
Tall unicorn |

Tanguy |

The Tao of Dennis the Menace |

Tardis gazebo: 3-p comic |

Tarot: 9 swords |

Tarot: Dreamtiger |

Tarot: the Star |

Tarot: Mine child |

Tarot: Moon ebb |

Tarot: Pianist |

Tarot: Queen of flutes |

Tarot: Sphinx |

Tarot: the Sulky |

Tarot: Winged coyote |

Tarot: well of emotion |

Taurlopes dancing |

Taurlope fawn teasing |
Taurlope teen teasing |

Tehura tries comix |

Telekinetic kids |

Telepath trees |

Telepath trees |

Telepath trees |

The telltale heart |

Temenos |

Temple of dreamwork |

Ten Clarks... |

Ten trials |

Ten trials |

Tenta, a reefmaid |
Teri Garr |

Test |

Thank the moon |

Tharn |

Tharn map |

Tharn map (altitude) |

Tharn: Bantoom Desert |

Tharn: camaroo caravan |

Tharn: Roop Canyon |

Tharn: Lelei: main canyon |

Tharn: caravan |

Tharn: centah |

Tharn: the centah Magellan |

Tharn: centah, sunset |

Tharn: Chinchak Volcanoes |

Tharn: crags |

Tharn: crater rim |

Tharn: Dejah Upland |

Tharn: Dejah, Yarr Mts |

Tharn: falls |

Tharn: Felatheen Veldt |

Tharn: trench flyote |

Tharn: Lake Foosh cliffs |

Tharn: Heloon Crater |

Tharn: a lebbird |

Tharn: a lebbird |

Tharn: lebbird at dusk |

Tharn: a lebbird artist |

Tharn: Llana Upland |

Tharn: lobbra face |

Tharn: a losha |

Tharn: a mamook |

Tharn: a mop (forest subspecies) |

Tharn: Mrr Trench |

Tharn: a parru |

Tharn: arctic |

Tharn: Lelei Canyon |

Tharn: rift lake |

Tharn: Sola Upland |

Tharn: a thotter |

Tharn: Thurian Rift |

Tharn: veldt |
There I was... 3-p. comic |

There's no place like home |

They don't believe me |

They don't believe me |

They don't believe me |

They don't believe me |

Thief of dreams 23-p. comic |

Thief of dreams p.16 |

The thing about dreams |

Third eye |

Third eye |

Third-party defense |

Third political party |

13 peace signs in time of war |

Thirty thousand radiators |

1,000 birds |

Threatened city |

3 dreams & a coincidence 8-page comic |

3 dreams... p.6 |

3-eyed wolf |

Three horse marsh |

Throats: baby |

Thru walls to sex class |

Thru the wires |

Tiamat |

Tidepool decline |

Tie Mark up: weirdo parade |

Tie Mark up: restraining order |

Tiger wedding |

Tiger tall |

Tilt! |

Timedoors of the gods |

Time pirates |
Tina Fey tries to fly |

Titania |

To save humanity |

Toes |

Tokaido |

Too much to bear: watercolor |

Too much... 10-p. comic |

The tooth |

Torch the rose-rot |

Tornado fade-out |

Tornado fade-in |

Torture--a dream |

Tove's dragon |

Tower of the Martian dead |

Trail of Pogs |

Tree of light |

Trenchcoat angels |

Trespassers in Malanchai |

Tribute to Joan Miro |

Triceratops |

Trifida |

Tri-Guardians |

Trio in Sepia |

Triskelion |

Tritonian Foxtaur U. |

Trust your canoe |

Trusting Foxes 2p dreamcomic |

Turnabout |

Turnovia |

Turnovia: Amazonia |

Turnovia: North Asia |

Turnovia: Boreala |

Turnovia: Europe and South Pole |

Turnovia: Tortolia |

Twilight anima rising |

Twisted: Bewitched |

Twisted: Gold fire |

Twisted: Three graces |

Twisted: Green trance |

Two bishop candidates: Philip |

Two bishop candidates: Jane |

Two drunks |

Two faced lapis & the mother |

Two-headed beast: 5-p. dream comic |

Two planes: Cory the faun |
Two witches |

UFO POV p. 4 of 10 |

Ulyanovsk Potato Fest |

Uncertain horizon (last page of 6) |

Uncle Mac's secret genius |

Under the fur: 3p dreamcomic |

Undersecretary for the arts |

Unghosts of China |

Ungirdle the tree |

Unicorn: black magic |

Unicorn emissary |

Unicorn hunt |

Unicorn mask of ignorability |

Unicorn mentality |

Unicorn orgy |

Unicorn stained glass |

Unicorn timeforks |

Unicorns, Arabian Nights, starships? |
Unmaking of a dancer |

Utopia: 36-page improv comix |

Utopia: p.4 |

Utopia: p.8 |

Utopia: p.11 |

Utopia: p.15 |

Utopia: p.16 |

Utopia: p.19 |

Utopia: p.21 |

Utopia: p.27 |
Utopia: p.34 |
Utopia: p.35 |
Utopia: p.36 |

A Valley near Hope: formcatchers |

Valley/Hope: maverick |

Valley/Hope: statue of mom |

Valley/Hope: chair-fear |

Valley/Hope: bar life |

Valley/Hope: Beyatree |

Vandermeer's stair |

Vase of fur |

Vat Messiah vat |

Vat Messiah pinhead |

Vat Messiah goop |

Vat Messiah massage |

Vat Messiah carrot |

Vegetables of shadow |

Velociraptors & bananas |

Venom puddle |
Venus Unveiled |

Venus: Aphrodite, L. Virava |

Venus: Aphrodite: Turan Cliffs |

Venus: reading by ringlight |

Venus: L. Kunhild |

Venus: Aphrodite: Mt Ptesamwi |

Venus: Alpha: sugarloaves |

Venus: Alpha: Vaidelute Cliffs |

Venus: Alpha, Fatua Islands |

Venus: Beta: Centlivre Cliffs |

Venus: Beta: treecat |

Venus: Beta: watercat |

Venus: Dione zebra hairdos |

Venus: Hecate, Sobra Reefs |

Venus: Hathor: owl ballet |

Venus: Navka: leopard rancher |

Venus: Navka: licorne |

Venus: Eistla: rainforest |

Venus: Eistla, Guor Chasma |

Venus: Eistla, rings |

Venus: Bell: L. Nefertiti |

Venus: Tellus: watercat |

Venus: Tellus: peoplenest |

Venus: Ananke: stilt village |

Venus: Stanton cliffs |

Venus: Imdr: lemur stilt-village |

Venus: swim, Chuginadak |

Venus: the Ishtar daybirds |

Venus: Ishtar west coast |

Venus: Ishtar, L. Cleopatra |

Venus: E. Ishtar: bear |

Venus: Ishtar: elephants |

Venus: Gabie Scarp |

Venus: Wingcat |

Venus: W. Lada from orbit |

Venus: Lada, Alcott Beach |

Venus: masked bear drama |

Venus: Parga, beach |

Venus: elephant graffiti |

Venus: Deer/AI symbiotes |

Venus: Chondi |

Venus: Chondi: Atete Cliffs |

Venus: Chondi: sphinx |

Venus: Inken Is. sunset |

Venus: Chondi & Aphrodite |

Venus: Phoebe: Devana riftlake |

Venus: Phoebe, lava islets |

Venus: Phoebe, Kwannon & Justitia |

Venus: prezebras |

Venus: handed heron |

Venus: Themis, night dive |

Vera & her pride |

The verdure is accomplished |

Verizon experiment |

Vertical planes |

Vesta on Isig Mtn |

Video wolves |

Videographer's apprentice |

Virgin on the verge |

The Vision: Herrick, 1648 |

Visions upstairs 8-p dreamcomic |

Vixentaur sketch |

Vixentaur |

The voice of God (Wayan) |

The voice of God |

Voice of God (Veitch) |

Volcanic oath |

Wabose's Vision |

Wall to wall water |

Walrushmore |

Wapato birds |

Waria |

Warm fuzzies |

Watercats |

Watercats |

Waterfall |

Wax Wall: cougar! |

Wayan says |

Wayan's studio |

Waymo balloonists |

We meet in dreams |

Web bird |

Well-meaning grass |

Wendy, neglected |

We're all human |

Werecat syndrome |

Were-composer |

Werewolf transference |

Wertz! 6 B&W dreams |

Whale speaks |

Wharton Tower |

What lies beneath |

What started the pillowfight |

What you imagine happens |

When blood flows: ordeal |

Which road? |

While the men were hunting |

The white deer re-enacted |

White deer's experiment |

White deer's experiment |

The white deer's experiment |

The white deer's experiment |

White-haired women |

White snake |

Who knows? |

Who'll be my love? |

Who'll be my love? |

Who, me? |

Who were they? |

Why cowgirls love broccoli |

Why cowgirls love broccoli |

Why I became the sea |

Wide face |

Wild magic |

Wild magic |

A wild wounded bitch |

Will I be bitten? |

Windfalls |

Wing it! 9-p. improv comix |

Wink of a car |

Winter dreams |

Winter snail |

the Wires |

Witch and wittens |

Witch at the iron core |

Witchmare and Twilight |

Witchmare's blue gate |

Witchmare: Trixie--fanart by Kejzfox |

Witchmare and Twilight |

Witchmare: all-witch picnic |

Witchmas |

Witch-pimps |

Witness in the field |

Witnesses for the prosecution |

Witweet Wayan |

Wizard versus witch-hunters |

Wizard's horse |

Wolf Drool |

Wolf Drool |

Wolf Exogamy |

Wolf Exogamy Diana (1910) |

Wolf Wall |

Wolves Evolve |

Wolves up a tree |

Woman with plans |

Woodcut |

the Woodring layer |

Workin' for peanuts |

World-builders |

The world's fair |

The world's wound |

Worm wizard |

Worm wizard |

Writer's muse |
Wyvern |

Wyvern |

Wyvern |

Xalgriin in the Lab |

Xanadu |

Xanadu |
Xanadu map (w/names) |

Xanadu: Shangri-La Sea |

Xie Meng! |

Yellow ball |

Yellow ball abstraction |

Yellow crane |

Yellow crane |

Yellow crane |

Yellow serenade |

Yellowstone |

You chiphead! |

Your dream LIKES you |

Your dream... |

Your dream... |

"You're not my boss!" |

"You're so GAY!" |

"You're so GAY!" |

Zara the cendancer |

Zara & Ken |

Zelig flies |

Zelig flies |

Zelig flies |

Zemmyo |

Zenna cat |

Zero-sum game |
Zillionaire's tower |
Zombie rush-hour |
Zygote |