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Dad falls asleep at the podium

Dad the workaholic

Dallas Gmork

Dallas Gmork

Dalmatian mare

Dance of the Enigmas

Dance / Sun

Dance / Sun

Dance / Sun

Dance of the Sun

Dance / Sun

Dance / Sun

Dance of the Sun

Dance of the Sun

Daphne thinks

Dare to be Fat!

The Darii

The Darii

A dart in her chest

Datin' demon

Datin' demon

The dating ghost

Dating weirdos

Dawn says 'sculpt masturbation'

Dawn says 'sculpt masturbation'

Dawn says 'sculpt masturbation'

Dead, not stupid!

Death date

Death date

Death! Death!

Deer & wolf mystics

Deer & wolf mystics

Deer dancer

Deer Jesus

Deer Jesus

Deer on their Phones

Deer on their Phones

The Deer Party

The Deer Party

Deer people, breast-shy

Deer shaman

Deer sorceress

Deer vs pigs

Deer vs pigs

Deer vs pigs


Deertaur transformation

Deertaur transformation



Delight Evolves Flight

Demon Toddler

Descending the mtn. tower

Desert eyes

Desert eyes

Desert slavers

Desert slavers

Designer: Leonardo

Designer: Blake

Designer: me



The Devil by CS Lewis

The Devil by CS Lewis

Devangel: Erthedni

Devangel: my glyph





A dinner with Death

Dinosaur bard

Dinosaur elevator

Dino for a night

Dinosaur grade

Dino treasure

Dino treasure

Dino treasure

Dino treasure

Dino treasure

Dino yarmulke



Diurnal Dragonsbane

Doctor Ventril

Doctor Who and Death

Dog horror

Dog in a cassock

The dog king

Dog pilot program

Dog thirst

Doggy in the window

Doggy in the window

the Doggysey

the Doggysey

the Doggysey

Dogman plays on turf

Dome p.1

Dome p.2

Dome p.3

Dome p.4

Donna's fallout

Donna's fallout

Donna's fallout

Donna's fallout

Door thru death:
Into the screen

Dopp: niche

Dopp: sofa

Dopp: show







The double

The double

The double

The double

The doubt

Dove girl

Draconian vacation

Dragon banners

Dragon banners

Dragon banners

Dragon economist

Dragon's teeth

Dragon with a suitcase

Dragonfly bus

Dragonfly bus

Dragonfly bus

Dragonfly bus

Dragonfly bus

Dragonfly bus

Dragonsbane (book cover)

Drank it All

The Dream (Puvis de Chavannes)

The Dream (Henri Rousseau)

The Dream, 1927 (Marc Chagall)

The dream approaches...

Dream caused by a bee...

Dream figures

Dream figures

Dream milking

Dream of abysses

Dream of the dance

Dream of the dancing goddesses

Dreams block vampire arrows

Dreams explain dreams

Dreams explain dreams

Dreams explain dreams

Dream shortage


Dreamtales: cover

Dreamtales: contents

The dress code of God

The dress code of God

The dress code of God

Driver's Test

Drugged, blamed, shrunk & daubed

Drugged, blamed...

Dubia: our flooded future

Dubia map

Dubia: Eurasia

Dubia: Arabia

Dubia: India

Dubia: Siberia

Dubia: Australia

Dubia: Antarctica

Dubia: arctic



During dream-drought

During dream-drought

During dream-drought

During dream-drought

During dream-drought

Eagle woman

Ear to the wall

Ear to the wall

Ear to the wall



Edith Keeler

Effort/aptitude: gray catgirl


The egg cracks

The egg cracks

Egg problem

Egg's our only hope

Egyptian exhibit

Elbereth pauses

Electoral reform

Elephant with a Lotus

Eleven Cent Oracle: frozen

Eleven Cent Oracle: collage

Elf etymology


Elizabeth's sole escape

Elven dancer

Elven dancer

Ember in the brain

Ember in the brain

Emotional palette



Envy's band

Envy's band

Envy's band

Equestrian Nunavut

Equestrian Nunavut

Equestrian Nunavut

Equestrian Nunavut

Equestrian Nunavut

Erection 2000

Erection 2000

Eréndira: the mime orgy

Ermine, or, Gothmog's Ghost

Ermine, or, Gothmog's Ghost

The Erthedni

The Erthedni

The Erthedni

Escape by intuition: furry arcology

Escape by intuition: architecture

Escape by intuition: trapped

Escape by intuition: just teasing?

Escape PBS!

ESP, not language

Ethics of Lucidity


Evasive maneuvers

Evasive maneuvers


Exit through the dungeon

Exploited unicorn




Eye and I

Eye and I

Eye and I

Eye and I

Fading away in the light

Fairy urges a worktable

Fairy urges...

The fairy wife

Fall at the right size

Fall into fear

Familiar Wood



Family jesters: 'Migrate Through Fire' dream

Family jesters: Equestria or America?

Family jesters: handicapped performers

Family jesters: caged heartland ballerina

Family visit: porn sellers

Family visit: meat pusher


Fashion shoot

Fashion shoot

Father-in-law the whip

Father-in-law the whip

Father-in-law the whip





Federalist school: Ailura

Fever hill

Figure: always be serious

Figure: dappled

Figure: eager artist

Figure: ferns

Figure: lift weight

Figure: Rain!

Figure: Rain!

Figure: Rain!

Figure: Silky on fur

Figure: stare at shoe

Figure: undecided

Figure: werewolf girl

Filly's quest

Filly's quest

Filly's quest

Final exam, written in blood

Final goodbye

Final goodbye

Final goodbye

Final goodbye

Final goodbye

Find someone spiritual, stupid!

Find someone spiritual, stupid!

Firebird and minotaur

Fishergirl oval

Fishergirls: 1 Hello

Fishergirls: 1 world

Fishergirls: 1 dancing

Fishergirls: 1 jewelry

Fishergirls: 1 selling

Fishergirls: 1 lovers

Fishergirls: 1 gig

Fishergirls: 1 village

Fishergirls: 1 lovers

Fishergirls: 1 hull

Fishergirls: 1 under

Fishergirls: 1 embark

Fishergirls: 1 harbor

Fishergirls: 1 tossers

Fishergirls: 2 joy

Fishergirls: 2 jump

Fishergirls: 2 night

Fishergirls: 2 isles

Fishergirls: 2 mast

Fishergirls: 2 rocks

Fishergirls: 2 shoes

Fishergirls: 2 wizard

Fishergirls: 2 jeans

Fishergirls: 2 remoras

Fishergirls: 2 dragon

Fishergirls: 2 monsters

Fishergirls: 2 read

Fishergirls: 2 landing

Fishergirls: 2 climb

Fishergirls: 2 meet

Fishergirls: 2 tech

Fishergirls: 2 sex

Fishergirls: 2 sauce

Fishergirls: 3 trial

Fishergirls: 3 hat

Fishergirls: 3 gossip

Fishergirls: 3 please?

Fishergirls: 3 dad

Fishergirls: 3 kids

Fishergirls: 3 paid

Fishergirls: 3 Adam?

Fishergirls: 3 waves

Fishergirls: 3 bye

Five Heart Unicorn

Five Heart Unicorn

Five Heart Unicorn

Five Heart Unicorn

Five Heart Unicorn

Five Heart Unicorn

Five Heart Unicorn

Five Heart Unicorn

Five Heart Unicorn

Fiveheart: Silky's back!

Fiveheart: head

Fiveheart: the hearts

Fiveheart: tail

Fiveheart? Embarkation

Fiveheart: Furries come alive

Fiveheart: head done

Fiveheart: red mare dream

Fiveheart: Silky's inversion

Fiveheart: 'Arrival' by A. Gross

Fiveheart: Krelkin dream

Fiveheart: finished

Fiveheart in group

Fiveheart: bed w/Ailura

Fiveheart: Aicorn

Fiveheart: Aicorn

Fiveheart: Aicorn

Five Hounds, Five Defenses

Five Hounds, Five Defenses


Flannan preparation

Flannan preparation

Flier misjudges reefworld

Flight, Margaret, Mouse, Dog

Flirting with Napoleon


Floating horses: Bianca

Floating horses: our herd

Floating horses: tennis

Floating wolf and butterfly

Flower-headed cat: skirtlifters

Flower-headed cat: pussy

Flowering: dancer on the wire

Fluid dream connections

Fluid reality

Fluid reality

Fluid reality

Fluid reality

Fly & ultrasound

Fly dancer blue

Fly solo

Fly with me?

Flying bed, talking birds

Flying fish & lotus

Flying horses of Mien Mo

Foam furs: group

Foam furs: Fiveheart

Foam furs: Ailura

Foam furs: Silky

Foam furs: Mertiger

Foam furs: Ailura

Foam furs: Ailura

Foam furs: Ailura

Foam furs: Ailura

Foam furs: Ailura

Foam furs: Ailura

Foam furs: Fiveheart

Foam furs: Fiveheart

Foam furs: Fiveheart

Foam furs: Fiveheart

Foam furs: Fiveheart

Foam furs: Silky

Foam furs: Silky

Foam furs: Silky

Foam furs: Silky

Foam furs: Silky

Foam furs: Silky

Foam furs: Silky

Foam furs: Mertiger

Foam furs: Mertiger

Foam furs: Mertiger

Foam furs: Mertiger

Foam furs: Mertiger

Foam furs: Silky's back!

Foam furs: Rosettes (gold sphinx)

Foam furs: size-shifter

Foam furs: Fiveheart

Foam furs: Embarkation

Foam furs: Aifelle

Foam furs: Archa

Foam furs: Ariel

Foam furs: Filia

Foam furs: Flora

Foam furs: Frizia

Foam furs: Fuchsia

Foam furs: Kentaur

Foam furs: Lia

Foam furs: Lina

Foam furs: Lotora

Foam furs: Nila

Foam furs: Proni

Foam furs: Shya

Foam furs: Sidera

Foam furs: Spira

Foam furs: Storia

Foam furs: Suplica

Foam furs: Cendancer tower

Foam furs: furry sex opens gate

Foam furs: furries come alive

Foam furs: hipjoint

Foam furs: talked out of my sphinx!

Foam furs: gray catgirl

Foam furs: red mare dream

Foam furs: snakeskin dream

Foam furs: camo dream

Foam furs: Leopards at the Fringe

Foam furs: unigirl dream

Foam furs: fursuit dream

Foam furs: Silky's inversion

Foam furs: 'Arrival' by A. Gross

Foam furs: Silky glances

Foam furs: Hisa dream

Foam furs: muscular doll

Foam furs: card-joint

Foam furs: card-joint

Foam furs: Mertiger

Foam furs: Mertiger

Foam furs: Half's hard

Foam furs: Mendelian chimeras

Foam furs: Mendelian chimeras

Foam furs: Silky walks

Foam furs: were-puma

Foam furs: Mertiger

Foam furs: herbivore

Foam furs: Silky's hand

Foam furs: Krelkin dream

Foam furs: dream of spirit chorus

Foam furs: Ailura padded

Foam furs: Silky at the gate

Foam furs: Ailura relaxing

Foam furs: Silky on my bed

Foam furs: Pina

Foam furs: Pina

Foam furs: Pina

Foam furs: Dzoa

Foam furs: Dzoa

Foam furs: Dzoa

Foam furs: Hashi

Foam furs: Hashi

Foam furs: Hashi

Foam furs: Mertiger

Foam furs: Aicorn

Foam furs: Aicorn

Foam furs: Aicorn

Foam furs: Vixtauria

Foam furs: Vixtauria

Foam furs: Vixtauria

Foam furs: Vixtauria

Foam furs: Vixtauria

Foam furs: Vixtauria

Foam furs: Vixtauria

Foam furs: Vixtauria

Foam furs: Vixtauria

Foam furs: Vixtauria

Foam furs: Vixtauria

Foam furs: Vixtauria

Foinbrek the moose

For them

For them

For them

Foresee election, blind to sex

Fossil Barbie

Four-armed dancer

Four-armed dancer

Four elementals

Four-eyed baby

Four-legged monk

Four lovers

Four of ten: 3

Four of ten: 5a

Four of ten: 5b

Four of ten: 5c

Four of ten: 7

Four taboos

Four taboos

Four taboos

Four taboos

Four taboos

Fox & the eye of God

Fox & the Triune Man

Fox couple

Fox couple




Fox on a train

Fox on a train

Fox-shepherdess and raven

Fox storm

Fox temple

Fox temple: fox

Fox temple: me

Fran says...

Franchise (comics)

Franchise (comics)

Franchise (comics)

Franchise (comics)

Freddy Krueger's politics

Freddy Krueger's politics

Free the hick: shamaness

Free the hick: trial

Freebird tower




Freighter drops a nuke

Fresh blood: a dream morphology

Fresh blood: a dream morphology

Fresh blood: a dream morphology


Frogwoman march

Fuck California


Furry trinity: 3

Furry trinity: 1

Furry trinity: 0

Fuse forever

Future books

Gallery gawkers: hat guy

Gallery gawkers: waif

Gallery gawkers: couple

Gallery gawkers: Pirate Girl

Gallery gawkers: altar

Gallery gawkers: intent

Gallery gawkers: Skate Pixy

Gallery gawkers: biker

Gallery gawkers: bubbles

Gandhi or war!


Geek shortage

Gender trail

Genderbent lucid dreams

George & Wilma

Ghost dogs

Ghost in Miriel's bug

Ghost in Miriel's bug

Ghost of creative catastrophe

The giant

Ginsberg unmasked

Ginsberg unmasked

Giraffe camo

Giraffe camo

Giraffe mission

Giraffetaur grove

Girl in the water

Girl in the water

Girl in the water

Girl into heron

The girl is armed

Girl teleports balloons

Girl with a problem

Give Travis...

Glass body

Go-go gang: Fiveheart

Go-go gang: Ailura

Goat dare

God dressed ye

God dressed ye

God dressed ye

God of the Gulf


Gold eater

Gold eater

Gold eater

Gold eater

Gold eater

Gold eater

Gold eater

Gold eater

Gold eater

Gold versus diamonds

The golden jockstrap

Golden Key

Golden Key

Golden Key

Golden Key

Golden Key

The golden paw

Goldie & grimoire

Goldie & grimoire

Goldie & grimoire

Goldie & grimoire

Goldie's rhinopotamus

Goldie's rhinopotamus

Gospel girl

Gospel girl

Gospel girl

Gospel girl

Gospel girl

A gothic tale

Gotta be me, or...

Grandma Lily


Great goddess

Green Day dream

Green Day dream

Green Day dream

Green green spirit of the spring

The green ray

Greenscreen angel

Grief kiva

Grief kiva

Grief kiva

Grief kiva

Griffin and dragon

Griffins' lesson

Griffins' lesson

Griffins' lesson

Grimoire & pact

Grimoire & pact

Grimoire & pact



Ground zero

Ground zero

Ground zero

Groundhog day

Groundhog day

Groundhog day

Guardian angel course: crime

Guardian angel course: death

Guardian angel course: shaman

Guardian angel course: seals

Guardian angel course: angel

Guardian angels feud

Guiltless liar, honest exhibitionist

Guiltless liar, honest exhibitionist

Guinea-Bissau revolution

Guru in blue

Guru of cash

Guru of cash



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