Dream Advice & Warnings, K-Z (A-J)
RELATED TOPICS: see also oracular dreams - incubated dreams (asking a question or setting a topic) - lucid dreams - recurring dreams - On Dreamwork: a basic guide - See also the full INDEX OF SUBJECTS.
What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000 dreams plus 1000 pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.
THE KEY TO HIS LIFE: by an English rebel's wife; 1745; a lifesaving oracular/psychic dream. Twice a condemned man's wife dreamt of a key lost in rubble below a wall. The second time she went out to find it... |
THE KEYRING OF ATTACHMENTS: by Wayan; 1974/5/31, a dream gone too far. Swayed by sinister surgeons, I go all Buddhist and give up my attachments, including various organs... CAUTION: DIVESTABLE GENITALIA |
KICK THE FAERIE BELL: by Wayan; 2015/8/20, a bizarre dream-poem with a practical message I'm a courier with a message for the Faerie Queen. Can I avoid all these colorful, sexy, crazy distractions, and focus on the Studio and the Gong? |
KICK THE PRESIDENT: by Wayan; 1999/6/1, a dream on consequences. I win a free game of Kick the President. But what if everyone can see your kick-ass Prez but you? CAUTION: THIS DREAM IS MONITORED BY THE SECRET SERVICE |
KIM SINGS, CAPOTE DIES: by Wayan; 1984/8/27, a murky telepathic dream of secrets A psychic dream revealing my co-worker's secret desire gets tangled with the death of Truman Capote... |
KUBLAI KHAN'S DREAM: by Kublai Khan, c.1251, an architectural dream Coleridge's dream-poem describes a palace itself inspired by a dream! Kublai Khan dreamt of a huge yet delicate "pleasure dome", sketched it, and sent scouts to find a site matching... |
LAING SAYS: by Wayan, 1983/2/10; a cluttered, comic, goofy predictive dream DREAM: I run into a couple I know. I get gridlocked. R.D. Laing gives me a transpersonal message. DAY: I bump into that couple, get gridlocked, and hear R.D. Laing speak on transpersonal messages... |
LAPUTANS LECTURE BROBDINGNAG: by Wayan; 2014/10/1; a dream defying the patronizing 'conscious' We ride on a flying saucer made of stone. Atop the great cliffs, we meet a giant and warn him not to slip. He doesn't appreciate advice from little alien tourist twerps... |
LARRY'S MULTIVERSE: by Wayan; 2008/2/16, a dream poem, Dreamverse #14 My shamanic teacher lures me into a labyrinth ruled by wizards whose magic-monopoly's about to fall... |
LBJ'S CAGE: by Lyndon Baines Johnson; May-June 1924, recurring teenage nightmares I found myself in a cage, with only a bench and piles of old books. A mirror showed I was old and twisted with speckled skin. In horror I said "I must get away"... |
LEOPARDESS: by Wayan, 1990/5/19; a predictive dreamlet Dream: a house-share with this leopardess might be a bit crowded. But she's so much FUN! Next day: I visit a house in the woods with the most catlike senior tenant ever... |
LET GO THE SAFE: by Wayan; 2014/2/6; poem of a lucid flying dream I'm pushing a safe off a roof in Berkeley so it won't be pushed off the roof (yep, you read that right) but it pulls me with it! Either die, or go lucid and fly... |
LET ME REVISE THAT...: by Wayan; 1998/8/28, a dream of clarity. I pray to the Love Goddess for help, but then realize there's a problem with my phrasing... CAUTION: UNROMANTIC |
THE LIMIT OF HUMAN EXPERIENCE: by Wayan; 1974/3/13, a dream of madness. Deep in the caves, a Voice announces I've gone as far as the human mind can stand. But ahead, I see... |
LINCH-PIN: by George Stevens; c.1895? a frustrating psychic dream George sees a cart-crash pinning a friend. He yells to bystanders to free the wheel, but they can't hear him... |
LISTEN TO YOUR WIFE: by Edward Bennet's daughter, 1757/7/11; a predictive dream Bennet's daughter dreamt her husband drowned after wading too deep (he couldn't swim). He promised he'd avoid deep water, but his best friend played a prank, treading water to make it seem shallow... CAUTION: WITH FRIENDS LIKE THESE... |
LIU AND YI (not to mention Kong!): by Liu Bang's mom, 257 BCE, and Yi Yin's mom, c.1600 BCE; birth-related dreams Liu Bang's mom dreams a spirit is making love to her. Her husband sees the spirit is a dragon! Her baby grows up to found the Han... Yi Yin's mom dreams a spirit warns "if water pours from your mortar, run!" She does, and survives a flood, to help found the Shang... CAUTION: LIKELY JUST FOLKLORE |
LONDON TRAFFIC: by Gheury de Bray; between 1923-1938, a warning dream. De Bray dreamed a speeding car nearly hit him; a month later, he abruptly recognized the street from his dream and paused... |
LONGEVITY PLANS!: by Wayan; 1998/8/22, a nondream speculation. Lifespans are growing, but do we incorporate that into our life-planning? Oh, hell, do I plan at ALL? |
"LOOK IN THE WELL!": by Elizabeth Harcourt; 1777/9/15, an unheeded warning dream. Elizabeth tried to tell her dream, but her husband didn't listen. When his dad didn't show up for dinner, it was too late... |
LOST OPAL: by Anonymous #27; pre-1961, a clairvoyant or subliminal dream The opal fell out of my ring somewhere around town. I was heartbroken at the loss. But that night my husband dreamed... |
LUCID LIVING: by Wayan; 2007/4/8, a quasi-lucid dream of the future with 9 illustrations Honesty induces a joyful state with lucidlike powers. So I bike across the Lake of Time, open the book of my future, and see... CAUTION: SEXY SKETCHES FROM THE FUTURE |
LUCID ON THE MOON: by Wayan; 1980/2/23, a long-term psychic dream. I'm on the run, on the moon. Cyborgs toss bombs at me. Yikes! Is this what melted Mare Orientalis? CAUTION: NUCLEAR IRRESPONSIBILITY |
LURCH OF A BUS: by "Anonymous #16"; pre-1963, a successful warning dream I dreamed the bus lurched, cracking my skull. Next day, on the bus steps as in my dream, I braced myself, and... |
THE M9: by David Parkinson, 1940; a dream-designed invention. Parkinson dreamed his new telephone device got added to an anti-aircraft gun. He told his dream; guns with M9 units turned out to be so accurate it gave the British hope against the Luftwaffe... |
MA HAS GONE TO FRISCO: by Jack Kerouac, late June? 1953, a back-in-school dream ending in revelation. I walk the corridors smiling, realizing for the first time that I don't have to go to high school---because I'm a great writer... |
MAGIC FINGER: by Katherine Metcalf Nelson; 1982 (May?); a nightmare veering into mystery Morocco. Horseback mercenaries attack a town. A boy says "Take their lifestyle, and you must remove their brains." A protective Hand of Fatima dissolves, leaving a finger, a feather, a... vagina. "What a slit!" We burst into laughter... |
MAGICAL GRADUATION: by Wayan, 2018/4/22, twin dreamlets on letting go and being yourself I befriend author Andre Norton--an ageless high-school kid writing enthused fan fiction, forever... I find my Niche--the stone nook that decides if I'm a journeyman mage! Here comes my prophecy... |
THE MAN WHO TAUGHT BLAKE IN HIS DREAMS: by William Blake, 1815-19?; recurrent dreams Blake repeatedly dreamed of an angelic art teacher who suggested both images & techniques. In 1819 Blake sketched his three-eyed tutelary spirit... |
MARIAH: by Wayan, 1994/9/23, a mystical flying dream. An un-jealous wind lifts me above the San Francisco hills, so I can hunt for my love: the Muse... |
MARTHA'S FALL: by Barbara, Martha, and Wayan; 1977/5/18. 3 linked warning, sex, and flying dreams
Wayan makes love to Martha's double, then sees her soul watching from the shadows... Barbara can't reach Wayan to say farewell... Martha falls off a mountain and decides to let herself die, just to see what happens... CAUTION: SEX, ABUSE ISSUES |
THE MEGARA INN: by an Arcadian Greek c.200 BCE; two dreams that don't prevent a murder but do solve it A traveler dreams his friend's attacked, but he ignores it. Next he dreams his friend begs him to at least avenge him... |
MEMORY SNIP!: by Wayan; 1999/5/15, a dream on the cost of kindness. My friend Mark does something I thought impossible: removes a snippet of my memory. Disastrous! CAUTION: VIOLENCE... SORT OF |
MENTOR: by Wayan; 2001/6/13, six advisory dreamlets. I meet a shapeshifting mentor who warns of coming war (9/11?). Then a sentient book, "The Art of War," gets intimately involved... CAUTION: ELECTRODES, LIBROPHILIA |
MESOPOTAMIAN RINGS: by Herman Hilprecht, Jan.-Mar. 1883; two problem-solving dreams I dreamt of a better translation of Nebuchadnezzar's name, since universally accepted... I dreamt a priest of old Nippur told me two agate pieces, long separated, formed a pair... |
MIDWAY: by Wayan; 1994/2/4, twin shamanic dream-lessons. I'm cold and dark and disoriented! What am I doing wrong? Nothing--I'm just halfway to Alpha Centauri... |
MR. WILLOW AND THE LOCUSTS: by a Yi Valley magistrate, Dec. 1641?, as told by Pu Songling; a shamanic dream As locusts advanced on his farm district, a magistrate dreamt a Mr. Willow had advice. He took it. Bearing a gift of rice wine, he sought out the Goddess of the Locusts, and... |
MMM, GOOD!: by Sarah, as told to Gayle Delaney, late 1976 or early '77, a predictive dream Should I subscribe to Sundance Community Dream Journal? I dream I find a letter--yellowish paper, cryptic blue lettering, a red margin. I eat it! Best thing I ever tasted. I wake and order that journal. It arrives--and the cover is... |
MODELING A ME: by Wayan, 1994/8/29, a mirroring dream I find a 3D program that shows your true self, the self that can love, IS love. And my wireframe is... |
MOM IN THE DRIVER'S SEAT: by a patient of Peter O'Connor; 1985 or before, a therapy-guiding initial dream. My mom's driving me to work. A nearby car has young people in it--I'd rather be with them. My mom seems to be dawdling; I'll be late meeting my colleague! I'm furious... |
MOM ON THE WING: by a tail gunner; 1942-45, a lifesaving warning dream I saw my mother standing on the tip of one wing of our plane. She was dressed in white flowing robes and calling my name, warning me of danger... |
MOM THINKS I'M ON A LEASH: by Wayan, 2019/3/10; an unheeded warning dream DREAM: my late mom invades my workplace. "Check in weekly or we'll stop your allowance!" What allowance? I'm independent! MONTHS LATER: I got sick from overwork. Nearly died. NOW: I think my dead mom meant: face your limits, check in with mortality, or you'll... check out. |
MONASTERY: by Anonymous #7; before 1986, a predictive/advisory spiritual dream I happily meditated alone in a monastery. But when I woke, I saw no way to act on the dream. Then a friend... |
MONK: by Anonymous #2323; 1945-1991 (at least); a recurrent dream of a past life All my life, from age three or four, I've dreamed of being a young monk named Stefan somewhere in southern Europe. And aspects of his short life have shaped my own... CAUTION: SEXUAL EXPLOITATION |
MOON BLOOMS: by Wayan; 1997/7/22, a dream on traces of love. Everyone has a personal moon. At first, mine disappointed me, till a bard dumped his trash on it, and... |
MORNING DREAM: by Santiago Ramón y Cajal, 1926/12/12; a dream modeling the mind I dream I'm ranting about the structure of the mind, postulating four layers--odd, since I think dreams are meaningless--just neurons getting some exercise! So whence this theory? CAUTION: JARGON |
MOVING: by Roswila, 2007/10/13 and 2007/10/23; a recurring dreamku My dreams support a radical break from my past--to let go of possessions and friends in a cross-country move... |
MULTIPLICATION RHYMES: by Jeff, c.1983, as told to Patricia Garfield, a problem-solving dream Jeff's stepson Lewis can't memorize the times tables. Jeff sleeps on it, but wakes only with a silly rhyme. But he chants it, and Lewis adds more rhymes--one per equation. He goes from class dunce to the best... |
MUSCULAR STUDY: by Emanuel Swedenborg, 1744/4/14, a sexy dream of work advice (no, really) Swedenborg jokes with his cousin's new girlfriend as she grows bigger and stronger and bigger and... Oh. He needs to study the muscles! |
MY PEGASUS: by Regina van der Poel; 2000/6/1, a dream of my Life Painting I free a friend unjustly imprisoned. On the run, we encounter our Life Paintings. Mine is a beautiful pegasus flying. But on its back is a monkey in a red suit... |
MYRNA, LOOK AHEAD: by Myrna, drawn by her daughter Joey Epstein; before 1988, a dream of ghost advice After Myrna’s husband died, one night she felt him behind her in bed, and he whispered... | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NEBUCHADNEZZAR'S TREE: by King Nebuchadnezzar II; c. 583 BCE, a predictive dream Nebuchadnezzar dreams a voice from heaven commands a great tree be cut; Daniel interprets this as a prediction the king will go mad for 7 years... |
NEW LIFE: by Deena Metzger, between Sept. 1982 & Sept. 83, an apocalyptic dream Nuclear holocaust. Outside, an ashen waste. I decide to cut my wrists in the tub. But a corpse already fills it. A man drives up. A voice commands "Make a child!" I protest--the world's gone--but the voice says... |
NIC'S THOUSAND PAINTINGS: by Wayan, 2017/7/9, a dream with creative advice My friend Nic vows to paint two pictures a day, and, impossibly, does. Meanwhile, I'm blocked. Can she show me how to get unstuck? |
THE NIGHT MY NUMBER CAME UP: by Sir Victor Goddard, Jan. 1946, a predictive dream At a party in Shanghai, I overheard a fellow RAF officer say he dreamt that my flight to Tokyo would crash. I didn't worry much, since he'd seen seven passengers, and my flight next morning did not... until three last-minute passengers came on board! The plane iced up, and crashed... |
THE NIGHTMARE EFFECT: by Emily Joy; 2006/12/14, an anti-nightmare. My own fear creates a field of time/speed distortion; can I use it against my attackers? |
NIGHTMARE FROM 'SISTERS': by Margarethe Von Trotta; 1979 or before, an unexamined nightmare A dream of body parts--maybe, impossibly, alive--hung up like drying laundry. Von Trotta inserted it in a film script to foreshadow a suicide, but seems deaf to any personal warning--as if it's not her dream at all... |
NO VACATIONS?: by Wayan; 1999/8/14, a spiritual nightmare. Before I was born, I set up this life to learn loneliness, boredom and fear. Good move, soul! No vacations? |
NOCTURNE: dreamed 2011 & 2013/11/19 by S---; nested, incubated advisory dreams
After asking "Am I ready to say yes to someone new?" I dreamed I met my old love... |
NOT LOVE, BUT NOT ABUSE: by Wayan; 1996/6/6, a dream on gradualism. I dream I don't love my girlfriend, I just confuse non-abusive treatment with love.... |
NOT SELF DEFENSE!: by Wayan; 1999/4/29, a warning dream. I'm Tarzan, fighting off attackers. But I kill one helpless prisoner! Am I going too far? CAUTION: VIOLENCE |
THE NOTE: by Wayan; 1976/12/31, a psychic nightmare. On New Year's Eve, I dream my college no longer welcomes me. New Year's Day, I wake to find it's true... |
NUCLEUS: by Wayan, 1979/3/18, a surreal dream of character-insight, set inside an atom I dream my theatre friends are particles dancing inside an atomic nucleus-- particles that reveal their character, motivations and power. And I'm one too... |
OBISPO'S OUT OF RANGE: by Wayan; 1997/2/2, a dreamtale on ESP. I move hundreds of miles away to escape my family's psychic broadcasts. Pathetic, but... does it work? |
OFF BY ONE HOUR: by Wayan; 1988/3/20, a dream DREAM: my bedroom clock's late by an hour. Must have been a power failure. I'll be late for that play... AWAKE: my bedroom clock was right last evening, but now it's late by an hour. Outage! I'll be late for... CAUTION: SUBLIMINAL OR E.S.P.? |
OIL DERRICK: by Fernando Rojas Zapata, Dec 1994-early 1995; recurring, life-saving nightmares DREAMS: I'm arguing with a worker on our oil rig when a huge piece of steel falls, crushing me instantly. MONTHS LATER: that very worker gets in an argument with me. I recall my dreams, step back, and... |
ONE-PERCENTERS: by Wayan; 2014/5/2, a dream on how egalitarianism can drive the gifted crazy A sociologist exposes the smugness of Britain's 1%, but the writer's denial of any innate differences can be just as pernicious as elitism... CAUTION: EGALITARIANISM ON TRIAL |
OPELS, OPALS: by Wayan; 1990/6/10; two dreamlets that turn out to be predictive I'm car-buying. My friend has an Opel, but it's sluggish AND a gas hog. How can a car be both? Then... I notice a jar of opals that my grandpa gave me has grown dull with algae! Sheesh, more opals gone bad... I wake and head to work. But at a bottleneck, I'm blocked by this loud group talking on and on about... |
OTTERS DON'T FAKE: by Wayan; 1989/10/15, a sex dream that's not about sex at all. I'm scared to show my dream-paintings to my art class. That night I find an large otter in my bed... CAUTION: SEX |
OTTO SUGGESTION TO A HORSE IN DRAG: by Wayan; 1995/8/8, a dream on body image. My uncle mocks the racehorse he rides! Smears lipstick on this stallion, calls him a wimp... Why? CAUTION: DREAM PUN, NUDE MARES |
THE OUTER LIMITS: by Marianne A.; 1988/3/13, a dream that lucidly intervenes in itself! I'm trapped in the scary show The Outer Limits. A man scolds me: "You think not, but you MATTER!" I try suicide rather than face my worth! But my dream fences off the river, forcing me to confront... CAUTION: SUICIDE ATTEMPT |
OVERLAY: by Wayan; 1984/2/11, 1995/8/26, and 2004/9/11, 3 dreams shape a 9-page comic on living with ESP Dreams of translucent fairies, centaurs, robots & gnomes prompt me to cartoon on transparent overlays to show how dreamworlds overlay ours... |
PALM DREAM: by Skip Renker, 1984 or earlier, a slow nightmare? or a subtle challenge? After lifeline and heartline, the palm-reader points to a rope ladder heading for Orion. I climb. But it goes brittle, splinters. I flail. She reads, long-distance, one more line: "Wings", she calls. "Wings." |
PEELING HER SKIN: by Wayan; 2020/10/20, a dream about the MeToo movement? A spacy friend rolls on the floor with me. Seduction, or play, or what? She peels off patches of clothes and skin, exposing a new realer self... CAUTION: TRUMP FANS WILL HATE IT |
A PEGASUS-DRAGON SCRIPTS MY LIFE: by Wayan; 2017/12/4, a dream of my... creator? Turns out my life's a TV show. My scriptwriter is half pegasus, half dragon, and my own humanity has been her science-fictional imagination all along... CAUTION: FURRY NUDITY |
THE PESSIMIST HELIX: by Wayan; 1996/6/9, a dreamtale. I'm at the info desk in a futuristic library. But one question leads me into a DNA-helix, a tornado of doubt... |
PINKIE CLEANS THE WINDOWS OF PERCEPTION: by Wayan; 2017/2/5, an advisory dream fusing Aldous Huxley & My Little Pony. My new housemate Pinkie is a party animal, but she's really nice. She climbs a high ladder to help wash my Windows of Perception. Then our unicorn friend Rarity walks in. She warns me to pace this renovation project... CAUTION: PONIES |
POKER WITH A DEMON: by Wayan; 1980/8/15; a comic predictive financial dream. I'm authorized to play high-stakes poker with a scary-looking but rather nice demon... |
POLES NOW, TROPICS LATER: by Wayan; 1997/3/27, a dream on the pace of change. I'm a Martian revolutionary, making the glaciers grow. The equator's still dry, but change is coming... |
POLITICS BITES: by Emanuel Swedenborg, 1744/4/13, a dream of... read the title! Swedenborg's in bed with a woman, but she has teeth down there. Oh, now and she's not a woman, but his political buddy Johan! Well, maybe it means not to get involved with women, or men, or... politics? CAUTION: JUST WEIRD |
PONDICHERRY: by Toni Emrich, 1991/6/6, and Margaret Thomas, 1991/7/??, linked asynchronous dreams EMRICH: I'm in a conference center in "Pondecherry", even though it feels nothing like India... THOMAS: A woman picks fruit off a tree by a pond and calls them "pondicherries--with an 'i'"... CAUTION: WILL ANNOY E.S.P. DENIERS |
THE POWER OF NON-VISUALIZATION: by Wayan; 2018/4/29, a mystical dream whose teaching worked I'm listening to a film-talk on Non-Visualization. "Don't wish--don't will--don't visualize. Just face what you really want, and then don't push..." CAUTION: MYSTICAL |
THE POWER OF THE BUTTERFLY: by Lisa Gale Garrigues ("Cory"); winter 1997, a dream of flying, shapeshifting and spiritual advice. When a flood traps me in my cabin, I dream I meet an old man who warns me "Let your butterflies go"... |
PREGNANCY FROM HELL: by Wayan; 1994/6/6, a predictive dream-farce. I'm pregnant with the Antichrist. This is going to ruin my vacation! Why do I think this is all about money? |
A PRISONER OF ZEN: by Wayan; 1980/11/9, a dream on isolation. The Pope spears our Inuit captain and the Mystic, who turns solitary--a prisoner of Zen. Can I free him? |
PUNKZINE BALLERINA UNDERWEAR: by Wayan; 1995/4/25, a short dream with self-portrait. Am I a punk dyke or a shy ballerina? Both! And they're complementary facets. Underwear never lies... |
PUT TWICE AS MUCH IN: by Wayan; 2003/9/22, a dream warning how much it takes to change All the claymation figures I made in my teens are gone but one. And the centauress has a broken hip and spindly leg. I start to mend her, but I need TWICE the clay I thought... CAUTION: FURRY NUDITY |
QUEEN KONG: by Wayan; 1986/3/17, a surreal dream of nerd defiance A giantess strides across the desert. The Great White Hunter fires his elephant gun, but the books she's made of stop his bullets. I think I'll join the Queen Kong Library... |
RAINBOW SPLASH: by Wayan, 2023/4/23, a furry-porn dream hiding art advice! I'm in an alt-world Berkeley where mythic creatures shop on College Avenue. Marigold the unicorn flirts with me. Rainbow Dash the pegasus has turned male. Very very male... CAUTION: FURRY NUDITY (AND CRUDITY) |
REVERSE MY ARMOR: by Wayan; dreamed 2008/4/14, a dream with bizarre advice I took. All I usually hide, I strip bare, & vice versa. Like that Playboy cartoon with the stockings & gloves--the Femlin! Behaviorally, too, I reverse all my habits and judgments. Perverse, self-destructive! But my life still works... CAUTION: CARTOON NUDITY. ALSO, A LOSER SUCCEEDS. |
RIDE THE GODS OF THE HAND: by Larry Vigon; 2002/6/13; an oracular dream Predawn. The beach. A gypsy goddess rises from the waves. She says "Begin to ride the gods of the Hand, in London." I say "What?"... CAUTION: CRYPTIC BUT FIRM |
ROAR!: by Wayan; 2000/4/3, a nightmare transformed by a bluff Night. A jungle full of prowling lions and leopards. So naturally, I get up on a rock and roar back... |
ROBERT’S PLAN: by William Blake; late 1788; an advisory dream... Blake was broke. Couldn’t typeset Songs of Innocence and Experience. But in a dream, his brother advised him... |
ROSEMARY AND FRANCES: by Rosemary; 1936/6/5, a predictive mood & flash saves one of two sisters Gloom clung to me & I skipped the dance. I begged Frances to ride in a safe car, but coming home... |
SABOTAGED BOAT: by C. G. "Chinese" Gordon; c.1861-4, a recurrent warning dream I recognized the saboteur. If I had neglected that dream warning we all would likely have drowned... |
SAFETY GETS ME HOT: by Wayan; 1997/3/27, a dream on sensitivity. I'm trapped in a post-apocalypse pulp story! Fun for my readers, but not for me! How to escape? |
SATORI ACCORDING TO GHOST: by Wayan; 1998/4/11, a longterm predictive dream A Buddhist student, troubled by a corporation marketing a product called "Satori", summons the ghost of her beloved mentor for advice... |
SATYR AND TWILIGHT: by Wayan; 2018/9/1, an epic dream perhaps foreseeing the pandemic A spell kills off nearly all humanity and mutates the rest of us. Now I'm a satyr living in a co-op home with unicorns, dryads, cattaurs, and shy vampires. Thing is, I prefer the Apocalypse to what came before... CAUTION: NUDE CREATURES |
SCATTERED TROVE: by Wayan; 2008/5/15; an esthetic-advisory dreamlet I find little cards all over town, each with a check for $512. A fragmented treasure! I wake and see the 512 implies a digital treasure-trove, and search my computer... |
SCORCH: by a California woman; 1944, a lifesaving olfactory hallucination (clairsniffance?) I smelled scorching paint; my heater was about to burn the house. But I'd moved--my old house was six blocks away... |
SECRET SCREEN: by Wayan; 2018/4/19 and 2018/5/16, three linked dreamlets of escape A friend nags me to be lookout as he steals a cult's papers. I know it'll end in murder, but foresight paralyzes me! In a videogame that keeps freezing unplayably, I find a button calling up a secret screen of second chances... I'm lost in a grim basement, but two kids show me a cobwebbed glass door you can walk through like air... |
SELF-MADE COW: by Wayan; 2013/4/10, a surreal psychic dream. I'm in Santa Cruz with my friend, a shocking-pink stuffed toy cow with sewed-on accessories: big red lips, a floral wig, and a third eye. I wake, draw the dreamcow--and my sister calls from Santa Cruz to sing me a song about... |
SEWING ADVICE FROM CANNIBALS: by Elias Howe, 1845, an inventor's helpful nightmare. His sewing-machine design failed--until dream-cannibals caught him & jabbed him with weird needles... CAUTION: OUCH! |
SEX FIRST, THEN SADNESS: by Wayan; 1998/12/12, an advisory dream. At a party, a sad girl attracts me. But to reach her, I must have an affair with a sexy, frustrated writer... |
A SEX KITTEN: by Wayan; 1999/1/29, an embarrassing dream. A creature that's half kitten and half baby wants me to masturbate it... I'm reluctant, but when I do... CAUTION: SEX |
SEX THERAPY: by Wayan; 1998/5/18, a dream on the messiness of healing. Both of us were abused as kids. Sex is hard. So we go to a therapist who has us act out sex on the floor... CAUTION: SEX, ABUSE ISSUES |
THE SHADOW OF LIBERTY: by Wayan; 1989/7/8, a comic nightmare, possibly telepathic. My sisters get bored with the game of power, so I watch TV-- until it melts, and a terrifying giant rises to chases me... |
THE SHAKEN PROFESSOR: by Wayan; 1996/2/11, a dream explaining amnesia and memory. A great teacher abruptly blanks out. Memory loss is scary, but the empty moment bared a deeper fear: |
SHE CRASHES AND BURNS: by Wayan; 2005/5/7, a diagnostic nightmare. I ask my dreams how to find love. I dream of a 1920s bohemian girl teasing stuffy folk. But her pranks turn dangerous, then deadly... |
SHE IS THE SNAKE: by Sharon Stricker, 1980, a warning dream from a censored goddess Should I try to keep Janine out of jail? But outside, she'd gotten back on drugs. That night I dreamed a huge beautiful snake bit my writing hand, and said "Don't go to court. Stay home and write"... CAUTION: JUNKIE, RESCUER |
SHEEP IN THE SKY: by Myoe Shonin; c.1220/9/20, a dream of strange advice. A strange transforming thing appeared in the sky--a light, a sheep, a man. It told me to stop burning my head... |
SHOVED OFF A CLIFF: by Wayan; 2017/9/7, a nightmare-warning (I'd asked what to do next). Atop a sea-cliff, I meet a young couple in love. One look at me and they push me off! When I see I can't save myself, I try to take them with me... CAUTION: NIGHTMARE BARING UGLY TRUTHS |
THE SHY ORGY: by Wayan; 1983/3/10, a sex dream with a nonsexual predictive side Swimming in Spokane, I meet two teenage girls and we have a... shy orgy? Next day I go to a play... and see the two on stage! I still dismiss the dream as a fantasy--consciously. But unconsciously I start taking action... CAUTION: UNDERAGE SEX |
SHY SPHINX: by Wayan; 2009/11/27, a dream of indirect advice I find a shy sphinx hiding in the corner of a painting in a dull art class. But maybe she's right to hide... |
SIGNORINETTA: by Alfred Douglas; late May 1908, a predictive (and profitable) dream. I dreamt a grey filly won the Derby. My friend, a fan, said no fillies were racing this year; but he forgot one named... |
SILKY CLEANS THE UNDERWORLD: by Wayan; 2023/5/26, a heartening surreal dream I'm lost in the underworld again. Happens a lot lately. But I run into my anima Silky, in yellow boots and a safety vest, blasting clean the walls of the land of the dead... |
SILKY THE PEGASUS: by Wayan; 1984/12/11; a guided flying dream My anima, a pegasus mare, leaps out of a girl's book and teaches us to fly up to an astral land... CAUTION: FLIRTY PEGASUS |
SILLA KRISTOS: by Silla Kristos, c.1634; a didactic during-death vision Silla Kristos angered Saint Walatta Petros, so she cursed him. He got sick and died. She knew she'd overdone it, and asked the Virgin Mary to revive him. Mary grumbled, but did. While dead, Silla Kristos got wise angelic advice... CAUTION: BRATTY SAINT, BRATTY MONK |
SKYLIGHT: by an Honorable Lady; before 1894, a crimesolving dream (psychic? subliminal? ghost-visit?) My dead father said a trusted servant was stealing our goods through an unlocked skylight. This proved true... |
SNAKE PACKAGE: by Jenny Badger Sultan; 2007/5/27 I am given a dehydrated package of dried snake to insert in my vagina. Inside it will unfold and come to life... CAUTION: KIDS, DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME! |
SONG FOR THE DANCE: by Roswila; 2000/11/25, a dream-poem A joyful song about ignoring your critics. The last stanza came verbatim from the dream... |
SPLIT THREE WAYS: by Wayan; 2010/8/24, a quantum dream of overwhelm On the freeway, my car and I split into quantum possibilities. I steer both entangled cars till I split again--now I have to steer three cars with just one pair of hands and eyes... |
STAGE FAILURE: by Dana Hughes, art by Jesse Reklaw; pre-2000; a dream of surrender I'm on stage. I have to sing. They just stare. I try dancing. Stony silence. At last, a second me leads me offstage, saying "You can only fail so many times"... |
HER STINGY DAD: by Wayan; 1998/7/29, a dreamtale on parental ambition-stunting A single dad loves his daughter, but is so pathologically cheap he's teaching her an unintended lesson... CAUTION: CHILD NEGLECT |
STREAMLINING: by Wayan; 2004/11/10, a dream within a dream I dream I'm an otter, and wake into a dream about sculpture--and learn my style's due to my species... |
SUVY & JOHN DOE: by Shawnodese, c.1970; a precognitive warning dream I dream my friend Suvy introduces me to a man who just took a class I'm considering. Weeks later she introduces me to him--but just as in my dream, he feels a bit insipid... |
THE SWAFFHAM TINKER: by John Chapman and a London shopkeeper; c.1454, two interlocked dreams Chapman dreams he must walk 100 miles to London Bridge; on the bridge, a stranger says "dreams are nonsense! Why, I dreamt of buried treasure 100 miles away, in some town called..." |
SWEATERPANTS FOR CHRIST!: by Wayan; 2011/6/30, a comic sartorial nightmare poem I pull my mom's sweater onto my legs but get tangled (and bits of anatomy dangle). Worse, I'm emulating Jesus. Is this any way to get a date? CAUTION: WARDROBE MALFUNCTION, GENDER MALFUNCTION, MOM MALFUNCTION |
SYNCHRONIZED WATCHES: by Andrea McFarland; late 1998, a psychic warning dream. I dream my watch is way off and I'll be late. When I wake, I check my daughter's watch. They agree. Can't BOTH be wrong... can they? |
TAROT: WAKING FROM A NIGHTMARE (9 of swords): by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1978. The card confirming those silly fears are true. The nightmare is real. You're in trouble... |
TAROT: DIRTY DISHES: by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1978. It's time to tackle that unpleasant task. But so what? You know how. And you have gloves... |
THE TEACHER: by Lord Vivian, 1874; a predictive dream he bet on... for another! DREAM: a stranger tells me "The Teacher" won the Handicap. AWAKE: At the track I meet the man in my dream! He says The Teacher is now called Aldrich. But Aldrich's owner discourages me. A friend trusts my dream & wins £1,000... |
TEN HEARTBEATS OF WILL: by Wayan; 2011/1/2, an experimental dreamflight A friend says lucid dreaming doesn't matter--you can even fly awake if you clearly will it. So I jump... |
TEN RULES OF LIFE: by Wayan, 1994/5/4, a nondream fount of wisdom. |
After reading 170 capsule biographies of famous people I conclude life-plans are a joke. But I do deduce ten negative rules--ten universal don'ts--that may be of use... CAUTION: CYNICAL, BUT 170 OBITUARIES WILL DO THAT |
TERRIBLE HORSE: by Louise Bogan; 1941, poem of a healing dream |
A stallion reared to strike me. He was all the fear and rage I’d repressed... A woman said “offer him... |
THEA'S HOUSE: by Wayan; 1987/3/23, a life-changing dream. |
I dreamed the Earth Goddess invited me to live with her. She was lonely to be seen for who she was... |
THEFT OF THE ARK: by King Solomon, c. 960 BCE; a dream acted on too late |
Ethiopian records say Solomon and Makeda, the Queen of Sheba, had a son who stole the Ark of the Covenant! Solomon dreamt of the theft but didn't check til it was too late... |
THERAPIST GARBLES "I" & "YOU": by Wayan, 1987/12/28, a dream warning of bad therapy |
In therapy, I'm wrestling with sex. But workmen invade--hammer & hang pictures. MY pictures! And my therapist keeps confusing me and her, and our sexual orientations! She means well, but... CAUTION: NUDE PORTRAIT |
THEREMIN'S NOT UP AND RUNNING: by Wayan; 1998/8/28, a dream parable. |
I'm in Theremin's lab, around 1930, trying to play one of his experimental instruments. Why won't it work? |
THREE DREAMS: by Robley Wilson; July 4, 1975?; a dream-poem |
Dead fish in a poisoned stream, dead kittens in a pit... and advice from the woman who revives them with a touch. |
THREE FLYING DREAMS: by Sharad Chandra, 1988 or before, mystical advisory dreams |
1: I ask how to fly. "Breathe air from high levels; its light and purity will wash away earth's heaviness..." 2: To join a flying game, you must cut off your own head! Players acquire new heads and can work miracles... 3: I float up to reach a book in a shop. People call the police but I defiantly soar--over Paris, up to the stars... |
THREE SEVENS: by George Antheil; summer 1932; a psychic dream in a dreamlike time |
I dream I play 7 and win three times at Monte Carlo. I wake and head for the casino with witnesses... |
THE THREE VEILS BETWEEN MAN AND GOD: by Anna Kingsford, March 1881, a messianic dream. |
I was shown what veils the God in us: Blood (violence), Idols (dogmatism), and the Curse of Eve (sexism)... CAUTION: FUNDAMENTALISTS (OF ANY FAITH) WILL SEE RED |
THUMBS: by Wayan; 1989/6/12, a dream vignette. |
Worldwide, hands have gone soft and pliable. I meet some animals evolving into people and advise them.... |
THE TIGER AND THE WOLF: by Jo; 2011/1/15; a dream of temptation |
A black dog leads me into the fairy wood. I'm curious what happens to those who walk under the tree where the Lightning Tiger lurks.... |
TIGER TALL: by Wayan; 1992/7/3, a marathon dream. |
I'm a tiger from Planet Cat, visiting Earth to run in San Francisco's "Bay to Breakers" race. I knew racial tensions were high, but why is William S. Burroughs out to kill me? Oh. Because... |
TIL: by Patricia Garfield, c.1986, a mystical work-advice dream |
I'm a spirit flying over the dead, blessing them. They're in mass graves, sorted & grouped only by their life-stages--kids, adults, elders. Wait... is this how to structure my book? |
1987/8/15, 1990/3/31 & 6/10, 1993/8/10, four dreams prompting Planetocopia I dreamed I took a globe off its stand, drilled new poles, and put it back on tilted, so that most continents are greener; Tokyo, Alaska and Tierra del Fuego are now all tropical... Over a decade later, dreams forgotten, I start what I think is a nondream art project, by tilting... |
TITANIC NIGHTMARES: by J. C. Middleton; 1912/4/3 and 4/4, two predictive dreams saving two lives |
I saw the Titanic go down and people struggling frantically in the water. After my second nightmare I told my wife... |
TOLD IN A DREAM: by Kathleen Raine, between 1965 & '71; a mystical dream poem |
A voice tells me I have 100 months to live. I vow it'll be enough to finish my work here... CAUTION: THAT VOICE WAS WRONG |
TORCH-BEARER: by Queen Hecuba of Troy; c. 1270 BCE, an alarming dream. |
Hecuba dreams she gives birth, not to a child but a flaming torch! But she lets Paris live... CAUTION: MORAL NO-WIN SITUATION |
TOUGH GLOVE: by Wayan; 1999/12/4, an advisory dreamlet |
I finally find a way to safely indulge in heavy petting as well as puns) with a playful but scratchy cat... |
TRI-GUARDIANS: by Wayan; 2005/8/5, a stalking nightmare that peels away layers |
Three men follow me. But they're not men; they fly. They shapeshift into teenage archeologists... then into pure energy-beings! "We don't care about you; we're watching another entity you let into your dreams." Wait--I've got FOUR foreign entities stalking through my psyche? CAUTION: ALARMING, IF TRUE |
THE TROUBLE WITH TUBAS: dreamed 1997/7/1 by Wayan; song composed in a dream
Improv singing with my friend Mark, this bizarre songlet popped out: "It's my understanding you shouldn't make love to a tuuubaaaa." Silly, but when I woke, I realized I sorta had been... |
TWO TANKS: by "Anonymous #19"; pre-1963, a small but precise psychic dream |
Two photographic developing tanks disappear. I assumed theft until I dreamt they were in a room I'd never seen, in locker FJA 39... |
ULYANOVSK: by Wayan, 1987/11/4, a predictive & advisory dream |
DREAM: I'm a Soviet Potato Fest. Reds, grannies, food. A girl's told a life-and-death lie about a canine... NEXT DAY: I read a version of Red Riding Hood, and the dream's weird elements suddenly make sense. CAUTION: SOVIET CLICHÉS, E.S.P. SPECULATION |
UNCERTAIN HORIZON: by Cécile Brun; 2014/11/20, a dream-comic of a sea serpent |
My partner and I were hunting for spirits with a camera designed to photograph them. Warned away from the Niigata waterfront, we try to catch a bus out. But what comes isn't the bus... |
UMBRELLA: by "Anonymous #"17; pre-1963, a helpful cryptomnesic/predictive dream |
My wife dreamt where to find her lost umbrella; the next day she did. But the finder said word for word what she had in the dream... |
AN UNPRODUCTIVE SQUIRREL: by Wayan; 2013/11/27, an advisory shamanic dreamlet |
I meet a giant squirrel. But a Committee condemns the squirrel for such long periods of unproductive hibernation. The squirrel points out a teensy flaw... |
UTE RAID: by Hasteen Hon's grandmother, c.1856 or c.1873, a possibly lifesaving dream |
When my grandmother was young her husband had a prosperous ranch. She dreamed some Indians attacked. She convinced them to hide; the Utes killed or stole nearly all their sheep. But at least they were alive... |
VAMPIGS AND SMILES: by Wayan; 1991/12/9, an advisory dream. |
Our landlady was a friend, but she broke our rental agreement. Talk, compromise, or rent strike? |
VANDERMEER'S STAIR: by Jeff Vandermeer, 2013 or before,, a nightmarish creative prompt |
I was on a spiral stair. The walls had scrawled messages, not sprayed, carved or painted but living tissue--and getting fresher as I descended. Whatever was growing them was still below me, and still writing... |
VELOCIRAPTORS AND BANANAS: by Wayan; 1994/2/6, a predator-advisory dream. |
After a visit from our landlady's angry, crazy son I dream hungry velociraptors invade our house... |
WABOSE'S VISION: by Catherine Wabose (Ogeewyahnoquot Okwa), Feb. 1814? shamanic initiation dreams |
After fasting for six days, I dreamed of three spirit helpers who aided my village, guiding hunters toward game and healing others. But I lost so many loved ones... CAUTION: SPOUSE MURDERED; CAREER BURNOUT |
WALTER'S DIVE: by Walter's father; pre-1961, a predictive dream disastrously forgotten |
I dreamt my son Walter drowned in the creek by a certain tree. I woke in tears, and resolved... |
THE WEEPING BRAIN: by Wayan; 2010/12/5; an anti-workaholic nightmare poem |
My sister just bought a biocomputer: an enslaved human brain in a box of weeping skin... |
WHALE BIKES TO HEAVEN: by Wayan; 1974/5/6, a shamanic double-flying dream |
A road trip with no road--levitating over the Arctic Sea to meet the Whale Philosopher. Then it's time for us all to bike to the stars, leave this world behind... |
WHAT ARE THE ISSUES?: by Carla Young, 2010/3/16; painting of a political dream pun |
My friend's ignorant of our local Congressional race. I loathe Pombo and like his rival McNerney, but can't pronounce his name right... |
WHAT E.S.P. IS FOR: by Wayan; 2012/12/10, three dreamlets on my real nature and purpose |
I dream ESP isn't just for oneself. A romance between a wolf singer & a deer guitarist. I'm furry too, and better accept it! |
WHAT REALLY HAPPENED: by a Coon Rapids woman, early 1993; a psychic, near-lifesaving dream |
I dreamed my husband told me he'd been in a car crash and was in a frozen ditch not visible from the road near our house. I woke and called 911 who found him just twenty minutes later... |
THE WHEEL by Nancy Price; 1948, an early, intense dream of Future Shock. |
Lost in an industrial maze, my memories hopelessly outdated, I resign myself to the Wheel... |
by Wayan; 2013/4/13, an epic shamanic epiphany dream with tinges of ESP I meet my Creator--a were-deer. No wonder I'm a shy, horny herbivore so unlike these naked apes! She tells me my divine purpose... CAUTION: MONOTHEISTIC BLASPHEMY; E.S.P. FLASH; NUDE DEER |
WIND OF SELF-HATE: by Wayan, 1976/4/4, a dream warning of family brainwashing |
Biking around blindfolded and half-naked, I fight winds of self-criticism and self-hatred that only I can feel... |
WISH-RATIONED EARTH: by Wayan; 2015/6/19; an advisory dream on...miracles? |
I'm stranded on an alternate Earth under strict rationing--of wishes! But you need to wish a few times a year to keep the system greased... CAUTION: INSULTS BOTH CAPITALISM AND ASCETICISM |
THE WIZARD'S HORSE: by Wayan; 2018/9/3, a magical dream about... toxic waste? |
I'm a wizard's horse, trying to warn him about a toxic spell on a roadside corpse... Wake into a second dream, but try to return to being a dream-mare and warn my rider... And then wake to realize my Nightmare was warning about a home-renovation project! |
WOLVES IN THE BOOTH: by Thordhr "the Terror"; c.1000, a warning dream |
Thordhr dreams a pack of wolves attack him in a trade-booth! He wakes sure the trade-fair will be trouble... |
WONDERFUL SPECTACLES: by Anna Kingsford; 1877/1/31, a clairvoyant advisory dream |
A mystic postman delivers a letter on the world's best glasses and a reply from me, telling how to find them... |
A WORK OF ART: by Carla Young, early 1970s; dream painting and story |
I'm to be beheaded. Guards chant "It's important to enjoy what you're doing." I know my spilled blood will create a work of art... |
THE WORLD NEWS: by Nathaniel Hawthorne; 1843; a dream-job (and career advice?) |
I dreamt the world itself hired me, at a generous salary, to report its great affairs exactly as they happen... |
WORM WIZARD, or, TITMAN'S CHAIR: by Wayan; 1997/4/23, a dream of bamboozlement. |
In the castle of a wizard who's a were-worm, I let myself become my businessman-friend's chair! Generous, huh? |
THE WRITING CLASS: by Wayan; 1984/3/27, a grumpy dream. |
Most writers search for their unique style. Not me--I struggle to convey unique EXPERIENCES... |
XANTHE'S TUNNEL: by Xanthe & Wayan; 1999/6/11, two possibly telepathic dreams |
I'm a dyke playing baseball in Golden Gate Park. Some guys harass us and run into a tunnel. I follow, but... |
YEW: by Mrs. Cl. of S.; 1670 or 71; a risky dream-prescription. |
In a dream, a dead friend told Mrs. Cl. how to cure her daughter's chronic illness: the yew tree. But yew is toxic... |
YOU NEED TO FIND HER: by B. Bigham; 2010/4/27, a strong psychic dream of history | I walked into a 19th century home--and family quarrel. Decades passed in seconds; then the house burned--with me in it. Two years later I learned the house and its history were real... |
"YOU'LL GROW OUT OF THAT": by Graham Donaldson, spring 1924, a rescue dream |
Wading a river at night, I fall in. I'm drowning! But my friend Edward pulls me out. "But Eddie, you're dead!" "No" he says. "You'll grow out of that!"... |
ZEMMYO: by Myoe Shonin; c.1221/4/20, a spiritual Pygmalion dream. |
A doll sent from China breaks into tears over her exile here in Japan. I reassure her and she becomes real... |
ZERO SUM: by Wayan; 1996/5/29, a game-theory dream. |
I'm lecturing to a crowd: "Love's a win-win game, and abuse, lose-lose. But blame is zero-sum..." |
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