSHAMING? |
PLANETOCOPIA: by Wayan; 2002- (ongoing Sisyphean project) 19 nondream imaginary worlds rendered in text, art, & sculpture. Most teem with intelligent life--alien Edens! CAUTION: ANARCHISM, NUDITY, MATH, SOCIALISM, EVOLUTION |
THE PLANETOCOPIA INTERVIEW: David Cole of "Whose Fault is That?" questions Wayan; 2009/5/6. The roots and reasons and back-stories for the nineteen virtual worlds making up Planetocopia... |
PLUTO THAWS: by Wayan; 1973/1/19, a mythic dream set on Pluto. A quarrel between psychic adepts heats up to a war, thawing Pluto. What will the ice-tribes wish for? |
POLES NOW, TROPICS LATER: by Wayan; 1997/3/27, a dream on the pace of change. I'm a Martian revolutionary, making the glaciers grow. The equator's still dry, but change is coming... |
THE PRIME DIRECTIVE: by Wayan; 1994/3/9, a pro-meddling dream. A bunch of primitives try to trick their way into the Federation, slipping around the Prime Directive... |
PRRL: by Wayan; 1997/1/17, an intergalactic dream. I'm an ambassador from the Milky Way to the energy-beings who rule the Magellanic Clouds. Or am really just their pet? |
WHAT THE PTEROS TELL: by Wayan; 1995/9/11, an archeometeorological rant. The size of ancient flying creatures implies that Earth may lose more atmosphere over time than we think... |
PULLED UNDER: by Wayan; 1976/4/15, a nightmare. One by one, we're pulled under the water, the earth... eaten. That's the fate of all flesh. And we're flesh. CAUTION: HORROR |
PYRAMID POWER: by Wayan; 1981/2/2, a dream of love and time. We drive into a zone of perpetual night to see Sweet Melinda, but veins of light burst across the landscape, and our time-path splits! I'm living two lives at once... |
RABBIT WORLD: by Wayan; 6-page comic of a 1990/9/26 shamanic dream. I'm a telepathic rabbit defending our world from space-laser attack. We do, but do we modernize too much? CAUTION: IDEAS |
RADIATE SORROW: by Wayan; 1980s, a daydream poem. The rest of us heavenly bodies have each other, but from the Sun's viewpoint, we're just rubble. Alone... |
RANGE: by Wayan; three 2019/8/19 advisory dreamlets plus 2020/1/8 followup 1: My dad can't see my world. Literally can't see my world... 2: The House of Busyness is unlivable--busy, crowded, noisy... 3: Achievement takes twelve factors; any one can block you... |
REALITY LOOPS: by Wayan; 1996/12/26, a dream on the multiverse. My dream shows me how one world can be a fiction within another that's a fiction within the first! Dreams aren't simulations but windows into worlds. So be nice to dream-figures! Turns out you ARE one... |
REBELLION: by Roz Chast, 2023 or before, a dream on dreamwork? I was trapped in a Handmaid's Tale dystopia; I was a mannequin, naked & helpless. I couldn't even walk. But I hid one rebellious act: I kept a diary... CAUTION: CARTOON NUDITY, CARTOON DYSTOPIA |
THE RED BEAST WAS HAPPY: by Wayan; dreamed 1981/11/16, drawn 1983/11, a subtle healing dream I was timid. Red scared me. But this huge confident dream-beast hinted at a new energy... |
REFUGE: by Emily Y. Chan, 2024/3/16 or before; dream painting I dreamed a tired soldier visited an oracle or priestess, who hummed a simple tune and provided refuge... |
RETIARIUS: by Wayan, 2024/7/24, a gladiatorial dream |
Rome never fell. I'm a poor kid. I sign up for a duel against an adult arena fighter. Poor odds, but I have nothing to lose! Street kids like me die young anyway... CAUTION: BRUTAL SOCIETY (unlike, of course, ours) |
THE RIFT ZONE: by Wayan; 1987/11/27, a long-term psychic dream. |
I'm not ambivalent--I'm confused! I live here by the Rift Zone and I don't. I'm single and not. Two lives!... |
RING-DUEL: by Wayan; dreamed 1988/12/21; a transformation dream on reclaiming your power |
A mad scientist sneaks me into a museum that holds the Ring of Power I made at 14. I put it on, and slip into the spirit world--as a dragon! An ice-drake sent by Sauron comes to duel me for my Ring... |
RING OF SIX: by Wayan; 2018/11/30; an advisory dream of alternate lives |
Six women in six similar feudal empires swap places repeatedly. They can never meet, but they can leave notes, each helping out the next soul to swap in... CAUTION: ADVANCED DREAMWORK |
RING OF WHITE WATER: by Wayan; 1983/1/30, an epic astral dream. |
I'm a raft guide on a circular river that may just be reincarnation. A girl in my tour group jumps ship: she dreads the white water of rocky relationships ahead... CAUTION: METAPHYSICS, SEX, WEAK SOULS... |
RINGSHADOWS: by Wayan; 1985/3/6, an otherworldly ecodream with subtle advice. |
Earth has rainbow rings. They're braided like Saturn's, so their shadows create tinted microclimates... |
ROBOT AND UNICORN: by Wayan, 2022/11/23, a dream of building a rebellion |
After too much TV, I dream I'm plotting against a regime of suave, treacherous magical beings. But a unicorn sorceress suggests I enlist the robots. She's right--they find plutocratic thaumocracy ugly... CAUTION: ANTI-CAPITALIST |
RUNAWAY MOONS: by Wayan; 2011/4/6, an absurd nightmare poem |
New moons appear. I try to mash them into a spare Earth, but botch the orbits. So now, runaway moons rumble down a steep San Francisco hill... CAUTION: ALWAYS SET PARKING BRAKE |
SAMPHIRE: by Wayan, 2022/12/25; apparent cryptomnesia, ESP, or both |
I wake up dreamnesic but singing a nonsense line about "samphires"--whatever they are. Half an hour later, I encounter the word for the first time in 45 years... |
SATURN BEACH: by Wayan; 1990/4/18, a playful advisory dream |
Sunbathing on Saturn's rings with a girl who's preparing for reincarnation--like me. She's cute, but she chucks litter in the Bay of Rebirth. Maybe not Ms. Right, then... |
SATURN'S EYES: by Wayan; 1990/4/28, a surreal dreamlet |
Our expedition to Saturn finds new moons with huge, deep craters staring at us like gigantic eyes--because they are gigantic eyes... |
SAURIAN CITY: by Wayan; 1996/12/1, a dream snapshot. |
I visit a world of dinosaurs who fly small planes and live in glowing tree-cities... |
SCALES: by Wayan; 640 x 400, 1992. Digital sketch of a dream scene. |
I was on a terrace overlooking a waterfall, where a giant rabbit and a musical dragon told me... |
THE SEA-HAG RIOT: by Wayan; 1989/6/5, a wild dream hiding a warning. |
Aliens, hypnotherapy, dancing molars, riots, witches, flying pianos, lettuce... yet there is a point. |
A SEAMY REALITY: by Wayan; 1999/10/21, a surreal predictive dream. |
Sharp seams between realities cross Silicon Valley; I end up in the Dark Castle of the Oracle. When I wake... |
SELL THE GODS, AND RAISE HELL!: by Wayan; 1994/1/26, a dream riddle. |
Reactionaries smash a paper. To rebuild, the editor must sell the sacred tiki carvings! But gods don't LIKE being sold... CAUTION: MORAL QUANDARY |
SERRANA: by Wayan; Oct-Dec 2004, a sculpture/webtour; 60 maps, photos & sketches |
A dry little world with many small seas, Serrana has at least six intelligent species and an anarchist culture. It's a tribute to Ursula Le Guin's anarchist utopia, "The Dispossessed", and Kropotkin's theories of biological cooperation... CAUTION: ANARCHIST POLITICS, ALIEN NUDITY |
SESSILE UTOPIA: by Wayan; 1998/8/8, a utopian dream that hid a precise stock tip |
A writer invents an absurd setting for his Utopia, a lens of ice floating atop Saturn's atmosphere--but then such sessile lenses turn out to be real. The dream's details suggest buying a certain stock. I do, and... |
SHASTA OCCUPATION: by Wayan; 1996/11/1, a dream of telepathic spill-over. |
I'm teaching in a wizard's college near Mt Shasta when one astral world decides to occupy another... |
SHEVEK'S TIME-SLIP: by Wayan; 1996/10/14, a chronohomeostatic dream. |
Shevek invents time-travel and discreetly alters the past. But the future alters Shevek's present, to undo his changes! Who's sabotaging him? Or... WHAT? |
SHIELDS FROM THE GODDESS: by Wayan; 1996/8/3, a dream that's a slap in the face. |
A Goddess-worshiping general gets a visit from her twin daughters who bring a puzzling message... |
SHIVERIA: by Wayan; 2002-3, travelog/sculpture/sketches of an alternate Earth |
I tilted the Earth, and worked out its new ecology--part Mars, part steambath. Visit the Mediterranean Abyss ruled by giant ravens, and Patagonia, ruled by mammoths, and Antarctica's jungles, ruled by lemurs... |
SHOUT IN A CROWD, or, How to Survey Galactic Civilization: by Wayan; dreamed 2014/4/15, |
a dream exposing what my brain's up to when I forget my dreams! I wander the galaxy in my dreams, finding and testing crowds to see if anyone reacts to the sound of shouted English or Chinese. One in a thousand does! This implies... CAUTION: SCIENCE AND SHAMANISM DON'T MIX (or do they?) |
SHRUNKEN MEN: by Wayan; 1992/2/21, a dream on the masculinity crisis. |
Day: Robert Bly's book Iron John, claiming men need male mentors, annoys me. Dream: the giants co-opted Captain Picard of Star Trek, but we don't need him to rebel... CAUTION: MOCKS ROBERT BLY |
SILK PINS: by Wayan; 1992/5/13, a self-mocking dream. |
I'm a trade rep for Terra, on a new world. But an old rival, a rep from another world, arrives, and... |
SILKY'S REVOLUTION: by Wayan; 1995/9/4, a historical dream. |
I'm in an alternate-history American Revolution with Silky the talking black mare. We sail for Europe as diplomats... |
SILKY'S WEDDING: by Wayan; 1988/1/6, a dreamtale. |
Silky, my often-animal anima, leads me into a strange pagan church where we get married at last... |
THE SILVER CORD: by Wayan, 1993; digital poster of dreamwork advice.. |
An astral travel advisory. You'll fly better, if (before you leave your body) you... |
SINK JOHN: by Wayan; 1981/5/25, a dreamtale on "when in Rome..." |
My friend sleeps with an alien. He's ugly, but I don't care. What bothers me is, he eats bits of himself... CAUTION: SEX, RECREATIONAL CANNIBALISM, PROSTITUTION, THE KITCHEN SINK |
SIPHONIA: by Wayan; 30 p, 2006-14, a nondream virtual world, in progress; maps, tours |
First, suck up 90% of Earth's seas. Now wait 90,000 years for life to adapt. The continents are now Tibetan plateaus above steamy new Deeps, ruled by giant parrots, ravens and otters... |
SIPHONIAN QUARTET: by Wayan; 2010/4/10, four baffling parallel-world dreams |
1: Purple squid saboteurs flood our cliffhouse. 2: My oyster-ranching girlfriend has a snobby aunt. 3: I wake in a stranger's bondage fantasy--ugh! 4: Shepherds on the sea-floor watch for gliderwolves... CAUTION: EMBARRASSING BONDAGE DREAM |
A SIRIUS MISSION: by Wayan; 1983/9/21, a nightmare predicting a painful fall |
Exploring a planet in the Sirius system, we raft down a river. A local guy warns there's a waterfall ahead, but my raftmates won't believe him! Over we go. Ow... Next day, glad my druggy housemate's leaving, I learn of a big letdown... |
MY SISTER'S GRAVITY WELL: by Wayan; 1995/4/25, a dreamtale. |
We play with worlds for balls, and gravity wells for goals. How do the worlds see it? Well... I find out. |
SKIMMING TOWARD FREEDOM: by Wayan; 2002/1/18, a dream with 3 sketches. |
My girlfriend and I can fly, but detectives shadow us. How to lose them? By sticking to the beach and... CAUTION: BIZARRE CREATURES, FRANK LANGUAGE |
SLAVE MARKET: by Wayan; 1998/9/10, a dreamtale on freedom. |
Business solved the problem of cheap foreign labor: slavery's legal again. So our firm buys cheap losers... |
SLAVES ON RED MARS: by Wayan; 1999/8/15, a dreamfable on will. |
As Mars demands independence from Earth, Jovians enslave us all! Now freedom-fighting is personal... |
SLIDES: by Wayan; 2018/1/28, a surreal playful flirtation dream |
I cross San Francisco on public transit--a network of children's slides. One leads into... A wormhole full of aliens, where a goofy-haired reporter interviews a hacker... |
SOCK PUPPETS OF THE GODS: by Dee and Wayan; 1994/4/14. Parallel shamanic dreams! |
I dream I'm suicidal; but I'm saved when I'm shown the flow of human development--the same pattern, from souls to civilizations! Eddies and knots recur, but the challenges slowly get more spiritual. NEXT DAY: I learn what my shaman-friend Dee just dreamed. And now I'm unsure whose dream this is... CAUTION: IDEAS |
SORB TRUCE: by Wayan; 2008/9/1, a dream-poem, Dreamverse #20 |
In a desert crawling with aliens who can absorb your mind, I propose a truce, and gain... |
SORRY WE DRANK ALL THE BEER: by Wayan; 1986/6/3, a dream on the use of rage |
The future. Humanity's trapped--no energy. Because aliens looted our world before we evolved! Now... |
SOUL-SHARD: by Wayan; 2000/10/5, a rebellious dream |
I'm a wolf in an ashram studying astral travel with my spirit-wife. Our souls blend a bit, enraging our guru, a minor Hindu god, who sends demons to make us stop this spiritual "contamination"... |
THE SPHINX APPROVES: by Wayan; 1991/5/2, a dreamtale on growth. |
A great war shrinks to wrestling, then hopping from page to page! Once they were worlds to me, but now... |
SPHINX'S WOOD: by Wayan; 1981/11/19, a dream of puns, riddles and advice |
After my dad lets me down I dream black may be white, and white, black--if you're a Sphinx... |
SPIT DOOR: by Wayan; 1997/9/7, a flying dream. |
My job is to set up portals to other realities, and create secret routes through our world between them... |
SPLASH!: by Wayan; 12" acrylic painting, late 2002, from 1983/1/16 dream. |
While I study how humans went extinct, my daughter happily splashes in the sea... |
SPONTANEOUS DUCK: by Wayan; 2010/9/14, two dreams on feeling magically inadequate |
I spy on a girl learning magic in a quilted ditch. She lets me join her telekinesis lesson! Can my mind move a balloon? Then I tour a witch-world where normality's shameful. One kid's not witch or normal--he keeps turning into Donald Duck! CAUTION: DISNEY = DISABILITY? |
SQUIRREL GIRL: by Wayan; 1973/10/19, a dream poem of love & rockets |
Squirrel Girl and I try to find a private room, but Hal the mad computer in 2001 spies on us and our spaceship captain orders us to clean the ion tubes... CAUTION: SQUIRREL NUDITY |
STATUES ON ICE: by Wayan; 2021/3/12, a dream of blue politics |
Weird blue snow covers a dump of unwanted historical statues, but they seem less political than... strange. Is that a griffin? What's really getting covered here? |
THE STONE THROWER: daydream by Wayan; 1983/2/26 |
In a alien sports stadium, watching a game where a slender reptilian man pitched rocks... |
STRUCK BY THOUGHT: by Wayan; dreamed 1956-7, 71/11/26, 78/12/28, 82/10/5, & 83/9/12 |
A picture-poem experiment: one dream per stanza! Five short dreams exploring the weight of culture on our animal selves... |
SUB AND SEALERS: by Wayan; 1996/8/9, a dream on trusting your senses. |
Earth scientists ignore the natives' tales of abyssal monsters, but the locals easily track a Terran sub... |
SUNLIGHT'S THE CURE: by Wayan; 1990/12/29, a surreal, sexy dream |
I find the cure for an alien plague, then visit its homeworld, to find it has a curious variant... CAUTION: SEX CUSTOMS OF THE NEWT PEOPLE! MY COUSIN'S GAY WEDDING! |
SUPERHERO TRAINING KITS: by Wayan; 2006/12/17, a wise mishmash dream |
I careen from a shamanic laboratory to a shattered ring round an alien world to (gasp) an honest politican!... |
SURRENDER DARCY!: by Wayan; 1982/6/14, a dreamtale on pride and prejudice. |
I'm Doctor Who, being chased by an air-surfer who demands we give up a reserved, proud man named... CAUTION: MILD NUDITY |
THE TAO OF DENNIS THE MENACE: by Wayan; 1986/4/17, a dream of a wise mentor. |
Chased by purple squid from Jupiter, I seek refuge with a guru the Goddess recommends for me... |
TAROT: A JOVIAL INFLUENCE: by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1979. |
Jupiter's massive presence tugs its moons to geologic life. Just being exerts a power and a pull... |
TELEPATH COUNTRY: by Wayan, 2010/5/25; a weird dream image heralding drastic change |
I'm on the border of human territory. Beyond is the land of the unnerving Telepaths, each one different but every one creepy... |
TEN TRIALS: by Wayan; 1976/10/2, a dream of love distracted. |
While living with violent Kay, I dream I meet a cute, gentle moth-girl. But we must undergo ten trials. Mustn't we? Mustn't we? CAUTION: RELATIONSHIP TROUBLES, BOTH GAY AND STRAIGHT |
TEXANS: by Wayan, 2018/8/22, an alternate-world dream |
The Lone Star Planet--worldwide Texas--is weirdly empty. No kids at all! Instead, teens ping into existence pre-formed. An alternate Earth with no concept of change? |
THARN: by Wayan; 2006, 45 p, 200+ ill., a nondream virtual world: maps, photos, portraits, tours |
Tour a rugged, scenic moon with air and water in deep canyons sheltering a dozen intelligent species CAUTION: ANARCHISM, NUDITY, SCIENCE |
1987/8/15, 1990/3/31 & 6/10, 1993/8/10, four dreams prompting Planetocopia I dreamed I took a globe off its stand, drilled new poles, and put it back on tilted, so that most continents are greener; Tokyo, Alaska and Tierra del Fuego are now all tropical... Over a decade later, dreams forgotten, I start what I think is a nondream art project, by tilting... |
TIME-BUBBLE: by Wayan; 2008/9/1, a dream-poem, Dreamverse #19 |
In a city crawling across a marshy world, I find a detonating bomb frozen in a time-ball. Why not detonate it somewhere harmless, why carry this around? |
TIME-CAT: by Wayan; 2013/11/23; a self-flagging predictive dream |
I'm a cat person, grooming. But not MY fur--it's a woolly mass of timelines! We cats travel time, smoothing out snarls... Then I wake, go to a party, and... |
TIME IS A CROC: by Wayan; 1993/3/29, a dream on time. |
Golfing in the basement with Giselle! But her ball goes through a Stargate to land on a world where the water hazards are hazards... |
TITAN, or, SATURN'S WEDDING BAND: by Wayan; 1981/3/22, a billion-mile roadtrip dream. |
Our band's touring Titan. Road trip blues: diners, feuds, romances. Have I been chasing the wrong girl? |
TITANIA: by Wayan; 1981/12/7, 83/1/7 & 2/13 and 84/10/2, a dream-epic in installments |
Clarence the sappy angel from It's A Wonderful Life and Milton's Lucifer land on Earth, offering treaties. Who to sign with? Clarence thinks we're fine as is, but the Devil's a tinkerer, learning from failures. Failures like me and my girlfriend Titania, the first android with a full palette of feelings. Like the feeling she's fake... |
TOO PROUD FOR MARS: by Wayan; 1990/6/23, a dreamtale. |
A hero has solved all Earth's problems. Now what? A trucker friend invites him on a road trip to Mars... |
TOWER OF THE MARTIAN DEAD: by Wayan, 1983/7/7; a dream-poem of an exo-Valhalla |
Climbing a mountain on Mars, I reach a hall where I'm transformed into a cryophilic being. Then I feast on methane soup with the heroic Martian dead... |
TOWERS: by Wayan; 1998/11/15, digital. Based on flying dreams (but no specific dream) |
Cities are fun when you're a bird--all those updrafts and perches and nests with great views... |
TUBA BEANS: by Wayan; 1996/3/24, a Star Trek dream. |
Changelings invade our orbital station, selling drugs, kidnapping teachers--but Constable Odo can handle that. What's weird are the beans pouring out of that kid's tuba... |
TURNOVIA: by Wayan; 14 illus, 2003/4/18, a Planetocopia sculpture/photoessay/travelog. |
Turn a globe upside down. All Earth's winds and currents reverse; wet coasts turn dry, dry turn wet; ice caps shift, sea levels change... |
TRESPASSERS IN MALANCHAI: by Hyal; Feb 1996, an epic dream with a psychic intrusion. |
A maneless lion-boy wins his people's respect. While training, he sees weird trespassers who seem to be from someone else's dream... and ten years later, he finds that dreamer. |
TRITONIAN FOXTAUR U.: by Wayan; 2016/9/10, a wish-fulfilling dream set on Triton |
I'm an exchange student at the Solar System's best university for the magic arts; my classmates are methane-breathing foxtaurs... |
TRUE LOVE = CHOICE! by Ms. Mira; Jan. 2008, a dream-lesson on compassion and free will. |
I'm on an alien world inside the minds of two women and a child struggling with moral choices in a civil war... CAUTION: DEATH, LOSS |
UNCLE JUPITER: by Wayan; 1998/9/3, a dreamtale. |
My uncle is Jupiter. Not the god, the planet. All my relatives are planets. So am I. And I'm invaded... |
AN UNDERCOVER TROLL: by Wayan; 1994/7/6, a dream of personal growth taken too far... |
Disguised as a literary troll, I spy on the Neo-Nazis, but my disguise can't last much longer: I ate a magical herb, and I'm growing... |
UNICORN TAG: by Wayan; 1986, a linked series of illustrated dreams.
Animal teachers, mostly equine, drag me (as I scream NO!) beyond plain dreamwork into shamanism... Chapter 1: The Deer Party: by Wayan; 6 illus. Chapter 2: Ariane's Honeymoon: by Wayan; 8K Chapter 3: The Everest Marathon: by Wayan; 1 illus. Chapter 4: Who'll Be My Love?: by Wayan; 100K, 4 illus. Chapter 5: Dreamrider: by Wayan; 7K, a nondream interlude Chapter 6: Half Shaman, Half Statesman: by Wayan; 170K, 4 illus. Chapter 7: Eight To A Horn: by Wayan; 2 illus. Chapter 8: Black Magic: by Wayan, 7 illus. Chapter 9: Misfits On Mars: by Wayan; 300K, 7 illus. |
A VALLEY NEAR HOPE: by Wayan; 1984/10/17-19, an epic dream. |
I wander a valley where unicorns love cyborgs but fear giant ants, who love unicorns but fear cyborgs, who love ants but fear unicorns! And while the Three Tribes squabble, cave-monsters sculpt them all. I set up peace talks between these four aspects of my tetrahedral soul... CAUTION: SWEARING, DRUNK LIONS, CYBORG SURGERY, AND GOGGLE-BARFING |
VENUS UNVEILED: by Wayan, 2004/8/30; a virtual world with c.200 photos, maps, portraits. |
Tour Venus as it will be in 1000 years, after terraforming: paradise for dozens of intelligent species! |
VERTICAL PLANES: by Wayan; 1990/3/7, an astral pirate dream. |
We're air pirates running a music shop, till our biplanes are hijacked by cat angels! Furious, we set out... |
VESTA ON ISIG MOUNTAIN: by Wayan; 1982/late May; crayon showing worldview of dream being. |
Vesta are animal guardians of the land. This isn't a portrait of a vesta, but how I see when I AM one... |
VICARIOUS ATONEMENT: by Anna Kingsford; 1880/1/31, an anti-shamanic dream | Kingsford meets a girl who burns herself as a protest. K flips out! Rants instead of helps... CAUTION: RANT MIDWAY YOU'RE BETTER OFF SKIPPING |
VRILLASSA’S ONLY PRIEST: by Jo; 2007/2/10, a dream of meeting God |
A job as the only priest on an island colony sounded perfect, only I’m the wrong religion... CAUTION: DOGMATISTS AND DEAD BIRDS TALKING |
WALDROP'S SUMMONED: by Wayan; 1994/2/2, a dream on spiritual callings. |
I'm in Middle Earth, interviewing dwarves and hobbits who've experienced a phenomenon called Summoning... |
WAR IN THE RING: by Bruno Oliveira; May 2011, a happy nightmare |
War, monsters, plague and bombs are just thrills spicing up this city rising from a tropical sea on an alien world... |
WATERCATS: by Wayan; 1987/9/10; an epic, clear predictive dream |
I dream I find a few 'extinct' watercats--in a slum! They talk. They say I'm one of them, brainwashed to think I'm human. I wake, go to a dinner, and hear a tale of... watercats! |
WATERSHIP DOWNTRODDEN: by Wayan; 1983/6/22, a dream of another life. |
I'm an intelligent rabbit in an alphamale's harem, organizing a feminist movement... |
WELL-MEANING GRASS: by Wayan; 1982/5/17, a diagnostic Trek dream. |
On a gene-engineered world, the Prime Minister tries to assassinate the Bug Princess by tricking a well-meaning smartlawn... |
WELLS'S QUEST: by Wayan; 1992/7/14, a benevolent dream. |
I'm on a world inhabited by hobbits when H.G. Wells shows up, looking for a Ring of Power... |
'WE'RE ALL HUMAN': by Wayan; 1987/3/13, a dream trial. |
For flirting in the astral cafeteria, we all get sentenced to group therapy-- till I catch the lie in my life. What lie? Read the title... |
"WHAT SHARKS?": by Wayan; 1990/4/22, a dream of multiple viewpoints. |
A cowgirl is driving us in circles round the dusty parking lot, fleeing the air-sharks... or is she? |
WHAT WILL THE NEWSPAPERS SAY?: by CE Lawrence, before 1939; an astronomical nightmare |
I dreamt I could clearly see the sun's corona, like a lion-mane of fire. But the corona dwindled; then the very sun dimmed, shrank, and went out. I thought... CAUTION: POLITICAL? |
WHAT YOU IMAGINE HAPPENS: by Wayan; 1982/2/21; a dreampoem on quarks. Or spooks. |
I'm stuck on a runaway bus. So we decide to picture the axle falling off, and it obeys! But the bus zooms on, carried by a horde of little animals... CAUTION: ESP SKEPTICS WILL LOATHE THE AFTERWORD (true story, though) |
WHEN THE SPIRIT MOVES YOU: by Wayan; 1996/5/1, an alternate-world dream. |
An empire of creatures asexual most of the year has affected its human neighbors--or bred a new type. |
WHY I LIE: by Wayan, 2016/10/7, a dream on privacy-guilt |
In a class, asked to share a bit about myself, I lie. Why? Not only are people like me illegal, my particular story would be seen as impossible... |
WILD W.I.L.D.: by Dream Junkee; 2008/1/19, an epic lucid frustration dream? |
I'm lucid but paralyzed. A weird child spies on me; is she controlling me? Then I'm having sex--but if I come, I'll wake up! Then some thugs jump me. I make sure they won't bother me again, but... is everyone in this dream out to distract me? CAUTION: SEX, MUGGER-STOMPING |
WISH-RATIONED EARTH: by Wayan; 2015/6/19; an advisory dream on...miracles? |
I'm stranded on an alternate Earth under strict rationing--of wishes! But you need to wish a few times a year to keep the system greased... CAUTION: INSULTS BOTH CAPITALISM AND ASCETICISM |
WITCH AT THE IRON CORE: by Wayan; 1998/10/16, an engineering-proposal dream. |
A witch in the future invents a new way to terraform small dense moons--and it'd work!... |
WOLF EXOGAMY: by Wayan; 2010/12/19; a furry dating-advisory dream |
A dream of human and wolf people intermarrying provokes both a sculpture and a more wolfish attitude... |
A WOMEN'S WORLD: by Wayan; 1996/8/6, a psychic dream. |
I visit Earth during an all-female era. I'm a woman, can pass for local--so why do I lie to fit in? CAUTION: SEXIST SLUR |
THE WOODRING LAYER: by Wayan; 2008/7/7. A dream questioning art's job. |
Great towers rise into a fog zone--or is it another world with other rules? And how to draw both levels? |
THE WORLD-BIRD: by Wayan; 1982, crayon, 11x14." Nondream dreamlike image.. |
The bird that carries the world through space, whose eye is the sun... |
A WORLD DIES WELL: by Wayan; 1981/12/6, a dream of reconciliation. |
A world-mind I never really liked dies generously, helping others; so I make my peace with it... |
A WORLD TOO WEIRD FOR WORDS: by Wayan, 2011/1/21, a utopian dream--or is it? |
I'm in a college class studying a bizarre alternate Earth where anarchist co-ops never evolved and (of all things) money rules all... CAUTION: SCORNS CAPITALISM |
WORLDSTONES: dreamed fall 1895 & Aug 1898 by Mark Twain, & 2002/6/27 by Robert Moss |
Mark Twain dreams we're cells inside God, and writes of Huck Finn among the microbes. A century later, unaware of Twain's dreams, Robert Moss... |
XANADU: by Wayan; 2006/6/6, a nondream virtual world |
An alternate Titan, Titan as it should have been, with ethane seas full of life... |
YGGDRASIL COLONY: by Exarian; 2009/4/20, an Asimovian dream |
I dream of three colonies in the deep future. We outlived the universe itself, but can we survive each other? CAUTION: WAR, GENOCIDE, POLITICAL ALLEGORY |
YUM YUM!: by Wayan; 1985/1/31, a smelly dream. |
DAY: a toxic potluck. Not the first! But this time I say no... DREAM: I'm a scent-oriented alien, tossing stinkbombs back... |
ZENNA CAT: by Wayan; 1972/10/13, a childhood dream. |
My cat dissolves in the shower. I follow her to a telepathic world. I want to stay, but can I?... |
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