The Tempest Tales, novel
| Mosley, Walter, writer
| Very Funny, Mr. Mosley
Tenner, Edward, writer
| Why Things Bite Back, science book
| The Running
The Tenq
| alternate title for
| Buddha Bears
Teraoka, Masami, artist
| ---
| Floating
Teresa, a character
| Unbearable Lightness of Being (film)
| My Wife Teresa
Terms of Endearment, film
| Maclaine, Shirley, actress
| A Smoke in the Sixties
Terry, Marion, actress
| Carroll, Lewis, writer
| Two Pollys
Tesseract (4-dimensional equivalent of a cube)
| Latham, Dustin, dreamer
| Falling into a Tesseract...
Teste, minister to King Louis Philippe, 1830s? 40s?
| Sleep, Dreams and Somnambulism, 1857 book
| Prodromal Dreamlets
a Texas maid
| Rhine, Louisa E, ESP researcher
| Six-Month, Seventeen-Year Cabinet
"Thanksgiving", an ESP report
| A Saint Louis woman
| Just Knowing
They Went Thataway, book on weird ways to die
| Forbes, Malcolm, writer
| Ten Rules of Life
Thin Man, film series, 1930s
| Ralph, Jessie, actor
| Blind Ancestors
Think Blue, Count Two, story
| Smith, Cordwainer, writer
| The Arteria
Thinking in Pictures, book
| Grandin, Temple, writer, autistic
| Flyaway Home
Thinking in Pictures, book
| Grandin, Temple, writer
| Saddled with Autism
Thinking In Pictures, book on autism
| Grandin, Temple, writer
| Help, not Cure
Third Rock from the Sun, TV comedy
| John Lithgow, actor
| The Crosstime Health Risk
Tholey, Paul, haunted dreamer
| Garfield, Patricia, dream researcher
| Fighting my Father
Thomas, D.M., writer
| The White Hotel, novel
| Balolokong
Thomas, D.M., dreamer
| Dreamworks Quarterly
| Extract from a Poem in Progress
Thomas, Margaret, dreamer
| Somnial Times, dream zine
| Pondicherry
Thordhr "the Terror", Icelandic dreamer
| ---
| Wolves in the Booth
Thoreau, Henry David, dreamer
| Robinson, Kim Stanley, writer
| Thoreau's Mountain
Thorkell Eyjolfson, Icelandic dreamer
| Gudrun Osvifursdottir, ditto
| Gudrun's Four Husbands
Thornton, Russ, dreamer
| ---
| Snakes and Centipedes
Thorstein Egilson, long-term psychic dreamer
| Helga the Fair, his daughter
| Eagles in Love with a Swan
Three Against the Witch World, novel
| Norton, Andre, writer
| The Bleeding Heart
Three Against the Witch World, novel
| Norton, Andre, writer
| Cyclotron of Flowers
The Three Stigmata Of Palmer Eldritch (novel)
| Philip K Dick, writer
| Faire Dinosaur
Three Stooges, sado-comedians
| ---
| Matisse is No Moe
Three's Company, TV show
| Somers, Suzanne, acress & and abuse activist
| Birdsuit!
Three's Company, TV show
| Somers, Suzanne, acress & and abuse activist
| Black & White, or Color?
Three's Company, TV show
| Somers, Suzanne, acress & and abuse activist
| Peeling her Skin
Through the Looking-Glass, novel
| Carroll, Lewis, writer
| A Valley Near Hope
Thutmoses IV, Pharaoh of Egypt c.1400 BCE
| The Great Sphinx, a dirty deity
| The Sphinx Wants Cleaning
Tiananmen massacre, 1989
| Liu Cixin, writer & dreamer
| Supernova Era
Tichane, Robin, artist
| ---
| Tichane
Tiger Garden (a dream anthology by Nicholas Royle)
| now has its own page:
Tim, a jazz guitarist
| ---
| Faculty Wife
Tim, a jazz guitarist
| ---
| I Tossed Music
Tim, a jazz guitarist
| ---
| Dawn's Divorce
Time and Tide, a poetry-contest sponsor in a dream
| Greene, Graham, dreamer
| The End
Time Bandits, film
| ---
| Freeze!
The Time Machine, novel
| Wells, H.G., writer
| Futility
The Time Machine, novel
| Wells, H.G., writer
| Gyrlfalcon
Time Machine, novel
| Wells, H.G., writer
| Struck by Thought
Time Machine (novel)
| Wells, H.G., writer
| Wells's Quest
Time Storm, novel
| Dickson, Gordon, writer
| The Door Through Death
The Time-Traveler's Wife, novel
| Niffenegger, Audrey, writer-artist
| A Date in Minsk
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