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World Dream Bank Art Gallery: L

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This gallery is large; for brevity, most maps and minor illustrations of Lyr are omitted.

Select a PICTURE to see just the picture. Select a TITLE to see the text or story with the picture.

Laced with terror

Laced with terror

Ladder of fear


The Lady bathes in grief

The Lady bathes in grief

The Lady bathes in grief

Lady Castlemayne

Lady loves the horse

Lady loves the horse

Lady loves the horse

Lady loves the horse

Lady loves the horse

Lady loves the horse

Lady unicorn

Laing says

Laing says

Laing says

Lake demon

Lakota trainscapes: boxcar of night

Lakota trainscapes: fossil train

Charles Lamb

Lamest car chase ever

Lamest car chase ever

Lamia: beach

Lamia: Dopp

Lamia: landsick

Lamia: pencil

Lamia: Mutu



Landscape from a Dream

Lantern dancer

Laputans lecture...

Laputans lecture...

Larry's multiverse

Larry's multiverse

Larry's multiverse

Larry's multiverse

Larry's multiverse


Last Judgment

Last Judgment

Last Judgment

Last Judgment

Last Judgment

Last Judgment

Last Judgment

Last Judgment

Last Judgment

Last Judgment

The last word

Later, we'll cross over

Laughing girl


Laurie Anderson shenanigans

Lava food groups

LBJ or Woodrow?

LBJ Shackled

LBJ's cage

LBJ's river nightmare

LBJ's Stampede

Lead hazard of witches

Lead hazard of witches

Lead hazard of witches

Lead hazard of witches

Lean on me

Lean on me

Learn to fly

Learning scales

Learning scales

Learning scales

Learning scales

Learning scales

Learning scales

Learning scales

Learning scales

Learning scales

Learning scales

Learning scales

Learning scales

Learning scales

Learning scales

Learning scales

Lebbird on Lyr

Lebbird rearing

Lebbird closeup

Lebbird dancer

A lebbird harper

Lebbird ecstatic

Lebbird ecstatic

Lebbird ecstatic

Lebbird ecstatic

Lebbird ecstatic

Lebbird ecstatic

Lebbird ecstatic

Lebbird ecstatic

Lemon-eyed spirit

Lemon people

Lemon people

Lemon people

Lemon people

Lemon sea

Leo's dream




The leopard's clue

Leopards at the Fringe: the performance

Leopards at the Fringe: Silky




Let go the safe! centaur armature

Let go the safe! centaur halfdone

Let go the safe!

Let illness go

Let me dream!

Let's impose...


Lettuce head

Lettuce head

Li Bai's Pen

Lia the cendancer

Lia in Morla's Fish...

Lia in It's Hot But...

Lia & Sidera in News from Bako


Lia in The Green Sun


Les licornes



A life in percentages

Life mates

Lighting the torch

Mood elevator: lightbulb heads

Like Notre Dame

Lily, fox, dreamer

Lily, fox, dreamer

Lily, fox, dreamer

Lily, fox, dreamer

Lily the lion

Lily Oxygen

Lily Oxygen

Lily Oxygen

Lily Oxygen

Lily Oxygen

Lily Oxygen

Lily Oxygen

Lily Oxygen

Lily Oxygen

Lily Oxygen

Lily Oxygen

Lily Oxygen

Lily Oxygen

Lily Oxygen

The limp

The limit of experience

The limit of experience

Lina in Flowers of the Tundra

Lina: Dance on the Rim of the World

Lina: Scent of my Rose

Lina: Kakalean faces

Lina in Stride On!


Linda's Naval (sic)


Lion eyes

Lion fatigue

Lion-girl triangle

Lion-girl triangle

Lion in a leisure suit

Lion King

Lion lies down with mare

Lion lies down with mare

Lion lies down with mare

Lion now...

Lion now, emancipation later

Lion rider

Lion suit

The literal empire

The literal empire

Little brown rabbits...

Little brown rabbits...

Little Darlings (film)

Little Nemo

Little Nemo's Bed

Liverpool tree



Lizard-bug discipline

Lizard husband

Lizard lesson: lizard

Lizard lesson: fox

Lizard or wizard?

Lizard or wizard?

Lizard or wizard?

Lobster ecstasy

The Loch Ness dance

Lockerbie: nose

Lockerbie: tail


Loewi's Nobel dream

Lola: Pompoko

Lola: my brother

Lola: lady & fox

Lola: unicorn orgy

Lola: lady & fox

Lola: unicorn


Lonely no more!

Lonely no more!

Lonely no more!

Lonely no more!

Lonely no more!

Long green dog

Longevity institute

"Look up, Joe!"

Looking for librium

Loon ladder

Loon ladder

Loon ladder

Lord of the underworld

Lost again

Lost Dutchman burns

Lost... Tokaido

Lotora in Ruby Heart

Lotora in We Leek Fish

Lotora in Lord of the Flies

Lotora in Snatch the Moon!

Lotora in Snatch...

Lotora in Snatch the Moon!

Lotora in Snatch...


Lousy dream

A love affair

A love affair

A love affair

A love affair

A love affair

A love affair

A love affair

A love affair

A love affair

A love affair

A love affair

Lucid flight to Valhalla

Lucid flight

Lucid flight

Lucid flight

Lucid girders

Lucid girders

Lucid living: Razi painting

Lucid living: big boys

Lucid living: biking on water

Lucid living: book of the future

Lucid living: krelkin shepherdess

Lucid living: krelkin shepherdess

Lucid living: krelkin shepherdess

Lucid living: 5 appetites (sketch)

Lucid living: 5 appetites

Lucky Starr



Lunar borderguard

Lunar borderguard

Lunar borderguard

Lunar borderguard

Lunar wedding


Lunch with the Stars


The Lusiads

Lyin' Wayan

Lyin' Wayan

Lyin' Wayan

Lynn Hall's Flyaway




Lyr: clouds

Lyr: world map

Lyr: Ak'hai'i region from orbit

Lyr: southern Ak'hai'i from orbit

Lyr: Ak'hai'i: Su-Iss caldera

Lyr: an altaffe

Lyr: Altai from orbit

Lyr: Altai from low orbit

Lyr: Altai sunset

Lyr: Altla, in Nyanza Is., from orbit

Lyr: Andromeda Range, Corona

Lyr: "another day, another island"

Lyr: an antel

Lyr: two antel

Lyr: antel making rock art

Lyr: antel village

Lyr: arctic islands

Lyr: Averorn Is. from orbit

Lyr: Ayan Is. from orbit

Lyr: bap playing sax

Lyr: bap playing flute

Lyr: Barbro from orbit, looking north

Lyr: Northern Besar from orbit

Lyr: Southern Besar from orbit

Lyr: big blue egg

Lyr: a bo clowning

Lyr: asymme-
trical bo outfit

Lyr: bo ornaments

Lyr: two bos walking

Lyr: bo habitat

Lyr: round book

Lyr: Borthu Crags

Lyr: caldera, Lake Utara

Lyr: canyon, west Ulash

Lyr: cheetaur domical hut

Lyr: cheetaur wading

Lyr: cheetaur (robust)

Lyr: cheetaur (gracile)

Lyr: cheetaur silhouette, sunset

Lyr: cheetaur's experimental biplane

Lyr: cliffs (basalt), Cape Avalon

Lyr: climate zones

Lyr: continental blocks

Lyr: central Corona

Lyr: East Corona (the Tarns, Cape Mist)

Lyr: East Corona (Holm Pen.)

Lyr: North Corona (Long Reach)

Lyr: Western Corona.

Lyr: Corona, orbital view from SW

Lyr: Dahia Is., orbital view from NW

Lyr: Dawrnach from orbit

Lyr: Dee Delta, Gaiila

Lyr: Delp Mts

Lyr: Delp Mts from east

Lyr: south Diomedes from orbit

Lyr: eruption, Mt Hauch

Lyr: an elaffe

Lyr: Epic of Hrill

Lyr: Equatoria from orbit

Lyr: Erkila, orbital view from west

Lyr: explosion!

Lyr: Fiery Is.

Lyr: fjord in Averorn

Lyr: Flame I.

Lyr: toothed flamingo, Quenna Is.

Lyr: a flox

Lyr: flox in flight

Lyr: a flox potter

Lyr: fruitpicking

Lyr: Gaiila from orbit, Oisin setting

Lyr: Gaiila, NW

Lyr: south Gaiila

Lyr: Gray Range, Corona

Lyr: a griffet

Lyr: griffet body language

Lyr: griffet treetop village

Lyr: gryphon

Lyr: gryphon on cliff-brink

Lyr: gryphon duel

Lyr: Gryphon keep, dusk

Lyr: gryphon & tarn

Lyr: Gujgengi Is. from orbit

Lyr: Halcyon

Lyr: hats on Carheddin

Lyr: herons on mudflat

Lyr: Hesperia, orbital view from SW

Lyr: Hrill

Lyr: an icarus in flight

Lyr: icarus girl singing

Lyr: icarus eyrie, sunset, terrace

Lyr: icarus seacliff eyrie

Lyr: Ikrananka, looking east

Lyr: eastern Ikrananka

Lyr: Kilnu from orbit

Lyr: a koreen

Lyr: kraken's eye

Lyr: kraken

Lyr: Kraoka Is.

Lyr: lake (south Ak'hai'i)

Lyr: Lannach from orbit

Lyr: Larsum Group

Lyr: Larsum: Kurro Desert

Lyr: lebbird on branch

Lyr: lebbird, one wing spread

Lyr: lebbird close-up

Lyr: a lebbird harper

Lyr: lebbird dancer

Lyr: Lokon, orbital view from west

Lyr: Lovers on beach

Lyr: Mediterranean hills, Sathayn

Building Lyr: meridians

Lyr: Merseia from orbit

Lyr: mist, Mt Salmen

Lyr: flightless monsters

Lyr: Montalir's jungle hills

Lyr: a multi-species band

Lyr: East Nyanza Is. from orbit

Lyr: West Nyanza Is. from orbit

Lyr: Olga and the Outlings

Lyr: Orfevre Is.

Lyr: south Oronesia, low orbital view from west

Lyr: south Oronesia

Lyr: ow! Flight-ache...

Lyr: pegasus

Lyr: pegasus, dyed mane

Lyr: pegasus in flight

Lyr: pegasus longhouse, Tabitha Herd

Lyr: pegasus: southern, gracile

Lyr vs Earth: plate transects

Lyr: Polaris, orbital view, looking north

Lyr: protoplanet and turtle

Lyr: Quenna Is., orbital view

Lyr: rainforested islands, Rorvan

Lyr: relief

Lyr: "ring" species

Lyr: Cape Rodonis from orbit

Lyr: central Roland Cluster

Lyr: Roland, view NW

Lyr: Scania, orbital view from south

Lyr: Scania

Lyr: scarps

Lyr: sea monsters

Lyr: Sherrin from low orbit, looking north

Lyr: Shielding Is.

Lyr: Shivaru Is, orbital view

Lyr: shy jungle creature

Lyr: Mt Smeth

Lyr: snail invasion!

Lyr: a soka

Lyr: soka atop mast

Lyr: sphinx atop cliff

Lyr: sphinx arching back

Lyr: sphinx on a wall

Lyr: sphinx rolling on her sketches

Lyr: sphinx singer amid rocks

Lyr: sphinx over badlands

Lyr: sphinx boat

Lyr: sphinx cliffhouse, Lokon

Lyr: sphinx cliffhouse

Lyr: sphinx diving

Lyr: from a sphinx cliffhouse

Lyr: star-nosed dolphin

Lyr: Starkad from orbit

Lyr: steppes

Lyr: stilt-village, Liaw Bay

Lyr: Mt Stormgate

Lyr: Su-Kulka Desert

Lyr: Tariat Is.

Lyr: Tau

Lyr: Tauno, looking south from orbit

Lyr: a tauraffe

Lyr: tauraffe house

Lyr: Tempest Islands, looking west

Lyr: theatre, Urshi Town

Lyr: T'kela from orbit

Lyr: Trade Institute

Lyr: Troisleons

Lyr: south Troisleons

Lyr: Tyrlan from orbit looking east

Lyr: Ulash, orbital view from SE

Lyr: Ulwen Scarps

Lyr: veldt, Tempest Is.

Lyr: Mt Volanzu

Lyr: Valland from orbit

Lyr: waterfall

Lyr: waterfall, Tyrlan

Lyr: Wersgorix

Lyr: Whell Is. north of Corona

Lyr: Whell Harbor

Lyr: a witweet

Lyr: witweet gliding
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