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World Dream Bank Art Gallery: D

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Select a PICTURE to see just the picture. Select a TITLE to see the text or story with the picture.

Dad falls asleep at the podium

Dad the workaholic

Dad returns

Dad's date

Dali centaur

Dallas Gmork

Dallas Gmork

Dallas Gmork

Dallas Gmork

Dalmatian mare

Damocles Hall

Damocles Hall

Damocles Hall

Dance of the Enigmas

The dance reporters lie

Dance / Sun

Dance / Sun

Dance / Sun

Dance of the Sun

Dance / Sun

Dance / Sun

Dance of the Sun

Dance of the Sun

Dance / Sun

Dance / Sun

Dance / Sun

Dance / Sun

Dance / Sun

Dancing redwoods

Dancing Robbane

Dancing Robbane

Dancing with Emily Bronte

Daphne thinks

Daphne thinks

Dare to be Fat!

Dare to be Fat!

Dare to be Fat!

The Darii

The Darii

The Darii

The Darii

A dart in her chest


The dating ghost

A date in Minsk

A date in Minsk

A date in Minsk

A date in Minsk

A date in Minsk

A date in Minsk

A date in Minsk

Datin' demon

Datin' demon

Datin' demon

Dating weirdos

Dawn says 'sculpt masturbation'

Dawn says 'sculpt masturbation'

Dawn says 'sculpt masturbation'

Dawn says 'sculpt masturbation'

Dawn says 'sculpt masturbation'

Dawn says 'sculpt masturbation'

Dawn says 'sculpt masturbation'

Dawn says 'sculpt masturbation'

Dawn's dream

Dead, not stupid!

Dead rights


Death date

Death date

Death! Death!

Deer and sandstorm

Deer and sandstorm

Deer & wolf mystics

Deer & wolf mystics

Deer dancer

Deer Jesus

Deer Jesus

Deer-Man Dancing

Deer on their Phones

Deer on their Phones

Deer on their Phones

Deerman's Challenge

The Deer Party

The Deer Party

The Deer Party

The Deer Party

The Deer Party

The Deer Party

Deer people, breast-shy

Deer shaman

Deer sorceress

Deer sorceress

Deer sorceress

Deer vs pigs

Deer vs pigs

Deer vs pigs

Deer vs pigs

Deer vs pigs

The deer's holy lake


Deertaur transformation

Deertaur transformation



Defending myself...

Delboeuf's fern

Delight evolves flight

Delight evolves flight

Demetri's dream

Demon budgeting

Demon budgeting

Demon budgeting

Demon budgeting

Demon budgeting

Demon toddler

Descending the mtn. tower

Descending: walk

Descending: cave of tears

Desert eyes

Desert eyes

Desert slavers

Desert slavers

Desert slavers

Desert slavers

Desert slavers

The desert's purpose

Designer: Leonardo

Designer: Blake

Designer: me


Devangel: Erthedni

Devangel: my glyph






The Devil by CS Lewis

The Devil by CS Lewis

The Devil by CS Lewis

The Devil by CS Lewis

The Devil's Trill



Diadem ratio

Diagnostic battery

Diagnostic battery

Diagnostic battery

Diagnostic battery

Diane Duane's dragon

Diane's triangle

Dickens & Caftan

Dickens & Caftan

The die-back


Dinah's advice

Dinah's advice

Dinah's advice

A dinner with Death

Dinosaur bard

Dinosaur elevator

Dino for a night

Dinosaur grade

Dino rodeo

Dino treasure

Dino treasure

Dino treasure

Dino treasure

Dino treasure

Dino treasure

Dino treasure

Dino yarmulke

Disaster dream



Disney's make-out date


Diurnal/nocturnal worlds: Split

Diurnal/nocturnal: Party of the gods

Diurnal: Wheel

Diurnal: Cybat

Diurnal: Earsplit Beach

Diurnal: Dragonsbane

Dlana finds a bone

Dlana in Three Soul-Mirrors

Dlana in Snuggle Up

Dlana in The Forest's My Divan

Dlana, closeup

Dlana's poufs

Do you love me John?

Do you love me John?

Do you love me John?

Doctor & tern

Doctor Who and Death

Doctor Who and Death

Doctor Ventril

Doctor's advice

Dog bites cat

Dog horror

Dog in a cassock

The dog king

Dog on the ramp

Dog or... kitty?

Dog pilot program

Dog thirst

Doggy in the window

Doggy in the window

the Doggysey

the Doggysey

the Doggysey

the Doggysey

Dogman plays on turf

the Dolphins

Dome: p.1

Dome: p.2

Dome: p.3

Dome: p.4

Dome roof

Dome Kidman

Dome dress

Dome brink

Dome kick!

Dome wicker

Dome ponder

Dome circle

Dome wake

Dome draw

Dome afterword

Donna's fallout

Donna's fallout

Donna's fallout

Donna's fallout

Don't panic

Don't settle for half

Don't soar

Door of eternity

Door thru death:

Door thru death:

Door thru death:
Into the screen

Dopp: niche

Dopp: sofa

Dopp: show










The double

The double

The double

The double

Double funeral

The doubt

The doubt

The doubt

The doubt

The doubt

Dove girl

Draconian vacation

Dracula's sandwich

Dragon banners

Dragon banners

Dragon banners

Dragon banners

Dragon banners

Dragon banners

Dragon banners

Dragon banners

Dragon economist

Dragonfly Antenna






Dragon Me

Dragon's-eye view

Dragon's-eye view

Dragon's teeth

Dragon's teeth

Dragon with a suitcase


Dragonfly bus

Dragonfly bus

Dragonfly bus

Dragonfly bus

Dragonfly bus

Dragonfly bus

Drama is Hell

Drank it All

A Dream (Barry Cornwall)

Dream? p.1

Dream? p.2

Dream? p.3

The Dream (Puvis de Chavannes)

The Dream (Henri Rousseau)

The Dream, 1927 (Marc Chagall)

The dream approaches...

Dream caused by a bee...

Dream children

Dream clarity

Dream deniers

Dream figures

Dream figures

Dream figures

Dream house

Dream house

Dream house

Dream house

Dream house

Dream milking

Dream of abysses

Dream of Daniel

Dream of Daniel

Dream of Daniel

Dream of Daniel

Dream of Daniel

Dream of 9 Muses

Dream of 9 Muses

Dream of the arcs

Dream of the dance

Dream of the dancing goddesses

Dream or reality?

Dreamish heart

Dreamku primer

Dreamku primer

Dreamku, Sept 2006

Dreamku, January 2007

Dreamku, March 2007

Dreamku, April 2007

Dream recall



Dreams block vampire arrows

Dreams explain dreams

Dreams explain dreams

Dreams explain dreams

Dreams explain dreams

Dream shortage

Dreamtales: cover

Dreamtales: contents



The dress code of God

The dress code of God

The dress code of God

Dresser dragon

Dresser angel

Driver's Test

Driver's Test

Driver's Test

Drugged, blamed, shrunk & daubed

Drugged, blamed...

Dryad in fall

Dryad in winter

Dryad in spring

A dry dream

A dry dream

Dry humping on stage

Dubia: our flooded future

Dubia map

Dubia: Eurasia

Dubia: Europe

Dubia: Senegal Gulf

Dubia: Africa

Dubia: East Africa

Dubia: Arabia

Dubia: Central Asia

Dubia: India

Dubia: Southeast Asia

Dubia: Australia

Dubia: New Zealand

Dubia: Siberia

Dubia: China

Dubia: American West

Dubia: North America

Dubia: Greenland

Dubia: Eastern US

Dubia: Caribbean

Dubia: South America

Dubia: Antarctica

Dubia: feline bodyplan

Dubia: Arctic Sea

Dubia: saurian bodyplan

Dubia: arctic

Dubia: Mars study




During dream-drought

During dream-drought

During dream-drought

During dream-drought

During dream-drought

Dzoa the Cendancer

Dzoa the Cendancer





Dzoa the Cendancer


Dzoa the Cendancer

Dzoa's roots: Homo Cetacea
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