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World Dream Bank Art Gallery: Q-R

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Select a PICTURE to see just the picture. Select a TITLE to see the text or story with the picture.

Quadruple wedding

Quadruple wedding

Quadruple wedding

Quadruple wedding

Queen cobra

Queen Kong

Queen Kong

Quail finds...

Ra cats: scratched

Ra cats: drawing

Rabbit-eared doe

Rabbit-eared doe

Rabbit-eared doe

Rabbit-eared doe

Rabbit world

Rabbit world

Rabbit world

Rabbit world

Rabbit world

Rabbit world: afterword

Raccoon moon

(His) Racist Son

(His) Racist Son: my father's shrine

Radar bear

Radiant light: dreaming in the Hypogeum

Radiant light: offering

Radiant light: child dancer

Radiate sorrow



Ragnhild's tree

Rain of Platonic ideals

Rainbow sleeper

Rainbow sleeper

Rainbow sleeper

Rainbow sleeper

Rainbow splash

Rainbow splash

Rainbow splash

Rainbow splash

Rainbow splash

Rainbow tunnel

Raise yourself

Raise yourself

Raise yourself

Raise yourself

Raise yourself

Range: dad

Range: noise

Range: factors











Rapa Iti

Rapa Iti

Rapa Iti

Rapid transit

Rappel-mad sister

Rappel-mad sister

Raptor (featherball)

Raptor (plains)

Raptor (desert)

Rare Bit Fiends

Rare Bit Fiends

Rattler banquet

Rattler at the controls

Raven at 5 PM








Raven's mirror

Razi and the Shasta Wino

Razi and the Shasta Wino

Razi and the Shasta Wino

Razi and the Shasta Wino

Razi and the Shasta Wino

Razi and the Shasta Wino

Razi and the Shasta Wino

Razi and the Shasta Wino

Razi and the Shasta Wino

Razi and the Shasta Wino

Razi and the Shasta Wino

Razi and the Shasta Wino

Razi and the Shasta Wino

Razi and the Shasta Wino

Razi and the Shasta Wino

Razi and the Shasta Wino

Razi and the Shasta Wino

Razor ghost

Readable dreams

Readable dreams

The real Mao

The real Mao

The real Mao

Rebel owl

Rebel owl

Rebel owl


Reborn as a cat

Reborn immortal

Reborn immortal

Reborn immortal


Recurring dream

Recurring dream

Recurring dream

Recurring dream

Recurring dream

Recurring dream

Recurring dream

Recurring school nightmare

Recurring school nightmare

Recurring school nightmare

Recurring school nightmare

Red barn murder

Red barn murder

Red beast was happy

Red horse

Red ochre, clear light

Red-spattered dancers

Red-spattered dancers

Red-spattered dancers

Red-spattered dancers

The red sphere

The red sphere

Red thing

Reduced to the studhouse

Reels of light




Regression therapy...

Rehearsal room


Reject the Trump gig

Relief caravan

Renaissance woman

Reshape my face

Rest too

Retarded stars



Reverse my armor

Reverse my armor

Reverse my armor

Reverse my armor

Reverse my armor

Reverse my armor

Reverse my armor

Revolution is messy

Revolution is messy

Revolution is messy

Rhinzl's shadow

Rhinzl's shadow

Rhinzl's shadow

Rhinzl's shadow




Ribeiro's wrong about ESP

Rich bitch

The rich wreck the well

Riddle on her breast

Ride the gods of the hand

Ride unicorn

Ride unicorn

Rift zone

Ring-duel: mad science

Ring-duel: teen carnivore

Ring-duel: my ring of power

Ring-duel: fire & ice

Ring-duel: dragon me

Ring of six

Ring of six

Ring of six

Ring of six

Ring of six

Ring of six

Ring of white water

Ring of white water

Ring of white water

Ring of white water

Ring of white water

Ring of white water

Ring of white water

Ring of white water

Ring of white water

Ring of white water

Ring of white water

Ring of white water

Ring of white water

Ring of white water

Ring shadows

The ringman

Rings and turquoise

The ring's elbow room

Ripple effect: Songlines

The ripple effect: "This, then, is art"

The ripple effect: creep invades cafe

The ripple effect: My younger sister

The ripple effect: My older brother

The ripple effect: dream-castle for sale

The ripple effect: the Nine Psychics ruling the world

The ripple effect: open the door!

Riraa in "Spring Up"

Riraa, explorer

Riraa's rings

Riraa the Cendancer


River Crossing

Road of life: ancestors

Road of life

Road of life: friends and lovers

Road of life: sisters

Road to heaven





Roar of the sails

Robert's plan

Robinson Jeffers

Robinson Jeffers


Robot & unicorn

Robot & unicorn

Robot & unicorn

Robot & unicorn

Robot dreams

Rocks of Eden

Rocky love

Rocky love

Rocky love

Rocky love

Role models for sprouts


Ronald Reagan stole my soul!


Roraima jump

Roraima jump

Roraima jump

Rose and the Thorn: ghost car

Rose and the Thorn: Heather's subduction

Rose and the Thorn: Rose

Rose and the Thorn: Heather gone gray

Rose and the Thorn: Rose alarmed



Ruby unicorn

Ruby unicorn


Rum jungle

Runaway moons

Runner with a porpoise

Running bird

Running bird

Running start

Rusty underworld
A -- B -- Ca-Ce -- Ch- -- D -- E -- F -- G -- H -- IJ -- K -- L -- M -- NO -- P -- QR -- S-Sh -- Si- -- T-Th -- Ti- -- UV -- WXYZ

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Titles: A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - IJ - KL - M - NO - PQ - R - Sa-Sk - Sl-Sz - T - UV - WXYZ
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