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GREEN SHOES: by Debbie Ifasi and "C."; late 1988? shared or parallel dreams
DEBBIE: I dream of my friend G's new girlfriend C (who I've never met) and tell her "you'll never fill my shoes."
C: I dreamed I met Debbie. She wore green shoes, and said "See these shoes, you could never fit into them"...
MY BEST FRIEND'S HOUSE--AND MOM: by Barbara C., 1983/11/22; a psychic dreamlet
I dream of my best friend, but she's in an unfamiliar house. I notice its address.
On impulse, when I wake, I go to that address and ask the woman living there...
SPY WITH A BUN: by Miss C, 1918, a dream experiment urged by J.W. Dunne
DREAM: I meet a woman with a bun hairdo, black skirt, black & white striped blouse. I think she's a spy!
TWO DAYS LATER: I meet that woman--bun, skirt, blouse. And all the hotel guests here say she's a spy...
SAVONAROLA: by Mrs C., circa 1867; a dream mocking excess self-criticism
Mrs C. dreamed she was the ascetic preacher Savonarola, who wanted to burn all vanities.
In her audience she saw... Mrs C! So she, Savonarola, aimed her barbs at all of C's flaws...
CAEDMON'S DREAM: by Caedmon, c.657, as told by the Venerable Bede; a dream music-tutorial
Caedmon can't sing. But he dreams an angel makes him try. Soon he's the first great English poet and singer...
CAESAR'S INCEST DREAM: by Julius Caesar, c.69 BCE, an embarrassing oracular dream
Plutarch says Caesar dreamt of sex with his mother; it was interpreted as "you'll take the motherland". So he crossed the Rubicon...
But Suetonius says he dreamed it way earlier, at age 33, after seeing a shrine to Alexander (who died at 33); Julius felt inferior...
CALPURNIA'S DREAM: by Calpurnia and her husband Julius Caesar; 44(BCE)/3/14, two warning dreams.
The night before Caesar's assassination, he dreamed he flew above the clouds and met Jupiter;
his wife Calpurnia dreamed he'd be stabbed, and begged him not to go out, but politics...
BULLFIGHTERS' BRAIN MODEL: by Santiago Ramón y Cajal, 1927/8/9; a silly dreamlet
I dream I'm at a center for bull fighting, teaching the structure of the brain, but
they believe the brain is a structureless gelatin and the soul is all...
MORNING DREAM: by Santiago Ramón y Cajal, 1926/12/12; a dream modeling the mind
I dream I'm ranting about the structure of the mind, postulating four layers--odd, since
I think dreams are meaningless--just neurons getting some exercise! So whence this theory?
TERRIBLE DREAM, TACTILE DREAM (EVENING ESPRONCEDA): by S. Ramón y Cajal, c.1930; a nightmare
Doctors remove my upper skull and sew my scalp over my brain.
I can get around, if I stay upright, but I'm terribly vulnerable...
THREE CLASSES: by Santiago Ramón y Cajal, 1928/12/10; a dream on scientific integrity
I dream I'm teaching my students that those willing to let evidence change their minds are rare.
Climbers seek fame and status, while iconoclasts seek to upset order without regard for truth...
WAR BETWEEN LIBERALS & REACTIONARIES: by S. Ramón y Cajal, 1929/5/26; a predictive dream?
There is a war between liberals and reactionaries, but the dream makes no
sense: friends claim to be hit, to be wounded, but I see no bodies, no blood...
THE BLACK STREAM: by A.W. Fyson Calder; before Aug. 1928, 1931/12/28, & 1938: 3 predictive dreams
I looked into a narrow stream that was quite clear yet inky black. It made no sense at the time...
(by a California model, pre-1961, and by a Texas maid, 1945; two predictive dreams compared)
Predictive dreams rarely hint how far they've peered ahead; they just place you in their foreseen future...
SCORCH: by a California woman; 1944, a lifesaving olfactory hallucination (clairsniffance?)
I smelled scorching paint; my heater was about to burn the house. But I'd moved--my old house was six blocks away...
CALPURNIA'S DREAM: by Calpurnia and her husband Julius Caesar; 44(BCE)/3/14, two warning dreams.
The night before Caesar's assassination, he dreamed he flew above the clouds and met Jupiter;
his wife Calpurnia dreamed he'd be stabbed, and begged him not to go out, but politics...
F.I.P: by Dr A (c.1947), a Cambridge man (1960?), a London girl (c.1916) and a Midlands mum (July 1958)
Examples of inexplicable moods that appear (after the fact) to be reactions to future events...
YES, EMMA, ONE POUND ONIONS: by a Canadian girl; pre-1961, a distracting dream prediction
I was in a small room with a single bare lightbulb and an old man at a desk writing. The phone rang.
He answered--said, 'Yes, Emma, one pound onions, a dozen oranges." Two days later...
TORNADO INSURANCE: by a car salesman's wife; pre-1961, a useful predictive dreamlet
I dreamed a tornado loosened our showroom sign; it swung down to smash the window. I told my husband, and...
TAG WITH A BOUNTY HUNTER: by "Caradon"; 2010/3/3, a playful lucid dream
A bounty hunter stalks me through a jungle, but lucidity turns a potential nightmare to joy...
CARDANO'S DREAMS: by Girolamo Cardano, 1521 & 1547/8/15, two confusing oracular dreams
1521: I ask a talking ape how long I'll live. "Four years" he says. "No longer?" "No."
26 years later, I'm still hoping to get truth from dream-figures--two dead guys tell me...
DRAGON/WOMAN: by Pam Cardiff, 1994/6/20, a dream of a dad's curse
A mage turns his daughter into an ugly dragon. She pines for a sailor, but
though they make beautiful music with magic crystals, he rejects her...
BIGAMIST: by a Carolina waitress; 1945, a telepathic dream
A sad, frail, very pregnant woman with dark brown hair told me she was my boyfriend's wife. The next day...
POTATO ENGINE by Jonathan Carroll, 1996 or before, a comic dream
I live in LA. I buy a used car whose engine, it turns out, is a big potato. How cool--an edible motor! But
it breaks down--clogged by black gunk. Must I replace it with ordinary metal? I want a potato engine...
ALICE'S POEM: by Lewis Carroll; 1872, a poem on dreams
Are dreams really so ephemeral? Lewis Carroll, who built the Alice books from dream-shards, wasn't so sure...
TWO POLLYS: by Lewis Carroll; 1879/5/15, a dream of psychological splitting.
With no sense of incongruity, I planned to take the child Polly
with me to the theatre, to see the grown-up Polly act...
GOAT WITH A HUMAN HEAD: by Steve Carter, 2008/7/12; a dream image.
Walking around my brother's farm, I met this goat with a human head. He'd been playing with matches...
ALIVE by Barbara Cartland, c.1940/5/30 & early 1941?, two dreams on death, one apparently psychic
In the evacuation of Dunkirk, my brother went missing. I dreamt he had a bullet hole in his forehead.
After a letter informed us he'd been shot in the head, I dreamt of him again--alive and happy...
CARTWRIGHT'S HARLEQUIN: by Rosalind Cartwright, 1927? to 2020/12/5? Lifelong recurring dream
All her life, Cartwright dreamed of a figure disguised in a harlequin costume; she never saw his face.
He always drove her to self-sabotage. But near her death, she dreamt she gave a lecture, and he...
NIGHT FLIGHT: by Catherine as told to Wayan; c. 1962, a recurrent childhood flying dream.
My friend Catherine dreamed she was a flying mare with golden hooves. But in real life, she lost them...
AIRPLANE WITH BORN: by Catshall; c. 2014/11/8, a dream-haiku on American politics?
I dream of an airplane with a born-again pilot. I challenge him:
"just because you're rich doesn't mean you can run things"...
BAREFOOT: by Catshall; c. 2014/12/14, a dream-haiku on the drought
I dreamt I walked barefoot on newly fallen snow...
BOB THE TREE: by Catshall; c. 2013/6/21, a dream-haiku on our marriage
I dreamt Bob was a tree-god enthroned in ivy. I said...
CAT WHO TURNED: by Catshall; c. 2014/9/29, a dream-haiku
Dreamed of a cat who turned into a man. when you rubbed...
DARE: by Catshall; c. 2013/6/13, a haiku on an incubated nightmare
I challenged my dreams to hit me with their worst. And they did...
FRISCO GONE: by Catshall; c. 2014/10/23, a nondream haiku on a flooded city
old Frisco gone, high-rise condos obscure the view: hives for techie...
JACKPOT: by Catshall; 2007/5/29. A dream on sex, art and change--a flood of change!
How did my bondage dream turn into a slot-machine jackpot? And what kind of change is pouring out?...
LOCKED ROOM: by Catshall; c. 2014/10/6, a dream haiku on a classic Jungian dilemma
Dreamt of locked room, door-knob fell off in my hand when I...
NEED AN ADVENTURE? by Catshall, 2022/5/18-25, collage-poem on recurrent dreams
For a week the same dream-figures and settings have been recurring:
shapeshifters and sea monsters. What are they hiding? Or guarding...
ONE FRUIT REMAINS UNEATEN: by Catshall; November 1983, a journal dotted with dreams
My day life as an artist and explorer of the San Francisco underground scene
gets regularly commented on by my dreamlife...
SNOWDRIFTS: by Catshall; c. 2014/11/5, a dream-haiku on the drought
I dream of snowdrifts too deep to get back home, even though...
STEPMOTHER: by Catshall; c. 2014/9/24, a dream-haiku about revenants
I dreamed my stepmother moved in with my dead grandparents...
COACH AND ARCH: by William Cavendish-Bentinck; 1901, a practical warning-dream.
I dreamt the royal coach got stuck in an arch on the coronation route. Awake, I checked the heights of coach & arch...
TANDEM DREAM IN KATMANDU: by Clancy Cavnar; 1998, two parallel dreams not acted on
Two of us meditation students dreamed one night that we were ice skating in Holland, helping each other...
DOG THIRST: by Cecy and Wayan; 1991/10/7, shared or telepathic dreamlets
CECY: In a desert, a thirsty dog jumps out of a tree--the first known dog suicide...
WAYAN: I'm a talking dog. Our owner denies us enough water, so we protest...
SLEAZE: by Cecy and Wayan; 1991/7/28; subtle shared dreams.
Wayan: A sleazy brother calls the cops, blaming us for a fire he set...
Cecy: A sleazy brother calls in a fire while not even trying to put it out...
FOUR-LEGGED MONK: by Centaurquad; June 1983; a sexy transformation dream
My boyfriend's a student in an exotic monastery. But under his robe, he's gotten a bit exotic himself...
WHAT'S IN THE BASKET?: by Ceridwens_Descent; 2007/8/4, a dream of embarrassing head loss
I cut off my own head! But I grew a new one. Only what to do with the old one? It's starting to rot...
DREAM, 1927: by Marc Chagall, 1927 I guess! A flying dream
A woman rides draped over a giant rabbit
who somersaults through the night sky...
AT THE DOOR: by Emily Y. Chan, 2019/3/20 or before; nightmare dream sketch
There was a tall man wearing a mask standing at the door.
At least I think it was a mask...
DREAM JOURNAL: MONSTER: by Emily Y. Chan, 2019/7/11 or before; nightmare sketch
There was this giant creature in the water along with a bunch of sharks.
The creature turned out to be nice though, much nicer than the sharks...
FARM LIFE: by Emily Y. Chan, 2022/1/22 or before; dream painting
I was working at a farm with a two-headed dragon creature as my companion. One head
was very loyal and the other head absolutely hated me. I always forget which is which...
FEAR OF FALLING: by Emily Y. Chan, 2024/4/27 or before; dream painting
I had a dream I was climbing up a bunch of tiny shanty buildings and I got stuck. There was a wall full of
giant Koi Betta fish I couldn't climb across, and when I looked down, I could only see the top of the sky...
FLOWERS IN THE BASEMENT: by Emily Y. Chan, 2024/3/2 or before; dream painting sketch
I had to prepare the house for a party, but the basement was flooded. I thought I could
decorate it with some floating flowers anyway, but they kept dissolving or sinking...
HUNTERS: by Emily Y. Chan, c.2020/12/12, 2024/3/23, and 2024/4/13, paintings of recurrent dreams
First I met an assassin girl who could raise dust storms; then a monster-hunted named Rho;
then I was the hunter, with a futuristic hovercycle and low-tech bow and arrows...
LEAP OF FAITH: by Emily Y. Chan, 2022/2/5 or before; dream painting
I was at the edge of a cliff and I had to jump to some pillar-like rocks.
I was very hesitant though because the ocean waves were so violent...
LÜK: by Emily Y. Chan, 2022/1/8 or before; dream painting
A blind girl had trained for years to get revenge against a winter god named Lük or Lock, who took the form of an ice wolf.
By defeating the god, she would get her sight back, but she didn't know she'd also send the world into an endless winter...
PARALYSIS: by Emily Y. Chan, 2016/5/3 or before; nightmare sketch
Had sleep paralysis early one morning while trying to wake up, and "saw" this creature or woman looming over me.
She had two spider legs (if more, I couldn't see) and was smiling--with no face. Terrifying. Amazing...
PINK LIGHTNING: by Emily Y. Chan, 2017/12/15 or before; dream painting
We were trying to catch this "harpy", who looked like a 1980s
angel, but she teleported away. It was freaking weird...
POLYMELIA: by Emily Y. Chan, 2016/12/13 or before; a nightmare drawing
I dreamed I saw this statue of a woman wearing a round hat or bowl that covered her entire head.
When I got closer, a bunch of arms sprouted from under the hat/bowl, moving like spider legs...
PORCUPINE HEAD: by Emily Y. Chan, 2024/4/20 or before; dream painting
I had a dream I was exploring ruins in a forest, where
I encountered this feral girl with a porcupine head....
REFUGE: by Emily Y. Chan, 2024/3/16 or before; dream painting
I dreamed a tired soldier visited an oracle or priestess,
who hummed a simple tune and provided refuge...
SINKING: by Emily Y. Chan, 2019/7/19 or before; sketch of a nightmare
I had a dream that everyone was sinking, drowning, but still alive. No one
could move, and it was just getting darker and darker with bodies. Lovely...
WINGED DANGER: by Emily Y. Chan, 2024/3/30 or before; dream painting
We found an injured girl with wings. We took her to the hospital and
I warned them she might be dangerous, but no one listened to me...
WINGLESS: by Emily Y. Chan, 2020/12/9 or before; painting of a non-flying dream
In this dream, everyone had wings but me. I tried.
making my own cloth wings but it didn't work...
THREE FLYING DREAMS: by Sharad Chandra, 1988 or before, mystical advisory dreams
1: I ask how to fly. "Breathe air from high levels; its light and purity will wash away earth's heaviness..."
2: To join a flying game, you must cut off your own head! Players acquire new heads and can work miracles...
3: I float up to reach a book in a shop. People call the police but I defiantly soar--over Paris, up to the stars...
THE SWAFFHAM TINKER: by John Chapman and a London shopkeeper; c.1454, two interlocked dreams
Chapman dreams he must walk 100 miles to London Bridge; on the bridge, a stranger says
"dreams are nonsense! Why, I dreamt of buried treasure 100 miles away, in some town called..."
THE FLYING HART: by King Charles VI; c.1390, a flying dream.
King Charles loses a new hawk. But a winged deer lands, bows to him,
and offers him a wild ride across France after his bird...
QUEEN OF SPELLS: by Graham Charnock; c.1995, a dream of anger management?
Charnock loathes fantasy and its fans, but can't escape it--he dreams
an evil sorcerer is foiled by a shopgirl and her stone-carving lover...
ART ENVY: by Roz Chast, before 2023/9/18, an insecurity-baring dream
I dream I'm reading an amazing comic about a bright red geometric dog named Question,
floating through surreal landscapes. I'm envious--until I wake in relief that it's just a dream!
DISASTER DREAM: by Roz Chast, 2023 or before, a dream on the struggle of dreamwork?
Trump wackos bomb the World Trade Center. I flee New York. Morticia Addams puts us up. Inside the
dream, I fall asleep. When I wake I ask "was the attack a dream?" Morticia says it was smaller. I try to
write it all down on my bedsheet, but the ink spreads. I wake again, sure I need to wash the sheet...
HOT: by Roz Chast, 2023 or before, a dream from a subliminal stimulus
I'm in a restaurant at a round table. Waiters wrap me in hot towels. I laugh "If I were
chilled, I'd love this--but I'm NOT!" I wake to find I am too hot--too many blankets...
KISSINGER+DENTISTRY=WHY: by Roz Chast, 2023 or before, a dream within a dream
I dream I go to my NY dentist, but the novocaine sends me into a dream of having dentistry in Tel Aviv!
I 'wake' and my NY dentist explains he can't do me today: sore hands from doing Henry Kissinger...
NUBBINS: by Roz Chast, 2023 or before, a lucid dream
My kid and I have mere nubbins where our fingers should be,
but I realize it's a dream--I can grow fingers or absorb them
REBELLION: by Roz Chast, 2023 or before, a dream on dreamwork?
I was trapped in a Handmaid's Tale dystopia; I was a mannequin, naked &
helpless. I couldn't even walk. But I hid one rebellious act: I kept a diary...
RECUR: by Roz Chast, 2023 or before, her recurrent dream types cartooned
Is our brain trying to tell us something that, evidently, we haven't heard the last 70 times? Or is the
dream-manufacturing area feeling a little lazy? I have no idea, but here are some of my "classics"...
REVELATION: by Roz Chast, 2023 or before, a smelly space dream
Turns out you can float in deep space without a helmet.
But there's this weird disturbing smell, like an electrical fire...
SORRY, MY MISTAKE: by Roz Chast, 2023 or before, a apologetic apocalyptic dream
The lights go out, the world's ending. Roz tries to make party snacks and keep folks calm. At last
she notices lights out the window. Other buildings seem fine. Is it really the Apocalypse? Or...
TO SAVE HUMANITY: by Roz Chast, 2023 or before, a spit-swappin' dream
Worldwide drought. I have a mutation making me produce lots of saliva, so to keep
people alive, I drool into their open mouths. Gross, but it's take my drool or die...
MARCOUX'S DREAMS: by Shirley Marcoux, 75/11/4, 76/4/2, 4/28 & 6/24; & one by Cheryl, 76/4/3
Four apparently psychic dreamlets of a gun in a desk, a guy needing to hide,
a canyon with woodpiles & a locked gate, and a blonde girl named Cathy...
PALAIS IDÉAL: by Ferdinand Cheval; dreamed 1864, built 1879-1912, a life-defining dream
I dreamed I built a palace, but for fifteen years I kept silent, ashamed. Then
I tripped over a beautiful stone. I took it home. Next day I collected more...
CHIRICO'S DREAM: by Giorgio di Chirico; 1904, a surreal dream prefiguring his paintings
In vain I struggle with my father, with his strong arms and wary eyes... I give up... agonizing quests down darkened
streets... long shadows on columns and porticos... a crowd gathers; my father may be in danger... I want to flee...
THE DYE-HOUSE RECORDS: by a Christian secretary, pre-1961, a prayer-induced intuition
Our archivist had had a stroke. When an engine failed, my boss said
"Find its records if it takes two weeks!" Five minutes later...
THEATER HOSTAGE: by Christine M, 2002/10/22, an apparently clairvoyant dream
Gunmen held me hostage in a grand hall; at last they shot me. Next day: the Moscow Theater hostages...
AFTER A LONG ILLNESS: by Nicholas Christopher; summer 1990?, a dream poem
After I flew from New York to Hawaii, a surreal dream of a floating man reeled in like a kite...
THE DREAM TO LAST YEARS: by Elizabeth Church;
2004? to March 2008; repeated meetings with a guardian--in dreams & out!
For five years now I've been dreaming of this guy. Many dreams, same guy...
GOLDEN CHAIN: by Cicero, 46/1/1 or 45/1/1 BCE, a prescient dream by an anti-interpretationist
Dream-skeptic Cicero dreamed a youth descended from heaven on a golden chain.
The next day he first met Octavius, and exclaimed "but there is the actual boy I dreamed of!"
The boy became Augustus Caesar, presiding over Rome's golden age...
DE GAULLE: by Hélène Cixous, 1998/5/20; a dream perhaps hiding a political metaphor
General De Gaulle gives me a ride in his armchair with the plexiglass
roof. Alarming--since he drives backward at full speed...
A DELIVERY: by Hélène Cixous, 1997/9/21; a dream of stepping up to the job
A woman is giving birth and there is no doctor or midwife around.
Though reluctant, I have at least assisted at births, so...
HIGH IN THE MOUNTAINS: by Hélène Cixous; before 2003; a comic dream
My little brother catches and rides a fairy goose down steep mountain slopes, demanding it grant his wishes...
PAPA: by Hélène Cixous; 1996/5/15; a revenant dream on workaholism
I'm in my papa's waiting room. I beg him to take a break from his patients now that he's dead, and walk with me...
YEW: by Mrs. Cl. of S.; 1670 or 71; a risky dream-prescription.
In a dream, a dead friend told Mrs. Cl. how to cure her daughter's chronic illness: the yew tree. But yew is toxic...
EASTER HEALING: by "Clairity"; 2008/03/23, a joyful lucid dream
I will a clay cat to come to life, then start healing real cats and dogs and...
NOT A NICE DAY: by Gladys Clarke; 1925/3/18, an aural premonition
All day I expected a terrible scream, but had no idea why until I heard it. A woman in flames came out of her house...
A GANG OF GHOSTS: by "Mrs. Claughton", 1893/10/14, recurrent dreams of ghosts
Mrs Claughton moved into a house known as haunted. She dreamt multiple ghosts asked her for help.
She crossed England to pass messages to heirs, containing private details Claughton couldn't have known...
DEER-MAN DANCING: by "Cmmndrblu"; early 2006, a shamanic dream-within-a-dream at least six layers deep!
I met a deer-man in the woods. I go lucid, then wake up... to find I'm still dreaming. And wake again, and wake, and wake...
LUCID FLIGHT TO VALHALLA: by Paul W. Coca; 1991/4/5, a lucid flying sex dream
I realized I was dreaming, and flew. My friends were skeptical and held me down a while, but
soon I had them flying too. At a party in Valhalla, I made love with a mer-angel named Ealswa...
SHINER TOWN: by Liza Cody, 1996 or before; a dystopian-future dream
The Second Ice Age. London's domed. I find a body in the swimming pool--blood in the water. I flee
to Shiner Town. The Empress gives birth, and her babies feed on the blood of Sephardic Jews...
KEYBOARD TO PIZZA: by Jonathan Coe; c. 1996, a surreal dream of musical failure.
Our band from a decade ago plays a reunion gig. It's a disaster even before my
keyboard turns into a giant pizza and my fingers start burning on the mozzarella...
I, MEATBALL: by Vladimir Cole, art by Jesse Reklaw; pre-2000; a warning nightmare?
I'm chased by spaghetti, snared, sprinkled with parmesan.
My hungry classmates loom, and my best friend says...
EBON EBON THALUD: by Samuel Coleridge; 1800/11/28, a nightmare struggle leaving physical traces.
Ebon Ebon Thalud, a woman blended with darkness, tries to gouge out my right eye. I wake screaming. My right eyelid...
KUBLA KHAN: by Samuel Coleridge; summer 1797, an interrupted dream-poem
In Xanadu did Kubla Khan a stately pleasure-dome decree (at least till that visitor from Porlock barged in)
FLIGHTS AND CATS: by Colette; before 1949, a sketch of her dream life
Colette flies, sees a birdheaded turtle, wrestles a great playful cat, debates a snake, holds hands with a shy dog...
CRAZY EGG: by a Colorado convalescent; pre-1961, a small predictive dream dismissed as absurd or symbolic
My grandma came in from gathering eggs and showed me one was triple-sized and very long...
OIL DERRICK: by Fernando Rojas Zapata, Dec 1994-early 1995; recurring, life-saving nightmares
DREAMS: I'm arguing with a worker on our oil rig when a huge piece of steel falls, crushing me instantly.
MONTHS LATER: that very worker gets in an argument with me. I recall my dreams, step back, and...
CONRAD'S CRASH: by Jessie Conrad, 1905?, a clairvoyant or telepathic nightmare
Night. Rain. A hansom cab. The horse slips on the wet pavement, toppling the cab with my husband inside.
I woke sure it happened. Next morning a postman tried to tell me of the crash, but I told him...
WHAT REALLY HAPPENED: by a Coon Rapids woman, early 1993; a psychic, near-lifesaving dream
I dreamed my husband told me he'd been in a car crash and was in a frozen ditch not visible
from the road near our house. I woke and called 911 who found him just twenty minutes later...
OJIBWAY DREAM NET: by Regina de Cormier-Shekerjian, c.1984, a dream-poem of a visiting animus
I hung the dream-net over my bed. It worked. A blue-winged man with a leg of silver came to me,
drummed, danced, offered to teach me secrets. Awake, I found a blue feather caught in that net...
A DREAM by Barry Cornwall, before 1819; a dream of a mytho-historical tour
I go back 3000 years to the Judgment of Paris, then at Babylon's height see King Nebuchadnezzar,
then the doomed lovers Antony & Cleopatra, then Triton and the Nereids celebrating a divine birth...
DOG OR... KITTY?: by Cory and Wayan, 2019/5/1, shared predictive dreamlets.
Wayan dreams of petting an adorable cat-dog. The same night...
Cory dreams of meeting an adorable dog-cat. Later that day...
At the beach, Cory meets a woman with a dog named... Oh. You guessed.
I MIST MY SISTER: by Cory and Wayan; 1992/9/20; a dream-comic. Cory's healing dream triggers one by Wayan
My friend Cory's sore back is healed by a dream. So I ask for the same, and get this dream of incest...
PAD ON THE FLOOR: by Cory and Wayan; 2020/9/13, parallel, apparently telepathic dreams.
CORY: I'm in a government complex. Tired, but guards harass me. At last they let me nap on a floor pad.
WAYAN: I'm in the Student Union. Need to study, but guards harass me. Yet they let my friend sleep on a...
THE POWER OF THE BUTTERFLY: by Lisa Gale Garrigues ("Cory"); winter 1997,
a dream of flying, shapeshifting and spiritual advice.
When a flood traps me in my cabin, I dream I meet
an old man who warns me "Let your butterflies go"...
SUDDEN DEATH: by Cory; 2008/3/1 to 2008/3/14, a series of dreams on a friend's suicide.
I've had premonitory dreams of friends' deaths, but never ones clear enough to spur action...
TWENTY-SIX LETTERS, or, A Complete Summary of Poesy; by Cory & Wayan, early Aug. 1992; a haiku slam
You get 26 dice with letters on every face. Roll them all. Your haiku must use every letter. Go!
THE FLYING COW: by a cow-buyer, as told by Pu Songling; before 1679, a perverse predictive dream?
A farmer dreamt his new cow grew wings and flew away. Next day, he sold that cow at a heavy loss. Walking
home with the cash, he found a tame falcon, and tied its leg to his moneybag. One guess what the bird did...
LUCID NIGHTMARE CLINGS by Andrew Cowan, recurring nightmares 1996 or before
I know I'm dreaming but it does no good--I'm paralyzed, and spams wrack my body, I fall out of bed.
When I wake, I tingle and shake for minutes. Yet I'm still in bed; the sheets aren't even twisted...
DUCK HUNT: by Craig, age 4; 1950/11/18, an ignored predictive nightmare
"I dreamed you were in the water, Daddy. You kept trying to come out of the water to me..."
CRAZY HORSE'S DREAM: by Crazy Horse; summer 1854 (age 11-12) a life-predicting dream
I saw a man riding across the face of a lake. Bullets and arrows flew at him, but all missed.
He reached the shore. Men who looked like him rose from the ground, and pulled him down...
HUNGER: by Robert Creeley; 1970s?, an advisory dream on keeping desire grounded
I'm at a long table. So many stews, so much rice! Soon we're stuffed. But some people
yell for more! I ask the woman next to me "How could they still be hungry?" She says...
THE DEATH OF ATYS: by King Croesus c.560 BCE; predictive dream, or self-fulfilling?
Croesus dreamt his heir Atys was slain by an iron blade; he locked them all in the armory. But Atys went
hunting; his guard Adrastus's spear went astray. Did Fate kill Atys, or superstition rattling poor Adrastus?
EARLY MORNING DREAM: by Brian Cronwall, c.1986, a surreal dreamlet turned poem
Night. Heads shaved, in loose-fitting gray robes, the young men swing from eave to eave. Two lose their grips.
Hard fall. Blood. Assistants call ambulances. Others swing on, house to house, before dawn...
JOSEPH AND THE PHARAOH: by Joseph, a cupbearer, a baker & a Pharaoh, c.1673-1660 BCE; six surreal dreams
Joseph as a teen dreams sheaves of his brothers' grain bow to his; then the sun, moon & stars bow to him.
Eleven years later, in prison, Joseph interprets two cellmates' dreams as premonitory, and gets both right.
Two years later, he interprets two bizarre dreams troubling the Pharaoh, thus saving Egypt from famine...
THIRTY-THREE YEARS OF BOREDOM: by Rachel Cusk, 1996 or before; a lucid comic nightmare
An Arabian Nights city--but I'm enslaved. I escape. I'm caught. My sentence? I must sit 33 years atop
a column, watching for Vikings. I get a Walkman, but no music, and a book, but I suddenly can't read...
MONSTERS FROM MY SOUP: by Cyberwebspace; 2010/9/30, a stubborn nightmare
How'd that spider, dragon and T. rex get in my soup? I skip lunch.
Dig in the garden, but scaly heads pop out to nip at me. Persistent!
SMOKESTACKS: by "D", before 1990, told by Andrew Samuels; a dream on starting therapy
"D" wants to renovate her house. A powerplant with twin stacks is ugly, but will power
the tools to get the job done. But her new therapist interprets the dream very strangely...
CELEBRITY ATTACK!: by Pierre Dalcourt, art by Jesse Reklaw; pre-2000; a complex dream on celebrity
As a mob of Hollywood stars beats me up, I ask for autographs--and get them.
I sell the autographs to fund a statue of the beating--but with me smiling...
VACUUM DOG: by Laura A. Dale, 1942/12/19; a surreal nightmare labeling itself psychic
DAY: I'm an experimental subject given a drug in hopes it'll induce ESP. I just babble stupidly. Humiliation!
DREAM: my vacuum cleaner comes alive to attack my terrier & me. I flee, but there's an explosion...
TWO DAYS LATER: at the movies, a cartoon: a vacuum cleaner comes alive to attack a terrier. Then, BOOM...
by Gala Dalí 1943? painted by Salvador Dalí 1944; a supposedly instantaneous dream.
Dalí's wife Gala naps, but a bee wakes her--and her dream instantly magnifies
bee into tigers! After all, both have fur, sharp bits, black & gold stripes...
THE DREAM APPROACHES: by Salvador Dalí 1931; a painting of hypnogogia?
Other Dalí dream-paintings are flashy, but here he paints the prerequisites for
dreamwork: quiet, dusk, a bed. The calm making elbow-room for the storm...
BUTLER'S CROSSING: by David's father; 1941/8/24, a (heeded or unheeded?) warning dream
He saw a vehicle coming toward him at great speed. The light was so bright it blinded him. He screamed...
MEETING CARAVAGGIO: by Phyllis Davidson, 1978, a dream earned the hard way
While painting a tribute to my hero/mentor Caravaggio, I dream we meet. He talks of his art
as we walk a dark space full of living chiaroscuro scenes we can circle, see from all angles...
PEACHES AND CHERRIES: by Phyllis Davidson, 1977 and early 80s? two dreamlets of being inanimate
PEACHES: after painting a peach all day, I find I AM one, reclining on a mound of cottage cheese...
CHERRIES: after a day in Reno, I find I'm a wheel in a slot machine, whirling, coming up cherries...
COAL FACE: by Al Davison; 1967, a recurring dream of coal-eating, magic and justice
In my home town there were tales of coal-eaters. I dreamed of a miner who
transformed the mine-owner into a canary--at a price. He became coal himself...
GROUND ZERO: by Al Davison; 2001/9/9, a predictive dream-comic.
Two days before 9/11, I dream I'm a child at ground zero, mourning the devastation--and witnessing rebirth.
KOLCHEC: by Al Davison (Jan.1977-1978) & Sara Welponer 2000, sketches of a shared dream-figure
AL repeatedly drew a bizarre, recurring dream-guide named Kolchec; years later he met
SARA, who'd painted her dream-guide, a distinctive spook named--oh, take a guess...
MERBOY: by Al Davison, 1961, a joyful dream remembered from infancy
At around one year old, Al dreamed, while in hospital, that he was a merboy
leaping from the sea, trying to figure out how to swim in the air, too...
A PREMONITION: by Al Davison, 1973, a life-saving predictive dream
At thirteen, I dreamed a van crashed right at the spot where my best friend always met me after school.
The next day we went to see what'd happen. I suggested we stand across the road just to be safe...
THREE DREAMS: by Al Davison and two friends, 1985, a shared nightmare
I dreamed I checked my neighbor's flat for prowlers; I got shot and fell out a window. The same night
my neighbor dreamt she asked me to check her flat, I got shot and fell out a window; the same night
her best friend dreamt she came by and saw from street level the gunmen and my fall out the window...
DAWN'S DIVORCE: by Dawn Z; 2002/3/1-21, an outrageous dream sequence
While going through a painful breakup, I kept having sexy, lucid, psychic dreams...
DAWN'S DREAM: by Dawn Z and Wayan; 2.3MB (MP3 + lyrics), 1999/4/1, a dream rock song
My friend Dawn dreamed she crawled into a dumpster to live, and at last felt at home, secure...
DAWN'S TOILET: by Dawn Z and Wayan; 1999/1/6, two strongly parallel dreams
Wayan dreams of surprising Dawn on the toilet. She dreams that flushing away evidence of Foul Play won't work...
THE ADMIRAL'S DEATH: by Mary Deane; 1653/6/2, a clairvoyant warning dream.
The wife of Admiral Richard Deane dreamt how he died two days before the news arrived...
LONDON TRAFFIC: by Gheury de Bray; between 1923-1938, a warning dream.
De Bray dreamed a speeding car nearly hit him; a month later, he abruptly recognized the street from his dream and paused...
OJIBWAY DREAM NET: by Regina de Cormier-Shekerjian, c.1984, a dream-poem of a visiting animus
I hung the dream-net over my bed. It worked. A blue-winged man with a leg of silver came to me,
drummed, danced, offered to teach me secrets. Awake, I found a blue feather caught in that net...
HE LOOKED SOURLY: by John Dee; 1582/11/24, a mage's dream of dying, and after.
The foremost wizard of Shakespeare's age dreams he's dead. They're burning his books, but that doesn't bother him...
SOCK PUPPETS OF THE GODS: by Dee and Wayan; 1994/4/14. Parallel shamanic dreams!
I dream I'm suicidal; but I'm saved when I'm shown the flow of human development--the same pattern,
from souls to civilizations! Eddies and knots recur, but the challenges slowly get more spiritual.
NEXT DAY: I learn what my shaman-friend Dee just dreamed. And now I'm unsure whose dream this is...
MISTRESS TOOTHSMOOTH: by Yves Delage, 1915/1/20, an early anima dream
I'm in the cellar, petting a tiger-cat. She speaks inside my head: "I'm tired of living on bread. I need meat."
I make excuses--it's pricy--then see big hanging quarters of meat. I hide them! She says "Call me Mistress
Touttmouss"--well, something like that--I know it's English, but can't make it out til I wake, when I see...
THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF AN ANT: by Walter de la Mare; 1920s, a tutelary dream.
The book's first two pages showed an ant's awareness, then a human's wider grasp--both mere freckles on reality...
DYING ONCE, DYING TWICE: by Walter de la Mare; c. 1920?, two dreams of death.
My only chance of life and freedom is to leap. He raises the gun and fires.
I'm flooded with a soundless explosion of light...
ORB: by Walter de la Mare; before 1939; a feverdream image
I held the strangest and most entrancing object I have ever seen: the very citadel of life itself!...
THE OTHER LAND: by Walter de la Mare, c.1881-4; an episodic or "installment" dream series
Age 7 to 11, I often dreamt I inhabited a consistent geography of mountains & deserts. I was an adult of dark
complexion in non-European clothes; I spoke a tongue (and read a script) that I didn't recognize when awake...
PRIMAVERA: by Walter de la Mare; 1920s, a dream persisting into day
I dreamt the Goddess of Spring paraded by my house. I woke and leapt to my bedroom window, and there she was...
UNFINISHED DREAM: by Walter de la Mare, before 1922, a dream of Faerie cast as a poem
The dream land was beautiful, but seemed empty 'til I heard piping voices.
An elven band! I gazed in wonder. But they could not (would not?) see me...
BE FIERCE OR DIE: by Gayle Delaney, between 1982 & '87, a business warning dream
I had to negotiate a salary for hosting a radio show. I'd never done such a thing. I asked my dreams.
I was shown a land of ruthless warriors with a bushido code. So I went in tough, stayed tough, and...
DANCING REDWOODS: by Gayle Delaney, 1973 or 74, an incubated dream
My fiancé and I got along impossibly well. I asked my dreams "Can this last?"
I dreamed we were two redwoods, happy next to one another for centuries...
DARK LORD BATTLE: by Gayle Delaney, 1970 or '71?, a therapist-evaluation dream
I had to face the Dark Lord. But my inexperienced therapist was unprepared for the battle--he hadn't even put his
shoes on! I told him the dream; he got defensive. I switched to a veteran therapist and got much better feedback...
MUSCLES: by Gayle Delaney and "John", before 1979, simultaneous out-of-body dreams
I dreamt I was out of my body. My friend John was too, so I slipped into his to see how it felt. Big lungs,
big muscles! When I woke, John told me he'd had a great out-of-body dream and was reluctant to wake...
MY NEW PASSPORT: by Gayle Delaney, 1972/8/21, a life-changing dream
Why does my passport have color photos of me ice skating? I haven't in years. Your
passport must show your true face. Should I change it, or do they know me better than...
OTTO PREMINGER: by Gayle Delaney; 1972 or '73, a dream on dreamwork!
I DREAM I'm in the mansion of my favorite film producer, Otto Preminger. Then I learn it's my home!
I WAKE realizing I'm the producer of my dreams--not some impersonal, instinctive Unconscious...
OUT-OF-BODY ROMANCE: by Gayle Delaney, c.1984, apparent telepathy
On a trip, lonely, I induced dreams about my fiancé Steve, hoping I could visit him
out-of-body. On the one night I succeeded, he abruptly felt my presence while awake...
THE QUICKSTEP: by Gayle Delaney, 1976, a joyful lucid dream
I face the Quickstep, the final test for high-level ice dancing. I do well, yet the judges fail me--for trivia. Then I realize
I passed this test years ago! These judges are my nitpicking inner critics. I ignore them, and joyfully soar, spin and fly...
RING OF STARS: by Gayle Delaney, c.1967, a transcendent lucid dream
I knew the universe worked perfectly. Its existence was joyous, and I was part of it. This was imageless insight,
but to aid recall, I summoned images; I depicted the universe by a flowing circle of stars. And I was one...
THE TEMPLE COAT: by Gayle Delaney, fall 1972, a pastlife dream
A ship-captain insisted some castoff clothes were mine. They fit. As I put on an elegant coat,
I recalled it was made in a past life to disguise me so I could enter a temple excluding women...
DELBOEUF'S FERN by Joseph Delboeuf; 1862; the first cryptomnesic dream quoted by Freud.
Delboeuf, ignorant of botany, dreams of feeding lizards a fern called Asplenium ruta muralis;
years later he finds both lizards and fern in books he read and forgot years before the dream...
NUCLEAR NIGHTMARES: by Erica DeMane, Michael, Joanne and Scott; c.1984, four creepy dreams
Erica dreams that during a protest she's caught in a radioactive flood...
Michael dreams a nuclear forcefield makes his fingertips explode and congeal into weird knobs...
Joanne dreams she meets nuclear mutants with curling black nails great for peeling potatoes...
Scott dreams the world goes silent and white, bleaching out. His hands dissolve...
CANCER: by William Dement, c.1969, a health-warning nightmare
A few years ago I smoked two packs of cigarettes a day, though I knew they were carcinogenic.
I dreamed I had terminal cancer; my denial of the evidence had killed me. I woke, and quit...
PICK ME!: by William Dement's daughter, 1959 or '60, a not-yet-two-year-old's dream
I went into her room one morning before she awoke and saw her eyes moving. Suddenly she said,
"Pick me! Pick me!" I woke her and she immediately said, "Oh, Daddy, I was a flower." ...
QUOD VITAE: by Rene Descartes; 1619/11/11, three mystical dreams.
In one night Descartes had three dreams convincing him he had to change the course of his life...
PUDDING AND FORTGIBU: lived by M. Deschamps, as told by Carl Jung; a synchronistic linkage spanning the 19th Century
As a child in Orléans, M. Deschamps got his first taste of plum-cake from a M. Fortgibu.
As a man in Paris, Deschamps saw plum cake again--but not to eat. M. Fortgibu had beaten him to it.
Many years later, Deschamps was given plum-cake. He said "All that's missing is M. Fortgibu!"...
A FILM-ORIENTED DREAM: by William Desowitz, spring 1980; dream collaging four diverse movies
I fondle the noses of two masked girls in red leotards--parodying part of a Clockwork Orange...
I'm excited to see Last Year at Marienbad, but either the actors mumble or the sound is bad...
Night. I fly, as in Fellini's , but out of control. The wind takes me, I'm terrified...
My grandmother attacks me with her crab-claw, then retreats, chanting the film title Shoeshine!
DICK, HOW WONDERFUL: by Dick and his mother; 1951-54, shared telepathic hallucinations
As a man on shore patrol in Manila is attacked, he and his mother simultaneously see and hear each other...
DIPSOMANIA: by Dick in L.A.; pre-1961, a suicide-preventing ghost/voice
I couldn't find Mrs. B and feared she was suicidal. But I heard my late mother say "She's in that hotel..."
MISS NAPIER: by Charles Dickens, probably 1840s, a brief, specific predictive dream
I dream I meet a lady in red named Miss Napier. I know no such person. Senseless! Next evening,
after I read onstage, friends enter my dresssing room to introduce me to the lady in red--Miss...
TOASTING FORK: by Charles Dickens, August 1843, a surreal tragicomic dream.
A gentleman clad but in a sheet notified me that an old friend had died of a terrible disease. What disease? Well...
THE WORM: by Emily Dickinson, mid-1870s?, a nightmare-poem
Emily Dickinson ties up a worm she mistrusts. Bad move! It grows into a talking snake with a score to settle...
"CLIT!": by "D'Jeanna"; 2009/9/11, a breakthrough dream after coming out
The day after my mom outed me to my dad, I dream a great storm has passed and everything's just glowing...
SEVASTOPOL: by Sydney Dobell: 1855/9/8, an apocalyptic, possibly psychic dream
A friend scoffed at Biblical talk of the apocalypse, but as we spoke, the evening star came down and burned all our
cities. I knew it was no ordinary dream. Next day came the news: the Russians had burned the city of Sevastopol...
DON'T SHOOT THE IBEX: by Jane Doe; 2005/8/9, a hunting dream.
My hunting license won't let me legally shoot a giraffe or ibex, but I do bag a prime Macy's salesman...
TRANSPERSONAL PUPPIES by a dog breeder; pre-1961, a cledonic dream of a ghost
The stranger seemed to know me. He said "Tell her about the little dogs, it will comfort her." Two weeks later...
NISROCK: by Dolores, 2001 or earlier; a predictive dream
DREAM: a man tries to break into my house. I call for help; the operator says "Oh, that's Nisrock."
DAYS LATER: I open a book on the unconscious. It says Nisrock was a Babylonian god of dreams...
CLOCKTOWN: by Graham Donaldson, Dec. 1924, a surreal dream on time
I'm lost in a labyrinth, trying to get to an appointment. What time is it? My watch is gone, and when
I ask a watchman he sneers. But clock faces glare down from every wall, saying 4:10. I wake. It's...
"YOU'LL GROW OUT OF THAT": by Graham Donaldson, spring 1924, a rescue dream
Wading a river at night, I fall in. I'm drowning! But my friend Edward pulls
me out. "But Eddie, you're dead!" "No" he says. "You'll grow out of that!"...
MISCARRIAGE: by John Donne; 1612, a clairvoyant hallucination.
Donne, in Paris, was alarmed by a vision of his wife holding a dead baby. At that hour, in England, his wife...
ATLANTIS; c. 1993 by Mark Doty; six elegiac poems, three dream-based
In our marshlands, tides, birds, dogs come and go; but must our friends and lovers, too?
PRINCESS LILY: by Dou Xun, as told by Pu Songling; before 1679: recurring psychic dreams, or fiction?
Dou dreams he marries Lily; when a monstrous snake attacks her huge family, he reluctantly hosts
them all... when he wakes, they turn out to be bees driven from their hive by a (very real) snake...
THE AIRPORT AUTOMATIC PHOTOGRAPHY BOOTH: by Julie Doucet; 1997/11/19, a dream-comic
At the airport, a new automatic photo booth shoots your memories!
Julie can't resist... and emerges, excited, to find that...
CIGAR: by Julie Doucet, 2017 or '18, a surreal dream cartooned bottom to top
I meet a dancer who plays a stick figure on stage. She smokes
a cigar. I ask her how many a day she smokes, and she answers...
THE DOUBLE: by Julie Doucet; Nov. 1992, a lucid alter-ego sex dream.
Looking in a mirror, Julie goes lucid. She changes herself into a man
and pulls her mirror-image through the glass...
O LA LA, WHAT A STRANGE DREAM: by Julie Doucet; 1989, a comic space sex dream
Mom gave me cookies for my three-year solo spaceflight. Special cookies for both ends of me...
THE RECURRING DREAM (CAT-BABY): by Julie Doucet; 1994/8/23-9/23-12/23, 1995/4/16: theme & variation!
Julie keeps dreaming that she gives birth to a cat, or a part-cat baby...
RECURRING SCHOOL NIGHTMARE: by Julie Doucet; July 1995, a dream of... oh, read the title!
Trapped in elementary school, Julie is forced to study the alphabet
until she declares "I'm a professional cartoonist, goddammit!"...
HITLER'S GETTING CRISPR: by Jennifer Doudma; fall 2015, a nightmare on CRISPR by one who'd know
It was Hitler. He had a pig face, and he was taking notes. He said
'I want to understand the uses and implications of this amazing technology'...
SIGNORINETTA: by Alfred Douglas; late May 1908, a predictive (and profitable) dream.
I dreamt a grey filly won the Derby. My friend, a fan, said no fillies were racing this year; but he forgot one named...
ABORTION, SUICIDE, REBIRTH: by Christine Downing; 1974, a suicide dream preventing a suicide!
I was pregnant with a child not my husband's. I wanted to leave him, but not to join my lover;
I was done defining myself through men. Nor did I want the child. I got a knitting needle, and...
SISTERS' PSYCHODRAMA: by Christine Downing; before 1986, recurring dream of a Hadean abduction
In psychodrama, my sister/lover did a happy childhood scene--till the actors took her
down a trap door into the underworld. And I knew I'd have to go down after her...
J.F., T.B. AND ME: by Dream Junkee; 2008/1/24, a lucid nightmare-comedy
Lucid, I summon a sexy literary character. But he tries to take over my personality and make it his lucid dream...
TORNADO AND STARSHOWER: by Dream Junkee; 2008/8/15, a nightmare that goes lucid
A killer tornado traps us in the cellar. I bite my finger. It's boneless--I'm dreaming! I summon...
TORNADOES AND TESTOSTERONE: by Dream Junkee; 2008/9/3, a lucid dream of transformation
I've always been scared of tornadoes, until I went lucid and became one...
WILD W.I.L.D.: by Dream Junkee; 2008/1/19, an epic lucid frustration dream?
I'm lucid but paralyzed. A weird child spies on me; is she controlling me?
Then I'm having sex--but if I come, I'll wake up! Then some thugs jump me.
I make sure they won't bother me again, but... is everyone in this dream out to distract me?
NEW BODIES: by Dreamy; around 2007/1/25, a transformation dream
My best friend and I qualify for new bodies. The new me is taller, but poor Ken may take years adjusting to his new...
THE CEILING by Rikki Ducornet, summer 1991; a predictive dream
I'm a small boy in Renaissance Italy, seeing painted panels that will be mounted in a
coffered ceiling. A few years later, I see that ceiling in Mantova--the Palazzo del Te...
DUMUZID'S DESPAIR: by Dumuzid, c.3200 BCE; the first nightmare, predictive dream & false waking
Dumuzid dreams raptors prey on his flock, his hearth fire's doused, his churns knocked over; he lies dead.
His sister Jestinana interprets it: "Manhunters will kill you; you must flee." He does, across the known world...
A FACTORY FIRE: by J. W. Dunne; late 1903, a predictive nightmare.
Dunne dreamt of a fire with smoke so toxic it killed people on
a balcony in open air! Then came the evening newspaper...
THE FLYING SCOTSMAN: by J.W. Dunne, fall 1913; a lucid predictive dream
Just north of the Firth of Forth in Scotland, a train fell from the track to a grassy park where small groups of people
wandered. I sensed it was one of those odd dreams of mine & tried to get the date--next spring. On April 14, 1914,
the "Flying Scotsman" jumped the parapet 15 miles north of the Forth Bridge and fell to the golf links below...
HALF PAST FOUR: by J.W. Dunne; 1899, a dream of clocks and time
I say it's 4:30 PM; the waiter says 4:30 AM! I wake in the night to find
my watch says 4:30, but it's stopped! I wind it, and next morning...
MAJOR F.'S EXPERIMENT: by Major F., Nov/Dec 1920, dream experiment urged by J.W. Dunne
DREAM 1: On green grass, a red & blue boat with a net draped atop. Predictive.
DREAM 2: Climbing a ladder with square rungs in a space w/o walls. Predictive.
DREAM 3: A small boy with a toy boat. A sail's laid out flat for washing. Predictive...
PELÉE: by J.W. Dunne, April/May 1902; a predictive nightmare with a scientifically important error
I was on an island about to explode like Krakatoa. I warned the French colonial authorities "4,000
people will die if we don't get them out!" but no one listened. I woke. The paper came. "Mont
Pelée erupts, kills 40,000". I had missed a zero! But 40,000 turned out to be wrong too, implying...
RUNAWAY HORSE: by J.W. Dunne, spring 1904; a mixed predictive dream
NIGHTMARE: a huge horse goes wild, leaps a fence and chases me.
NEXT DAY: a horse does just that--yet every detail's different...
SKY-BOAT: by J.W. Dunne, c.1889; a long-term predictive dream
As a child I read Jules Verne's Clipper of the Clouds--a metal craft with many propellers on spars, not wings.
Soon I dreamt I designed & flew quite a different craft, like a small boat of canvas on a wood frame.
20 years later, I was test-flying a new aeroplane with a boatlike cockpit of white canvas on a wood...
SPY WITH A BUN: by Miss C, 1918, a dream experiment urged by J.W. Dunne
DREAM: I meet a woman with a bun hairdo, black skirt, black & white striped blouse. I think she's a spy!
TWO DAYS LATER: I meet that woman--bun, skirt, blouse. And all the hotel guests here say she's a spy...
STORM OF HUGE RAINDROPS: by Albrecht Dürer; 1525/5/30, watercolor of a size-nightmare
The first drop struck about four miles away, with terrific force and thunder, breaking and drowning the land...
BEAR LADY: by Rachael Dutton, c.1981; a dream painting with four rearrangeable panels
Bear lady, bare lady,
in (or out of) a bear suit...
FESTIVAL OF THE MOTHERS OF RAIN: by Rachael Dutton, c.1984; a dream-based sculpture group
The whole village welcomed in the Mothers of Rain. An aged deer had visions.
A young mother gave birth. All the creatures and spirits danced...
FLANDERS: by Rachael Dutton, c.1981; a dream painting whose dream is lost
In the field, a huge dog whose markings form the image of
a running horse. So who am I dreaming of? Horse or hound?
STOVE: by a dwarf in the royal court of Wei (445-225 BCE); a brave truth-to-power dream
Wei Linggong was an autocrat heeding only one minister. A dwarf bravely told him "I dreamt
you were no imperial sun warming all, just a stove, and your crony hogs all your warmth..."
EGGSHELL SKATEBOARDER: by John S. Dykes, Dec. 1981; a surreal dream-sketch
A monstrous empty eggshell, cracked open and roughly
propped up, makes an excellent skateboard park
HANDSHAKE: by John S. Dykes, before 1986; a surreal dream-sketch
People ride inside two levitating arms that shake hands
above a desert. Do the insiders know what the deal is?
LADDERS: by John S. Dykes, 1984; a surreal dream-sketch
Tiny people ride a herd of levitating ladders--badly.
One seems to have gotten bucked loose...
ONE MORE CUP OF COFFEE by Bob Dylan, 1975/5/25, a dream-inspired song
I was up all night listening to Roma music at their annual gathering for
Saint Sarah, in southern France. The next night, I dreamed this song...
EDWIN'S DREAM: by soon-to-be-King Edwin, c.616, as told by the Venerable Bede; a nagging dream
King Ethelfrid bribes Redwald to turn over his guest, Edwin. Edwin dreams an angel warns him, swearing to save him if
he'll convert. Redwald's wife tells him "Don't betray a guest." Once Edwin's king, that dream-angel demands his fealty...
THE GLASS MISSED ITS CUE: by Frederik van Eeden, 1904/9/9, a lucid dream experiment
I knew I was dreaming but the world looked quite realistic. I struck a wineglass with all my strength--a risky act,
if I were awake. It didn't shatter. But when I looked again, it lay broken! Like an actor who'd missed its cue...
GRANDMA: by Eileen and Bill, as told by Gayle Delaney, c.1976, parallel dreams
My grandma couldn't drive, but after she died, I dreamt she drove my brother Bill and me
around--speeding, in fact. When I told him the dream, he filled in details--he'd dreamt it too!
TAKEN OVER: by Eileen, Jony & Kim, as told by Gayle Delaney, 1979 or before; parallel nightmares
Eileen rose out of her body. A man dared her "How far away can you go?", then stole her body!
Jony and their daughter Kim had nightmares of invasion too; all three woke up shaken...
SLEDDING NEAR C: by Albert Einstein; around 1890-95; a transcendent career-advice dream
Sledding at night, I approached the speed of light, and the stars turned colors I'd never seen...
GOLD NECKLACE: by Elaine, c.1970, told to Ann Faraday; a subliminal or psychic warning dream
DREAM: My husband was slipping a gold necklace onto a slim, dark girl I'd never met. I woke and sketched it...
AFTER: He was having an affair with the girl, and gave her the necklace the night of my dream--her birthday...
SATANIC LION'S WARNING: by Eldon B.; 2007/1/19, a nightmare with poltergeist activity
I fled a demon into a shadowy construction zone where an even worse telepathic lion-devil
lured me in with soothing flattery. I woke shaking--and then things in my room began to move...
THE KEY IS HERE, BUT BEWARE; 2012/3/8 by Eleanor; nested nightmares of enlightenment
The moment I find the Key, I'm possessed! I wake to find it's just a nightmare. Only who's broken into my house?...
CAR: by Carrie Elizabeth, 1994?, a lucid nightmare--yes, that's possible!
I don't even notice the car until it's hit me and I'm dead. Now I have to lie here
forever, even though I know it's a dream. But if you die in a dream, you die...
ALBATROSS LOVE: by Havelock Ellis; c. 1880?, a dream of unrequited love
An albatross with beautiful eyes transformed into a woman. But her nose remained a beak! She asked...
ELLIS CRITIQUE: by Wayan; 2008/12/10, four dreams comically explore Havelock Ellis's dream-theories!
Pa warns me to protect my paws. Then gilt wounds my sole. Then
a lioness eats a tasty drumstick. Then a bus crashes on our corner--for real!
HEART-SWING: by Havelock Ellis; c.1920? a dream-conversation with a heart
A young woman and I swing one another into the air. I asked her to swing me more slowly and regularly...
MOLLUSCUM FIBROSUM: by Havelock Ellis; c. 1920? A surreal dream of... sex? medicine?
A woman models an elegant gown baring her breasts. All five of them. Wait, those aren't breasts, they're...
SELVDROLLA: by Havelock Ellis; before 1922, an ignored prescriptive dream
A doctor tells Ellis to try "selvdrolla", but he's so focused on the strange name he forgets the prescription...
MISTER HALL: by εmaxu.lag.Ilis, 1923/2/27?, a psychic dream
I was in a strange house. I met Mr Hall, a preacher from Alert Bay. He said he was different now, in the
world above. I woke and told the dream. Two months later a letter came saying he died February 27...
SPACE: by εmaxu.lag.Ilis, before 1925, an early dream of spaceflight
In my dream, I flew upward. It was as though I was going to the place where stars are, for the stars
were showing in the daytime. I saw all around our world. Then I wished in vain to go down again...
POEM COMPOSED IN SLEEP: by Lidian Emerson, 1867, a lyrical love poem.
Will you walk in the fields, love? / Let us be gone.
The tall grass will wave to thee / Fairest one...
EAT THE WORLD: by Ralph Waldo Emerson, between Jan 1838 & Nov 1839; a dream of surreal advice
I was floating in the Ether, not far from this world, which seemed small as an apple.
An angel took it in his hand and brought it to me and said, 'This must thou eat'...
KRISS: by Toni Emrich; mid-January 1991, a nightmare personalizing the US-Iraq war
Sunset. Walking home from work. A smiling, creepy American offers a ride. I back away until I'm against a tree.
I don't give away the Arab hiding in its branches. I have a knife, and I know I will kill this American...
PONDICHERRY: by Toni Emrich, 1991/6/6, and Margaret Thomas, 1991/7/??, linked asynchronous dreams
EMRICH: I'm in a conference center in "Pondecherry", even though it feels nothing like India...
THOMAS: A woman picks fruit off a tree by a pond and calls them "pondicherries--with an 'i'"...
TWO PLANES: by Ed Emshwiller, c. 1977, a lucid dream modeling the mind
I saw a vast transparent plane inscribed with pictograms and symbols. Through it, at an unknown distance,
lay a second plane of less clear shapes and colors, but with great mass, depth, and unknown currents...
ACCIDENT: by Jules Engel; 1970? Nightmare turns to surreal sport, inspiring animated film.
A large dog was chasing me, but somehow we got turned around and began racing.
As I caught up with the dog, any bit I passed went invisible--but the rest of the dog ran on
unfazed. When I won the dog vanished entirely. Awake, I animated the dog running, then...
HEADLESS NAG: by Jules Engel; 1975/5/25, nightmare of a corpse that won't quit
Every good party leaves a corpse or two. Cleaning up, I behead this one and drag it across the street to the
empty lot where we leave them. But its throat forms a toothless mouth and starts biting--well, gumming me...
JESSE'S DEATH: drawn by Joey Epstein from her father-in-law's dream; 1983/7/31, an apparent psychic dream
As Joey's infant daughter Jesse died, her father-in-law woke up 500 miles away and announced, "The baby..."
MYRNA, LOOK AHEAD: by Myrna, drawn by her daughter Joey Epstein; before 1988, a dream of ghost advice
After Myrna’s husband died, one night she felt him behind her in bed, and he whispered...
TED'S DEATH: drawn by Joey Epstein from her aunt's mid-1980s dream; a psychic dream
Ted died of CO2 poisoning in Hong Kong. His mom dreamed he came to tell her
it was painless. To prove he was real, he told her...
LION RIDER: by Jo Equinity; c. 2000?, an anticipatory consoling dream
I dreamed I was riding a lion. A few days later, when my husband suddenly left me, I recalled the dream and...
SUMMONING SHADOW: by Jo Equinity; 2006. Three meditative paintings apparently cause a miracle.
I had to sell my horse Shadow, but I missed him so much I painted him. As I finished, a strange impulse led me...
MOUSE WORKOUT: by Eric, ca. 2005/9/28, a nightmare for my own good?
I'm a mouse trapped and tortured in a maze/machine who gets killed four different ways at once...
TWO CHILDREN MENACED BY A NIGHTINGALE: by Max Ernst, an 1897 feverdream
As a child sick in bed, Max had a fever dream that the shapes in the knots and grain in a
wooden panel were children terrorized by a bird. Adult, he assembled a sort-of-painting...
NED'S KISS by Ned's mom and sister Ethel; pre-1961, cledonic dreams of a playful revenant
I wished I could kiss my son farewell. That week, Ethel called. "I dreamed Ned kissed you, not me!
I was hurt. He laughed like anything and kissed me too..."
EDITORS: by Gavin Ewart; late 1970s, recurring nightmares of censorship.
My new editor starts rejecting my poems. My new new editor rewrites them for me. I feel lucky not to be arrested...
YGGDRASIL COLONY: by Exarian; 2009/4/20, an Asimovian dream
I dream of three colonies in the deep future. We outlived the universe itself, but can we survive each other?
BOAR: by Ann Faraday, 1974, a punning book-review dream
DREAM: I'm in a restaurant offering just one dish: wild boar, for $12. Excessive. I say no.
NEXT DAY: I tackle a book review I must write. The book costs $12. Excessive. Oh! It's a...
HATCHET JOB: by Ann Faraday, 1972 or 3; a lucid shamanic predictive dream
DREAM: I'm in the Arctic facing a hostile mob. I insist "I'm dreaming; you can't hurt me." They try!
I look down at my body, stuck full of hatchets, and say "See?" They slink off, looking sheepish...
TWO DAYS LATER: I'm in northern England. A reporter snaps "Dreams won't help the miners..."
LONG JOHNS by Ann Faraday, 1972; punning dreamlets on two consecutive nights
DREAM 1: A man wearing long white underwear shoots me down with a machine gun.
DAY: Long John Nebel interviews me; his Freudian friend calls me a penis-envying woman.
DREAM 2: Long John and his buddy umpire a rough baseball game. Definitely not cricket...
MARRY MY SHADOW: by Ann Faraday, c.1972, recurrent nightmares ending in a wedding
In nightmares I was stalked by a big ugly bruiser. At last, I faced him, asking "What do you want?"
He asked for my hand. His animal energy attracted me, and despite my doubts I said yes...
TIGER DIALOGUES: 1973-4 by Ann Faraday, plus a dreamlet by John Wren-Lewis; recurring dreams
When I overwork, neglecting my body's wants, I dream of an angry tiger. Over
time, I've learned (mostly) to feed my tiger, and sometimes he's an ally now...
SEXUAL DREAMS: by Felicia, Simone, Anons 60-61 & a UCSC student; 1994 or earlier, as told by Gayle Delaney
Five short playful dreams exploring sex. Because too many therapists
get in the habit of thinking all dreams must wrestle with unhappiness...
LOCKERBIE: by Alison Fell, early 1953; recurring, apparently predictive childhood nightmares
After we moved to Lockerbie, I kept dreaming that on my way to school, the tail of a huge plane fell from the
sky, and no matter how I dodged, it always killed me. 35 years later, a bomb tore Pan Am 103 apart, and...
I'M NOT THE DIRECTOR!: by Federico Fellini; Oct. 1961, a dream pun on denying your lifework
I'm the director of an airport. A mysterious Mongolian traveler lands. Let him in
or not? I try to avoid the decision by lying--say "I'm not the director!"...
ABOVE SOCIETY: by Jayci Ferrimani; c. 1998, painting of a flying dream with a point
I flew over a forest. I noted the trees were all the same, and told myself to remember this...
BEAUTY'S CHALLENGE: by Brenda Ferrimani, 1997, a flying nightmare
The beauty parlor on the edge of the canyon crawls with rattlesnakes.
I float in the air above, but even up here, knots of levitating snakes...
BRANCHING WOMAN: by Patricia Garfield 1973/3/9 & '71/5/1, recurrent dream motif; art by Brenda Ferrimani
I was at a dream conference and brought up a recurrent theme
that others hadn't mentioned: multiple antlerlike branchings...
CHART THE GROWTH: by Brenda Ferrimani; 2004, painting of an incubated, oracular dream
I asked my dreams "What's my truest purpose?"
I dreamed my body was a tree, and a voice said "Chart the growth"...
DRACULA'S SANDWICH: by Brenda Ferrimani; 1997/8/22, a death/rebirth nightmare-painting
Dinner with Dracula goes well, considering, except for the mayonnaise. But suddenly I'm drowning!
No one sees or hears me. Am I a ghost, am I dead or alive? And how would anyone notice?
ENLIGHTENMENT: by Brenda Ferrimani; 1999/3/9, painting of a non-apocalyptic dream
A crowd watches from shore as a great glowing meteor descends into the sea. I fear a tsunami, but...
FALL INTO FEAR: by Brenda Ferrimani; 2001/9/12, a 9/11 nightmare transformed by lucidity
I’m falling into endless darkness. I feel like screaming, but then I remind
myself I’m dreaming. “What is for me here?” I demand. “SHOW ME!” I begin
rising toward the stars. Huge metal discs with alien writing rise with me...
THE GIFTED CHILD: by Brenda Ferrimani, 2013?, a painting of an incubated dream
Previous dreamwork had made it clear my mother had betrayed me; I asked
my dreams how to protect myself from those who do not love me...
WHALE SPEAKS: by Brenda Ferrimani; dreamed 2014? An epic dream painting.
I dreamed I was a whale swimming against a Christian ebb tide,
trying to lead humans to a cleaner spiritual current...
DECLARING INDEPENDENCE: by Patricia Garfield c.1946, Fiona '51, Lenore '58 & Helen '62
Four teens dream their moms are monsters: Patricia sees hers as a demonic doll, Fiona finds
her mom's a wolf, Lenore's is a grinning vampire, and Helen's is a bossy, punitive octopus...
THE OCEAN'S FLOOR: by Cheryl Fish, c.1986, a dream of failure-analysis?
I dream we canoe down a river. You say it's barren because this was once the ocean's floor. You're
protective but not longing. I wake on a beach, puzzled why I still feel for you a year later...
SUCH STUFF AS DREAMS ARE MADE OF: by John Anster Fitzgerald, 1857?, dream painting
In bed asleep, the dreamer discovers this seemingly empty room hosts a
fairy ball, full of luminous half-seen beings serenaded by a monstrous band...
HOT JUNGLE LOINS: by Mary Fleener; 1975, an erotic dream-comic.
I'm in a jungle, making love with various well-endowed spirits...
JOHN SAYS GOODBYE: by Mary Fleener; August 1970 or '71, a comic of a psychic farewell dream.
After a summer apart I dream my friend John and I fly hand in hand. Bliss! Strange, he has long hair and no beard...
MY FAVORITE DREAM OF 1991: by Mary Fleener; 1991, a joyful dismemberment dream.
My friend Carol and I are carrots. We crawl out of our vegetable bed
through the kitchen window, and end up happily hot-tubbing in soup...
GOOGLE DREAMS: by Michael Flora; early 2010, three (psychic? cryptomnesic?) dreamlets on names
After an article suggests we roam the multiverse in sleep, I dream of three strange names. Awake, I google them...
WE GO IN PEACE: by Florence; pre-1961, a telepathic dream-report of another's death experience
My father-in-law looked me in the eye and said, 'Florence, the Lord is my shepherd and we go in peace'...
CLOCKS STOP, CLOCKS START: 1953/10/3 and pre-1961; two family reports of psychokinesis
Indiana: Father's favorite clock, a cuckoo clock, stopped at exactly the time he died...
Florida: an old clock silent for years started up at 10:20, the time of my husband's death the day before...
LOIS THE FLIRT: by a Florida woman; pre-1961, a psychic dream of jealousy
My husband was standing against a wall with both arms around this woman's waist, and they were laughing...
BAYONNE: by a precognitive Floridian; 1945/8/6, a predictive dream
"There is going to be an explosion of two or three million gallons of oil or gasoline..."
HYPNOGOGIC ASSAULT: by Dr Simon Forman; 1559-63, recurring hypnogogic images.
From age six on, Simon nightly climbs mountains and faces roaring floods in a sort of naptime bootcamp...
SHOW WINDOW: by Charles Fort, c. 1932, a quiet little ESP test
I was walking on 42nd Street. On a whim I tried to predict
what was in the window of a shop up the block. I pictured
turkey tracks on red snow. When I came up to the window...
BOOK OF GOLD: by a four-year-old; pre-1961, an apparent telepathic flash
A woman urged her friend to give her daughter a musical education. Without hearing this, the child went hunting for...
EDDY DROPPED: by Frances's sister; pre-1961, a laughed-at warning dream
My brother-in-law Eddy was out hunting with a boy whose shotgun had its safety off. Suddenly Eddy...
by "Veronica Franco"; 2006/8/19, a dream of penned creatures and those who love them.
Alpine deer-hamsters, pigs, birds, children, even fundamentalists' daughters grow up and want to fly free...
GARDENIAS: by Laurel and Frank, 1979 or before, shared marital-advice dreams
Laurel and Frank each dream the gardenia in their bedroom went
neglected & unwatered, but with care is now blooming again...
THE LOST RING: by Helen Fraser; 1924; an astral lost-and-found dream
A friend in Heaven promises Helen a lost ring would return to her. Three days later it did; but its path had been strange...
MEN CATCH FIRE: by Shannon Frazier; 2020/12/8, an identity-bent dream
I was a South Asian teenage girl. Strange men throw rocks at our house,
then explode into fire. I don't trust my dad to get my little brother out...
THE PEN: by Elector Frederick of Saxony; 1517/10/30, a predictive political dream.
Frederick dreams a monk writes words on the door of Wittenburg’s church
with a pen so big it pokes the Pope. The next day...
SHARONNE: by Paul Friedrich, pre-1983, a political dream (despite Freud and Jung)
I was in a gang, but I quit. They stoned me--and the green heron, the green color I called "Sharonne".
The setting (Israel), the green (Islam), and the name (Ariel Sharon?) all hint the dream's political...
OTTER MEDICINE: by The-Fringe, a Crow healer, early 1850s; a shamanic dream with physical effects
I slept on an island in a scalding hot spring, praying for a dream. I got one--and woke up on the shore...
FURSA'S DREAM: by Fursa, c.633, as told by the Venerable Bede; a Christian shamanic dream
Fursa the preacher, sick, dreams flaming devils & angels are trying his case; one
failure to coax a deathbed repentance gets him scorched. He wakes with burns...

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