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World Dream Bank Art Gallery: B

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Select a PICTURE to see just the picture. Select a TITLE to see the text or story with the picture.

The B side of the penis

The B side of the penis

Baby Hitler's dog

Baby, I'll blow your mind

Backache dialogs

Backache dialogs

Backache dialogs

Backache dialogs

Backward Boob

Backwards causation

Bad dream book

Bad nose

Bad sectors of the psyche

Badge slander

Bagging Peter Beagle



Bagman: Baigneuse

Bake her photo


Baleena's game

Balladeer busks

Ballet curtain

Balloon dive




Banana moon

Banana moon

Banana moon

Banana moon

Banana slug




A bank rigged to fail

Bankers' table

A bap playing sax

A bap playing flute

Bar bet

Bar bet

Bar bet

Bar bet

The bar pet

Barbie cendancers

Bare the breast

Barrington Bunny

Barrington Bunny

Baseball kiss

Baseball kiss

Baseball kiss

Baseball Naga

Bast sabotage

Bast sabotage

Bastard unicorn

Bastard unicorn

Bat & umbrella

Bat & umbrella

Bat & umbrella

Bat & umbrella

Bat & umbrella

Bat & umbrella

Bat & umbrella

Bat & umbrella

Bathsheba at Belvedere

Batman's love

Batman's love

Batman's love

Batman's love

Batman's love

Batman's love

Battered, with syrup

Battered, with syrup

Battered, with syrup

Battered, with syrup

Battered, with syrup

Battered, with syrup

Battuta (map)

Bay window

The Beach





A beagle, three wolves...

A beagle, three wolves and a setter

A beam of flight

A beam of flight

A beam of flight

A beam of flight

Bear lady

Bear in the museum

Bear read dune

Bear versus chainsaw

Bear's rip

Bear's rip

Bear's rip

Bear's rip

Beast births

Beast births

Beating Uncle Fester

Beauty, brains...

Beauty's challenge

Bed Vortex

Bed Vortex

Bed Vortex

Bed Vortex

The bee-queen

Bees' answer

Beet: in sap

Beet: Rambo Liberty

Beet: twins

Beet: exhibitionist

Beet: cowgirl

Beetle time

Beggars in Spain

Beggars in Spain

Beggars in Spain

Beggars in Spain

Behind Screens

Behind Screens

Behind Screens

Belief is grief

Belief is grief

Bell curve in dark

Bellows bridge

Bellows bridge

Belt-snake myopia

Beren and Luthien

Bergia in Rain is Skygrass

Bergia in The Triangle

Bergia in The Triangle

Bergia in Mount me Outdoors

Bergia, stage portrait

Bergia in Soul, Lift your Tail & Kick



Bernal Islet, 2250

Bernal Islet: Drowntown

Bernal Islet: Sandow Birk

Bernal Islet: California Sea

Bernal Islet: fruitpicking

Bernal Islet: in the tree

Berry dance

Berry dance: my kidnapper

Berry dance: the Juice Room

Berry thief

Beryl borrowed it

Beryl's dog days

Bess: The crowded mind / the void

Bess: The premonition

Bess: Untitled

Bess: Complete Freedom

Bess: Drawings

The best conversationalists

The best hotel

Betray my animal friends

Betray my animal friends

Betray my animal friends

Betray my animal friends

Betray my animal friends

Betray my animal friends

Betraying dreams

Beware of overstimulation

Beyond the buoys

Beyond the buoys

Beyond the buoys

Bible reduced...


Big Cat

The Big Crunch

Big flaming airplanes...

a big wet kiss

a big wet kiss

a big wet kiss

a big wet kiss

a big wet kiss

a big wet kiss

Bike from a bomb

Bike knights

Bike odyssey

Bike odyssey

Bike odyssey

Bike odyssey

Bike odyssey

Bike odyssey

Bike odyssey

Bike odyssey

Bike odyssey

Bike odyssey

Bike odyssey

Bike odyssey

Bike odyssey

Bike odyssey

Bike odyssey

Bike odyssey

Bike odyssey

Bike odyssey

Bike odyssey

Bike odyssey

Bike odyssey

Bike odyssey

Bike over the bell curve

Bill Cosby's wife


Bird assassin

Bird crash

Bird marathon

Bird marathon

Bird marathon

Bird tamer

Birds on fire





Birth stamps

Bison & spindle

Bison & spindle

Bison & spindle

Bison & spindle

Bite the bullet

Bite the bullet

Bitter Jade

Bitter Jade

Bitter Jade

Bivouac: Perimeter

Bivouac: main installation

Black & white, or color?

Black blot eyes

The black current

The black current

The black current

The black current

The black current

The black current

The black current

The black current

Black ducks quacked first

The black egg

The black egg

Black magic:
black angel

Black magic:
pink & brown

Black magic:

Black magic:
black mare

Black magic:
blue crystals

Black magic:
sub, urb, kraal

Black magic:
American Gothic

Black magic:
steam explosion

Black magic:
wizard 1

Black magic:
wizard 2

Black magic:
wizard 3

Black magic:
wizard 4

Black magic:
black spirit

Black magic:
wizard 5

Black magic:
angry unicorn

Black wave

Black Winter


Blackground: cover

Blackground: 2

Blackground: 3

Blackground: 4

Blackground: 5

Blackground: 6

Blackground: 7

Blackground: 8

Blackground: 9

Blackground: 10

Blackground: 11

Blackground: 12

Blackground: 13

Blackground: 14

Blackground: 15

Blackground: 16

Blackground: 17

Blackground: 18

Blackground: 19

Blackground: back cover

Blackslime Tower


blue bird

flying carpet

letting go

Blame Rio

Bleeding heart

Bleeding heart

Bleeding heart

Bleeding heart

Bleeding heart

Bleeding heart

Bleeding heart

Bleeding heart

Bleeding heart: In the Future Desert

Bleeding heart: Dahaun

Bleeding heart: comic p.1

Bleeding heart: comic p.2

Bleeding heart: comic p.3

Bleeding heart: comic p.4

Bleeding heart: comic p.5

Bleeding heart: comic p.6

Bleeding heart: comic p.7

Bleeding heart: comic p.8

Bless my phobia

Blind to the cues

Blind ancestors

Blind ancestors

the Blip

Blondie and Crazy

Blondie and Crazy

Blondie and Crazy

Blood dance

Blood runaway






Bloody Styx!

Blow 'em up!

Blow 'em up!

Blow 'em up!

Blow 'em up! Mandelbrot puddle

Blow 'em up! Bear, read, dune

Blow 'em up! Basement revolutionaries

Blown or steer?

Blue blammor

Blue blammor

Blue blammor: magic carpet

Blue blammor

Blue brains

Blue crystals

Blue crystals

Blue eagle

Blue holes

Blue lips, gold eyes, orange juice

Blue mer-angel

Blue mer-angel

Blue mer-angel

Blue mer-angel

The blue millipede

Blue skies

Blue soup

Blue soup

Blue soup

Blue soup

Blue soup

Blue soup

Blue soup

Bluebeard drag

Bluebeard drag

Blundering Linda

Blundering Linda

Blundering Linda

A bo clowning

Bo clothing: asymmetrical

Bo ornaments


Board of kibitzers

Board of kibitzers

Boat meeting

Boat meeting

Boat people in the tub

The boats

A bodice ripper

A bodice ripper

A bodice ripper

A bodice ripper

A bodice ripper

Bodies differ

Body mess

Body switch

Body switch

Body switch

Body switch

Body switch

Body switch

Body switch

Body switch

Boil the cord

Boiling my friends

Bollywood love

Le Bon Dieu


Bone carvings

Bonk Veronica: p.1

Bonk Veronica: p.2

Bonk Veronica: p.3

Bonk Veronica: p.4

Bonk Veronica: p.5

Bonk Veronica: p.6

Bonk Veronica: p.7

Bonk Veronica: p.8

Bonk Veronica: p.9

Bonk Veronica: band

Bonk Veronica: riot

Bonk Veronica: bootcamp

Bonk Veronica: proud

Bonk Veronica: circle

Bonobo and bear

Bonobocare, or, The Children's Crusade

Bonobocare, or...

Bonytaur perspective

Bonytaur perspective

Bonytaur perspective

The book

The book

The book

The book

Bookstore illusion

Boris Badenov

Boris Badenov

Boris Badenov

Born in a cave

Born in a cave:
Scholar's Club

Born in a cave:
Noble Tiger

Born in a cave:
Retirement Rite

Born in a cave:
First Steps

Born in a cave:
Run & Whoop

Born in a cave:

Born in a cave:
House of Jennifer

Born in a cave:

Born in a cave:
wacky hat

Born in a cave:
Lacandon child

Born in a cave:
fish pond

Boschton Beangs

The boulder dissolves

Bowling boy blushes

Bowling boy blushes

Bowling boy blushes

Box of dreams

Boxed body

Boxed in


Boy body p.1

Boy body p.2

Boy body p.3

Boy body p.4

Boy body

Boy body

Boy body

Boy body

Boy body

Boy body

Boy body

Boy body

Boy body

Boy body

Boyfriend outa phase

Boy trance

Boys don't cry

Boys don't cry

Boys don't cry

Boys don't cry

Boys don't cry

Boys don't cry

Boys who run with scissors

Bradbury's death...

Braid of silence

Branching woman

Brandy's curse

Brandy's curse

Brandy's curse

Brandy's curse

Break free

Break free

Break free

Break free

Break free

Break the script

Break the script

Breast bandit

Breedism: crash

Breedism: clinic

Breton selkie

Brick and skin

Brick and skin

The bridge

The bridge

The bridge

Bright niches in the castle wall

Bright niches: boy

Bright niches: lovers

Bright niches: plant

Bright niches: shop

Bright niches: baby

British triangle

British triangle


Brown Dress

Brown Dress

Brown Dress

Brown Dress

Brown Dress

Brown Dress

Brown Dress

Brown Dress

Brown Dress

Brown Dress



The Brundibar Sea: Tharn

The Brundibar Sea: Terezin cast

The Brundibar Sea: Maurice Sendak

The Brundibar Sea

Brush crash


Buckley's bloated bomb

Buddha bears

Buffalo Person

Buffalo Person

Buffalo Person

Buffalo Person

Buffalo Person

Buffalo Person

Bugs and Roosevelt

Bugs and Roosevelt

Bugs and Roosevelt

Bugs and Roosevelt

Bugs and Roosevelt

Bugs and Roosevelt

Bugs and Roosevelt

Bugs and Roosevelt

Bugs and Roosevelt

Bulba of A'o

Bulba's arm-tail



Bull feeds the kitten


Bumbree syndrome

Bumbree syndrome

Bunny groper

Bunny groper

Bunny interview

Burma Shave


Burn the eggs

Burn the eggs

Burn the eggs

Burn the eggs

Burn the eggs

Burn the eggs

Burn the eggs

Burn the eggs

Burn the eggs

Burn the eggs

Burn the eggs

Burn the eggs

Burn the eggs

Burn the eggs

Burning house: angel woman

Burning house: iguana lady

Burrowcats on a higher plane

Businessman in anguish

Businessmen have snouts

A busrehi

"But I want to live!"

But that's bestiality!

"But, then life bites"

Button in love


Butterfly habitat

Butterfly wolf

Butterfly wolf

Butterfly wolf

Bye-bye film: dolphin

Bye-bye film: sphinx
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