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The mad unveilers

Maelen and me

Maelen and me

Magenta squares

Magic school

Magic school: the labyrinth

Magic school

Magic school

Magic school

Magic school: strength of ten

Magic school

Magical Light: antler glow

Magical Light: ice grotto

Magical Light: superpets

Mahakala, Mozart, and the Black Bird

Mahakala, Mozart, and the Black Bird

Make hay while the sun shines

Make progress standing still

Making progress...

Mama bear's advice

A mammoth fight

The man who deserved to die


Man with guitar

Man with guitar

Man with guitar


Mandala of eight dreamers

Mandala of eight dreamers

Mandala of eight dreamers

Manson's cage

Manta Moths


Manta Moths

Marjane: comix

Marjane: comix

Marjane: comix

Marjane: mural

Mark rolls a melon

Mars reborn: globe (south)

Mars reborn: Amazonis

Mars reborn: Aonia

Mars reborn: Araby

Mars reborn: Arctic

Mars reborn: Argyre Sea

Mars reborn: Chryse Gulf & Delta

Mars reborn: Claritas Range

Mars reborn: Cydonia

Mars reborn: Elysium

Mars reborn: Hellas

Mars reborn: Hesperia

Mars reborn: Isidis Bay

Mars reborn: Mangala Valley

Mars reborn: Margaritifer

Mars reborn: Nilo coast

Mars reborn: Nilo coast

Mars reborn: Noachia

Mars reborn: Tempe

Mars reborn: Xanthe

Mars reborn: Xanthe

Martian airlock

Martian airlock

Martian airlock

Martian airlock

Martian airlock

Martian airlock

Martian airlock

Martian feud

Martian vigilante

Martian vigilante: "Adrift"


Matisse is no Moe

Mayan Door

Mazama: Crater Lake panorama

McKillip's new book

McKillip's new book

McKillip's new book

McKillip's new book

Meeting Caravaggio

Meeting Caravaggio

Meltdown valley

Meltdown valley

Mem Loi's search warrant

Mendel's chimeras

Mendel's chimeras

Menolly's song

Mentor: Venus terraformed

Mermaid cult

Mermaid's dressingroom

Mermaid's dressingroom

The mermaid tow

The mermaid tow

The mermaid tow

Mermaid vs Trump



Merry Witchmas!

Mertiger in group

Mertiger underway

Mertiger tail sewing

Mertiger tail up




Mesopotamian armory


Midori's dream

Midori's dream

Migrating breasts

Migrating breasts

Migrating breasts

Migrating breasts

Migrating breasts

Migration through fire

Migration through fire

Migration through fire

Mine back door

Mine back door

Miners' lettuce

Miners' lettuce


Misfits on Mars: soccer

Misfits on Mars

Misfits on Mars: bas-relief

Misfits on Mars: beneath

Misfits on Mars: bas-relief

Mission Carnaval

Mission Carnaval

Mission Carnaval

Mission Carnaval

Mithran's Lake

Mithran's Lake

Mithran's Lake

Mithran's Lake

Mithran's Lake


Molly's prosthetic

Molly's prosthetic

Mom thinks I'm on a leash


Monster prom

Mood elevator

Mood elevator: lightbulb heads

Mood elevator

Mooncat (comix)

Mooncat (comix)

Mooncat (comix)

Moons of the next ten days

Moral fiber

Moral minnows

Moth trap

Mounting problems

The mouse banner



Multiple intelligence theory

Multiple intelligence theory

Multiple intelligence theory

Musician and foxtail

Muslim cheetah

Mustard revenge

Mustard vampire

My drag-queen cousine

My experience of lucid dreaming

My ex-wife

My ex-wife

My favorite dream of 1991

My favorite dream of 1991

My future art

My gate
comix p.1

My gate
comix p.2

My gate
comix p.3

My gate
comix p.4

My gate

My gate

My gate

My gate

My gate

My gate

My gate

My lips are sealed

My little 'pocalypse: Rarity interviewed

My little 'pocalypse: Cuties crushed

My little 'pocalypse: Utopia flashed

My little 'pocalypse: Ponies melted

My little 'pocalypse: Fluttershy firestormed

My little 'pocalypse: Dash crashed

My little 'pocalypse: Rarity mud-smothered

My little 'pocalypse: Gabriela tsunami'd

My little 'pocalypse: Spike & Ember starved

My little 'pocalypse: timeline

My little 'pocalypse: Rarity

My name is Wayan

My sine-friend

My symbiotes

My symbiotes: dragonlynx

My symbiotes: flannan

My three husbands

My three husbands

My three husbands

My three husbands

My three husbands

My three husbands

My three husbands

My three husbands

My three husbands

My three husbands

My three husbands

My three husbands

My three husbands

My three husbands

My three husbands

My tree

My tree

Myrna, look ahead

Naiad and god-dog

Naiad and god-dog

Naomi, caves & lemon trees

Navaho horses

Nazis burn my art

Neanderthal extinction

Nebuchadnezzar's tree

The Ness Man

Nest, eggs, and legs

A Nevadan ass

Newbies need rules

Nic's 1000 paintings


Night of change

Nip off his nose

No I: me

No I: seducer

No man is island

No man is island

"No one really"

No strings attached

Nocturne: by Wayan

Nocturne 1

Nocturne 2

Nocturne 3

Nocturne 4

Nocturne 5

Nocturne 6

Nocturne 7

Nocturne 8

Nocturne 9

Nocturne 10

Nocturne 11

Nocturne 12

Nocturne 13

Nocturne 14

Nocturne 15

Nocturne 16

Nocturne 17

Nocturne 18

Nocturne 19

Nocturne 20

Nocturne 21

Nocturne 22

Nocturne 23

Nocturne 24

Nocturne 25

Nocturne 26

Nocturne 27

Nocturne 28

Nocturne 29

Nocturne 30

Nocturne 31

Nocturne 32

Nocturne 33

Nocturne 34

Nocturne 35

Nocturne 36


Non omnis moriar



Normals, cryptids and... mutants?

North fleet of the rain

Not a cat

Not a cat

Nouvelle barbie bods

Nucleus: Lucinda's mesons

Nucleus: dance

Nukes and werebirds

O maidens in your savage season

Octopia: comix

Odessa Steps

Odessa Steps

Odessa Steps

Off Dover

Off Dover

Ogie Yosha chanteuse

Oh, wait

Oh, wait

Ohlone at the mall

Oisin and Lyr

Oisin: sea dragon

Oisin: snailbird

Oisin: intelligence?

Oisin: Lugh Crater

Old hat

Olympus unmasked

Omelet Beach

On her fourth body

On her fourth body

On her fourth body

On Molly's forehead

On Molly's forehead

On the seashore: Bell with baby

On the seashore: boys

On the seashore: dance

On the seashore: lucid

Once a hero

Once a hero

Once a hero

Once a hero

Once a hero

One fruit remains...

One fruit remains...


Open your cage!

Open the door!

Oracle--sea change

Oracle--sea change

Oracular ravens


Orbiting mom

Orgy below the surface

Oriole girls

Orpheus & Pooh

Orpheus & Pooh

Orpheus & Pooh

Orpheus & Pooh

Orpheus & Pooh

Orpheus & Pooh

Orpheus & Pooh

Otter's mom (comix)

Otto suggestion to a horse in drag

Otto suggestion...

Otto suggestion...

Our best song

Our best song

Our best song

Our best song

Our best song

Our best song

Our best song

Our best song

Our best song

Our best song

Out of the pit

Outgrown bed


Overlay p.1

Overlay: the Fae Parade

Overlay: Nightmare

Overlay: Centaur

Overlay: Gnomes

Overlay p.6

Overlay: Canary

Overlay: p.8

Overlay: p.9

Overwhelmed Yosemite dad

Owl Tavern

Pad on the floor: eclipse

Pad on the floor: sleep

Pages: dream

Pages: cafe

Paint kids

Palais Idéal

Palais Idéal

Palais Idéal

Palace of Good Policy

Palace of Good Policy

Parental tough love

Parrot sitter

Parrot sitter

Parrot tames businessman

Pass, mare



Patchen's Angel

The peak where I died

Pegasi tub

Pegasi tub

Pegasi tub

Pegasi tub

Pegasia: Outer Hemisphere

Pegasia: map

Pegasia: Outer Hemisphere

Pegasia: Outer Hemisphere

Pegasia: Outer Hemisphere

Pegasia: Inner Hemisphere

Pegasia: Trailing Hemisphere

Pegasia: an avia

Pegasia: Linlarku statue

Pegasia: Ice Age map

A pegasus-dragon scripts my life

Pegasus longhouse on Lyr

Pegasus on Lyr: southern, gracile

Pegataur: side

Pegataur: front

Pegataur: rear

Pegataur: above

Peggy's cake


Penguins talk only to...

Pentalemma p.1

Pentalemma p.2

Pentalemma p.3

Pentalemma Cindy & Uni

Pentalemma p.4

Pentalemma p.5

Pentalemma: repressed

I got feet

Pentalemma: heroic ssstrength

Pentalemma: wobbly

Pentalemma: clawing

Pentalemma: earthmom, a bit too open

Pentalemma: Am I worse?

Pentalemma p.6

Pentalemma p.7

Pentalemma: bargaining

Pentalemma p.8

Pentalemma p.9

Pentalemma p.10

Pentalemma p.11

Pentalemma p.11 the exer-centaur

Pentalemma p.11 yoga cat

Pentalemma p.11 sex bunny

Pentalemma p.11 sad pussy

Pentalemma p.12

Pentalemma p.13

Perforated paperfeed backward

Perissa: cover

Perissa: p.1

Perissa: p.2

Perissa: p.3

Perissa: p.4

Perissa: p.5

Perissa: notes

Perissa: at the beach

Perissa: on the steps

Perissa: entrance

Perissa: make way!

Perissa leaps into the ring

Perissa shows off

Perissa: raise your tail!

Perissa: portrait

Perissa: painting

Pescadero Monet

Pet me dare (comix)

Pet me dare (comix)

Pet me dare

Pet me dare

Peter Pan syndrome

Pharaoh hooks


Phoenix (1894)

Phoenix (1996)

Piano & crocs

Picnic in the ruins

Pie hole: the lovers

Pie hole: the peepers

Pied mage

My pills were taking me...

Pinkie Cleans my Windows of Perception

Pinkie Cleans my Windows of Perception

Pinkie Cleans my Windows of Perception

Pipes and time

Pits of power

Pixy concussion p.1

Pixy concussion p.2

Pixy concussion p.3

Pixy concussion p.4

Pixy concussion p.5

Pixy concussion p.6

Pixy concussion p.7

Pixy concussion p.8

Pixy concussion p.9


The planter of seeds

Plowshares project

Plush bear

Pluto thaws

Pointed ears, pointed dream

Poisoned: Saucer maid

Poirot and the dickheads

Pole of the Empire State

Polygamous pilot

Polygamous pilot

Polygamous pilot

Polygamous pilot

Polygon dreams cover

Polygon dreams: intro

Polygon drms
Try angles

Polygon drms: Pentalemma 1

Polygon drms: Pentalemma 2

Polygon drms: Pentalemma 3

Polygon drms: Pentalemma 3a

Polygon drms: Pentalemma 4

Polygon drms: Pentalemma 5

Polygon drms: Pentalemma 5a

Polygon drms: Pentalemma 5b

Polygon drms: Pentalemma 5c: strength

Polygon drms: Pentalemma 5d: wobbly

Polygon drms: Pentalemma 5e

Polygon drms: Pentalemma 5f: too open

Polygon drms: Pentalemma 5g

Polygon drms: Pentalemma 6

Polygon drms: Pentalemma 7

Polygon drms: Pentalemma 7a: bargaining

Polygon drms: Pentalemma 8

Polygon drms: Pentalemma 9

Polygon drms: Pentalemma 10

Polygon drms: Pentalemma 11

Polygon drms: Pentalemma 11a: exer-centaur

Polygon drms: Pentalemma 11b: yoga cat

Polygon drms: Pentalemma 11c: sex bunny

Polygon drms: Pentalemma 11d: sad pussy

Polygon drms: Pentalemma 12

Polygon drms: Pentalemma 13

Polygon drms: City of bees

Polygon dms: City of bees

Polygon drms: City of bees

Polygon drms: Boxes 1

Polygon drms: Boxes 2

Polygon drms: Boxes 3

Polygon drms: Boxes 4

Polygon drms: Boxes 5

Polygon drms: Boxes 6

Polygon drms: Boxes 7

Polygon drms: Spirography

Polygon drms: Spirography

Polygon dreams

Polygon dreams: the Unigon

Ponygirl's diet

Ponygirl's diet

Pool assassins




Portals of the past

Portals of the past

Portals of the past

Portals of the past

Portals of the past

Portals of the past

Portals of the past

Portrait of Lady Dracanthra

Potlatch smoke

Power of the butterfly


Primeval animal & the survival of the earth

Princess of Passion

Privacy grows character

Problematic assumption

Problematic assumption

Problematic assumption

Problematic assumption


Pure love

Pure love

Pure love

Pure love

Pure love

Pure love

Public Events vs Snakes from India

Pull the plug on this war

Puma orgy

Punkzine underwear

Pushed into shifting

Put twice as much in

Pyramid power

Quadruple wedding

Queen cobra

Queen Kong

Queen Kong

Ra cats: scratched

Ra cats: drawing

Rabbit-eared doe

Rabbit-eared doe

Rabbit-eared doe

Rabbit-eared doe

Rabbit world

Rabbit world

Rabbit world

Rabbit world

Rabbit world

Rabbit world: afterword

Raccoon moon

Radar bear

Radiant light: dreaming in the Hypogeum


Rain of Platonic ideals

Rainbow sleeper

Rainbow sleeper

Rainbow sleeper

Rainbow splash

Rainbow splash

Rainbow splash

Rainbow splash

Rainbow splash

Raise yourself

Raise yourself

Raise yourself

Range: factors






Rapid transit

Raptor (plains)

Raptor (desert)

Rare Bit Fiends

Rare Bit Fiends





Raven's mirror

Razi and the Shasta Wino

Razi and the Shasta Wino

Razi and the Shasta Wino

Razi and the Shasta Wino

Razi and the Shasta Wino

Razi and the Shasta Wino

Razi and the Shasta Wino

Razi and the Shasta Wino

Razi and the Shasta Wino

Razi and the Shasta Wino

Razi and the Shasta Wino

Razor ghost

Readable dreams

Rebel owl

Rebel owl

Reborn immortal

Reborn immortal

Reborn immortal


Recurring dream

Recurring dream

Recurring dream

Recurring dream

Recurring dream

Recurring dream

Recurring dream

Recurring school nightmare

Recurring school nightmare

Recurring school nightmare

Recurring school nightmare

Red-spattered dancers

Red-spattered dancers

Red-spattered dancers

Red-spattered dancers



Reshape my face


Reverse my armor

Reverse my armor

Reverse my armor

Reverse my armor

Reverse my armor

Reverse my armor

Reverse my armor

Rhinzl's shadow



The rich wreck the well

Riddle on her breast

Rift zone

Ring-duel: mad science

Ring-duel: teen carnivore

Ring-duel: my ring of power

Ring-duel: fire & ice

Ring of six

Ring of six

Ring of six

The ripple effect: "This, then, is art"

The ripple effect: creep invades cafe

The ripple effect: My younger sister

The ripple effect: My older brother

The ripple effect: dream-castle for sale

The ripple effect: the Nine Psychics ruling the world

The ripple effect: open the door!

Robert's plan

Robinson Jeffers

Robinson Jeffers


Robot & unicorn

Robot & unicorn

Robot & unicorn

Role models for sprouts

Ronald Reagan stole my soul!

Roraima jump

Roraima jump

Rose and the Thorn: ghost car

Ruby unicorn

Ruby unicorn

Rum jungle

Rusty underworld

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