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Saba revives

Saint Bridget

Salad date

Salescurve mts

Saltflat fair


Samurai librarian

Samurai mare

Saturation dial

Saturation dial

Saturation dial

Saturn beach

Saturn's eyes



Satyr and Twilight

Satyr and Twilight

Satyr and Twilight

Satyr and Twilight

Satyr and Twilight

Satyr and Twilight

Satyr and Twilight

Saucer through the ruins





Saved by a cymbal

Scattered trove

Sconce, 3 holes

Sculpting with Neil Gaiman

Sculpting with Neil Gaiman

Sea massage

Sea of time

Seapole map w/o place names

Seapole from space

Seapole from space

Seapole: Ornithia

Seapole: Amazonia

Seapole: Caribbean

Seapole: Gringolia

Seapole: Africa and the Inner Sea

Seapole: Asia

Seapole: Indian Ocean

Secret screen


Self-portrait as a coyote


Selfish for leaving?

Sell-fish witches

Sell-fish witches

Sell-fish witches

Sell-fish witches

Semi-intelligent animal problem


Serafina & Ram Dass

Serrana from high orbit

Serrana: map of Anarres by Ursula Le Guin

Serrana world map with names

Serrana world map, no names (smaller, sorry; big map trashed!)

Serrana: Aburros Head from orbit

Serrana: the Lesser Seas

Serrana: Intelp Desert from low orbit

Serrana: Tseu Zee from orbit

Serrana: plains raptor

Serrana: desert raptor

Serrana: eastern Eamet Ocean

Serrana: hexapi vs treesquid

Serrana: Rakach ranges from orbit

Serrana: Binchun Veldt, Ngisyar Plano

Serrana: the Leas Sea

Serrana: a tree-squid

Serrana: taurlope with staff

Serrana: taurlope anatomy

Serrana: taurlope dancing

Serrana: taurlope flirtation

Serrana: juvenile taurlope

Serrana: Tsud Desert from orbit

Serrana: Woble Mts and Tsud Desert

Serrana: Yanneba Plano

Set on fire

Sex-flower & Nila

Sex sox

Sexual vs. social shyness


Shamanic Chew-Toy

Shamanic Chew-Toy

Shamanic Chew-Toy



Sharkbit and wary


She lives to 140

Ship of the sun


Shiveria: world map

Shiveria: Amazonia


Sholika, the Tharnian Magellan

Shoved off a cliff: Luna

Shoved off a cliff

Shoved: after the magicrash

Shriek adoption

Shropshire: beaver

Shropshire: sniper

Shropshire: tower

Shy orgy

Shy sphinx

Siberian tiger versus muppets

Silky and werewolf boy

Silky and werewolf boy

Silky as a cattaur on my bed

Silky as a cattaur

Silky as a cattaur flirts

Silky as a cattaur

Silky as a cattaur

Silky as a cattaur

Silky as a cattaur

Silky as a cattaur

Silky the cattaur's hand

Silky as a cattaur at the gate

Silky cleans the underworld

Silky crosses Atlantic

Silky romanticizes Nat. Geog.

Silky's bridge: I cling to cliff

Silky's bridge: Silky shoots a line across

Silky's bridge: moon, bridge

Silky's bridge: Deer People

Silky's inversion

Silky's inversion

Silky's inversion

Silky's massage

Silky's massage

Silky's massage

Silky's massage

Silky's massage

Silky's massage

Silky the pegasus

Silky the pegasus

Silla Kristos

Since people can't fly


Sing a happy tune

Sing to my alien friend

Sing to summon courage

Siphonia: Agassiz

Siphonia: Beringia

Siphonia: Clarion Desert

Clarion Desert

Clarion Pen.
and Gulf

Siphonia: Discordia

Siphonia: Hawaii

Siphonian lemur

Siphonian lemur

Siphonian lemur

Siphonian lemur

Siphonia: Nazca Deep

Siphonia: Nazca: stone heads of Mt Pascua

Siphonia: Pacific

Pacific NE

Siphonian Quartet 2: Whalerider

A Sirius mission

Sisters of the Interface

Sisters of the Interface

Sisters of the Interface

Six dreams
Bath flood;

Six dreams
Strip for food;
Gutted dog

Six dreams
Tammy Tart;
Rhino flirt

Six experts...

69 midair

Skeptic and dragonfly

Skeptic and dragonfly

The skin's complaint

Skink wedding

Skunk seeks...

Skunk? Swallow!


Slaves don't dance P.1

Slaves don't dance P.2

Slaves don't dance P.3

Slaves don't dance P.4

Slaves don't dance P.5

Slaves don't dance P.6

Slaves don't dance P.7

Slaves don't dance P.8

Slaves don't dance P.9

Slaves don't dance P.10

Slaves don't dance P.11

Slaves don't dance P.12

Slaves don't dance P.13

Slaves don't dance P.14

Slaves don't dance P.15

Slaves don't dance P.16

Slaves don't dance P.17

Slaves don't dance

Slaves don't dance

Slaves don't dance

Slaves don't dance

Slaves don't dance

Slaves don't dance

Slaves don't dance

Slaves don't dance

Slaves don't dance

Slaves don't dance


Sleeping beauty




Small miracles: tiny scientists

Snake apology

Snap's two bodies



my two bodies

our triangle

Sock puppets of the gods

Sock puppets of... Coyote

Sole retrieval

Solnit's dog fixation

Solomon's choice

O Sonho vivido

Sorb truce

Sorting hat, drunken cat

Sorting hat, drunken cat

Sorting hat, drunken cat

Sorting hat, drunken cat: Vancouver Expo

Soul restored

Soul restored

Soul restored

Space Needle: ghost at the fair

Space Needle: the oldest shape

Space Needle: the seedpod enters

Space pie

Speak up, rise up

Speaking about art with the African beings

Spell blurs women

Spewing wine

Sphinx arching back

Sphinx artist

Sphinx over badlands

Sphinx in heat

Sphinx in heat

Sphinx in heat

Sphinx in heat

Sphinx in heat

Sphinx in heat

Sphinx in heat

Sphinx in heat

Sphinx in repose

Sphinx with hourglass

Sphinx moonviewing

Sphinx points onward

Sphinx in rocks

Sphinx rolls on her art

The sphinx wants cleaning

A Sphinx's Sketchbook

A Sphinx's Sketchbk p2

A Sphinx's Sketchbk p3

A Sphinx's Sketchbk p4

A Sphinx's Sketchbk p5

A Sphinx's Sketchbk p6

A Sphinx's Sketchbk p7

A Sphinx's Sketchbk p8

A Sphinx's Sketchbk p9

A Sphinx's Sketchbk p10

A Sphinx's Sketchbk p11

A Sphinx's Sketchbk p12

A Sphinx's Sketchbk p13

A Sphinx's Sketchbk p14

A Sphinx's Sketchbk p15

A Sphinx's Sketchbk p16

A Sphinx's Sketchbk p17

A Sphinx's Sketchbk p18

A Sphinx's Sketchbook pages 19-20

A Sphinx's Sketchbook pages 21-22

A Sphinx's Sketchbk p23

Sphinx's wood

Sphinx spreads wing

Sphinx close-up

Spider crone

Spider toilet: calendar grid

Spider toilet

Spin, spin, fly again

Spirit chorus


Spit door



Split 3 ways

Split 3 ways

Spontaneous duck: Capsica

Spontaneous duck: witch ditch

Spontaneous duck: TK

Spontaneous duck: peak

Spontaneous duck



Sprinters and sphinx

Squirrel girl

Squirrel girl

Squirrel girl

Squirrel girl

Squirrel questions


Stairwell test

Stallion, not mare

Standing up city

Stan's dog


Starhawk the witch

Starhawk the witch

Statues on ice


Still dwarfed


Stone the builder tossed

The stone moves

Stop me!

Stop me!

Stop me!

Storm warning

Stretch now

Stuck snake

Stuck snake

Stuck snake

Stuck snake

Stygian sentinels

Submerged in the wave

Such stuff as dreams are made of

Suicide track

Sule Skerry

Sulfur grotto

Sulfur grotto

Sulfur grotto


Sun sinks...

Sunlight's the cure

Sunlight's the cure

Sunlight's the cure

Sunlight's the cure

Sunlight's the cure

Sunlight's the cure

Sunlight's the cure

Sunlight's the cure

Superhero training kits: puppeteers' workshop

Surf dreams

Sutro Park: Halloween

Swan p.1

Swan p.2

Swan p.3

Swan closeup

Sweaterpants for Jesus

Sweet wall

Swimmer (blue)

Swiss cheese fairy

Swiss cheese fairy

Swiss cheese fairy

Swiss cheese fairy

Sybil Sue Flannery

Tall unicorn




The Tao of Dennis the Menace

The Tao of Dennis the Menace

The Tao of Dennis the Menace

Tardis gazebo

Tardis gazebo

Tardis gazebo

Taurlope with staff

Taurlope anatomy

Taurlopes dancing

Taurlope fawn teasing

Taurlope teen teasing

Tehura tries comix

Tehura tries comix

Tehura tries comix

Tehura tries comix

Tehura tries comix

Tehura tries comix

Telekinetic kids

Telepath country

Temple of dreamwork

Temple of dreamwork

Temple of dreamwork

Temple of dreamwork

Ten Clarks...

Ten rules of life

Ten trials

Ten trials

Teri Garr

Tertiary infection

Tertiary infection

Tertiary infection




Tharn map (ecological)

Tharn map (altitude)

Tharn: an artho

Tharn: Bantoom Desert

Tharn: Barsoom Basin

Tharn: a bo

Tharn: cataract

Tharn: centah raising a beer

Tharn: centah, sunset, beach

Tharn: Chinchak volcanoes

Tharn: crags, falls

Tharn: crater rim, centah

Tharn: the Felatheen Veldt

Tharn: fossae create "fjords"

Tharn: Heloon Crater

Tharn: Heloon Desert , South Seas

Tharn: a lebbird

Tharn: a lebbird

Tharn: lebbird at dusk

Tharn: lebbird and hourglass

Tharn: a lebbird artist

Tharn: lebbird amid rocks

Tharn: a mop--desert subspecies

Tharn: polar cap (north)

Tharn: P'tarth Mts, Lelei Canyon

Tharn: Sholika, the centah Magellan

Tharn: Thurian Rift Zone

Tharn: Trunzip Pass caravan

Tharn: veltaurs dancing

Tharn: veltaur forestanding

Tharn: veltaur with staff

Tharn: a village on the veldt


Therapist garbles "I" & "you"

Therapist garbles "I" & "you"

There I was...

There I was...

There I was...

There's no place like home

They don't believe me

They don't believe me

They don't believe me

They don't believe me

They don't believe me

Thief of dreams: the Count's art

Thief of dreams: Yvette & Claire

Thief of dreams: soul-swap

Thief of dreams: sunken art!

Thief of dreams: the wedding

Thief of dreams p.1

Thief of dreams p.2

Thief of dreams p.3

Thief of dreams p.4

Thief of dreams p.5

Thief of dreams p.6

Thief of dreams p.7

Thief of dreams p.8

Thief of dreams p.9

Thief of dreams p.10

Thief of dreams p.11

Thief of dreams p.12

Thief of dreams p.13

Thief of dreams p.14

Thief of dreams p.15

Thief of dreams p.16

Thief of dreams p.17

Thief of dreams p.18

Thief of dreams p.19

Thief of dreams p.20

Thief of dreams p.21

Thief of dreams p.22

The thing about dreams

Third eye

Third eye

Third eye

Third-party defense

Third political party

13 peace signs in time of war

13 peace signs in time of war

1,000 birds

Three horse marsh

3-eyed wolf

Three ways to fly

Thru walls to sex class

Thru walls to sex class

Thru walls to sex class

Thru the wires

Thru the wires

Thru the wires




Tidepool decline, or, death by 1000 cuts

Tie Mark up: weirdo parade

Tie Mark up: trust takes time

Tie Mark up: restraining order

Blake's The Tyger

Tiger calls my bluff

Tiger honeymoon

Tiger tall: cafe meetings

Timedoors of the gods recruited

Timedoors... god-squabble

Timedoors... Xena or hooker?

Timedoors... Scottish laird

Timedoors... Red Riding Hood

Time warrior



Too much to bear

Torch the rose-rot

Tornado fade-out

Tornado fade-in

Tourist trap

Tower of the Martian dead


The Train On Time Cafe

Tree of light

Tree-squid of Serrana

Tree-squid storyteller

Trespasser triangle

Trespassers in Malanchai









Tritonian Foxtaur U.

Trumpocalypse underling

Trust your canoe

Trust your canoe

Trusting Foxes

Trusting Foxes


Turtle boat

1200 step program

Twilight's game: the Tree

Twilight's oval gameboard

Twilight's game: Carib girl

Twisted: Gold fire

Twisted: Three graces

Twisted: Green trance

Twisted: Quilt

Twisted: Sunning

Twisted: Waterdrop

Two drunks

Two faced lapis & the mother

Two witches

The Tyger

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Indexes: Subject - Author - Date - Names - Places - Art media/styles
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