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World Dream Bank Art Gallery: A

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Select a PICTURE to see just the picture. Select a TITLE to see the text or story with the picture.
The "A" gallery is large; for brevity, some maps and orbital photos of Abyssia are omitted.

Aberfan: slide

Aberfan: survivor


Above society

Above the tower

Abreast of the competition

Abreast of the competition



Abyssia map;
(or map w/o names)

Abyssia: Agassiz

Abyssia: Agassiz

Abyssia: Agassiz:
Cape Aguila

Abyssia: Agassiz: fjords

Abyssia: Agassiz: Harmon Canal

Abyssia: Agassiz: Harmon Crags

Abyssia: Agassiz:
Kermadec Mts

Abyssia: Agassiz:
pebbles, dune

Abyssia: Agassiz:

Abyssia: Agassiz:

Abyssia: Agulhas forests

Abyssia: Agulhas coast

Abyssia: Aleut coast

Abyssia: an Andalga

Abyssia: Andea: Chilean beach

Abyssia: Andea: Port Sala

Abyssia: SW Angolia

Abyssia: Argentia

Abyssia: Argentia: leptaur & bront

Abyssia: Atlantis

Abyssia: Atlantis: leptaur, titanis, Hatteras coast

Abyssia: Atlantis: leptaur cave art

Abyssia: Atlantis relief

Abyssia: Atlantis: Sargasso Desert, Mt Milwaukee

Abyssia: Atlantis: a titanis

Abyssia: Atlantis: a titanis

Abyssia: auk geographer

Abyssia: Azorea

Abyssia: Azorean fall

Abyssia: Azorea: leptaur

Abyssia: Azorea: leptaur

Abyssia: Azorea: diatryma

Abyssia: Azorea: Plato Bay

Abyssia: bamboo, sparrow

Abyssia: Banda Islands: Weber

Abyssia: Banda Is. dancer

Abyssia: the Bight: sunset

Abyssian birds: albatross

Abyssian birds: auk geographer

Abyssian birds: Bowers moosebird

Abyssian birds: a bront

Abyssian birds: Budgiesus

Abyssian birds: Azorean diatryma

Abyssian birds: Azorean diatryma

Abyssian birds: a dodo

Abyssian birds: emu

Abyssian birds: western kasowar

Abyssian birds: eastern kasowar

Abyssian birds: kasowar dancer

Abyssian birds: kasowar lutist

Abyssian birds: moa in grove

Abyssian birds: ostrich

Abyssian birds: sparrow, bamboo

Abyssian birds: a titanis

Abyssian birds: a titanis

Abyssian birds: teeth

Abyssian birds: teeth 2

Abyssian birds: torian?

Abyssian birds: the uh-oh

Abyssia: black sand beach

Abyssia: blue tower

Abyssia: Boat

Abyssia: Bowers moosebird

Abyssia: a bront

Abyssia: bront & leptaur

Abyssia: Budgiesus

Abyssia: Cabaret dancer

Abyssia: Cayman: S. Coast

Abyssia: Chagos equa, sunset

Abyssia: Chagos leptaur

Abyssia: Chagos: hill farm

Abyssia: Chirang the lutist

Abyssia: coast road

Abyssia: Tom Killion's 'Dead Seal'

Abyssia: dead seal & foxtaur

Abyssia: desert (Sargasso, Atlantis)

Abyssia: desert mesas, central Pacifica

Abyssia: desert canyon, W. Pacifica

Abyssia: Azorean diatryma

Abyssia:a dodo

Abyssia: Dzoa in Lonely Teardrop

Abyssia: Dzoa in Lonely Teardrop

Abyssia: Dzoa in Lonely Teardrop

Abyssia:an eq

Abyssia: equa, aspens

Abyssia: equi in aspens

Abyssia: eq, aspens

Abyssia: eq in aspens

Abyssia: equa crossing arms

Abyssia: a pleased equa

Abyssia: equa in profile

Abyssia: equa pointing

Abyssia: an equa florist

Abyssia: equa midleap

Abyssia: equa looks back

Abyssia: equi surveyors

Abyssia: equa port-pilot

Abyssia: equa at sunset

Abyssia: an equa as puzzle

Abyssia: farm

Abyssia: Filipinia

Abyssia: Filipinia: Mt Mindanao

Abyssia: fjords, Antipodia

Abyssia: foxtaur, sea-bluff

Abyssia: foxtaur caravan

Abyssia: foxtaur, cliff

Abyssia: foxtaur crawling

Abyssia: foxtaur crouching

Abyssia: foxtaur dancer

Abyssia: foxtaur dancer

Abyssia: foxtaur dancer

Abyssia: foxtaur dancer

Abyssia: foxtaur dancer

Abyssia: foxtaur, dead seal

Abyssia: foxtaur, desert

Abyssia: foxtaur, jungle

Abyssia: foxtaur leaning

Abyssia: foxtaur, mesas

Abyssia: foxtaur moonlit

Abyssia: foxtaur, palms

Abyssia: foxtaur, profile

Abyssia: foxtaur, tall grass

Abyssia: foxtaur, tall grass

Abyssia: foxtaur, winter

Abyssia: foxtaur, winter

Abyssia: Greek Is; temple

Abyssia: Greek Isles: Ithaka Hiead

Abyssia: Harmon Canal

Abyssia: Harmon Crags

Abyssia: Hashi, winter coat

Abyssia: Hashi, winter coat

Abyssia: Hatteras coast, leptaur, titanis

Abyssia: Hawaiian Sea (Pt. Wini)

Abyssia: ice cliffs, Lena Is.

Abyssia: islets of Clipperton Gulf

Abyssia: a kasowar

Abyssia: kasowar dancer

Abyssia: kasowar lutist

Abyssia: Kerguelen Is.

Abyssia: Kermadec Mts

Abyssia: Tom Killion prints (grouped)

Abyssia: Lena Is. glaciers

Abyssia: Leone Is: lagoon

Abyssia: Leone: tree-squid

Abyssia: leptaur, round sketch

Abyssia: leptaur & bront

Abyssia: leptaur cave art

Abyssia: leptaur head

Abyssia: leptaur, lagoon

Abyssia: leptaur, meadow

Abyssia: leptaur, raven

Abyssia: leptaur on rocks

Abyssia: leptaur singer

Abyssia: leptaur, swamp

Abyssia: leptaur swimming

Abyssia: leptaur, beach

Abyssia: leptaur, wine

Abyssia: leptaur, wood

Abyssia: lutist

Abyssia: mapping

Abyssia: Marcus Lakes

Abyssia: Mariana Mts

Abyssia: Mascarenian sunset

Abyssia: merfolk?

Abyssia: mesa sunset

Abyssia: meteor impact

Abyssia: migration deadline

Abyssia: moa in grove

Abyssia: moosebird

Abyssia: Morningtonia: brr

Abyssia: Morningtonia: an equa

Abyssia: Morningtonia: a moa

Abyssia: Musician Lakes

Abyssia: "My whole world exploded!"

Abyssia: Nezza in Follow the Dream

Abyssia: Nezza, Follow the Dream

Abyssia: Nezza in Burst...

Abyssia: Nezza in Burst...

Abyssia: Nezza in Burst...

Abyssia: Nezza in Burst...

Abyssia: Nezza in Burst...

Abyssia: ostrich

Abyssia: Pacific relief

Abyssia: Pacifica (E): kasowar

Abyssia: Pacifica (E): Nezza

Abyssia: Pacifica (E): Nezza

Abyssia: Pacifica (E): Nezza

Abyssia: Pacifica (E): Nezza

Abyssia: Pacifica (E): Nezza

Abyssia: Pacifica (E): Clipperton Gulf

Abyssia: Pacifica (E): Pt. Wini

Abyssia: Pacifica (E): tree-stair

Abyssia: Pacifica (mid): foxtaur

Abyssia: Pacifica (mid): Mercator Hills

Abyssia: Pacifica (mid): Nezza

Abyssia: Pacifica (mid): Nezza

Abyssia: Pacifica (mid): cattails

Abyssia: Pacifica (mid): mesas

Abyssia: Pacifica (mid): Pt. Wini

Abyssia: Pacifica (N): Aleut coast

Abyssia: Pacifica (N): winter foxtaur

Abyssia: Pacifica (N): winter foxtaur

Abyssia: Pacifica (N): moosebird

Abyssia: Pacifica (S) rainforest

Abyssia: Pacifica (S) bamboo, sparrow

Abyssia: Pacifica (S): kasowar lutist

Abyssia: Pacifica, SW: foxtaur, palms

Abyssia: Pacifica (W): desert canyon

Abyssia: Pacifica (W): Mercator Mts

Abyssia: Pacifica (W): foxtaur caravan

Abyssia: Pacifica (W): foxtaur, cliff

Abyssia: Pacifica (W): glaciers

Abyssia: Pacifica (W): Marcus Lakes

Abyssia: Pacifica (W): Mariana Mts

Abyssia: Pacifica (W): red tide

Abyssia: Pacifica (W): redwood range

Abyssia: Pacifica (W): skull

Abyssia: pebbles, dune (W. Agassiz)

Abyssia: Pernambuco and Angolia

Abyssia: Pernambuco, leptaur, swamp

Abyssia: Pernambuco hills

Abyssia: Puerto Rico Range

Abyssia: rafting, Musician Lks

Abyssia: rainforest

Abyssia: rainforest, foxtaur

Abyssia: raven & leptaur

Abyssia: redwood range

Abyssia: Agassiz:

Abyssia: Agassiz:

Abyssia: Rira of Suvorov

Abyssia: Sala-y-Gomez

Abyssia: Sandwichia sunset

Abyssia: Shetland

Abyssia: Skull, west Pacifica

Abyssia: Somalian beach, dusk

Abyssia: Somalia's Amirante Cliffs

Abyssia: Somalia: it's a puzzle

Abyssia: Somalia: leptaur, meadow

Abyssia: Sovin of Somalia

Abyssia: sparrow, bamboo

Abyssian squid

Abyssia: sunset, the Bight

Abyssia: sunset, central Pacifica

Abyssia: sunset, Mascarenia

Abyssia: sunset, Sandwichia

Abyssia: Tasman Is. storm

Abyssia: Tasmanian merfolk?

Abyssia: Atlantis: a titanis

Abyssia: a Titanis

Abyssia: Tom Killion prints (grouped)

Abyssia: Tonga Mts

Abyssia: tree-squid

Abyssia: Pacifica (E): tree-stair

Abyssia: Tristania

Abyssia: Tristania coast

Abyssia: Tristania hills

Abyssia: Tristanian leptaur

Abyssia: the uh-oh

Abyssia: Valdivian eq

Abyssia: Vityaz Is.: Meteora

Abyssia: Vityaz Is: an equa

Abyssia: Weddellia coast

Abyssia: Weddellia: meteor impact

Abyssia: Weddellian leptaur

Abyssia: Weddellia: migration?

Abyssia: Whartonia: Discordian Is.

Abyssia: Whartonia: emu

Abyssia: Whartonian equa

Abyssia: Whartonia: eq florist, C. Ob

Abyssia: Whartonia: sunset


Acorn and Pelt

Acorn and Pelt

Acorn and Pelt

Acorn and Pelt

Acorn and Pelt

Acorn and Pelt

Acorn and Pelt

The addiction

Adding shells to Nina

Adding shells to Nina

Adopt son to win mate

Adopt son to win mate

Adopt son to win mate

Adorable cyborgs

Adorable cyborgs

Adorable cyborgs

Adorable cyborgs

Adorable cyborgs

Adrenaline Hall

Adrian tried

Adrian tried

Adrian tried

Adrian tried

Aelfwine: dream-helmet party

Aelfwine: dream child at the beach

Aelfwine: body under the bed

Aelfwine: Winnie kisses Kevin

Aelfwine: dreamhelmet

After birth




Agassiz's fish


Ai Zhong

Aicorn's banana

Aicorn's banana

Aicorn's banana

Aida's boat

Aida's boat

Aida's boat

Aida's boat

Aida's boat

Aifelle in The Coming Dark

Aifelle in Beauty from the Plain

Aifelle in Love to the Stars

Aifelle in I Dream of Skea

Aifelle the Cendancer











Ailura? Rosettes (gold sphinx)

Ailura? Moondance

Ailura? striped leopardess



Ailura? size-shifter






Ailura?: furry sex opens gate

Ailura? furries come alive




Ailura? talked out of my sphinx!

Ailura: gray catgirl

Ailura? Leopards at the Fringe

Ailura? fursuit dream


Ailura? were-puma

Ailura? test nipple

Ailura padded

Ailura as the hills of Jerusalem

Ailura relaxing

Ain't easy

Air Burundi: the village

Air Burundi: Painting 1

Air Burundi: Painting 2

Air Burundi: Painting 3

Air Burundi: Painting 4

Air Burundi: the painter

The Air Burundi Paintings

Air oasis

Air oasis

Air pirates

Air pirates


Al Capp's horses

Al Capp's horses

Al Capp's horses

Alcoholic cat

Alan's office

Alan's office

Alertness gym

Alertness gym

Alertness gym

Alertness gym

Alertness gym

Alertness gym

Alertness gym

Alice Miller's monster messages

Alicorn blade in the heart

Alicorn blade in the heart

Alicorn blade in the heart

Alicorn blade in the heart

Alien girl, sacred peaks: Tharn

Alien girl, sacred peaks: Lebbird

Alien girl, sacred peaks: pool

Alien girl, sacred peaks

Alien girl, sacred peaks: crags

Alien girl, sacred peaks: face

All-genius class

All-genius class

All manner...

All-night buffalo convenience!

All thumbs

Alone in...

Alp Vark goddess

Alp Vark lobster-cows

Alp Vark three sisters

Alp Vark vark

Alp Vark shop

Alp Vark pocket starship

Alp Vark tree of time

Alp Vark balloon

Alp Vark crayfish pool

Alp Vark: Doré orgy on urn

Alp Vark: Doré orgy on urn

Alp Vark: Dore's orgy

Alp Vark: Dore's orgy

Alp Vark: science clubhouse


Alpha Ralpha...

an altaffe, on Lyr

Altared mansion

Altared mansion

Althea's chicken

Althea's chicken

Althea's money dreams

Althea's money dreams

Althea's money dreams: desert

Althea's money dreams

Althea's money dreams

Althea's money dreams

Althea's money dreams

Althea's money dreams

Althea's chicken

Am I ephemeral?

Amaterasu's mirror

Amazons' offer

Amazons' offer

Amazons' offer

Amazons' offer

Amazons' offer

Ambassador (pro tem) of dreams


American Flag

American Tanka

American Tanka

American Tanka

American Tanka

American Tanka

American Tanka

American Tanka

American Tanka

American Widow

American Widow

American Widow

American Widow

American Widow

Americans shoot anything


Among columns

Anarchist fair

Ancient ruins...

Ancient ruins...

"And then I woke up"

"And then I woke up"

"And then I woke up"



Angel sill

Angel showdown

Angel showdown

Angels & sharks


Angerhelm: hell

Angerhelm: heaven

Animal dreamlets

Animal dreamlets

Animal dreamlets

Animal heaven

Animal heaven

Animal transfiguration


Annabel rose

Anne Sexton

Anne's dream

Annie, get your gown

Annie, get your gown

Annie, get your gown

Annie, get your gown

Annoying goddess



Annunciation sphinx


Another war

The answer floor

Answering Jung

Answering Jung

Lyran antel

Antels: below cliff

Antel: making rock art

Antel: village

Antelope girls

Ant representative

Anti-lucid flight

Anti-lucid flight

Antlian judge

Ants at a picnic

A peel for approval

Apocalypse of the moon

Apologetic ogre

Apply for priority

Appointment in Venice: 1

Appointment in Venice: 3

Appointment in Venice: 6

Appointment in Venice: 13

Appointment in Venice: 17

Appointment in Venice: 18

Appointment in Venice: 20

Appointment in Venice: 63

Appointment in Venice: 28

Appointment in Venice: 29

Appointment in Venice: 30

Appointment in Venice: 38

Appointment in Venice: 40

Appointment in Venice: 43

Aquarina prodigy

Aquarina prodigy

Aquarina prodigy

Aquarina prodigy

Aquarina prodigy

Aquarina prodigy

Aragorn's liver

Arboretum cat

Arch dream

Arch detail

Archa the Cendancer

Archa's coat

Archa the Cendancer


Archa in Dyeing...

Archa in Diamonds

Archa in Diamonds


Arctic changeling

Arctic unicorn: dream

Arctic unicorn: riddle

Arctic unicorn: book

Arenna, freed

Arenna, freed

Arenna, freed

Arhats in a dream: 5th

Arhats in a dream: 11th

Arhats in a dream: 12th

Arhats in a dream: 16th

Ariane's honeymoon

Ariane's honeymoon

Ariel: Dunne

Ariel: Middle Earth map

Ariel: warring bird-planes

Ariel: Reagan mocks pacifism

Ariel: foot

Ariel: literary timeline

Ariel: hidden war toys

Ariel: Jamaica canyon

Ariel: the Goddess

Ariel: '83 ed.

Ariel: Unicorn Commitment

Ariel: 2009 ed.

Ariel the Cendancer

Ariel the Cendancer

Ariel in Coral Dream

Ariel in Saga of Settlement

Ariel in The Green Sun

Ariel: The Green Sun

Aristotle's wives


Armorine's dragon

Arms policy

Aroo's engineers

Aroo's engineers

Aroo's engineers

Aroo's engineers

Aroo's engineers

King Aroo

The arrival

Arson music

Arson pattern

Art takes guts

Art takes guts

Art or propaganda?

Art or propaganda?

Art or propaganda?

Art or propaganda?

Art or propaganda?

Art or propaganda?

Artichoke plate

Artie Shaw: John Wren-Lewis

Artie Shaw: Mike Douglas

Artie Shaw: Artie

Artie Shaw: Ann Faraday


The artist's way




As others see us

As if we cared



the Ashe sisters

the Ashe sisters


Asilomar of dreams

Asilomar of dreams

Ask me anything

Ask not...

Aslan's swoop






Asteroid strikes


Astrid & me

Astrid & me

Astrid & me

At a big 'Swenson' party...

At a California camp

At the bisexual ball

'At least he's a doctor'

'At least he's a doctor'






Auspicious tractor hate

Autistic thunder

Autumn of the ancients

Averell's flight urban landscape

Averell's flight detail

Averell's flight detail

Averell's flight Another Reality

Avoid the matriarch


Awkward enlightenment

Awkward enlightenment

Awkward enlightenment


Azorean Pan

Azorean Pan
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