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World Dream Bank Art Gallery: Si-

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S is now split; for first half see S-Sh. This gallery is large and may load slowly. Most maps of Siphonia omitted for brevity.

Select a PICTURE to see just the picture. Select a TITLE to see the text or story with the picture.

Siberian tiger versus muppets

Sidera's Cave of Purple Folds

Sidera's Cave of Purple Folds

Sidera's Cave of Purple Folds

Sidera's Cave of Purple Folds

Sidera: Hidden Succulence

Sidera: News from Bako

Sidera in The Green Sun



Sidera the cendancer

Siegfried must die

Silk pins

Silky at the gate

Silky at the mike

Silky, cattaur: armature

Silky, cattaur: hipjoint

Silky the cattaur leans

Silky stands!

Silky firming up

Silky, cattaur camo dream

Silky half-furred

Silkyas a cattaur: face

Silky as a cattaur on my bed

Silky as a cattaur

Silky, cattaur flirts

Silky, cattaur

Silky, cattaur

Silky, cattaur

Silky, cattaur

Silky, cattaur

Silky, cattaur hand

Silky and werewolf boy

Silky and werewolf boy

Silky and werewolf boy

Silky cleans the underworld

Silky crosses the Atlantic

Silky crosses the Atlantic

Silky romanticizes Nat. Geog.

Silky romanticizes Nat. Geog.

Silky the pegasus

Silky the pegasus

Silky the pegasus

Silky's bridge: I cling to cliff

Silky's bridge: Silky shoots a line across

Silky's bridge: moon, bridge

Silky's bridge: the golden arrow

Silky's bridge: Deer People

Silky's inversion

Silky's inversion

Silky's inversion

Silky's massage

Silky's massage

Silky's massage

Silky's massage

Silky's massage

Silky's massage

Silky's revolution

Silky's sonnet

Silky's wedding

Silky's wedding

Silky's wedding

Silky's wedding

Silky's wedding

Silky's wedding

Silky's wedding

Silky's woodcuts

Silky's woodcuts

Silla Kristos

Silver cord

Sing a happy tune

Since people can't fly

Sing to my alien friend

Sing to summon courage

The single die



Siphonia: Agassiz

Siphonia: Amazonia

Siphonia: Anzac

Siphonia: Atlantic Deep

Siphonia: Bengalia

Siphonia: Beringia

Siphonia: Cameroon Mts

Siphonia: L. Carib

Siphonia: Clarion Desert

Clarion Desert

Clarion Pen.
and Gulf

Siphonia: Discordia

Siphonia: Egeria

Siphonia: Guatemala Sea

Siphonia: gliderwolf

Siphonia: gliderwolf song

Siphonia: Hawaii

Siphonia: Helenia

Siphonia: Himalaya

Siphonian lemur

Siphonian lemur

Siphonian lemur

Siphonian lemur: village

Siphonian lemur

Siphonian mammoth

Siphonia: mammoth croft

Siphonian megatoo

Siphonia: Mornington Sea

Siphonia: Nazca Deep

Siphonia: Nazca: stone heads of Mt Pascua

Siphonia: otter

Siphonia: upland otter

lowland otter

Siphonia: Pacific

Siphonia: Pacific map

Pacific NE

SE Pacific

Penrhyn Sea

Siphonian raven

Siphonia: Rio Island

Siphonia: Tahiti Mts

Siphonian Quartet

Siphonian Quartet 2: Whalerider

Siphonian Quartet 2: Whalerider

Siphonian Quartet 3: Triadic Flog

Siphonian Quartet 4: Sheepshape

A Sirius mission

My sister's gravity well

Sisters of the Interface

Sisters of the Interface

Sisters of the Interface

Six dreams
Bath flood;

Six dreams
Strip for food;
Gutted dog

Six dreams
Tammy Tart;
Rhino flirt

Six experts view the beast

Six experts...

Six experts...

69 midair

Skeptic and dragonfly

Skeptic and dragonfly

Skimming toward Freedom

Skimming toward Freedom

Skimming toward Freedom

The skin's complaint

Skink wedding

Skunk seeks...

Skunk? Swallow!


Sky and Prester John

Sky and Prester John

Sky and Prester John

Sky and Prester John




Slaves don't dance P.1

Slaves don't dance P.2

Slaves don't dance P.3

Slaves don't dance P.4

Slaves don't dance P.5

Slaves don't dance P.6

Slaves don't dance P.7

Slaves don't dance P.8

Slaves don't dance P.9

Slaves don't dance P.10

Slaves don't dance P.11

Slaves don't dance P.12

Slaves don't dance P.13

Slaves don't dance P.14

Slaves don't dance P.15

Slaves don't dance P.16

Slaves don't dance P.17

Slaves don't dance

Slaves don't dance

Slaves don't dance

Slaves don't dance

Slaves don't dance

Slaves don't dance

Slaves don't dance

Slaves don't dance

Slaves don't dance

Slaves don't dance

Slaves don't dance

Slaves don't dance

Slaves don't dance

Slaves don't dance

Slaves don't dance

Slaves don't dance

Slaves don't dance

Slaves don't dance

Slaves don't dance




Sleeping beauty

Sleepers all






Small miracles: tiny scientists

Small Miracles: meditation

Small Miracles: two scientists

Small Miracles: a barberry or oregongrape

A smoke in the sixties

Smokin' rex

Snake apology

Snake coil

Snake coil

Snake mates

Snake package

Snap's two bodies



my two bodies

our triangle

Snow stallion

Snow stallion

Snow stallion

Snow stallion

So ask yourself...

So guarded a skin

So tired of my bones!

Sock puppets of the gods

Sock puppets of... sacrifice

Sock puppets of... laminar flow

Sock puppets of... Jupiter

Sock puppets of... that girl

Sock puppets of... Coyote

Lyr: a soka

Sole retrieval

Solnit's dog fixation

Solomon's choice

Song for the dance

O Sonho vivido

Sorry, my mistake

Sorb truce

Sorting hat, drunken cat: saucer

Sorting hat, drunken cat

Sorting hat, drunken cat

Sorting hat, drunken cat: Vancouver Expo










Soul restored

Soul restored

Soul restored

Soul restored





Souls in the mud

SW shamans

Space Needle: ghost at the fair

Space Needle: the oldest shape

Space Needle: the seedpod enters

Space pie

The spare

Spark of the divine

Speak up, rise up

Speaking about art with the African beings

Speaking fern

Speckled eggs

Specter of the Brocken

Spell blurs women

Spewing wine

Sphinx approves

Sphinx arching back

Sphinx artist

Sphinx, badlands

Lyr: sphinx boat

sphinx cliffhouse on Lyr

sphinx cliffhouse

Sphinx close-up

Sphinx diving

Sphinx in clay

Sphinx in clay

Sphinx in clay

Sphinx in clay

Sphinx in clay

Sphinx in clay

Sphinx in clay

Sphinx in flight

Sphinx in heat

Sphinx in heat

Sphinx in heat

Sphinx in heat

Sphinx in heat

Sphinx in heat

Sphinx in heat

Sphinx in heat

Sphinx, hourglass

Sphinx moonviewing

Sphinx points onward

Sphinx, repose

Sphinx, rocks

Sphinx rolls on her art

Sphinx spreads wing

Sphinx up a tree, 1

Sphinx up a tree, 2

Sphinx up a tree, 3

Sphinx up a wall

The sphinx wants cleaning

Sphinxes fight cat-angels...

Sphinxes in pool

A Sphinx's Sketchbook

A Sphinx's Sketchbk p2

A Sphinx's Sketchbk p3

A Sphinx's Sketchbk p4

A Sphinx's Sketchbk p5

A Sphinx's Sketchbk p6

A Sphinx's Sketchbk p7

A Sphinx's Sketchbk p8

A Sphinx's Sketchbk p9

A Sphinx's Sketchbk p10

A Sphinx's Sketchbk p11

A Sphinx's Sketchbk p12

A Sphinx's Sketchbk p13

A Sphinx's Sketchbk p14

A Sphinx's Sketchbk p15

A Sphinx's Sketchbk p16

A Sphinx's Sketchbk p17

A Sphinx's Sketchbk p18

A Sphinx's Sketchbook pages 19-20

A Sphinx's Sketchbook pages 21-22

A Sphinx's Sketchbk p23

Sphinx's wood

Sphinx's wood

Sphinx's wood

Sphinx's wood

Sphinx's wood

Spider crone

Spider toilet: calendar grid

Spider toilet

Spin, spin, fly again






Spira in Microgravities

Spira in Microgravities

Spira in Microgravities

Spira in Microgravities

Spira in Microgravities

Spira in Microgravities

Spira in Microgravities

Spiral laughter

Spirit chorus

Spiritual tests

Spiritual tests

Spiritual tests



Spit door




Split 7 ways

Split 3 ways

Split 3 ways

Splitting the atom

Spock's spirits

Spock's spirits

Spock's spirits

Spontaneous duck: Capsica

Spontaneous duck: witch ditch

Spontaneous duck: TK

Spontaneous duck: peak

Spontaneous duck




Spore forest

Spotted Fawn dodges arrows

Spotted Fawn dodges arrows

Spotted Fawn dodges arrows

Spotted Fawn dodges arrows

Spotted Fawn dodges arrows

Spotted Fawn dodges arrows

Spotted Fawn dodges arrows

Spotted Fawn dodges arrows

Spotted Fawn dodges arrows

Spotted Fawn dodges arrows

Spotted Fawn dodges arrows

Spotted Fawn dodges arrows

Spotted Fawn dodges arrows

Sprinters and sphinx

Sprinters and sphinx

Squeeze leg


Squirrel girl

Squirrel girl

Squirrel girl

Squirrel girl

Squirrel girl

Squirrel questions

A squirrely business plan


Stacy becomes a bluebird

Stage failure

A stage fright

A stage fright

A stage fright

A stage fright



Stairwell test

Stairwell test

Stallion, not mare

Stallion, not mare

Standing up city

Stan's dog


Starhawk the witch

Starhawk the witch

Starhawk the witch

Starhawk the witch

Starhawk the witch

Starhawk the witch

Starmont triathlon

Starmont triathlon

Starship cure


Statues on ice

Statues on ice: orphans

Statues on ice: buried griffin

Stay grounded!

Stay of execution


Stereo tree-bridge

Stevenson's brownies

Still dwarfed

Stiltdoe & cenbuck

Stiltdoe & cenbuck

Stiltdoe & cenbuck

Stilt-village on Lyr

(Her) stingy dad

Stinking rich




Stone the builder tossed

Stone dancer

The stone moves


Stop me!

Stop me!

Stop me!

Stop Obama's Assassination

Storia sings Feel My Basket

Storia in The Mail from Tasa, Probably

Storia in Tasa, Probably

Storia in Tasa, Probably

Storia in Tasa, Probably

Storia's The Manifold

Storia's The Manifold

Storia's The Manifold

Storia's The Manifold

Storia's The Manifold

Storia's The Manifold

Storia's The Manifold

Storia, branded

Storm of Big Drops

Storm warning

Strange audition

Street of the future

Street of the future

Stretch now!

Struck by thought

Struck by thought

Struck by thought

Struck by thought

Struck by thought

Strychnine forgiveness

Strychnine forgiveness

Stuck snake

Stuck snake

Stuck snake

Stuck snake

Stuck snake

Stuck snake

Stygian sentinels

Submerged in the wave

Such stuff as dreams are made of

Suck my cone


Sudden Death

Suicide track

Sule Skerry

Sulfur grotto

Sulfur grotto

Sulfur grotto

Summon a 2nd her


Summoning Shadow

Summoning Shadow

Summoning Shadow

Sun sinks beneath the earth

Sunlight's the cure

Sunlight's the cure

Sunlight's the cure

Sunlight's the cure

Sunlight's the cure

Sunlight's the cure

Sunlight's the cure

Sunlight's the cure

Sunlight's the cure

Superhero training kits: snowball Lyr

Superhero training kits: puppeteers' workshop

Superhero training kits: night flights

Superhero training kits: rest on rings

Superhero training kits: the candidate

Suplica in Balance of Dark & Light

Suplica sings Lift Us Into Rain

Suplica in The Brass Sun

Suplica in The Brass Sun

Suplica in The Brass Sun

Suplica in The Brass Sun

Suplica in The Brass Sun



Surf dreams

Surf the San Andreas
gate of trust

Surf the San Andreas
the ships of brick and beer

Surf the San Andreas!

Surprise that penis!

Surprise that penis!

Surprise that penis!

Surprise that penis!

Surrender Darcy!

Surrender to the white buffalo

Survivor's curious

Sushi Circus: psychodrama ring

Sushi Circus: group leader

Sushi Circus: spiral, dwarf

Sushi Circus: jab!

Sushi Circus: the circus pops

Sushi Circus: casualties

Sushi Circus: laundry

Sushi Circus: swallowed

Sushi Circus: Buddhist chefs

Sushi Circus: 'We all slice in some sense'

Sushi Circus: magic wand

Sushi Circus: comics page

Sushi Circus: Mr Fixit

Suspense above the Pool

Sutro Park: Halloween

Sutro ruins

Suvy & Doe

Suzette: I paint in my dream


Swallowed: desert

Swallowed: me

Swallowing numbers

Swallows of Four Corners






Swan p.1

Swan p.2

Swan p.3


Sweaterpants for Christ!

Swedenborg's visions

Sweet wall


Swimmer (blue)

Swiss cheese fairy

Swiss cheese fairy

Swiss cheese fairy

Swiss cheese fairy

Sword dance

Sword dance

Sword dance

Sybil Sue:
Bad Girl 1

Sybil Sue:
Bad Girl 2

Sybil Sue:
Bad Girl 3

Sybil Sue:
Ed McBain

Sybil Sue:

Sybil Sue:

Sybil Sue:

Sylvia, or, pun-dreams

Sylvia, or, pun-dreams

Sylvia sings

Sylvia sings
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