Dreams by Author: G-J Authors A-B, C-F, G-J, K-M, N-R, S, T-Z
What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000+ dreams plus 1000 more pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.
HARTAL: by Mahatma Gandhi, 1919/3/18, a dream of political advice After the puppet Indian legislature passed the Rowlett Acts (police could jail anyone anytime), Gandhi dreamed he must call for a nationwide hartal, a day of fasting--a declaration that freedom isn't just political but sacred... |
THE CHIANG-SHIH: by Julian Garberson; 2004/8/23, a surreal Han Dynasty nightmare A vampire wrestler on the Throne of Heaven pins me. Visualization and prayer don't free me--in fact, they get me killed... |
BRANCHING WOMAN: by Patricia Garfield 1973/3/9 & '71/5/1, recurrent dream motif; art by Brenda Ferrimani I was at a dream conference and brought up a recurrent theme that others hadn't mentioned: multiple antlerlike branchings... |
DECLARING INDEPENDENCE: by Patricia Garfield c.1946, Fiona '51, Lenore '58 & Helen '62 Four teens dream their moms are monsters: Patricia sees hers as a demonic doll, Fiona finds her mom's a wolf, Lenore's is a grinning vampire, and Helen's is a bossy, punitive octopus... |
DREAMSTONES: by Patricia Garfield; 1978/8/4, a dream of summoning a goddess In the cave, I chanted "Come Kama, Come Love..." and a procession of strange creatures came down the stone steps; squirrels, peacocks, a blue birdlike being with golden headdress, and then the Goddess of Love. Her form shocked me... |
BALLOON DRUG: by Patricia Garfield, 1974/2/3, a dream on thought-forms While writing about Tibetan dreamwork, I dream I'm on drugs and see myself in a mirror, first old & scarred, then young & sexcrazed. I think "This'd scare me if I hadn't been reading up on Yoga stuff!"... |
RED TO GREEN: by Patricia Garfield, c.1950, a punning advisory dream DREAM: I see the leaves outside turning from red to green, not green-to-red as usual in fall. AWAKE: I've been dating two boys called Red and Green. Guess my dreams have chosen... |
THUS BE: by Patricia Garfield, 1970/7/10, a worm-turns dream I'm overcharged at a grocery store--the checker confused my food with someone else's. I grab him, fly high up and drop him, splat. I chant "Thus be: Splat! Squashed flat..." CAUTION: DEATH PENALTY SEEMS A BIT MUCH |
TIL: by Patricia Garfield, c.1986, a mystical work-advice dream I'm a spirit flying over the dead, blessing them. They're in mass graves, sorted & grouped only by their life-stages--kids, adults, elders. Wait... is this how to structure my book? |
TWIN GODDESSES, or, LOGA-SHANA: by Patricia Garfield, 1980/12/26, a self-flagging psychic dream DREAM: at a dreamgroup, I tell a predictive dream that my artist friend's front tooth will get infected. Then we all chant "Loga-Shana!" THREE WEEKS LATER: my artist friend's front tooth gets a serious abcess... CAUTION: WILL TROUBLE E.S.P. SKEPTICS |
THE POWER OF THE BUTTERFLY: by Lisa Gale Garrigues ("Cory"); winter 1997, a dream of flying, shapeshifting and spiritual advice. When a flood traps me in my cabin, I dream I meet an old man who warns me "Let your butterflies go"... |
DREAMING TO SURVIVE: by Christoph Gassmann, 2001/8/13 & 2003/9/2: two lifesaving dreams A spot on my elbow triggers a dream of being in a suicide clinic, getting the injection, starting to die. Yet for two years, I put off having that spot checked! Only after a second warning dream do I go in to find... |
GOPA'S NIGHTMARE: by Gopa Gautama, c.534 BCE, a breakup-warning dream Gopa dreams the earth shakes, stars and meteors fall. She's naked, her marriage bed is broken, her husband Siddhartha's treasures lie scattered. He says "How auspicious!"--and prepares to abandon her and their son... CAUTION: SEXISM |
GENNADIUS: by Gennadius, ca. 415 CE, apparently the first recorded lucid dream Gennadius re-dreams a previous dream, helping him see he's dreaming. His guide points out spiritual implications... |
SUPERIMPOSED: by a German photographer, as told by Carl Jung; 1914-1916, a two-year synchronistic linkage A mom in the Black Forest photographed her young son and took the film to a lab in Strassburg. War broke out; she never got back. Two years later in Frankfurt, she photographed her young daughter. The film came back with both her kids--superimposed. The film with her son's latent, invisible image had wandered across wartorn Germany to be sold mistakenly as fresh--to her. CAUTION: TWISTS "COINCIDENCE" INTO A PRETZEL |
PAST PARTY, FUTURE HUSBAND: by a Georgia woman; before 1959, a psychic dream fusing past & future I dream a stranger's observing a lawn party at a house I've never seen. My beau recognizes the party from three years ago, but not the man. Two years later... |
EIGHT INJECTIONS AND A SHOCK by Georgina, Dec. 1987, as told by Peter James; a predictive dream. Georgina woke me. "I had to give a rich acquaintance eight injections in the neck. He left, climbing on high-voltage cables.." That day, we met a rich friend who had a ski accident. He got a new therapy: eight injections in the neck, then electroshock... CAUTION: UNCOMFORTABLY SPECIFIC "COINCIDENCE" |
PAT'S WARNING: by Pat, Allen and Gerry; 1947, a ghostlike warning from a living person's unconscious In occupied Germany, Pat flags down two friends just before a truck crash. Except... Pat was in England at the time. She sensed they were in danger, but... |
PRODROMAL DREAMLETS: by Arnaud de Villeneuve, c.1300; Conrad Gessner, 1565/12/8; M. Teste, 1830-1848, and Maurice Macario, early 1850s? four dreams predicting illness Dog bites doctor's leg. Snake bites scholar's chest. Apoplexy kills a government minister. Tonsillitis flattens a sleep and dream researcher... |
THE ARRIVAL: by Elizabeth Gibbons, 2014; a spiritual dream about dreams I'm a priestess from an island of women; I meet an angel who charges me to harvest all the dreams of the world... |
JANE GIFFORD: dreams drawn/painted by Jane Gifford 2001-'23 From the dream-sketchbooks of Jane Gifford: odd creatures, flying, coping with Covid, and cleaning the underworld (as one does)... |
THE LORD CHANCELOR'S NIGHTMARE: by Gilbert & Sullivan; 1882, a comic song-lyric on insomnia The Lord Chancelor can't sleep, and when at last he does, he drifts through nightmares full of baby lawyers and potted tradesmen sprouting fruit, and cutthroat corporate scheming. But that's Victorian dreaming! |
ENKIDU: by Gilgamesh of Uruk, c. 2750 BCE, an early prophetic dream The hero Gilgamesh troubles his city till he dreams the gods will send him a best friend & lover, Enkidu... CAUTION: SEX |
DOOR OF ETERNITY: by Marie-Claude Girondé, early 2000s, a painting on dreamwork's layeredness. "If you put an ear to the door of books and the doors of the night, if you pay attention, you can hear the conversation of poets..." |
DREAM OF ABYSSES: by Marie-Claude Girondé, spring 2007, a dream-drawing. Girondé dreams she's floating through the oceanic abyss... |
EVASION: by Marie-Claude Girondé, summer 2008?, a dream painting. One pays for soaring high with solitude of the soul... |
FANTASTIC RIDE: by Marie-Claude Girondé, spring 2007?, a dream painting. The dreamer overflows from her egg, spills out to become a waterfall, a stampede of horses... |
IN THE COURSE OF WORK: by Marie-Claude Girondé, spring 2007?, a dream sculpture Is that a madwoman riding a horse, or a cougar pouncing on a deer, or are these dream-creatures wildly making love? |
LET ME DREAM!: by Marie-Claude Girondé, spring 2007?, a dream painting. The dreamer becomes a horse, the horse becomes a unicorn. Dreams have their own quests apart from the conscious... |
LIBERTÉ: by Marie-Claude Girondé, c. 2005?, a dream painting. "Freedom is a gift you give yourself." But it doesn't always involve seahorses or babycarriages covered in quills... |
LES LICORNES: by Marie-Claude Girondé, fall 2007, a dream painting. Three unicorns gallop out of the waves... |
THE MAD UNVEILERS: by Marie-Claude Girondé, early 2009, a dream painting. The dancers, in a frenzy, stripped themselves. Not just their clothes; themselves... |
MEDITATION: by Marie-Claude Girondé, spring 2007, a dream painting. A jungle cat needs to take time out from a hard day's predation to have a quiet smoke... |
PRAYER: by Marie-Claude Girondé, early 2009, a dream painting. "Our resurrection is not entirely in the future; it's also in us, it begins, it's already begun..." |
GISLI THE OUTLAW: by Gisli the Outlaw of Iceland; 966-973, a series of at least ten life-saving dreams. Gisli had two spirit-wives who told him in dreams how to evade the bounty-hunters after him... for 13 years! |
FLAMING LEAVES: by Dr. Adele A. Gleason and John R. Joslyn; 1892/1/26, a shared dream. Adele: alone & scared in a dark wood--but her friend John came & shook a tree; it burst into flame! John, the same night: found Adele scared in a dark wood. Shook a bush & it burst into flame... |
THE GIANTESS OF THVERA: by Viga-Glum Eijolfsson; early 940s?, a very public clairvoyant dream. Viga-Glum dreamt a giantess came to visit. "She is the spirit-guide of my grandfather in Norway. He is dead... |
DREAM DANCE: by Allan Goldhammer, 2004-6; a dream-poem A high place at night. The lights of a great city below. I step off into the air, and dance... |
FOLLOWING THE ELEPHANTS: by John Goldhammer; 1990s, a ten-year series of 13 short dreams. Dream-elephants slowly bring me to terms with the early loss of my dad, and lead me out of a cult I've grown beyond... |
CYCLES AGO: dream by Maud Gonne, poem by WB Yeats; late July 1891, a dream-poem We were as if brother and sister of old in the desert land; they sold us in slavery together before this life had begun... |
GOPA'S NIGHTMARE: by Gopa Gautama, c.534 BCE, a breakup-warning dream Gopa dreams the earth shakes, stars and meteors fall. She's naked, her marriage bed is broken, her husband Siddhartha's treasures lie scattered. He says "How auspicious!"--and prepares to abandon her and their son... CAUTION: SEXISM |
SABOTAGED BOAT: by C. G. "Chinese" Gordon; c.1861-4, a recurrent warning dream I recognized the saboteur. If I had neglected that dream warning we all would likely have drowned... |
THE PLANTER OF SEEDS: by Victoria Goro-Rapoport, 2011, print based on recurring dreams I often dream I'm lost in a strange city, wandering the unfamiliar streets in search of something unknown, and possibly unknowable... |
APPOINTMENT IN VENICE: by Alex Gotfryd, 1981, recurring dreams he photographed! Haunted by a recurring dream of a mysterious affair in Venice, I talked friends into modeling for a photo shoot, and over two weeks we re-staged my dream... |
CANCELLED by Steve Grant, 1996 or before, a new sort of theatrical nightmare The curtain rises. Empty stage. I wait... for an hour! I can't move, can't leave. Then a sting at my throat, the scent of blood, and as I collapse, a woman announces "Tonight's show is cancelled due to the death of..." CAUTION: FIRST-HAND DEATH SCENE |
A CREATURE: by Albert Grass, 1938? Or Zoe Beloff, c.2008? An early Freudian dream-comic--or a hoax! Dream: wild animals race across Paris, but in my hotel lobby, a small creature on my shoulder murmurs "Je t'aime." Awake, I know those racers from the themepark where I work. But the creature takes me way back--to Paris, 1918... CAUTION: ONE-NIGHT STAND |
ANAGRAMMAGIC: by Robert Graves, 1938 or 39, a possibly telepathic dream DAY: Friends described JW Dunne's experiments with time. I decide to look for dream elements from the future. DREAM: I meet Oscar Wilde & other writers I dislike. A nonsense word like TELPOE or PELTOE appears... DAY: A letter arrives full of anagrams (based on my poetry) about Oscar Wilde & other writers I dislike... |
(A DREAM OF) FRANCES SPEEDWELL: by Robert Graves; 1971?, a dream-poem Decades ago, I was too shy to talk to Frances. Now I'm going upstairs with a girl who looks like her but... |
YOUR TURN: by Julian Green; 1933/10/18, a surreal but fair-minded dream. I was nineteen again, riding my horse down a bad road in Virginia. After three hours, my horse spoke up... |
ARABIA by Graham Greene, c.1965?, a frustrating dream We treasure-hunters anchored off the Arabian coast--the legendary ruins of Orbutum. But an American showed up with papers claiming his government had the rights to it all. And... CAUTION: SNIPPY ABOUT AMERICANS |
ARCHBISHOP by Graham Greene, Jan.1975, a comic dream The newspaper said I was to be appointed Archbishop. But the Cardinal had a detective investigate me, who found improprieties--ones that make no sense... |
BAD WRITING by Graham Greene, 1975/5/5, a dream warning of perfectionism My family needs money, so I must publish. But my first draft is trash. My secretary and my mistress try to calm me down but I consider suicide. At least then I won't have to see it... |
THE END by Graham Greene, 1989, a sort of epitaph-dream From my sick ward I sent a last poem to a competition, describing my decline into dependency. Death by TV... |
FACE OF A SAINT by Graham Greene, 1964/10/6, a possibly-psychic dreamlet DREAM: I dined with Khrushchev. I liked him. I told my friends "He has a beautiful face, the face of a saint." NINE DAYS LATER: Of course saints can't be sanctified while they're living. Khrushchev was overthrown... CAUTION: CHANCE OR FORESIGHT? |
FORD MADOX FORD: by Graham Greene; c.1965? a punning literary dream I go on a country ramble with writer Ford Madox Ford. He tells me local legends; he drapes a bull over his shoulders; we cross a stream on a lock; he comments on men's fashion preferences. What's going on here? |
A GAME OF CROQUET by Graham Greene, Jan. 1984, a theatrical joke of a dream I was at a play, A Game of Croquet, with lines that flowed so well I felt as if I'd written it myself... CAUTION: NARRATOR UNRELIABLE? |
GENERAL COGNY'S CRASH by Graham Greene, 1968/9/10, a psychic little warning dream Greene woke shaken. "I dreamt of catastrophe. I hope nothing has happened to one of my family or a close friend." A few miles away, an airliner had been shot down, killing all. On board was his friend General René Cogny... |
GOD'S EVOLUTION by Graham Greene, between 1965 & '73, a long-view dream God has a night-side, as we do. We evolve, with slips back into darkness, generations long; and God does too, though perhaps with more pain... CAUTION: PHILOSOPHY |
GOEBBEL'S NOSE by Graham Greene, 1965 or after; a real spy's spy-dream I infiltrated a Nazi nest to give Goebbels a poisoned cigarette. All I could do was to light it, jam it up his nostril and flee, hoping the dose was enough... |
JUMP OVERBOARD: by Graham Greene; 1925/12/11, a possibly psychic nightmare. Wednesday night I dreamed I had to jump overboard... that night there was a wreck off the Yorkshire coast in a storm and the captain ordered his men to jump into the sea... |
THE ROWAN: by Graham Greene; 1921, a possibly psychic nightmare. The ship I was on going down in the Irish Sea. It was not till yesterday, looking at an old paper, I saw about the sinking of the Rowan in the Irish sea... |
TITANIC IMAGE: by Graham Greene; 1912/4/14?, a child's nightmare as the Titanic sank One image has remained with me for more than sixty years: a man in oilskins bent double under the blow of a great wave... |
WILSON'S PLAN by Graham Greene, late 1964, a snarky political dream Prime Minister Wilson was gushing about urban renewal. He planned to raze the slums and make the poor camp in public buildings until enough apartments were built... CAUTION: TECHNOCRATS! | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
STOCKDEN'S MURDER: by Elizabeth Greenwood; Dec 1695-Jan 1696, six dreams solving a murder. Greenwood dreamt her murdered neighbor's ghost gave her tips helping her catch his three killers... |
HE HAS REPENTED: by Frederick Greenwood; before 1894, a pre-Freud discovery of the unconscious A con artist fools me and a waiter. But if my dreamfolk are all me, who's fooling whom? |
HER HAND ON THE MANTEL: by Frederick Greenwood; before 1894; a disowned predictive dream Greenwood dreams he finds a severed hand on a mantelpiece. The next day it happens! But he sees no moral, so he dismisses it... |
THE BOAT IS SINKING: by Mrs Griffiths; 1734/8/6, a recurrent warning dream Mrs Griffiths has the same nightmare three times before she asks her nephew to skip a fishing trip... |
ARHATS IN A DREAM: by Guan Xiu, c.891, early dream paintings Guan Xiu, a painter in the late Tang Dynasty, dreamt that sixteen arhats or luohans (Buddhist sort-of-saints) asked him to paint their portraits-- not their earthly forms but their (rather peculiar) astral forms. He did... |
PRISONER OF DREAMS: by Margherita Guareschi, c.1951, as told by her husband; episodic dreams Margherita's dreamworld is lonely, empty, endless. She wanders on foot. Her husband gets her a bike, a patch kit, and when she crashes, hears her cry for help--while awake... CAUTION: MARITAL TELEPATHY OR ITALIAN HYPERBOLE? |
GUDEA'S TEMPLE: by Gudea of Lagash; c.2125 BCE: one of the first false-waking or nested dreams A winged god whose body's a wave urged me to do... what? I couldn't understand him! I woke... A scribe with a shining stylus listed stars; an architect gave me plans and a brick-mold. I woke again! My dream had clarified itself. So I built the temple shown me, aligned with those stars... |
GUDRUN'S FOUR HUSBANDS: by Gudrun Osvifursdottir; summer 988, plus spring 1026
Four childhood dreams predicting Gudrun's life; plus a predictive dream by her husband Thorkell Eyjolfson Gudrun dreams of four treasures: a hood, a bracelet, a ring, a jeweled helm. Her cousin sees them as four marriages... |
ENCHANTED GLASS; before 1983, by Charles Gullans, a poem on recurring nightmares of shapeshifters Their bodies shift, and alter. Antlers sprout... much has been taken, and something terrible is grafted... CAUTION: HUMAN SUPREMACISM |
TRAUMDEUTUNG; before 1983, by Charles Gullans, a cryptic warning dreampoem I was walking on an endless plain, upright and tense, walking beside you, hurrying. What were we doing on the burning plain? What war... |
WHODUNIT? AND WHAT DID THEY DO?: by Derek Gullino, late 70s? Five nightmares, five years old 1: Dad picks up Bigfoot; he bites off my ear. 2: Dad abandons me in a canyon full of wolves. 3: The man who killed my family hands me his ax. 4: Bees move into my pillow. 5: A marionette with razor-nails lures me close... CAUTION: OUCH |
AT THE CENTRE: by Thom Gunn, c.1970, poem on a transcendent acid trip Enlightenment came to me via that shimmering, animated Hamm's Beer billboard... CAUTION: SAY YES TO DRUGS? |
DUMP: by Thom Gunn, between 1993 & '99, a nightmare about legacies His literary afterlife was just six inches of shelf space. But then friends brought more, trucks more, til I slid down hills of paper... CAUTION: DEATH'S AFTERMATH |
MOLY: by Thom Gunn, c.1968, a nightmare poem. She turned me to a pig. I rooted hungrily, not for food but for moly, the sacred herb that could undo her spell... CAUTION: TRAPPED IN PORCINITY |
GUNNHILDR'S BIRTH DREAM: by Gunnhildr; c. 1150, a surreal predictive dream. I dreamt I gave birth to a white-hot stone shedding sparks. Most folk would find my son strange... |
GUNTRAM'S SNAKE by King Guntram, c.570 CE; a profitable out-of-body dream On a hunt, Guntram took a nap. His courtier saw a snake emerge from his mouth; it tried to cross a creek. The courtier lay his sword out like a bridge, and the snake crossed, climbed a hill, and went in a hole. It returned and crawled in Guntram's mouth. He woke and said "I was crossing a river on a great iron bridge..." |
IN MY DARKEST HOUR: by Arlo Guthrie; 1967, a song heard in a dream. A man in a castle plots against his enemies, while his rebel-daughter meets her lover outside... |
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BOTH MOURN, BOTH DIE: by "J.H., Esquire", 1694/12/9, a double premonitory dream J.H. dreamt both his mother and Queen Mary appeared in mourning. Within days, both were dying... |
AROUND LAKE ERIE AND ACROSS THE HUDSON: by Rachel Hadas; 1997? a dream-poem My dead friend Charlie and his sister and I are driving around Lake Erie. We know it's a dream and he's dead, and yet we're joyous... |
JAMES MERRILL REMEMBERED: by Rachel Hadas; around May 1995; two dream-poems Soon after my friend and mentor James Merrill died, I had recurring, elusive dreams about him... |
MY MOTHER'S CLOSET: by Rachel Hadas, c. 2000; a dream-poem provoking a 2008/9/16 dream by Chris Wayan I was in my mother's closet, trying on her outfits, and trapped in Hamlet, too... |
EAGLE WOMAN: by Hosteen Hal, 1914, an old-friend-becomes-anima dream An eagle lands near me and turns into a woman. She says "That pet eagle you had as a child? It's me!" I'm a bit surprised. She wants a turquoise bead with a hole in it, and I look for one... |
PLANE OVER ORAIBI: by Hosteen Hal, c.1902-13; a long-range predictive dream Before I'd ever heard of planes, I dreamed one landed near me. A white man invited me to ride, and we flew over Oraibi. I told people but they didn't believe such a thing could come true... |
CIGARETTES by Joe Haldeman, 1970-71, recurring nightmare After I returned from Vietnam I kept dreaming I was in the jungle with a box of blasting caps, while a enemy soldier chases me, throwing lit cigarettes at me--and he has an infinite supply... |
RAGNHILD'S TREE and HALFDAN'S CURLS: by Queen Ragnhild and King Halfdan of Norway; c.850 CE twin dreams predicting their children and nation will prosper. Ragnhild sees a lovely tree rooted in her pain and blood; Halfdan sleeps with pigs and dreams he has a great head of hair... CAUTION: KIDNAPPING, ARSON, GENERAL BARBARISM (check the date!) |
A FINAL GOODBYE: by Justin Hall; dreamed summer 2001, drawn 2003; comic of a lucid dream on closure. I found myself in a cafe in Amsterdam--or was it Sevilla?--with Kevin, who I knew was dead... CAUTION: GRIEF |
SAINT HELENA: by Edmund Halley; 1676, a predictive dream. Astronomer Edmund Halley had dreamed of sailing to St Helena in the South Atlantic, but didn't realize until he arrived how accurate his dreams had been... |
BLACKBIRD: by Anna Halprin; 2002-2005?, a recurring dream of a spirit guide. At first I was afraid of the blackbird, who asked me to come away with him--I wasn't ready to die-- but now I see him as a friend and guide. One day when I'm ready, we'll fly--and I won't be back. |
TAMALPAIS: by Anna Halprin, 1979, a dream inspiring annual healing ceremonies A murderer was stalking Mt Tam. I dreamed I met the murderous spirit; only by allying with small dancers from inside the mountain could we defeat it... CAUTION: NEW AGE |
THUMBSUCKER!: by a patient of William Hammond, c.1868, an epic comic taste dream I paint my thumb with bitter aloes to break my habit of sucking it at night. I dream of wormwood, ox gall, mineral salts. I consult Dr. Save Me and even the Pope, but... |
VOLITION ON THE BRINK: by Dr William Hammond, c.1867. I'm on a mesa, looking down in terror. I try to pull back but a compulsion overrides my will--I crawl helplessly forward until I go over. As I fall... CAUTION: PRE-FREUDIAN DISMISSAL OF WARNING |
WHISTLE: by Dr William Hammond, c.1865; a self-flagging predictive nightmare On a long steamboat voyage, a living skeleton swaps a warning for my watch; when the whistle sounds, the boiler will blow. As it does, I dive in the river and wake to discover a real whistle... CAUTION: UNCANNY SYNCHRONIZATION? |
STRANGE GIRL STALKING ME IN MY DREAMS: by Mike Hanes; 2010/12/11, a dream recovering a lost dream! This strange girl reminds me "I rode your bike recently but you forgot." She's right! Rode it in an earlier dream... |
"LOOK IN THE WELL!": by Elizabeth Harcourt; 1777/9/15, an unheeded warning dream. Elizabeth tried to tell her dream, but her husband didn't listen. When his dad didn't show up for dinner, it was too late... |
APOCALYPSE IN ST. JAMES'S PARK: by Robin Hardy; pre-1983, a quiet Cold War nightmare I find myself at a party in London observing two minutes of silence for the dead of World Wars One and Two. But then, in the park, blowing across the grass like leaves, were people. The windows imploded. Surely, I thought, there should be a flash before the wind? |
EYELASH GUY: by HareTrinity; 2003?4?5?, a fortunately nonrecurring dream A coach-driving vampire seemed kind of cute until he raped me. If that's even his real face... CAUTION: LANGUAGE, VIOLENCE |
CRISSI THE DRIDER: by Brian Harp; 2003/1/16, a recurring dream character Crissi is a strange creature that has prowled my subconscious for a few years... CAUTION: SPIDER SEX, BONDAGE |
DANCE OF THE ENIGMAS: by Brian Harp; 2000, a dream of a sphinx-riddle She asked "What, plus a teaspoon of knowledge and a teaspoon of wisdom, makes three teaspoons of nothing?" |
WINGED BOOBY SNAKE: by Brian Harp; 2005, a dream character A winged serpentine beast from my dreamscape... CAUTION: SNAKE BREASTS |
TREASURE UNDER STONE, or, OOPS: by Daniel Healy; Jan. 1774, a recurring dream of treasure Daniel thrice dreamt of money hidden under a great stone in a nearby field. He dug and found a surprise... CAUTION: IRISH HUMOR |
TORCH-BEARER: by Queen Hecuba of Troy; c. 1270 BCE, an alarming dream. Hecuba dreams she gives birth, not to a child but a flaming torch! But she lets Paris live... CAUTION: MORAL NO-WIN SITUATION |
JIM'S POWDER: by Helen; pre-1961, a telepathic warning dream I dreamt I was begging Jim not to kill himself, but when I woke, I couldn't bring myself to call. I hardly knew him... CAUTION: GUILT OVER (PREVENTABLE?) DEATH |
DECLARING INDEPENDENCE: by Patricia Garfield c.1946, Fiona '51, Lenore '58 & Helen '62 Four teens dream their moms are monsters: Patricia sees hers as a demonic doll, Fiona finds her mom's a wolf, Lenore's is a grinning vampire, and Helen's is a bossy, punitive octopus... |
BREAD CHESS: by Helen's fiancé; 1930-33, a detailed psychic dream Stalin's police held my fiancée incommunicado. But I dreamt of her prison, cellmate, and the odd game they played... |
I DO, WE DO: by Victor Henderson; 1982/2/16, a dream & painting on swapping faces A surgeon persuaded me to swap my face with another man's. But I found I felt compelled to carry on his life, not mine--to pass for him. And when I demanded my face back... |
CORRIDOR: by Barbara Heninger 1996/12/23, a dream-poem. In the dream-corridor of the many doors, I meet my husband, my lover, and my daughter... |
A SHARP CLICK: by Herbert W., 1932/5/30, apparent spirit-rapping My friend Mr D. studied psychic research but was skeptical of telekinesis. But 24 hours after his own death... |
DON'T TREAD ON ME: by Herdis Bollisurdottir; c.1040, a psychic dream of a ghost with an agenda A ghost complains Herdis's grandma bothers her. Herdis wakes, tells Grandma, and they dig up the floor to find... |
THE VISION: by Robert Herrick; 1648, an eroti-political dream poem I dreamt Anacreon the poet reeled with drink and lust--and I am wild and wanton like to him... |
LEARN TO FLY: by Hexx-Kitty; 2006/7/15, a nightmare image. This big red rabbit in a straitjacket was chasing me through a big gothic mental asylum. Scared me silly... |
PUPPY: by Naoki Higashida; March or April 2015, a role-reversal dream I walk home with a puppy to meet my mum, who addresses the dog by my name and invites him in, while I head for my doghouse in the garden... |
CRUCIFERS: by Greg Hildebrandt; recurring nightmares 1969-71, painted 1971 After breaking with the Catholic Church, Greg had recurrent nightmares about its history of atrocities and cover-ups. Out of this came a series of paintings unlike his famous book covers. This was the first... CAUTION: MURDEROUS MOB |
TRANSLUCENCE: AN ASSAY: by Jane Hirshfield; c.2005?, a dream poem of a lost opportunity A dog implausibly large, with fur the color of rose-quartz, wanted me to follow her... |
CHAKAT: by Katie Hofgard; 2003/4/22?, a dream self-portrait I dreamed I was a cattaur... |
LIFE MATES: by Katie Hofgard; 2003/4/19?, a reincarnation-romance dream Mysterious doings on an archeological dig bring a creature back to life, but this is no Mummy... |
MY PET MONSTER: by Katie Hofgard; 2005/5/17?, an erotic nightmare |
I'm a sexy monster, but my sister sells me to the Devil as his bride... CAUTION: SEXY CREATURE, ROTTEN SISTER |
PASSION: by Katie Hofgard; 2006, an undream portrait of a complex woman. |
Talk about mixed messages! Or... is it really? CAUTION: NUDITY, SLIGHT FIRE HAZARD |
PINK CHILD AND PRESTON: by Katie Hofgard; 2005/5/7?, a sexy dream of childhood |
My boyfriend and I are beings with pinkish joints... CAUTION: SEXY CREATURES |
TIME WARRIOR: by Katie Hofgard, c. 2004, a daydream on transformation |
She was a girl playing in the woods when she found the dying silver fox. His body transformed into a fox-mask. His spirit said "When you come of age..." |
TO HELL: by Katie Hofgard; 2003/4/19?, a nightmare of loyalty |
I loyally served a demon who punished me until at last he sent me to hell. And STILL I didn't rebel... CAUTION: BLOODY ABUSE |
VENOM PUDDLE: Katie Hofgard; 2006/5/10?, recurring dream character |
This black wolf thing named Venom often shows up in my dreams..... CAUTION: SCARY WOLF. OR OILSLICK. ONE OF THOSE. |
WE MEET IN DREAMS: by Katie Hofgard; 2005?, a dream-portrait |
I only meet my wolf-soulmate in recurrent dreams... CAUTION: SEXY CREATURES |
THE DREAM: by John Hollander; spring 1974; a painful dream-poem |
I find my lover sharing our secret joke with another. But I already knew I'd lost her! Why'd my dream salt the wound? |
THE TRAIN: by John Hollander; spring 1974; a poem based on a shared dream |
A couple slips in and out of sleep, dreams, one another's bodies and dreamworlds, trying to connect... CAUTION: FREUDIAN SYMBOLISM, LITERATE WRITING |
THE TRUMPETER: by John Hollander, Dec. 1971 or Jan. '72, a (self-aware?) hypnogogic dream |
In the border-mountains, there is a Trumpeter. His clear, triadic melodies break out through the frosty air, or through the swirling mists. No one knows whether the Trumpeter is theirs or ours... |
MEOPHAM AIR DISASTER: by G.H.M. Holms; 1930/7/18, a surreal predictive dream |
Suddenly, out of the clouds, a man came shooting down, head first, at a terrific pace. He landed on his head with a sickening... CAUTION: GRISLY |
INDIAN SCHOOL: by Hasteen Hon, 1926, a death-foreseeing dream |
My grandmother told me dreams tell the truth. I was skeptical. I dreamed my brother came home from Indian school. He looked terrible-- skeletal, with sooty skin. Soon after, my brother got sick. He looked as he did in the dream. We brought him home. Four days later, he... |
LIGHTNING: by Hasteen Hon, 1930, a warning dream |
DREAM: the storm was strange and fierce. A voice warned me the clouds were somehow dangerous. DAY: I got caught out in a fierce storm. I dismounted and sheltered under a tree. Lightning struck, and... |
UTE RAID: by Hasteen Hon's grandmother, c.1856 or c.1873, a possibly lifesaving dream |
When my grandmother was young her husband had a prosperous ranch. She dreamed some Indians attacked. She convinced them to hide; the Utes killed or stole nearly all their sheep. But at least they were alive... |
SKYLIGHT: by an Honorable Lady; before 1894, a crimesolving dream (psychic? subliminal? ghost-visit?) |
My dead father said a trusted servant was stealing our goods through an unlocked skylight. This proved true... |
BOGNOR MARRIAGE: by Thomas Hood; 1825; a newlywed nightmare |
I found a honeymoon cottage by the sea, and the old landlady gave me a very reasonable rate. Everything was fine... |
DRAMA IS HELL!: by Thomas Hood; 1824?; a comic nightmare |
When my first play failed, I tried to console myself by reading Paradise Lost. But drama and devils don't mix... |
WHY ARE WE AFRAID TO DIE?: by Hopper; summer 2008, an astral-interview dream.
I meet a ghost girl and ask her about death. I figure she knows first-hand. And she tells me... |
TRINITY: by Nashoba Hostina; 2002? A nightmare of losing best friends to romantic love |
We were inseparable: the tiger, the fox, and the wolf. Together our magic lit up the darkness around us, until... |
SEWING ADVICE FROM CANNIBALS: by Elias Howe, 1845, an inventor's helpful nightmare. |
His sewing-machine design failed--until dream-cannibals caught him & jabbed him with weird needles... CAUTION: OUCH! |
THE MAN AT THE END OF THE PASSAGE: by John Hubbard c.1915? a surprise-ending dream |
War between a big conformist land and a small land devoted to quality. Big Land's rulers all die, but at last, sheer numbers defeat the smaller land. Now their leader, beaten and starved, awaits the sword at the end of the hall... CAUTION: POLITICAL? ACCORDING TO CARL JUNG! |
IRONFALL: by William Henry Hudson; 1859, the first dream of an extinction event? |
I saw a dark object like a cloud at a vast height, but coming swiftly down toward the earth. It resolved itself into iron bars--tens of thousands, millions? I said: this is the end of everything... |
BIRDS AT WAR: by Martín Painemal Huenchual, 1973/12/11, a warning dream |
DREAM: Millions of birds were at war, tearing one another apart. It was out of control, thousands and thousands... DAY: Pinochet's coup took Chile. Alerted by the dream, Painemal went into hiding and lived--unlike thousands... CAUTION: EXTRAPOLATIVE OR PSYCHIC? |
STAGE FAILURE: by Dana Hughes, art by Jesse Reklaw; pre-2000; a dream of surrender |
I'm on stage. I have to sing. They just stare. I try dancing. Stony silence. At last, a second me leads me offstage, saying "You can only fail so many times"... |
THOUGHT-FOX by Ted Hughes, 1960, as told by Al Alvarez; career-advisory dreams |
Hughes got stuck writing a dreary literary essay. He slept on it. In his dreams, a fox came into his room, read his essay, and with a touch of his paw, burned it! Hughes wrote a poem about a fox and left THAT on his desk. That night he dreamt the fox returned, read the poem, and gave a thumbs-up. Hughes had a new career.... |
MARIANNE'S DREAM: by Marianne Hunt c.1817, as told by Percy Shelley; a dream-poem. |
A black anchor floats in the sky to the east. Impossible cities rise on mountaintops, only to erupt in flame. The sea rises to drown them. On a plank, I ride the flood. In the ruins, I find angelic statues--who wake... |
"DEATH! DEATH!" by William Holman Hunt; 1854/1/20 (or so); a one-year predictive dream |
DREAM: Hunt's mother points at a tall figure in the shadows and shrieks "Death! Death!" ONE YEAR LATER: in Jerusalem, his hostess finds her young son dead, and shrieks... CAUTION: BEWARE THE IDES OF JANUARY? |
PAUL RYAN: by Maebh Hurley; 2016/8/14, a disgusted dreamlet |
I'm walking down a crowded hall at school when I see the Speaker of the House with my chemistry teacher... CAUTION: POLITICAL INVECTIVE |
RAGS TO RICHES: A FIGHT FOR LOVE: by Hyal; October 2006, a dream of courage. |
I was just a street rat, but I danced with the princess at a ball, and fell in love. Three rich suitors pulled their blades... |
TRESPASSERS IN MALANCHAI: by Hyal; Feb 1996, an epic dream with a psychic intrusion. |
A maneless lion-boy wins his people's respect. While training, he sees weird trespassers who seem to be from someone else's dream... and ten years later, he finds that dreamer. I
| |
GREEN SHOES: by Debbie Ifasi and "C."; late 1988? shared or parallel dreams |
DEBBIE: I dream of my friend G's new girlfriend C (who I've never met) and tell her "you'll never fill my shoes." C: I dreamed I met Debbie. She wore green shoes, and said "See these shoes, you could never fit into them"... CAUTION: WILL ANNOY E.S.P. DENIERS |
MIDORI'S DREAM: by Midori Yamane, as told and drawn by her friend Igort, 2015. |
I see a shop in Kyoto in the early 1900s. The old woman running it is calm, with precise movements and sure hands. A voice says "That lady is Igort"... |
ILARYA'S MIRACLE: by Ilarya, c.1639, a suspension of reality in order to... buy a fish? |
A cranky nun wants fish. Ilarya, the monastery's cook, sets out to buy one--a long walk, and unsafe after dark. So Ilarya asks the sun to halt! She buys her fish, cooks, feeds her patient, and forgets to tell it to set... CAUTION: PETTY, GOOFY, COMMUNITY-BAFFLING MIRACLE |
PIANOS IN THE SKY: by an Illinois woman; before 1948, a happy recurrent dream come true |
My heart's desire was a new piano, as hopeless as owning a yacht. The dream: a huge space in the air, full of wonderful... |
CLOCKS STOP, CLOCKS START: 1953/10/3 and pre-1961; two family reports of psychokinesis |
Indiana: Father's favorite clock, a cuckoo clock, stopped at exactly the time he died... Florida: an old clock silent for years started up at 10:20, the time of my husband's death the day before... |
HE REMARRIED: by an Iowa divorcee; 1907, an unlikely oracular flash |
My mother's face took on a sudden expression of astonishment--possibly agony. She said "Your father is remarrying." I laughed. 'Impossible. He'd have told me. I had a letter from him only a few days ago..." |
A WHITE-FACED MARE, 29 YEARS LATER: by an Iowa grandma; 1918, a predictive dream |
My grandmother dreamt a white-faced black mare trampled me in our orchard. We had no such mare. But 29 years later, I boarded a man's two mares... |
BLIND by Robert Irwin, 1996 or before; a dream of one sort of blind leading another. |
I guide a blind man through the People's Palace of Marvels. Vaguely lucid, I create an ice rink. If I can do that, I can heal the blind, right? Wrong! He's let down--furious. I misunderstood... |
THREE-YEAR PREGNANCY: by Ithmonike of Pellene, c.320 BCE, Two dreams of an odd god. |
I was barren. I asked Asklepios, God of Healing, to make me pregnant. Soon I was--for 3 years, until... |
BURNING HOUSE: by Graciela Iturbide, 2006 or before; a Pygmalion dream |
My home was burning; I despaired. All my negatives would be lost. But some figures arose from their photos and walked out of the fire... |
EL SEÑOR DE LOS PÁJAROS: by Graciela Iturbide; 1980-83, recurring, possibly predictive dream |
I dreamed a sentence over and over: "In my country I shall plant birds." And I saw a man with many birds flying around him... J
| |
CROW RIDE (ONE-WAY TICKET): by J.P., c.1920, a trickster dream |
A crow offers me a ride. I hang on tight and he flies me up into a beech tree where lots of other crows perch and talk. Then he flies me to another tree and leaves me. I think "How am I gonna get down?"... |
MUSKRAT, OTTER, MINK: by J.P., c.1900, a trapper's shamanic-fistfight dream |
Three men chase me. I can't get away so I turn and fight, and put out one guy's eye. That makes them pause! At last they back away. As they paddle away in a boat, I realize who they are: Muskrat, Otter and Mink... CAUTION: ANTHROPOLOGISTS! |
GRAVES: by J.S., 1901, a predictive nightmare |
I dreamt my wife and I lived on a farm. I was summer and all was ripe. But I found I wasn't digging vegetable beds, but graves. I woke. By next summer, my wife and child were both... |
LONGEVITY ROAD: by J.S., c.1898, a predictive life-arc dream |
I walked along a hilly road with ropes and boxes. My wife vanished in a hollow. But my path went on until the hills were blue in the distance. An old man interpreted... |
MY MOTHER & I: by J.S. & his mother, c.1910?, shared/parallel dreams |
MY DREAM: I was walking a hilly road, my uncle ahead, my stepdad behind; trying to keep them in sight. My mom appeared and I woke. MY MOTHER'S: the same. She told me hers before I told her mine. She thought it meant my uncle would die first, then me, then... CAUTION: APPARENT TELEPATHY, BUT MISINTERPRETED MEANING |
PLAYMATES: by J.S., c.1893, a childhood dream |
When I was little, two boys with strange laughs invited me to play. Their house was crowded and underground. After I came back out, I realized their home was a grave and they were ghosts. They gave me a power... |
WEREWOLF PARADOX: by Garvin Jabusch, art by Jesse Reklaw; pre-2000; an ironic nightmare |
I must outrun the rising moon so I don't turn into a wolf and kill my friends, but only a werewolf is swift enough to... |
JACK IN THE DITCH: by Jack's mom; 1944/6/6, 6/7 & 6/8, three apparently telepathic dreams |
Jack was a parachutist on D-Day. His mom dreamt of the strafings, the ditch he hid in, the deaths of his comrades... |
JACOB'S LADDER: by Jacob, grandson of Abraham; c. 2050 BCE; a self-fulfilling prophetic dream. |
Jacob dreams of angels climbing to heaven. He meets God, who promises the Holy Land to him and his tribe. Jacob uncritically accepts... |
I DREAMT I WAS SOMEONE ELSE: by Moonlit Jade, c.2000, a child's genderbent dream |
I dreamt I was an adult, and male. I was hiking in the snow with my girlfriend or wife. I felt protective--and utterly at home in this quite different body. If dreams process our daily experience, what did this dream draw on? |
HELL-BOUND TRAIN: by Franz Jaegerstetter, summer 1938; a political dream |
I was ordered to join Hitler's army. I dreamt a booming voice proclaimed, "This train is going to Hell!" So I... |
FLYING TO SAFETY: by JahaRa2010, c.1982, a dream of flight & teaching flight |
Our group's being hunted. We flee into a cave. A gulf ahead that we can't jump. We have to fly. I know how, and I teach the kids among us quickly enough, but the adults are scared to try... |
TURNABOUT: by Henry James; 1870s or 80s; a nightmare reversed by sheer courage. |
A night-fiend strove to open the door I held shut between us-- until I realized I too was terrible, and opened it to find a great... CAUTION: THE DREADED PROSE OF HENRY JAMES |
EIGHT INJECTIONS AND A SHOCK by Georgina, Dec. 1987, as told by Peter James; a predictive dream. |
Georgina woke me. "I had to give a rich acquaintance eight injections in the neck. He left, climbing on high-voltage cables.." That day, we met a rich friend who had a ski accident. He got a new therapy: eight injections in the neck, then electroshock... CAUTION: UNCOMFORTABLY SPECIFIC "COINCIDENCE" |
A DREAM WITHIN A DREAM: by Afton Jandro; c.1983, a transcendent dream |
Africa. The elephant seemed attracted to a strange wave of white heat. It faded to nothingness. Suddenly we too were enveloped. I became flame. I was consumed. I was a thought center, alone in a white void. To create a new life I had only to speak the word... CAUTION: DEATH |
PIANO-PLAYING JANE: by Jane, 1972-3?, recurring frustration dreams |
When I try to play the piano in public I get sabotaged. At last I see a child who says she can't play while she's in pain... |
MULTIPLICATION RHYMES: by Jeff, c.1983, as told to Patricia Garfield, a problem-solving dream |
Jeff's stepson Lewis can't memorize the times tables. Jeff sleeps on it, but wakes only with a silly rhyme. But he chants it, and Lewis adds more rhymes--one per equation. He goes from class dunce to the best... |
JESSICA THE MERMAID: by Jessica, mid-1977, dream-provoked dream |
At a dream workshop for kids, James's trickster dream-figures provoked Jessica to dream one chased her; fleeing, she jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge, became a mermaid, and married the trickster... |
JILL'S CONTRASTING DREAMS: by Jill, 1990s (several years apart), two diagnostic dreams |
Jill, pregnant, got a high fever. She dreamt her child's soul was locked out of the house. That fetus died. Jill, pregnant again, got a high fever, but dreamt a chorus of children happily sang. That fetus lived... |
THE STONE BRIDGE: by JL; 1968, as told to Georges Perec; a surreal, haiku-ish dreamlet. Dream #39 |
A stone bridge, at the crossing of a road and a river. A signal sign indicates the name of the place: (YOU)... |
BACKWARDS CAUSATION: by Jo; 2008/3/3, a dream where I dream a dream in which I dream |
No matter who I dream I am, twin secret agents dog me, eating my soup, playing my games... CAUTION: PHILOSOPHY! |
DEMON-SUMMONING IS JUST A MISDEMEANOUR: by Jo; 2017/7/26, a gender-bent diagnostic nightmare |
I protect my friends from a demon, but the dream-guardians I summon terrify me... |
THE HEIDEGGARIAN BARBARIAN: by Jo, 2007/02/02, a dream of hopping between two characters |
I was two-thirds of a love triangle, but I always lost out. Flying was some consolation... CAUTION: RAT DEATH, EVIL WHALES AND ADULTERY |
THE TIGER AND THE WOLF: by Jo; 2011/1/15; a dream of temptation |
A black dog leads me into the fairy wood. I'm curious what happens to those who walk under the tree where the Lightning Tiger lurks.... |
UNCONTROLLED TIME TRAVEL: by Jo; 2007/7/13, a time-slipping dream. |
I'm a drug-addicted amateur dramatist. A businessman and I bring humanity back from extinction, but... CAUTION: TORTURE (brief), ADVOCACY OF WAR, HUMAN EXTINCTION (offstage) |
VRILLASSA'S ONLY PRIEST: by Jo; 2007/2/10, a dream of meeting God |
A job as the only priest on an island colony sounded perfect, only I'm the wrong religion... CAUTION: DOGMATISTS AND DEAD BIRDS TALKING |
NUCLEAR NIGHTMARES: by Erica DeMane, Michael, Joanne and Scott; c.1984, four creepy dreams |
Erica dreams that during a protest she's caught in a radioactive flood... Michael dreams a nuclear forcefield makes his fingertips explode and congeal into weird knobs... Joanne dreams she meets nuclear mutants with curling black nails great for peeling potatoes... Scott dreams the world goes silent and white, bleaching out. His hands dissolve... |
FAKE IT!: by Electra Johannes and Patagia; 2007/9/22 and 2007/9/23, linked dreams. |
Patagia dreams she fakes a Hindu rite, causing Electra to dream she fakes leadership in a refugee band. But are they faking? |
FLAMES: by John, c. 1973, as told by Gayle Delaney; an induced transcendent dream |
I asked my dreams if I should leave my alcoholic wife. I dreamt we were conjoined flames, green and blue. I awoke hopeful, and knew I'd stay. For eight months my wife struggled. Now she's been sober five years... |
MUSCLES: by Gayle Delaney and "John", before 1979, simultaneous out-of-body dreams |
I dreamt I was out of my body. My friend John was too, so I slipped into his to see how it felt. Big lungs, big muscles! When I woke, John told me he'd had a great out-of-body dream and was reluctant to wake... |
AMERICAN FLAG: by Jasper Johns, 1954; a career-changing dream |
Johns dreamt he was painting an American flag. He woke, and did-- mixing pigment and beeswax, coating newspaper strips... |
A HAND AT CARDS: by Loomis C. Johnson; around Dec. 1916, a predictive dream. |
I dreamt of a surreal poker hand where one card changed to create a full house. Next weekend, I was losing when... |
LBJ OR WOODROW?: by Lyndon Baines Johnson; July-Sept 1955 and Feb-Mar 1968, recurring paralysis dreams |
From the neck up I was me; from the neck down, Woodrow Wilson in his old age, paralyzed. My presidential aides divided up my duties, and ignored me... |
LBJ SHACKLED: by Lyndon Baines Johnson; c.1962, a nightmare foreseeing his presidency |
I started to get up from my chair, but I couldn't move. I looked down at my legs and saw they were manacled to the chair with a heavy chain... |
LBJ'S CAGE: by Lyndon Baines Johnson; May-June 1924, recurring teenage nightmares |
I found myself in a cage, with only a bench and piles of old books. A mirror showed I was old and twisted with speckled skin. In horror I said "I must get away"... |
LBJ'S RIVER NIGHTMARE: by Lyndon Baines Johnson; Feb-Mar 1968, a nightmare on political paralysis |
I was trapped in a river, trying to swim to shore. But I was in a powerful eddy. No matter which way I swam... |
LBJ'S STAMPEDE: by Lyndon Baines Johnson; 1913-14?, a childhood nightmare anticipating a presidency |
As a boy I dreamt I was trapped in a wooden chair, paralyzed, as a stampede rushed toward me, just as my grandmother was paralyzed and chair-bound... |
SARITA'S DREAM: by Sarita Johnson, 1980/8/17, epic dream with a surreal ending |
Cops hunt my girlfriend & me all over town. Strangely, whenever I ask them to back off, they do! Alma's resigned--lets them arrest her and put her on a raft. But she turns into a... |
THE GRALA: by Eugene Jolas, c. 1934, a nightmare written as a surreal prose-poem |
I was having dinner with friends when I saw on the wall a huge skullbone spider. But I lost the word for spider, and my friends seemed not to see it... |
THE MAGIC OF WRITING: by Diana Wynne Jones; 1974, mid-'77, '82, late '83, early '84, & '87; prediction, or causation? |
What I write in my books and think I have made up has a creepy way of coming true. I noticed it first... CAUTION: DISTURBING INVOLUNTARY MANIFESTATIONS |
ABERFAN: by Eryl Mai Jones & others, 1966/10/20; premonitory dreams & waking flashes |
Some 200 Brits have dreams and premonitions of black landslides smothering children. After heavy rain, half a million tons of coal slag sweeps over two Welsh schools, killing... |
HORNED MAN: by Stephen Jones, c.1962, a childhood nightmare of parental betrayal |
I woke in bed, hearing voices from a grownup party outside my door. It opened, and a tall man with deer horns came after me, as my parents leered and urged him on... |
TAKEN OVER: by Eileen, Jony & Kim, as told by Gayle Delaney, 1979 or before; parallel nightmares |
Eileen rose out of her body. A man dared her "How far away can you go?", then stole her body! Jony and their daughter Kim had nightmares of invasion too; all three woke up shaken... |
JOSEPH AND THE PHARAOH: by Joseph, a cupbearer, a baker & a Pharaoh, c.1673-1660 BCE; six surreal dreams |
Joseph as a teen dreams sheaves of his brothers' grain bow to his; then the sun, moon & stars bow to him. Eleven years later, in prison, Joseph interprets two cellmates' dreams as premonitory, and gets both right. Two years later, he interprets two bizarre dreams troubling the Pharaoh, thus saving Egypt from famine... CAUTION: BRONZE AGE FUN! NEAR-FRATRICIDE, SLAVERY, EXECUTION, FORCED MARRIAGE... |
JOSÉPHINE'S DREAM: by Josephine?, painted by Angelique Benicio, 2008-'23, a flying-dream painting |
At the beach, facing down a wave taller than you, the only thing to do is levitate discreetly... |
JOSEPHUS, LET GO: by Josephus Flavius; c.65 CE, vague predictive dreams |
Resistance fighter Josephus, cornered, took a hard look at his prophetic dreams and decided to make peace... |
FLAMING LEAVES: by Dr. Adele A. Gleason and John R. Joslyn; 1892/1/26, a shared dream. |
Adele: alone & scared in a dark wood--but her friend John came & shook a tree; it burst into flame! John, the same night: found Adele scared in a dark wood. Shook a bush & it burst into flame... |
ANNABEL ROSE: by Emily Joy; 2006/12/14, a ghostbusting dream on... love? sex? what? |
Edgar Allen Poe confronts his dead girlfriend, who wants to drag him into the grave with her... CAUTION: HUNGRY GHOST, SEX TALK |
BIRD CRASH: by Emily Joy; 2007/3/12, a set of didactic nightmares |
Such pressures there are on the sick to act well! I implore you, ignore them all... CAUTION: EXPLODING TEACHER |
BONES DON'T LIE: by Emily Joy; 2006/12/13, a gruesome nightmare on guilt. |
I know I'm a murderer; what isn't so clear is what I killed and why... CAUTION: DISMEMBERMENT, GUILT, DREAD |
BREAK FREE: by Emily Joy; 2006/5/11, an encouraging dream on the price of safety. |
I search for family skeletons, but then a talking plant on TV inspires me to seek the sun and fly free. But certain velociraptors and barbarian swordswomen object... CAUTION: DUELS, FISH ABUSE, THE F-WORD |
BURN HIS TREE: by Emily Joy; 2007/2/7; two linked nightmares on art |
Malevolent artwork terrorizes my baby and me! What's to be done?... |
CLOSE THE GATE: by Emily Joy; 2004/11/19, a dream of decision. |
My foxy lover teases and tempts, but I can't let him into the patio for fear he'll hurt the rabbits… CAUTION: UNFUNNY BUNNY PUNS |
DANCING ROBBANE: by Emily Joy; 2007/8/1, sculpture of a dream sculpture. |
The clay came alive, shaped itself, started dancing...and mutating. |
HOP: by Emily Joy, Maddie, and Kathe, 2004/3/31; three linked dreams of a single character |
Three friends in one bed dream three dreams in one night about a talking rabbit with a persistent request... |
HUMANITY'S GREATEST FEAR: by Emily Joy; 2007/4/8, a sarcastic dream on education. |
My teacher insists, "You'll be scared too, when you see it." But when he shows us humanity's greatest fear... CAUTION: UNSPEAKABLE HORRORS |
KARMA AND HER SISTERS: by Emily Joy; 2006/12/27, a sexy dream that turns tragic. |
One boring lonely day, I meet a cute teenage bunny who wants to play with me! But half an hour later… CAUTION: LANGUAGE, INTERSPECIES FLIRTING, AND LOSS |
LOSE YOUR TEMPER!: by Emily Joy; 2007/8/30, a tough-love dream. |
My mom hires a therapist who really goes for my throat! Why is she so desperate to make me lose my... CAUTION: OVER-THE-TOP CONFRONTATION |
NEUTRALITY'S ROOMMATE: by Emily Joy; 2007/4/19, a spooky dream. |
At our commune's new house, pandemonium breaks out when our matriarch meets a spook. Can we live together in peace? |
NEWT WEDDING: by Emily Joy; spring 1995, a six-year-old's epic dream |
Through wild jungles and over the Mattress Mountains, I lead a giant purple newt to love... |
THE NIGHTMARE EFFECT: by Emily Joy; 2006/12/14, an anti-nightmare. |
My own fear creates a field of time/speed distortion; can I use it against my attackers? |
PRISONS AND STRIPES: by Emily Joy; 2007/10/4, a lucid dream. |
In a museum full of spacetime-bubbles holding lost souls, the museum-goers are as weird as the exhibits... |
REVOLUTION IS MESSY: by Emily Joy; 2006/4/26, a political dream |
When whites invade, two shapeshifting Native American cubs resist architecturally... |
SLAVE'S CHOICE: by Emily Joy; 2007/4/8; a dream of a rock and a hard place. |
At boot camp for sex slaves, a rapist makes me a surprisingly tempting offer. But it's really not about sex, is it? CAUTION: ORAL SEX, OUTRAGEOUS COMPARISON |
SPOON CHALLENGE: by Emily Joy; 2006/8/30, a mathemagical dreamlet. |
I want to drink the elixir, but negative 20 spoons block me! Can I remove them? With warped teacup logic & reciprocals… |
THE STACK: by Emily Joy; 2006/11/28, two small synchronicities |
ESP? Weird luck? Subliminal perception? Whatever it is, it kicked me right out of a bad day... |
VIRGINIA'S TRAIN: by Emily Joy; 2005/9/24, a psychic dream and poem
We lose control of our new time machine, which seems to have its own agenda... CAUTION: CONTEMPLATION OF SUICIDE, CHRONOLOGICALLY IMPAIRED DREAMER |
WINDOW IN THE SKY: by Emily Joy; 2006/10/15, an epic, flying, apocalyptic dream |
When my friends and I learn to fly, all of Middle Earth turns against us! Fleeing from Saruman's army, I discover the backstage truth about our world... CAUTION: VIOLENCE, DOOM, PHYSICS! YODA IN THE TUB! |
XALGRIIN IN THE LAB: by Emily Joy, 2006?, odd dream scene |
Xalgriin is a sweet stegosaurus boy locked up in a research lab, planning to free not just himself but others... |
MINOS, EAQUE AND RHADAMANTHE: by James Joyce, c. 1934/7/8, a short, precise, predictive nightmare |
Joyce, in Paris, dreamed he was attacked by three madmen, Minos, Eaque and Rhadamanthe. Three weeks later, a madman mailed explosive packages around Paris--signed Minos, Eaque and Rhadamanthe, the Judges of Hell... |
NEW LEVEL!: by "Julian"; 2006/5/22, 3 gamelike dreams in one night, two of them epic |
My mom and I road-duel an alien beetle, then investigate a deepspace Marie Celeste; then I spy for the Angevin Empire to protect the Crown Jewels... |
ATMAVICTU: by Carl Jung, c.1919/12/4; portrait of dream figure in a different phase of life |
Jung's ally in killing the murderous German archetype Siegfried was Atmavictu. Here he's worn out, turning to stone, ready to manifest as a different guide... |
CREAM-COLOURED HORSES: by a friend of Carl Jung's; c.1900, a predictive dream |
He dreamed of a street with a cathedral, and round the corner, two cream horses pulling a fancy carriage. In Spain on vacation, he saw the street and the church. To test the dream, he turned the corner to see if... CAUTION: CALLS E.S.P. & SYNCHRONICITY TWO PROBLEMS NOT ONE? |
DOVE GIRL: by Carl Jung; c.1912/12/25, the classic anima dream. |
In a castle, a white bird lands on the table and becomes a little girl who plays with Jung's kids, hugs him, then turns back into a bird, explaining "I can become human only for a few hours of the night, when... |
THE EGG CRACKS: by Carl Jung, 1914/1/10-1917/2/4; meditation-images |
A green monster guards the divine egg; with the right prayer, it explodes in a fountain of mad color, half grenade, half freed jinni... |
ERICEPAEUS: by a multilingual woman, c.1918/12/25; a psychic dream told to Jung |
Jung's patient dreamed of a strange name, Ericipaeus. She didn't know Jung had been studying a minor god named, he thought, "Ericapaeus". He'd misread the manuscript; the name was actually spelled a third way... |
JUNG'S CELLARS: by Carl Jung, Aug or Sept 1909; his dream of the mind's structure--and a weird follow-up |
My home seemed antiquated but pleasant. I found a stair down to a darker, medieval floor. A dark stair led down to a Roman cellar. A trapdoor led down to a cave with ancient skulls... |
JUNG'S DRAGONS: by Carl Jung, 1917/1/17 to mid-1922; recurring dream/trance figures |
Jung's visions of dragons evolve from fiery destroyers to thieves who can be forced to give up treasure to peacful, luminous guardians of the sacred... |
JUNG'S PREMONITIONS OF WORLD WAR I: by Carl Jung, 1913-1914; five ignored warnings. |
Jung was told in dreams and visions that Europe would soon drown in blood. But he just couldn't believe it... |
THE LIVERPOOL TREE: by Carl Jung, 1927/1/2; a World Tree dream painted as a mandala |
In dark, grimy, rainy Liverpool, a friend shows me a park with an islet in a pond, where a great magnolia tree shines--an oasis of light... |
MANDALA: by Carl Jung, c.1915; a drawing he lied about for decades |
Jung, in crisis, drew a complex mandala, and then wrote about its symbols & archetypes, always claiming a patient had drawn it... |
THE MAN-EATER: by Carl Jung, 1879; a precocious formative nightmare. |
Jung (at age three and a half) sees a terrifying god deep underground, and is told "That is the man-eater!"... |
PUDDING AND FORTGIBU: lived by M. Deschamps, as told by Carl Jung; a synchronistic linkage spanning the 19th Century |
As a child in Orléans, M. Deschamps got his first taste of plum-cake from a M. Fortgibu. As a man in Paris, Deschamps saw plum cake again--but not to eat. M. Fortgibu had beaten him to it. Many years later, Deschamps was given plum-cake. He said "All that's missing is M. Fortgibu!"... CAUTION: TRULY POINTLESS AND THAT'S THE POINT |
SCARAB: by a patient of Carl Jung's; c.1925? a predictive/synchronistic dream |
As she told me her dream of receiving jewelry--a golden scarab-- I heard a tapping on the window behind me. I opened it. In flew... |
SHIP OF THE SUN: by Carl Jung, c.1917/1/10; trance image |
An version of the Egyptian Ship of the Sun with a mutant Osiris at the helm, in a monster-infested sea: image of the spark of consciousness in a sea of... |
SIEGFRIED MUST DIE: by Carl Jung; 1913/12/18, an archetypal (and predictive?) dream. |
Jung and a little brown man shoot down Siegfried the German Hero, riding his chariot of bones. Wait... his what? CAUTION: GRIM |
SPECTER OF THE BROCKEN: by Carl Jung, c.1893; early dream proposing the Shadow |
Jung walked against stiff wind and fog, sheltering a tiny light, generating a huge eerie shadow--his other self! He concluded this was his life-task--to nurture his spark of awareness & rationality in the dark. But... In hindsight his dream models four key Jungian ideas: Self, Ego, Shadow and Unconscious--at age 18! CAUTION: REJECTS JUNG'S OWN DREAM INTERPRETATION! |
SUPERIMPOSED: by a German photographer, as told by Carl Jung; 1914-1916, a two-year synchronistic linkage |
A mom in the Black Forest photographed her young son and took the film to a lab in Strassburg. War broke out; she never got back. Two years later in Frankfurt, she photographed her young daughter. The film came back with both her kids--superimposed. The film with her son's latent, invisible image had wandered across wartorn Germany to be sold mistakenly as fresh--to her. CAUTION: TWISTS "COINCIDENCE" INTO A PRETZEL |
TREE OF LIGHT: by Carl Jung, mid-Nov. 1922; a vision of the World Tree |
The cosmic egg nests in the branches of the tree of life, glowing with Muspel-fire. But the tree must periodically burn to regenerate life... |
U.F.O. PROJECTION by Carl Jung, 1958/10; an ego-humbling dream |
UFOs hover near enough so I can see they're truly lenses--lenses projecting images. I judged UFOs to be projections from our minds, but now I see I am their projection! |
THE WILD HUNT: by Carl Jung; Sept. 1922, a clairvoyant dream hinting what death is |
A huge wolfhound tore past me. My blood froze. The Wild Hunt was carrying off a soul... |
YOGI by Carl Jung, (April?) 1944; an ego-humbling dream |
Hiking, I come to a chapel where a yogi is meditating--on me. Creating me! And when he stops... |
A DREAM SESTINA: by Donald Justice, late 1950s? A nightmare-poem. |
"But what is wrong with my friends' faces? Why have they changed that way to wood?" |
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