Dreams by Author: T-Z Authors A-B, C-F, G-J, K-M, N-R, S, T-Z
What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000+ dreams plus 1000 more pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.
CART WITH HUSBAND: by Mrs. T, pre-1961, a predictive nightmare A cart came by, drawn by a white horse, on its way to the hospital. In that cart was my husband.... CAUTION: ANGUISH, DEFEAT, PREDESTINATION |
FOUR DAYS BEFORE THE FLU: by R.T., 1918; a predictive nightmare I dreamed that in four days a plague would hit our reservation and people would start dying. Four days later it happened just as I was warned---the 1918 flu. And my dream caused it... CAUTION: NOT JUST SURVIVOR'S GUILT, SEER'S GUILT |
WHEN YOU WERE HAVING A GREAT DREAM: by Miranda Tacchia; (pre?)2021, a universal frustration When you were having a great dream, but wake up for no reason... |
MOM ON THE WING: by a tail gunner; 1942-45, a lifesaving warning dream I saw my mother standing on the tip of one wing of our plane. She was dressed in white flowing robes and calling my name, warning me of danger... |
STEPHENSON AND BELL: by Matthew Talbot; 1768, a recurring predictive dream. A man in a blue coat on a white horse delivered papers from a nearby wrecked ship, signed Stephenson and... |
| THE CRANE SPOKE: by Thomas Takashi Tanemori; 1945/8/5, a child's dream foreseeing Hiroshima A crane came and spoke to me, reassuring me "I'll be back" even as a great fire burned it. It returned as a white butterfly. Next morning, as we played hide and go seek, I shut my eyes and counted to... CAUTION: CIVILIANS MASSACRED |
BRIDGE, MOON, PROFESSOR, SHOES: by Dorothea Tanning; 2003? Poem of a flying dream The moon invites me to go flying, but I get tired of magic and just want to go shopping... |
PURSUED, I RAN INTO THE BARN: by Dorothea Tanning; 2003? A nightmare-poem A monster's out to eat my dog--and maybe me. We get cornered in the barn... |
TANYA'S DREAMS: by Tanya, as told by Gayle Delaney, Jan 1971-June '72; a set of 6 breakup dreams My friend Tanya tries hard to save her marriage, but in her dreams Isidora Duncan, Carl Jung, even the gods themselves warn her to face their deep incompatibility... |
THE DEVIL'S TRILL: by Giuseppe Tartini; c.1713, a musical inspiration dream. I sold my soul to the Devil. On an impulse, I handed him my fiddle. To my wonder, he played a sonata of exquisite beauty. When I woke I retained only echoes... |
CRUSHED BY NETLEY ABBEY: by a Mr Taylor; 1704? A warning dream. A English carpenter named Taylor demolishes Netley Abbey despite dreams warning he'll be crushed by stones falling from a window... |
PRODROMAL DREAMLETS: by Arnaud de Villeneuve, c.1300; Conrad Gessner, 1565/12/8; M. Teste, 1830-1848, and Maurice Macario, early 1850s? four dreams predicting illness Dog bites doctor's leg. Snake bites scholar's chest. Apoplexy kills a government minister. Tonsillitis flattens a sleep and dream researcher... |
THE MAN IN BLACK: by Florita Thesiger, 1930s, recurring genderbent pastlife dreams Each time, I'm a young Elizabethan man in a grand, new-built country house. In the main room, I find a man in black by the fire. He comes at me, and as he shoots me point-blank, I wake... |
GESTAPO, OPERA by a 30-year-old woman, 1933; a dream of isolation & vulnerability I'm at my favorite opera, The Magic Flute. When I hear the line 'That is the devil certainly,' I think of Hitler. The Gestapo have a device that reads my thought, and come for me. Bystanders spit on me... CAUTION: NATIONAL NIGHTMARE |
FIGHTING MY FATHER: by Paul Tholey, c.1969-72, as told to Patricia Garfield, recurrent nightmares solved by negotiation After my father died he attacked me in recurring nightmares. I fought and beat him, but he always came back. When he showed up as a tiger, I negotiated, agreeing to make some changes. He's left me in peace ever since. |
EXTRACT FROM A POEM IN PROGRESS: by D.M. Thomas, c.1972, a poem of an advisory dream As it was revealed that the pianist in Truro Cathedral was T.S. Eliot's illegitimate daughter, her wretched playing suddenly became beautiful. I knew the dream meant "cleave to the illegitimate"... |
PONDICHERRY: by Toni Emrich, 1991/6/6, and Margaret Thomas, 1991/7/??, linked asynchronous dreams EMRICH: I'm in a conference center in "Pondecherry", even though it feels nothing like India... THOMAS: A woman picks fruit off a tree by a pond and calls them "pondicherries--with an 'i'"... CAUTION: WILL ANNOY E.S.P. DENIERS |
WOLVES IN THE BOOTH: by Thordhr "the Terror"; c.1000, a warning dream Thordhr dreams a pack of wolves attack him in a trade-booth! He wakes sure the trade-fair will be trouble... |
THOREAU'S MOUNTAIN: by Henry David Thoreau, 1857/10/29, a recurring hypnogogic dream I dreamt again of that mountain east of Concord where no hill exists. I ascended that long rocky ridge where wild beasts haunted, into a superterranean grandeur and sublimity... |
THORHADD'S FOURTEEN DREAMS: by Thorhadd of Berufjord, c.1018; 14 warning dreams (2 predictive) Thorhadd's been slandering his enemy Thorstein. He spars publicly with a dream expert who interprets all his dreams as: "Your tongue just can't quit!" True. It can't... CAUTION: VIKING EGOS (AND BODY COUNT) |
GUDRUN'S FOUR HUSBANDS: by Gudrun Osvifursdottir; summer 988, plus spring 1026
Four childhood dreams predicting Gudrun's life; plus a predictive dream by her husband Thorkell Eyjolfson Gudrun dreams of four treasures: a hood, a bracelet, a ring, a jeweled helm. Her cousin sees them as four marriages... |
SNAKES AND CENTIPEDES: by Russ Thornton; 2008/11/1, a shared/telepathic dream. Two snakes fight as centipedes emerge from under rocks. I tell my friend. Next day her co-worker tells her the same... |
EAGLES IN LOVE WITH A SWAN: by Thorstein Egilson; c. 982 AD, a twenty-year predictive dream Before his daughter's even born, Thorstein dreams two eagles in love with a swan kill one another in rivalry over her... CAUTION: PATRIARCHAL BARBARIANS |
THE SPHINX WANTS CLEANING: by Thutmoses IV, c.1400 or 1405 BCE; a god's dream-bargain Thutmoses napped in the shade under the Great Sphinx--then buried to the neck in sand. The resident sun-god complained of the sand; "the throne is yours if you'll clear it off..." |
THE MOTORCYCLE-BOOK: by Alyse and Tim, 1979 or before, complementary dreams ALYSE dreams Tim drives a motorcycle-book up a hill, but she doesn't LIKE riding so fast... TIM dreams a wise woman tested him, but found him unqualified to play teacher to Alyse... |
ANIMAL DREAMS: by Carolyn Tipton; a 2019 poem arguing that without animal viewpoints the world goes flat "What about their dreams? What if they've all been partly dreaming us, and lacking them, our world becomes as trivial and narrow as our dreams?"... |
DANCING WITH EMILY BRONTE: by Alice Sheldon/James Tiptree; 1943?, a literary love-dream Alli/Tip could only imagine loving the strange, intense, and unavailable--and Bronte was all three.. |
LET ME PASS!: by Alice Sheldon/James Tiptree; January 1974, a punning gender nightmare Alli/Tip is lured/tricked into a pen full of women, and tries to get out by repeating this ambiguous plea... |
MUPPET WITNESS: by Bill Tjaden, art by Jesse Reklaw; pre-2000; an absurd dream I work in a witness protection program. We hide the Muppet on the bottom of an empty swimming pool, hand him a long straw, and fill it with... |
FLU PRESCRIPTION: by Qu'lad and Togumalis, 1918 or 19, two shaman's dreams that saved lives Qu'lad, dying of flu in the pandemic, dreamt a wolf told him cold-water baths would save him. He staggered to the river. He lived. He told others. They lived. The shaman Togumalis dreamt his spirit helper, a squirrel, prescribed the same. A century later, hospital records show why it worked... CAUTION: ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE SHOWN AS SUPERIOR |
AMERICAN WIDOW: by Alissa Torres; February 2002, a dream of her husband lost on 9/11 High-voltage traces of our lust and love flowed through our mattress nightly... until one night when the power surged and overflowed. Then I felt you... |
DREAM OR REALITY?: by Ben Torter, 1994?, a (subliminal? psychic?) lifesaving nightmare I'm in a small pond. A monster goldfish stalks me. I seem trapped in place, and wake in panic, sheets drenched--to find my pet goldfish gasping on the floor... |
THE OUTSIDERS: by Grady Towers; 1987, article on genius. Towers, before he was killed, argued Terman was wrong: geniuses are often isolated and maladjusted... CAUTION: UNCOMFORTABLE TRUTHS |
GREG'S GIFT: by Sheila and Trish, reported by Janis Amatuzio; June 1995, three dreams (?) of a ghost A woman dreams of her boyfriend recently killed in a car crash. Unremarkable so far. But he also haunts his ex-babysitter, two thousand miles away, who had no idea he'd died... |
ROLL IT!: by C.W. Truesdale, before 1983, a flirtatious, pun-rich falling dream I'm sitting in a car teetering in the front row of a theater balcony. By me, R. is licking a cherry- flavored sucker. As the film crew yells "Roll it!" my foot slips on the brake and I do... |
EMANCIPATION: by Harriet Tubman; c. 1860/1/1, a dream looking three years ahead Tubman woke ecstatic, unable to eat. "My people are free!" Her host said "My grandchildren may see it; but we will be gone." "No! I tell you, sir, you'll see it, and you'll see it soon. My people are free! My people are free!" Three years later... |
ESCAPE: by Harriet Tubman; 1848?-49, recurring dreams of freedom I dreamed of flying like a bird over beautiful meadows to a border or river I couldn't cross. But ladies in white helped pull me over. After I did escape, I met some of those ladies and knew by their faces who I could trust... |
FANNY SEWARD'S DEATH: by Harriet Tubman; 1866/10/29, a psychic dream I saw a chariot fly south then return with the cold body of my friend. I ran into town to warn them "Miss Fanny's dead!" As I reached town, the news came, confirming her death... |
JOHN BROWN'S DEATH: by Harriet Tubman; 1858/4, recurring predictive dreams I saw a snake with a white-bearded man's head, and two younger heads alongside. Men attacked the snake, cutting off the younger heads. The eldest looked at me, mournful, and they cut off his head too. Soon after, I met John Brown; I knew it was him. But only on the day of Harper's Ferry did I understand... |
RIVER CROSSING: by Harriet Tubman; mid to late 1850s; a lifesaving intuition Leading a party out of slavery, I got off the road when God warned me to. He insisted I must ford a cold river. Turned out the slaveowner had posted a reward at the station ahead; we were saved by divine guidance... |
TURNER'S RECURRING DREAMS: by Jack Turner, 1991-2, a set of genderbent grief dreams After my mother died, I dreamed I was a girl living after the Apocalypse. I rode my elk past cars full of corpses, saw friends die, and never could find a single fertile mate... |
BIVOUAC: by Richard Turner; 1981, a dreamlet with sculpture-advice A young Tibetan boy approached me with his arms full of the shapes I had been working on for the past week. To my delight I found the material, textures and colors I had been searching for... |
IMMOLATION MAZE: by Richard Turner; 1973, a nightmare expanded into both sculpture & story Saigon, 1973. Lost in a fabric maze. I find, wearing Buddhist robes, the skeleton of a dog. Years later I write of Buddhist monks burning themselves, and build an ominous maze... CAUTION: SUICIDES BY FIRE |
TWAIN'S BROTHER: by Mark Twain, early May 1858, a premonitory nightmare. My brother Henry lay in a metal casket. He wore a suit of mine. On his breast were white roses, with one red at the centre. A few days later, the boilers of the riverboat Henry worked on exploded... |
WORLDSTONES: dreamed fall 1895 & Aug 1898 by Mark Twain, & 2002/6/27 by Robert Moss Mark Twain dreams we're cells inside God, and writes of Huck Finn among the microbes. A century later, unaware of Twain's dreams, Robert Moss... |
MARCO TO WIN: by Violet Tweedale, 1893 or 4; a predictive... something We went to visit a well-known psychic. As an afterthought I asked about an upcoming race. The answer was firm: "Marco to win..." We made a lot off her tip. But when I thanked her later, we were shocked to learn she'd never heard me! Then who had spoken?... CAUTION: WEIRD EVEN FOR SPIRITUALISTS |
U | |
SEXUAL DREAMS: by Felicia, Simone, Anons 60-61 & a UCSC student; 1994 or earlier, as told by Gayle Delaney Five short playful dreams exploring sex. Because too many therapists get in the habit of thinking all dreams must wrestle with unhappiness... |
ALCOHOLIC CAT: by Montague Ullman's patient, 1950/2/24, an eavesdropping dream PATIENT: I dreamt of a dangerous cat and a mixture of cream and booze called 'appealing nausea'... THERAPIST: I heard a lecture on feeding alcohol to cats til they choose milk laced with booze... CAUTION: WILL BOTHER E.S.P. SKEPTICS |
ZEBRA RUN AND FLOW: by Alan Underwood, 2012/6/12, a scenic dreamlet Zebra emerge from the lake. They glide as if swimming, and the air has an odd shimmer; did they bring the depths along? They seem to be having great fun ducking branches and vaulting brambles. Such agility and grace! |
STAY ON THE SIDEWALK: by a Utah boy, pre-1961, a flawed warning nightmare He said "Oh, Mom, I had a terrible dream. A car ran me down." I said we could not live by dreams or we live a life of horror... |
AMAZEMENT PARK: by Stan Van Der Beek; 1980/12/30, a dream-proposal for a huge art installation The "Amazement Park", as I dubbed it, was a building long as a football field and three floors high; you fly, suspended, round an oval track, through a galaxy of images teaching that "sharing" is what matters... |
VANDERMEER'S STAIR: by Jeff Vandermeer, 2013 or before,, a nightmarish creative prompt I was on a spiral stair. The walls had scrawled messages, not sprayed, carved or painted but living tissue--and getting fresher as I descended. Whatever was growing them was still below me, and still writing... |
MY PEGASUS: by Regina van der Poel; 2000/6/1, a dream of my Life Painting I free a friend unjustly imprisoned. On the run, we encounter our Life Paintings. Mine is a beautiful pegasus flying. But on its back is a monkey in a red suit... |
WHITE HORSES, FIVE TALENTS: by Regina van der Poel; 1999/10/29, a dream equinifying talents I meet a man in a box. A mob wants to attack him. But five white horses defend him! Well, one's really a unicorn. I know each horse is a talent, but only recall one when I wake: clairvoyance... |
THE GLASS MISSED ITS CUE: by Frederik van Eeden, 1904/9/9, a lucid dream experiment I knew I was dreaming but the world looked quite realistic. I struck a wineglass with all my strength--a risky act, if I were awake. It didn't shatter. But when I looked again, it lay broken! Like an actor who'd missed its cue... |
JACKIE: by Lindsay Vanhove, early 2000s? Premonitions and a dream prompting a bird-rescue I dreamed a big black bird shared our house, and whenever I walked a certain street, I had flashes of raising a corvid. On day, on that street, I saved a jackdaw hit by a car. Her broken wing has healed; now she flies in and out of our house as she pleases... |
DATIN' DEMON: by Mark Varitz and Wayan; 1989/12/3; Mark's dream triggers one by Wayan. I meet my personal demon, and discover it has a personal demon: me! Am I worse than my Shadow? CAUTION: LANGUAGE, NUDE MONSTERS |
EYES IN THE BLACK SQUARE: by Mark Varitz and Wayan; dreamed 1985/1/14, telepathic or shared dreams WAYAN: I wake deep in the night. From the black square of a curtainless window, eyes are peering in at me... MARK: I wake to find a black square trapdoor in my bedroom ceiling. From the dark above, eyes peer in at me... |
"I WANT YOUR DREAMS": by Mark Varitz; 1995/11/17; a shamanic nightmare; predictive? At an amusement park, big 3D letters appeared in the air, saying "I WANT YOUR DREAMS". Terrified, I dived underground... |
THE MAD DATER: by Mark Varitz and Wayan; 1996/10/29, linked (telepathic?) nightmares. Always ask permission to throw rocks at your date. No, not those big ones! Where's the nearest hospital? CAUTION: SURREAL DATE ABUSE |
SCROLLS: by Chris Wayan 1989/2/17, & Mark Varitz 1989/2/18; parallel dreamlets CHRIS: I find what may be a magic potion, if it has a scroll hidden in the liquid... MARK: I'm underwater. Spirits dance around me, on top of sunken scrolls... |
COUNTERPOINT: by Susan Vasiljevic; 2011, a surreal dream painting I find myself in a church-like setting. Above me, couples in 18th century dress dance joyfully. It provides a wonderful, ‘curious’ moment to pause and reflect... before my journey must continue. |
WHAT LIES BENEATH: by Susan Vasiljevic; undated, 2012? 13?, a feminist nightmare-painting A male real estate agent knocked on the door. The house was full of sleeping crocodiles. She fled through the house, trying not to rouse the attention of either sort of predator... |
VONNEGUT: by Alan Vaughan, 1970/3/12; a psychic dreamlet VAUGHAN'S DREAM: I visit Kurt Vonnegut. Kids all over. He's going on a trip soon. Mentions of 'Jerome' and an island... VONNEGUT REPLIES: "That night, childrens' author Jerome B visited; we discussed my upcoming trip to England..." |
BELLOWS BRIDGE: by Rick Veitch, Dec 1973, a dream of a battle on the border of dreaming On the bridge between waking and dreaming, a jet plane duels a T. Rex. But the jet strays into dream space, becoming a pterosaur--and soon, Rex lunch... |
THE BEST HOTEL: by Rick Veitch; 1994 or before; an escalating surrealist dream Rajiv keeps trying to convince me it's the best hotel in India: the orgy of biters, the bowls of twitching fingers. But it's only the oracular spirits that really impress me... CAUTION: CREEPY FINGERS |
COMICS & DREAMJOURNAL: by Rick Veitch, Jan 1974, a life-path dream I'm trying to jam together my dream diary and my first comics. My grandmother's skeptical. But at last, with an audible 'click', dreams and comics suddenly merge... |
COWBOY, HORSE, CAT: by Rick Veitch, Nov 1973, an initiatory dream A graduation parade has a papier-maché cowboy (hollow ego?), a giant rampaging stallion (unconscious), and a mama cat who calms him (anima)... |
CREATORS' BREAKOUT: by Rick Veitch, c.1995, a career-advice dream The House of Comics has a shabby annex jammed with self-publishers. We make a human ladder and climb out a high window, but I don't fit; as the tenement collapses, I must smash the windowframe to free... |
DAD THE WORKAHOLIC: by Rick Veitch; 1994 or before; an emotional blowout dream In the paper factory where my dad worked all his life, I find him on his deathbed. Even as he fades, he's still trying to please his bosses... |
DOPPELGANGER: by Rick Veitch; 1994 or before; 6-page hostage-dream comic; shamanic? Tony works as a courier in Sarajevo till he inadvertently delivers a bomb. Held by a warlord for months, he dreams within the dream, and draws those dreams... CAUTION: GRIM |
DOUBLE FUNERAL: by Rick Veitch; c.1995; a nightmare on the First Gulf War? Two kids I grew up with are dead. We carry their still-smoking corpses by the home of George Bush... CAUTION: BURNT BODIES |
EGO FACTORY: by Rick Veitch, late 1974/1, both a Jungian & career-advisory dream I go to work at the factory, clock in, strip naked, and build my... self! Myself as art. A long slow job, but when my workmates ask, I'm admit I'm happy with me at last... |
THE EGYPTIAN EXHIBIT: by Rick Veitch; 1994 or before; a psychedelic Pygmalion dream I panic as statues come alive at the museum, but they're all about energizing a mystical pyramid... |
FLY SOLO: by Rick Veitch; 1994 or before; a joyful flying-lesson dream I tell the angel teaching me to fly that I'm not ready to go solo yet-- I'm wobbly, the terrain's unknown. He lets go, and I... |
GINSBERG UNMASKED: by Rick Veitch; 1994 or before; a diagnostic dream Comics character Doctor Blasphemy, on stilts, bares his secret identity: poet Allen Ginsberg! But who chopped off his missing fingers? CAUTION: BLOODY FINGERS |
HELL I SUPPOSE: by Rick Veitch; 1994 or before; a dream with a rockin' sense of sarcasm I'm gloomy about the state of the world, but my alter ego cheerfully explains we're dead and in Hell--as a demon train rolls up with Elvis Costello on the roof singing "This is Hell I suppose"... |
IF ONLY I COULD: by Rick Veitch, c.1995, an eerie underground dream Soil turns to air for me; I float in the dark between tree roots and stones, thinking "If only I could remember my name"... |
IT IS THE ONLY WAY!: by Rick Veitch; c.1960; a child's career-predicting dream My bedroom window is choked with dirt. I dig up to the surface and find a man reading comics. He says 'It is the only way!'... |
IT'S TOO LATE!: by Rick Veitch; 1994 or before; a surreal apocalyptic dream I'm in World War II, asking a reporter to keep quiet about our secret weapon. But it's already gone off, melting and distorting the whole cartoon world. It's... |
MARVEL PATROLS: by Rick Veitch; c.1995; a punning nightmare on being an independent cartoonist The comics industry degenerates into civil war. We peddle all night to avoid the Marvel... |
MARVIN, CRASH: by Rick Veitch; Feb 1974; a predictive/warning dream My "friends" pull me away from the girl of my dreams, push booze & pot at me, and won't even try to climb the rope to success. But Marvin saves Evel Knievel from a motorcycle crash. Sounds good--until, ten years later, I hear how Marvin died... CAUTION: GRIM AFTERMATH |
NAZIS BURN MY ART: by Rick Veitch; 1994 or before; the primal art-nightmare Nazis call my simple architectural drawing a social protest, take it at gunpoint, and toss it in the ovens. The commander mocks me with its ashes... |
ORGY BELOW THE SURFACE: by Rick Veitch; 1994 or before; an embarrassing dream Under the surface of my comics panels, a tiny horde is having an orgy. I can't publish this, it's too embarrassing! Wait a minute. That one is me... CAUTION: MICRO-ORGY |
PIGEON SHAMAN: by Rick Veitch; Feb 1974, a dream-comic on Jungian shadows. Bums tap on the diner window. I tell them to buzz off, until I really look at the latest--a shaman dressed as a huge pigeon. He's no panhandler!... |
PULL THE PLUG ON THIS WAR: by Rick Veitch; 1994 or before; a surreal dream I'm a Confederate officer. The only way to save my men is to end the war by pulling the plug at the bottom of the lake! I dive in, fighting a Yankee, who... |
RARE BIT FIENDS: by Rick Veitch; 1994 or before; a recurring dream personifying dreamwork? The wildcat Rare Bit Fiends slinks out of the hills to stalk and maul dreamers--until one day she rears up to teach a dream workshop... |
ROLODEX: by Rick Veitch; 1994 or before; a dream about successful dreamwork? The posse lost their enemy; reluctantly they asked a tracking detective--me. They found him where I knew he'd be--from eating my Rolodex cards... |
SCULPTING WITH NEIL GAIMAN: by Rick Veitch; 1994 or before; a complex predictive dream I take my friend Neil Gaiman to a park where we sculpt a giant horned head. Months later we collaborate on a graphic novel. The course of the project's full of echoes from the dream... |
SEA PARADE: by Rick Veitch; c.1995; a dream on media versus dreams We need to get down to the sea, but Disney Corporation blocks the way. Wait--we're dreamworkers! We ooze through the walls, and cheer the parade marching in on the tide... |
THE STONE MOVES: by Rick Veitch; 1994 or before; a mysterious breakthrough dream Repeated attempts to move a gigantic, sacred, saucerlike stone all failed; but now, with the world's biggest cranes, we get it on a truck. It crawls past adoring crowds... |
STREET OF THE FUTURE: by Rick Veitch; Mar 1974; a predictive dream I'm a bike courier. I take a packet of fifty potent dreams up Dream Street and deliver them to the year 1980... |
THREE DREAMS & A COINCIDENCE: by Rick Veitch, c.1996, predictive shamanic dreams Three dreams set on Abenaki holy ground, of weird shamans--one ashen, one pumpkin-headed, the third goofy-faced--lead me to visit the site. Where I find the river's washed up that third shaman's face... CAUTION: WILL BOTHER E.S.P. SKEPTICS |
TORNADO FADE: by Rick Veitch; 1994 or before; a time-travel nightmare We escape tornadoes by fading out and rematerializing in a future dream... But one of the tornadoes manages to follow us from the old dream to new... |
VAGUE HOUSE: by Rick Veitch; c.1995; a dream labeling its own symbols! I grope through fog to the Vague House. Fog inside, too. Find a stone carved with an Eye of Horus, and know it's my anger. Find a bigger stone scarab, and know it's my REAL anger... |
THE VOICE OF GOD (THIS IS IMPORTANT!): by Rick Veitch; 1994 or before; a mystical "oops" dream God speaks in surreal images from the sky, and I hurry to write down what God says. But I find I wrote mere squiggles on the page... |
SILENT CRASH: by Vera and Wayan; 1992/8/14, a shared (predictive?) dream. Wayan dreams a jet crashes in dead silence. Meanwhile Vera dreams of being ON a jet that... |
THE VERA DREAMS: by Vera and Wayan; 1991/7/25 & 8/3, a set of shared/psychic dreams. I dream my friend Vera's ordered to just study & sleep--no play, no dates. Then I dream Vera works with gangs as an armed peacekeeper. I tell her; Vera's shocked, since... |
COME FLY WITH ME: by Lilian Verkins; 2012, painting of a joyful if secretive flying dream I flew over a beautiful park where I taught others how to fly. But there were people who I didn't want to see me flying. I stood mid-air above them, and they didn't spot me... |
FADING AWAY IN THE LIGHT: by Lilian Verkins; 2013, painting of nature-spirit dream? I was a child again, sitting on a bench, watching young maidens dance. But as I grew older, they faded away in the light of adulthood... |
NERO'S TOOTH: by Vespasian, c.65 CE, an oracular dream fulfilled alarmingly soon Vespasian dreamed he and his family would rise only when Emperor Nero lost his teeth. The next day, a surgeon happened to show Vespasian a tooth he'd just extracted from... |
THE GREAT DREAM by Victoria, between 1988 & '94, introduced by Gayle Delaney; a sex dream on creativity! My husband's sweet, supportive, but not that attractive. It's my brother (meaning creativity) who gives me oral sex to die for, as my parents quarrel and a chorus chants "Ecstasy, ecstasy"... CAUTION: INCEST |
THE GIANTESS OF THVERA: by Viga-Glum Eijolfsson; early 940s?, a very public clairvoyant dream. Viga-Glum dreamt a giantess came to visit. "She is the spirit-guide of my grandfather in Norway. He is dead... |
BLOOD DANCE: by Larry Vigon; Sept. 1997; an initiatory commitment dream A Gypsy man invites me to dance. But he cuts my arm, deep; then even his touch multiplies my wounds. Last is a needle through my wrist. But I'm committed to the full dance now... CAUTION: BLOOD; CURIOUSLY, NOT PAIN |
BONE CARVINGS: by Larry Vigon; c.1999; a numinous dream with silly illustrations At the beach, a deaf boy with a strong aura asks "Are you here for the coin?" He buries horse skeletons in the sand; the bones are carved with symbols... |
DAD RETURNS: by Larry Vigon; 2003/8/25; a classic dream of a revenant I'm in a restaurant when my dad walks in. He looks great; he has both legs again. We talk, say "I missed you", we hug lovingly... |
DOLPHINS: by Larry Vigon; 2001/8/6; a dream personifying dreams? The beach. Smoke? No, spray from hundreds of dolphins hunting. I thought a giant wave was coming in, but it was just a trick of the light through fog... |
FARTER AND CONE: by Larry Vigon; 2002/10/5; a scatalogical skating dream I'm in a theater waiting for a woman onstage to fart human speech; but I have to skate away on a tipped-over traffic cone... |
FLOWER CONVERSATIONS: by Larry Vigon; 2004/1/12; a surreal psychedelic dream Worms rappeled down from my ceiling. My friend says "I've had great talks with those creatures." They became flying flowers exuding a gas that, if you napped, let you have wonderful conversations... |
GOLDEN EGG: by Larry Vigon; 1984; a real, nondream, synchronistic... summoning? I was on a London train. An ad had an image from "Jack and the Beanstalk" and I pondered the tale--the meaning of the golden eggs. A man got on, held out a golden egg, and opened it... |
HALF-COCKED: by Larry Vigon; 2004/1/4; an alarming dream I'm in the army, in line for a prostitute. An earlier dream cut my cock in two. It heals, but my stodgy technique bores my assigned girl; and the cops break the legs of girls who try to leave. A riot begins--can I even escape? CAUTION: STARTS SORDID, ENDS BRUTAL |
HUMMINGBIRD: by Larry Vigon; 2004/4/4; a predictive dream A hummingbird was trapped inside my home. So beautiful. I set it free. The next Saturday, I found this hummingbird on the patio... |
I NEVER SAW JUNG DIE: by Larry Vigon; 2003/11/28; a quasi-Jungian dream My nonexistent brother is a bank robber about to be arrested; he says "I never saw Jung die." Meaning not that Jung's alive, but just... |
THE LAST WORD: by Larry Vigon; 2001/12/5; a wistful apocalyptic dream A huge explosion knocked the earth off its orbit; it struck other planets and wrecked the whole solar system. Where will the souls ready to reincarnate all go? Or do they even need a planet?... |
RIDE THE GODS OF THE HAND: by Larry Vigon; 2002/6/13; an oracular dream Predawn. The beach. A gypsy goddess rises from the waves. She says "Begin to ride the gods of the Hand, in London." I say "What?"... CAUTION: CRYPTIC BUT FIRM |
ROOSTERDOG: by Larry Vigon; 2003/4/22; a nested dream In the woods I catch a beautiful rooster. It doesn't struggle; it turns into a dog. We make friends. We sleep together in the wood; I dream we grow old together. The dog's owner wakes me; farewell, dog! But at least the funeral has caviar... |
WALL TO WALL WATER: by Larry Vigon; 2003/3/18; a surreal, beautiful dreamlet The home we were to stay in was on fire. The next had a living room that was shallow water, wall to wall, where turquoise fish swam... |
WEREWOLF TRANSFERENCE: by Larry Vigon; fall 1997?; a nightmare reversed by courage Chased by the old movie Wolfman, I get tired of fear and turn on the monster. I take on his wolfness! But in me, wolf-nature manifests differently--as a human body with a calm, happy wolf's head... |
PRODROMAL DREAMLETS: by Arnaud de Villeneuve, c.1300; Conrad Gessner, 1565/12/8; M. Teste, 1830-1848, and Maurice Macario, early 1850s? four dreams predicting illness Dog bites doctor's leg. Snake bites scholar's chest. Apoplexy kills a government minister. Tonsillitis flattens a sleep and dream researcher... |
JUST BEFORE 9/11: by Patti Viscardi; 6 AM 2001/9/11, a predictive nightmare I was on a plane... It was almost graceful, the plane actually entered the building before everything dissolved into flame... CAUTION: DEATH. DEATH TWICE. |
THE TEACHER: by Lord Vivian, 1874; a predictive dream he bet on... for another! DREAM: a stranger tells me "The Teacher" won the Handicap. AWAKE: At the track I meet the man in my dream! He says The Teacher is now called Aldrich. But Aldrich's owner discourages me. A friend trusts my dream & wins £1,000... |
NIGHTMARE FROM 'SISTERS': by Margarethe Von Trotta; 1979 or before, an unexamined nightmare A dream of body parts--maybe, impossibly, alive--hung up like drying laundry. Von Trotta inserted it in a film script to foreshadow a suicide, but seems deaf to any personal warning--as if it's not her dream at all... |
W | |
LINDA'S NAVAL by Linda W & Wayan, 1991/8/16; parallel surreal exhibitionist dreams WAYAN: My housemate Linda shows me her weird navel--and pussy, to compare... LINDA: At Christmas, I run through snowy streets, naked except for earphones... CAUTION: NUDITY & AWFUL DREAM-PUN |
WABOSE'S VISION: by Catherine Wabose (Ogeewyahnoquot Okwa), Feb. 1814? shamanic initiation dreams After fasting for six days, I dreamed of three spirit helpers who aided my village, guiding hunters toward game and healing others. But I lost so many loved ones... CAUTION: SPOUSE MURDERED; CAREER BURNOUT |
TURKEY: by Erin Wagner, fall 1994?, recurring nightmares I get painful menstrual cramps, and with them come nightmares of birth. Not always child birth; once it was five kittens. Most recently the baby was human but encased in a Butterball turkey... |
THE LAUGHING GIRL: by Gordon Wagner, c.1977; a strong anima helps heal a trauma I was one of just three to survive a roller coaster crash. I dreamed of a playful, laughing girl who drove off a cliff. Dead, she lay on a bier in a surreal cemetery. But she woke and looked at photos of her old self with curiosity... |
WALKER'S DREAM: by Madame C.J. Walker; c.1895, a dream-cure that worked AND made her rich My scalp had an infection that just wouldn't heal. I tried everything. Then I dreamed I met a big, black man who advised me to use certain ingredients from Africa... |
TRAINS COLLIDE: by Dudley Walker; 1928/6/27, a clairvoyant nightmare I've never done railway work, but here I am signaling a train to approach a station at dawn. A second train hits it head-on... CAUTION: EIGHT DEATHS |
WALLACE'S FEVERDREAM: by Alfred Russel Wallace, Feb. 1858, an insight-dream Exploring Indonesia's lesser isles, Wallace fell sick with fever. He dreamed that Malthusian hunger and population pressure might explain the evolution of the species he found. He wrote to Darwin, and... |
WALTER'S DIVE: by Walter's father; pre-1961, a predictive dream disastrously forgotten I dreamt my son Walter drowned in the creek by a certain tree. I woke in tears, and resolved... |
CHANDELIER: by a Washington mom, pre-1961, an absurd, lifesaving dream I dreamt that at 4:35 AM the chandelier over our baby's bed fell, crushing the baby to death. I woke and... |
HEAD ON MY TABLE: by Lauren Watley; 2011/2/16, a creepy dream-image with depth After a day of troubling conflicts over race & art, I dream I'm handed a hot, heavy, mossy head--is it art, or alive? |
DREAM OF A DREAM OF NIGHT: by Robert Watson; 1960s, a dream-poem The goddess of Night is in love with me, but I'm married, and tired, and just full of excuses... |
MEREDYTH AND LILLY: by Meredyth Watts; May 2010, 2010/11/14 and 2010/12/7, episodic dreams I dream over & over of the same place, time, & woman. We fall in love. Strangely, I'm the one who gets pregnant... |
DREAM-TAN: by Madellyne Waugh; late April 2010, a digital, institutional avatar I've been drawing a personification of the World Dream Bank. Nerdy, but most of your readers are nerds... |
KNEADING DOUGH: by Madellyne Waugh; 2009, a punning dream on money-shame I'm in the kitchen making a mess--kneading pasta dough on the bookcase. If my mom comes in and sees... |
WASP: by Madellyne Waugh; 2010/4/22, a punning dream on... guilt? A giant insect chases me around our gym. A girl tells me it's harmless but I'm sure it's a... |
THE MURDERS: by four Wayans! 1971/7/14; a family has simultaneous psychic nightmares. Nearly everyone in my family dreams of a mass murder as it happens nearby. But my dad's sure it's his own evil id, and my mom clams up, and my sister forgets. And me? I doubt the whole thing for ten years, until... CAUTION: NIGHTMARE VIOLENCE |
AFTER HE DIED: by Jane O. Wayne, 1990?, a dream-poem fragment After he died, I dreamed that the phone rang and when I said "Hello"... |
HOMO REDUX: by Winston Weathers, 1988 or before, a nightmare of revenants All his guilty dead were coming home, begging to be let in... And then he was on the outside, looking in at the lone living man... CAUTION: GUILT, GRIEF, THE LIVING DEAD |
CALIBAN IN ENGLAND: by Theodore Weiss; 1966 or 67; a dream-play never written As I wrote a poem on Caliban, I dreamt I was him: taken to Shakespeare's England, shown as a freak, I must escape to save Miranda and Prospero from assassins... |
KOLCHEC: by Al Davison (Jan.1977-1978) & Sara Welponer 2000, sketches of a shared dream-figure AL repeatedly drew a bizarre, recurring dream-guide named Kolchec; years later he met SARA, who'd painted her dream-guide, a distinctive spook named--oh, take a guess... CAUTION: WILL DISTURB ESP SKEPTICS |
COLLAR OF GOLD: a Welshman of Kemmeis District; 1170s? A recurring dream of treasure A rich man dreamt thrice that hidden in St Berner's Well near his house was a golden collar. He reached in and... CAUTION: OW |
DRANK IT ALL: by Julia Wertz, (mid?)2011, a nested nightmare Fighting alcoholism, I dream I drink all the booze in a bar, then wake up shaken... so shaken I reach for the bottles by my bed and drink THEM, then wake up shaken... and clutch my cat, wondering if I'm still dreaming--will I wake up again? CAUTION: ALCOHOLIC NIGHTMARE(S) |
THE THING ABOUT DREAMS: by Julia Wertz, a dream autobiography, 1980-2010 As a kid, my nightmares were of Sesame Street characters. In my teens I graduated to slasher nightmares and recurring lucid dreams. Alcohol trashed my dreams for years, but now they're not nightmares--just surreal. Hitler wrecks my sex life! What a spoilsport... CAUTION: (MOSTLY FRUSTRATED) SEX |
HERE IN MY IMPOVERISHED PSYCHE: by Tracey West, 1987? 88?, recurring nightmares I'm Mary Ann on Gilligan's Island. But the theme song repeats endlessly--not the later version with my name, but the early one dismissing me and the Professor as and the rest. I wake up screaming... |
FALSE BOTTOM: by Edith Wharton; October 1913, a summing-up nightmare. Demons open a trunk full of the horrors I've faced this year, and lay them out, mocking me... but is that all? |
HANGING CAR: by Frank Whitaker, Jan. 1935, three coincidences, synchronicities or psychic hits I grope for the name of an island. I dream I crash a car on a bridge; it hangs with one wheel over. I wake & recall a friend who moved to Canada. Breakfast. That island's on the front page. Inside's a photo of that hanging car. A letter comes--the first from my Canadian friend in years. Each might be coincidence, but what do we call it when coincidence goes on and on? |
WHITE LOON: by White Loon, 1870s?, an initiation-negotiation dream At ten, I fasted a long tedious time. I dreamed a bird offered me showy gifts, but I kept to my grandmother's advice: never take the first offer. At last a big, strange bird from the north, a white loon, offered me long life and health; that I accepted! So now I'm called... |
GENDERBENT LUCID DREAMS: by JHM Whiteman, pre-1961, compared to Wayan, 1979/8/29 Celia Green, lucid dream expert, claims nearly all lucid dreamers keep their waking bodies, their self-image. But Whiteman & Wayan both have genderbent lucid dreams... |
NEWS AT ELEVEN: by a widow-in-process; 1948/10/27, a somatized empathic waking nightmare My heart began beating like a sledge hammer. I couldn't imagine what was happening, and got frightened... |
INSURANCE: by a young widow; 1947, a dream of lucrative ghost advice After my husband's death, I dreamed he pointed at a small black bag I hadn't opened. It held insurance policies... |
THE KEY TO HIS LIFE: by an English rebel's wife; 1745; a lifesaving oracular/psychic dream. Twice a condemned man's wife dreamt of a key lost in rubble below a wall. The second time she went out to find it... |
STEAMROLLER: by Richard Wilbur, late 20th Century; an embarrassing dream. As the steamroller flattened me I became quite a lovely stained-glass window... |
REMARKABLE: by Joseph Wilkins; 1754, an out-of-body dream Wilkins visits his parents in a dream. Only they think he's a ghost, and panic--in the real world... |
EMPRESS AND PIG: by Doug Williams; 2006/10/10, a dream of romantic beginnings A pig led me off my path to meet a lady. I told her my true name, and felt something shift... |
MR. PERCEVAL'S MURDER: by John Williams; 1812/5/2-3, a recurrent predictive dream. Thrice I saw the Chancellor of the Exchequer shot in the House of Commons. I nearly went to London... |
THE SWORDSMEN: by T.A. Williams; late 1930s, a surreal dream. Dusk. A plain. A troop of swordsmen approach me, draw their weapons... and toss their spinning, shining swords up to the stars... |
HILLARY'S EYES: by Margaux Williamson; February 2008, a political romance dream Hillary Clinton was trying to seduce me, and doing a pretty good job, too... |
TRIGO: by Edith L. Willis; 1929/6/4, an induced automatic-writing prediction (profitable, too) In an idle moment I held a pencil and asked the air who'd win the Derby. 'Trigo' meant nothing to me, but was listed at 32 to 1, so... |
THREE DREAMS: by Robley Wilson; July 4, 1975?; a dream-poem Dead fish in a poisoned stream, dead kittens in a pit... and advice from the woman who revives them with a touch. |
FLOWER DREAMS: by A.D. Winans, c.1975, a pugilistic nightmare-poem I try to pick a flower in Golden Gate Park. But it fights back--plucks an ear, an eye, my nose. A half-gardener, half-cop hands me shears. But I turn from the flower at the last minute to cut... CAUTION: SURREAL VIOLENCE |
U.F.O. P.O.V.: by Steve, recurring dreams, spring 1966 to 1971, as told by his friend Barry Windsor-Smith Night. A London suburb. A UFO big as a city block looms over us. It's seen all over South England. Yet we go blank-- forget! Though not quite--for years after, Steve has recurring dreams. When he tells me one, I recall the same event... CAUTION: INTENSE UFO EXPERIENCE |
I SEE'D THEY DID: by a Wisconsin 4-year-old; pre-1961, a waking vision (clairvoyant? telepathic?) He asked abruptly "Did Aunt Myrtle and Uncle Charles have a wreck with a train? I see'd they did..." |
WITH WILD AND TURQUOISE EYES: by Joan-lee Woehler; c.1950, a dream of a Jungian Shadow I slay the beautiful dragon attacking us, despite my regret. And then, as I sleep, glowing eyes advance on our keep AGAIN... |
THREATENED CITY: by Rita Wolff; 1978, a disturbing dream. Night. A hill town. Temples with huge stone statues. But the original figure looms monstrous over the hills. Which is the threat? The giant, or the cult appeasing it? |
TORTURE--A DREAM: by Rita Wolff; 1985, a nightmare painting. In a prison cell, two robed figures with horned hoods like the heads of black owls question a limp figure who looks far beyond answers... CAUTION: IMPLIED TORTURE |
WITNESSES FOR THE PROSECUTION: by Rita Wolff; 1984, a mysterious dream. Night. The Nile; the Pyramids on one bank; minarets and domes on the other. But if the dream's comparing antiquity to modernity... which does it condemn? |
DISEASE OF THE HEART: by Virginia Woolf; 1929/11/2, a false diagnostic dream--or is it? I dream I have just six months to live. I go through a dozen phases and moods, preparing for death... |
SHELL AND STONE: by William Wordsworth; late 1840s, a dream of a new Great Flood An Arab shows me a stone he calls a book, and a prophetic shell that warns of a flood rushing toward us... |
THE HUMAN BUTTERFLY: by Peter Wortsman; 1986, a bizarre dream I wanted to be human, but Mom said "You'll always be just a lousy caterpillar." So I slipped inside a human girl. After some arguments with her boyfriend, I got born as a human-faced butterfly... CAUTION: UNDERAGE SEX AND MOM |
ARTIE SHAW: by John Wren-Lewis, 1971/8/17?, a comic predictive dream DREAM: I write a book involving spies and Lord Snow, but give him a cover name: Artie Shaw. TWO WEEKS LATER: My wife & I go on the Tonight Show; unexpectedly, Artie Shaw shows up! I tell him the dream. He turns pale, saying "No one knows this--I wrote a book under the name..." CAUTION: WILL BOTHER E.S.P. SKEPTICS |
NIXON AND CHOU: by John Wren-Lewis, c.1973, a character-evaluation dream of Ann Faraday DREAM: I'm in the White House. Nixon blows his nose on the curtains! I think "despite his crudity, he reached out to China." DAY: my wife Ann has a cold--she's Nixon! The dream concedes she has private flaws, but she's pioneered dream research... |
TIGER DIALOGUES: 1973-4 by Ann Faraday, plus a dreamlet by John Wren-Lewis; recurring dreams When I overwork, neglecting my body's wants, I dream of an angry tiger. Over time, I've learned (mostly) to feed my tiger, and sometimes he's an ally now... |
EMPEROR HEDGEHOG: by Emperor Wu Cheng, early 560s CE, a nightmare self-portrait The Emperor dreamt a monster hedgehog terrorized his city. On waking, he ordered the slaughter of every hedgehog in town. People started seeing him as the killer hedgehog! Soon he was deposed... |
CHICKEN DREAM POEM: by Hastings Wyman, Jr., pre-1983, a dream of liberation A mass breakout of baby chicks. They say "Now we know how, so we'll go where we choose." And maybe it's about more than chickens... |
X | |
THE BEAR'S RIP: by Xanthe; dreamed 1990 or 1991; a lucidish dream with four sketches. A bear rips open my wall and guides me into a psychedelic space where I learn to see with new eyes... |
BLUE EAGLE: by Xanthe; 1989/10/6, a dream that said it wasn't for me I met a great blue eagle waiting to get into a library--but not to hunt books... |
ELEPHANT UPSIDE DOWN: by Xanthe, c2001, a surreal underworld-dream In the underworld, soldiers chase fundamentalists in underwear, as leopards stare. The upside-down elephant plugs the exit. We can only escape if we |
FOUR-EYED BABY: by Xanthe; 1989?, a Jungian dream I met some little hunchbacks in the woods who showed me a newborn baby growing from the moss... |
LION FATIGUE by Xanthe and Wayan, 1989/8/24; parallel dreams on, well, L.F. Wayan: a mother mountain lion got quantum-entangled with farm animals, exhausting her... Xanthe: my dogs hurt this lion and I had to tend and calm it all night, exhausting ME... |
LIZARD HUSBAND: by Xanthe, 1990/8/30; a nightmare marriage. I visit the underworld court of the Lizard King, but I can't leave: he makes me Queen... CAUTION: MARITAL RAPE (NON-GRAPHIC) |
SLITHY: by Xanthe; 1989-90, a recurrent dream image An amber stream recurring in my dreams led me to meet a huge, strange being, Slithy... |
XANTHE'S TUNNEL: by Xanthe & Wayan; 1999/6/11, two possibly telepathic dreams I'm a dyke playing baseball in Golden Gate Park. Some guys harass us and run into a tunnel. I follow, but... |
INVADE GREECE, OR ELSE!: by Xerxes I and his uncle Artabanus; 480 BCE, three linked, deceitful dreams. Xerxes twice dreams a god orders him to attack Greece. So he asks his uncle to dream of the god to confirm... |
A SOUND NOT UNLIKE A BELL: by Wendy Xu, c.2021, a dream poem on... poetry itself? I was desperately arranging cut flowers for something important; the forces that acted upon me seemed to say "Your life depends upon this assemblage"... |
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THE DREAM: dreamed by Yadwigha, painted by Henri Rousseau; 1910, collaborative dream art Rousseau's painting of a woman on a red sofa in a glorious jungle really was dream-based--just not his dream... CAUTION: NUDITY, SLACKING |
FARIBA AND YALDA: by Fariba Bogzaran & her friend Yalda, c.1997, shared/mutual dreams After 18 years of exile, Fariba in a lucid dream visits her old friend Yalda, in an unfamiliar home. That night, Yalda has a lucid dream in which Fariba visits. On waking, each writes to the other... |
MIDORI'S DREAM: by Midori Yamane, as told and drawn by her friend Igort, 2015. I see a shop in Kyoto in the early 1900s. The old woman running it is calm, with precise movements and sure hands. A voice says "That lady is Igort"... |
THE CAP AND BELLS by W.B. Yeats, 1894, a dream-poem on love & work A jester in love offers a queen his heart and soul. She rejects them. In despair, he offers her the emblems of his clowning, his cap and bells... |
CRAZY JANE GROWN OLD LOOKS AT THE DANCERS: by W.B. Yeats; spring 1929?, a dream-based poem Crazy Jane watches a dancing couple's passionate games, and envies even their hate; to her, it's part of love... |
CYCLES AGO: dream by Maud Gonne, poem by WB Yeats; late July 1891, a dream-poem We were as if brother and sister of old in the desert land; they sold us in slavery together before this life had begun... |
THE SMILING SHAW MACHINE: by W.B. Yeats; 1894/4/19, a nightmare about popular success. After Shaw's Arms and the Man eclipsed my own play The Land of Heart's Desire, I dreamt I was haunted by... |
TOWARDS BREAK OF DAY: by WB Yeats and Georgie Yeats, Dec. 1918; Simultaneous dreams sharing mood & theme not images. Yeats sees but cannot touch the waterfall he loved so in childhood; Georgie, the magical white stag in King Arthur... |
TURTLE BOATS: by Yi Sun-shin; 1592, a nation-saving dream. Japanese fleets invaded Korea. Admiral Yi dreamt of a giant turtle: no weapon pierced its shell, and it spouted smoke. Yi built his nightmare turtle, and defeated the invaders in battle after battle... |
LIU AND YI (not to mention Kong!): by Liu Bang's mom, 257 BCE, and Yi Yin's mom, c.1600 BCE; birth-related dreams Liu Bang's mom dreams a spirit is making love to her. Her husband sees the spirit is a dragon! Her baby grows up to found the Han... Yi Yin's mom dreams a spirit warns "if water pours from your mortar, run!" She does, and survives a flood, to help found the Shang... CAUTION: LIKELY JUST FOLKLORE |
MR. WILLOW AND THE LOCUSTS: by a Yi Valley magistrate, Dec. 1641?, as told by Pu Songling; a shamanic dream As locusts advanced on his farm district, a magistrate dreamt a Mr. Willow had advice. He took it. Bearing a gift of rice wine, he sought out the Goddess of the Locusts, and... |
YOU LOSE EVERYTHING: by Rachel Yoder, spring 2023, a dream of discovery and loss The house I'm looking at has unexpected rooms, even a pool, but another buyer beats me out. An old woman says "Don't worry dear, in time you lose everything." A comfort at first, but then... |
BARING THE BREAST: by Carla Young, 2010/2/27; dream painting and scene I'm half-naked at an arty dinner party, talking to a man I really think I ought to recognize... who is he? CAUTION: TOPLESS JUNGIAN |
A BODICE RIPPER: by Carla Young, 2010/2/22; epic (and episodic) dream with 5 paintings Awkward newlyweds. Not a love match! Can they co-operate to save a woman from the Nazis?... |
THE MEDIEVAL POISONERS: by Carla Young, 2010/1/3; illustrated non-nightmare Two medieval women poison one another. One dies in my arms; the other may just survive. Why did they...? CAUTION: MURDERERS |
THE POWER OF MOONLIGHT: by Carla Young, 2010/1/2; painting of a dream image I wish I could be as body-free as my neighbor Jenna, hiking nude under the full moon... |
SPARK OF THE DIVINE: by Carla Young, 2010/2/2; painting of a brief oracular dream A voice told me, "Human beings have a spark of the divine"... |
WHAT ARE THE ISSUES?: by Carla Young, 2010/3/16; painting of a political dream pun My friend's ignorant of our local Congressional race. I loathe Pombo and like his rival McNerney, but can't pronounce his name right... |
A WORK OF ART: by Carla Young, early 1970s; dream painting and story I'm to be beheaded. Guards chant "It's important to enjoy what you're doing." I know my spilled blood will create a work of art... |
DRAGON ME: by Preston Young and Katie Hofgard; 2005/2/14? a collaborative dream-portrait. Preston dreams he's a dragon and his girlfriend Katie drew his portrait from his account |
Z | |
OIL DERRICK: by Fernando Rojas Zapata, Dec 1994-early 1995; recurring, life-saving nightmares DREAMS: I'm arguing with a worker on our oil rig when a huge piece of steel falls, crushing me instantly. MONTHS LATER: that very worker gets in an argument with me. I recall my dreams, step back, and... |
LONG GREEN DOG: by Zhang Tianxi, before 1644, a warning pun-studded dream DREAM: a long green dog attacked Zhang from the south. He hid in his bedroom. He woke shaken but did not act. SOON AFTER: General Gou Zhang (sounds like "Dog Long"), in a long green coat, attacked from the south... |
JAKE'S MAGIC CARPET; 2006/12/12 by Zhea Zarecor; a reconciliation dream that grew to something more Not long after Jake died, I dreamed he took me on a magic carpet ride. Since then, I've been flying... |
EATING DIRT: by Emperor Zhi Meng, c.550 CE, a predictive nightmare The Emperor dreamt he was eating dirt. He feared it was a metaphor for death. Wrong. No metaphor! Soon after, his enemies suffocated him in dirt... CAUTION: BRUTAL |
THE BOATMEN OF LAOLONG: by Viceroy Zhu, before 1679, as told by Pu Songling; an incubated dream Traders were vanishing. Newly installed Viceroy Zhu fasted, focused, and dreamt the gods sent him a riddling poem. Each line suggested one word--together, they... CAUTION: BRUTAL ORGANIZED CRIME |
BUTTERFLY: by Zhuang-zi; 340-330 BCE?, a dream questioning identity. I dreamed I was a butterfly, fluttering about, content with my lot. Suddenly I awoke and was Chuang-tzu again... |
ZHUANGZI INTERVIEWS A SKULL: by Zhuangzi, c.310 BCE, an incubated dream on the afterlife DAY: while traveling, Zhuangzi found a skull. Wondering how it had lived and died, he slept on it. DREAM: the skull answered him! It told of death, which the skull found preferable to mortal life... |
ROGER AND TINA: by Lisa Horton Zimmerman; 1991?; a gender-bent dream As Roger, I can't get enough of Tina, though I know she lies and steals. After she vanishes with my leather jacket, I hunt for her. Spot her shoplifting, and I want to catch her, but let go at last... |
SHIRT GIRL: by Zooop and Wayan; 1993/10/17, a shared, embarrassing telepathic dream. A fictional niece acting sexy in a shirt, plus... water balloons? I woke, and a friend told me HER dream... CAUTION: DREAM INCEST, KIDS WITH GUNS, GENERAL WEIRDNESS |
SHOWERED WITH WISHES: by Zooop; 2007/3/12, a dream that enough is enough I took my cellphone into the shower. I couldn't find the shampoo, and idly typed SHAMPOO in, and... CAUTION: NOW YOU KNOW WHO STOLE YOUR ODD SOCKS |
ZOOOP'S MAZE: by Zooop and Wayan; 1999/1/21, apparent shared/telepathic dreams. I wander a sunken maze, meet a playful woman, find a hidden treasure. Meanwhile, my friend Zooop... |
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