Dream Humor (J-Z) see also A-I
Stupid dream humor. Though of course dream-jokes often have a point. It's our conscious minds that find dream-logic absurd. What intrigues me is how many of these dreams suggest that dreams find our conscious reasoning equally silly.
So ask yourself while reading these dreams: who's fooling who? Is dream-irrationality what it seems, or are your dreams putting you on?
Historical footnote:
Christmas Eve, 2000. Wayan was short on time, cash, inspiration... presents. Squeaking in desperation, our small mammal set the writing program Word to search the fifteen thousand dreams on Wayan's hard disk for certain keywords: silly, stupid, dumb, funny, and pointless. Numerous dreams short enough to fit in a chapbook were found. Edited, laid out, printed, and wrapped by dawn... a holiday trifle, it seemed at the time.
But along with a parallel experiment called Birth Dreams, that search was the seed of the World Dream Bank.
RELATED TOPICS: dream puns (both visual and verbal) - surrealism - nightmares (it's a fine line, sometimes) - the original book: Catalog: Dumb Dreams - tricksters: coyotes - ravens and crows - rabbits - foxes - See also the full INDEX OF SUBJECTS.
What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000 dreams plus 1000 pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.
JACKPOT: by Catshall; 2007/5/29. A dream on sex, art and change--a flood of change! How did my bondage dream turn into a slot-machine jackpot? And what kind of change is pouring out?... CAUTION: (CON)SENSUAL BONDAGE |
JADE JACKPOT, or, A HEAP O' CHANGE: by Wayan; 1990/1/7, a dream of shaking down God. I'm slipping dimes into a boulder of jade: a vending machine that fills every order wrong. Why feed it? Well... |
JANEWAY'S TANGO: by Wayan, 1998/10/20, a psychic Star Trek dream. Why is Captain Janeway doing the tango with another woman, in a creek, wearing a mermaid tail? |
JEAN ARP'S OCTOPUS: by Wayan; 2001/2/26; a surreal dream of my surreal reaction to a surrealist and his... lunch A library shows me surrealist Jean Arp's sketchbook. One Eschery sketch with repeated focal points is hypnotic. But they also show me his lunch, and I try to eat it! I fail. Head & gut disagree. Stuck Arp-way... CAUTION: NEVER EAT 12-YEAR-OLD SUSHI |
JERRY BROWN'S LAW: by Wayan; 2011/4/8; a dream of a political joke. Isn't it a joke? The State tests my art. I worry they'll stereotype me as another Crumb. So I tell an absurd lie about our governor. But my joke kinda makes sense... |
JESUS HEADS: by Jim Shaw; c.1994, punning dreamlets of giant... mugs In a museum I see huge Jesus heads with inset saints and figures in pain; then, in our old back yard, huge coffee cups half-sunk in the grass... |
JETCATS: by Wayan; 1990/5/24, a surreal dream hiding a message about others Our black cat Purr and our new blonde kitten fly around as if jet-propelled dive-bombing the roof. Alarming, but their cat-reactions aren't like mine-- fast as a test pilot! For me it'd be suicide; for them, just playing... |
J.F., T.B. AND ME: by Dream Junkee; 2008/1/24, a lucid nightmare-comedy Lucid, I summon a sexy literary character. But he tries to take over my personality and make it his lucid dream... CAUTION: VAMPIRE-SLAYING |
A JOB WELL DONE: by Wayan; 1981/3/2; a dream-farce with a serious warning The tale of a fawn named Fawn and her mom, a bank-robbing hippopotamus... CAUTION: GLAMORIZES THIS ALARMING TREND |
JOE COOL IN FINANCIAL HELL: by Wayan; 2009/6/15; Dreamverse #46 When the school district goes bankrupt, students flee creditors into a hell-cave. But Joe Cool can skateboard even on lava in the Pit... |
JOIN THE HUMAN RACE: by Wayan; 1985/2/11, a Gordian dream. My shortcut in a marathon bogs down in a maze full of psychoanalysts! So I climb the walls and... |
JUMBLE by Nancy Price; 1948, a comically exaggerated predictive dream A bewildering dream of a boy's borrowed bath, absconding renters' furniture and fly-eating turns real a few weeks later... |
JUNG'S ADVICE by Alan David Price, 1996 or before, dream-advice about dreams! Sampling the food at a party, I spot a mouse doing the same. Meeting Carl Jung, I chant "Mickey Mouse, ha ha ha!" He replies "For God's sake, quit writing your dreams! Wake up and accept your mouse!"... |
THE KANGAROO EXECUTOR: by Wayan; 2023/7/3, a surreal dream poem The will named a strange executor: a kangaroo. Turns out there's some logic to it: executors need burglar-skills, and few quadrupeds can climb in bedroom windows... |
KEYBOARD TO PIZZA: by Jonathan Coe; c. 1996, a surreal dream of musical failure. Our band from a decade ago plays a reunion gig. It's a disaster even before my keyboard turns into a giant pizza and my fingers start burning on the mozzarella... |
KICK THE PRESIDENT: by Wayan; 1999/6/1, a dream on consequences. I win a free game of Kick the President. But what if everyone can see your kick-ass Prez but you? CAUTION: THIS DREAM IS MONITORED BY THE SECRET SERVICE |
KIDNAP LI PO!: by Wayan; 1990/1/16, a poetic dream. I dream a Chinese fable: how the poet Li Po was abucted by the gods, till they face heavenly justice... CAUTION: ABDUCTION, DRUNKS, EVIL PUN |
THE KING OF PERSIA: by Wayan; 1990/4/1, an annoying family dream. My dad has a time machine, so he generously invites the King of Persia over. And offers him MY room... |
KISS THE CATS: by Wayan; 2008/8/23, a dream poem, Dreamverse #13 I have to kiss a mess of cats. Fishy, but I'm not chicken. My real beef is with the humans watching... |
KNIGHTLY: by Wayan, 2019/2/12, a dream-poem on a wide time-vista Huge gold construction cranes loom over medieval castles. Not rebuilding, but hoisting knights to the heights. I get a ride up, and see a wide timescape... |
KOLCHEC: by Al Davison (Jan.1977-1978) & Sara Welponer 2000, sketches of a shared dream-figure AL repeatedly drew a bizarre, recurring dream-guide named Kolchec; years later he met SARA, who'd painted her dream-guide, a distinctive spook named--oh, take a guess... CAUTION: WILL DISTURB ESP SKEPTICS |
LAING: by R.D. Laing; 1983/2/18, two excerpts from a talk on transpersonal dreams. R.D. Laing gives two examples of dream-spillage suggesting it's not passive but playful... |
LAKOTA TRAINSCAPES: by Wayan; 2018/10/30, art seen in an anti-lucid dream In a general store on a High Plains rez, I find two surreal collaged postcards. If only this were a dream they'd qualify for the World Dream Bank, but sadly, it isn't. Right? CAUTION: STUPID, STUPID CONSCIOUS! |
LAMEST CAR CHASE EVER: by Wayan, 2023/10/2, a dream predicting not events but emotions I'm caught in a surreal traffic jam--balky horses, teeny cop cars. Get so stressed that I split into a big creature guarding a small human sleeper. But even sleep is now a crime... CAUTION: PREDICTIVE? |
THE LEAD HAZARD OF WITCHES: by Wayan; 2008/11/21; an alternate-world dream I'm in an America where witches are burned & abused women grow on trees. Yet three of us heal... CAUTION: CREEPY PARALLEL WORLD |
LET GO THE SAFE: by Wayan; 2014/2/6; poem of a lucid flying dream I'm pushing a safe off a roof in Berkeley so it won't be pushed off the roof (yep, you read that right) but it pulls me with it! Either die, or go lucid and fly... |
LIE TO AVOID MURDER: by Wayan; 2016/3/3, a sex dream prompting nonsexual action Two jealous women symbolize Hillary Clinton & Donald Trump. Trump wants me to KILL Clinton. I lie to avoid... CAUTION: SLEAZE? OR A SLY WAY TO PROTECT VICTIM? |
A LIFE IN PERCENTAGES: by Wayan; 2013/5/19, a dream about dreams--and timesharing A man I meet leads half a dozen consistent dreamlives--an experience so splintered that it's hard to figure out which life is his waking one... |
THE LIMIT OF HUMAN EXPERIENCE: by Wayan; 1974/3/13, a dream of madness. Deep in the caves, a Voice announces I've gone as far as the human mind can stand. But ahead, I see... |
LINDA'S NAVAL by Linda W & Wayan, 1991/8/16; parallel surreal exhibitionist dreams WAYAN: My housemate Linda shows me her weird navel--and pussy, to compare... LINDA: At Christmas, I run through snowy streets, naked except for earphones... CAUTION: NUDITY & AWFUL DREAM-PUN |
LION EYES: by Patagia; 2007/11/??, a serious dream-prank. Lions trap me in an African cave with only coffee, paper and pens! Is this what it takes to get me to write? |
LIONS AND TIGERS: by William Archer's friend; before 1924, a zootheological dream. At the zoo, Archer's friend found the tigers caged but the lions roaming free. The reason? Lions fear hell, but tigers... |
LITTLE DEVILS: by Roswila, 2007/10/30; a dreamku A dream haiku of little devils dancing the conga. What's it mean? Well, check the date... |
LITTLE NEMO'S BED: by Winsor McCay; c. 1906, a famous if probably fictional dream icon Little Nemo's bed gets restless and takes him for a wild ride through town and up onto roofs... |
LOBSTER ECSTASY: by Wayan; 1970/11/1?, a teenage lobster love dream. One of my first recorded dreams--how I foolishly turned away from Lobster Love... CAUTION: CHITINOUS SEX |
LONELY NO MORE!: by Wayan; 2000/3/27, a sculpture of American singlehood. The Dating Fairy, built on lonely evenings waiting for her to call me back--whoever "her" was that week... CAUTION: NUDITY, SEXUAL THEMES |
LONG JOHNS by Ann Faraday, 1972; punning dreamlets on two consecutive nights DREAM 1: A man wearing long white underwear shoots me down with a machine gun. DAY: Long John Nebel interviews me; his Freudian friend calls me a penis-envying woman. DREAM 2: Long John and his buddy umpire a rough baseball game. Definitely not cricket... CAUTION: SEXISM, FREUDIANS, PUNS |
LOOKING FOR LIBRIUM: by Jim Shaw; Jan. 1995?, a mutant Biblical dream After fighting off an electrified Orson Welles, I meet the twelve vulture-pine-politicians climbing Mt Sinai, looking for librium... |
THE LORD CHANCELOR'S NIGHTMARE: by Gilbert & Sullivan; 1882, a comic song-lyric on insomnia The Lord Chancelor can't sleep, and when at last he does, he drifts through nightmares full of baby lawyers and potted tradesmen sprouting fruit, and cutthroat corporate scheming. But that's Victorian dreaming! |
THE MAD DATER: by Mark Varitz and Wayan; 1996/10/29, linked (telepathic?) nightmares. Always ask permission to throw rocks at your date. No, not those big ones! Where's the nearest hospital? CAUTION: SURREAL DATE ABUSE |
MAFIA DENTIST: by Wayan, 2007/7/10; a predictive comic nightmare. My dentist (a Haitian Mafia leader) sends a message to my dad (also a Mafia don) by dental cruelty.... |
MAGIC FINGER: by Katherine Metcalf Nelson; 1982 (May?); a nightmare veering into mystery Morocco. Horseback mercenaries attack a town. A boy says "Take their lifestyle, and you must remove their brains." A protective Hand of Fatima dissolves, leaving a finger, a feather, a... vagina. "What a slit!" We burst into laughter... |
MAGICAL LIGHT: by Wayan; 1985/10/8, a dream on micromania Linda Evans of Dynasty survives a shapeshifters' war, though her mansion's wrecked. She meets a caped superhero--and superdog, and supercat, squirrel, hamster, mouse! These micro-heroes make me see I too have been minimizing my own bravery... |
A MAMMOTH FIGHT: by Wayan; 1996/2/26, a dream of another life. A tacky other life... I'm a fight promoter. But my biggest deal ever is growing out of my control. Mammoth versus Rex, sure. But now it's a four-way bout--schoolbus, whale... CAUTION: CRASS ACT |
MARINE GEOLOGY'S NOT IT: by Wayan; 1984/6/2, a dream farce. After finding marine geologists in my chocolate pudding, I'd rather be a Frenchman and insult my wife... CAUTION: DECADENCE |
MARK ROLLS THE MELON: by Wayan, 1990/7/4, an Independence Day dream-comic My friend Mark and I climb the Path of Righteousness to the summit where he finds a big red watermelon. He rolls it down the Path of Righteousness, knocking businessmen aside like bowling pins! Why? Well... |
MARTIAN ROBOTS DRESS LIKE FREUD: by Wayan, 1975/8/16, an absurd dream... predicting my life-path? Martian robots pester me. I flee through the Asteroids, leaving chaos, cratering Earth. Years later on my farm, a bot shows up disguised as Freud. I start mudslinging... |
MATISSE: by Wayan; 1988? early digital daydream. An early piece about Matisse, and his models, and quilting, and disembodied heads... |
MATISSE IS NO MOE: by Wayan; 1988. Matisse-style collage-poem. An elegy to a great paper-cutter, and three (or was it four?) sado-humorists who still scare me a little... |
MCKILLIP'S NEW BOOK: by Wayan; 2010/7/23, an epic literary dream I'm inside a magical novel by Patricia McKillip, amid tricksters, cosplayers, spooks, sex changes, levitation and (sigh) cops... CAUTION: COYOTE SEX |
MIGRATING BREASTS: by Wayan, 1988/11/9; a sacred-surreal-sexy-stupid dream A priestess guarding a Thai temple in the forest has a strange problem: her breasts rebel, escape and scurry round like hamsters under her skin; they don't like that Buddhist restraint... CAUTION: WARDROBE MALFUNCTION |
MIND OF A MURDERER: by Mary Arnold-Forster; between 1910 & 1920, a dream on self-justification I sink into a book on a murderer who rationalizes away all guilt, but pull out thinking "How morbid!"... |
MISSION TO MACEDONIA: by William Archer; 1919/7/6, a pseudo-psychic dream-within-a-dream. I'm offered a spy-mission to Macedonia, and recall I dreamt this last night--a prophetic dream! Then wake... |
THE MIX-UP: by Marilyn Stablein; 1968, an early comic dream of human-induced climate change Tibetan prayers for good weather are answered too well. Heat wave! Tourists fly in, but planes can't land-- melting glaciers flood the airstrips. So tourists eager to sunbathe in Tibet strap on parachutes, prepare to jump... |
MOM POPS: by Wayan; dreamed 1983/8/5, a dream of bursting your inner critic The flood sickens my fuchsia bush. My mom says my fuchsia is hopeless, but I make up a treatment. When it works, well... read the title. CAUTION: PUNS, EXPLODING MOM |
MOOD ELEVATOR: by Wayan; dreamed 1982/5/12, a surreal/comic dream opposing mood enhancers Dinner with the Lightbulb Heads. When we leave, the Mood Elevators welcome us... but won't let us out! And in the struggle to escape, heads will roll--and shatter... CAUTION: HARSH WORDS ON WESTERN MEDICINE |
MOON LAUNCH: by Andrea McFarland, 2021/9/25; a frustrating flying dream I'm scheduled to fly the first antigravity ship to the moon--if I can just get to the pad on time... |
MORAL MINNOWS: by Wayan; 1992/9/15, a sociopolitical dream. A dream explaining why everyone with any moral vision gets filtered out of politics now... |
MOUNTING PROBLEMS: by Wayan, 2021/5/22; an anti-Freudian punning math dream. I'm a giant wolf with a human girlfriend. A formula says I must shrink until my paws are 128 times the volume of her feet. But I'll still be way too big for sex! Eight seems more like the right volume... CAUTION: HORNY WOLF, MATH, CLIMACTIC PUN |
THE MOUSE: by Paul Nash; Feb. 1913, surreal bedtime experience triggers surreal nightmare We save a mouse from a man who claims he eats them. Later I dream I am the mouse... |
THE MOWER by Iris Murdoch, 1993 or 4, and AS Byatt, June 1996; one spiritual dream provoking a second. MURDOCH'S DREAM: I sat on a terrace. An angel flew by. I asked if God existed. He said "Certainly"... BYATT'S DREAM: I sat on a terrace with Iris. A whirlwind flew across the lawn, roaring like a power mower. I said "He's in there. I love him." She said "So he is. So do I." As I woke, I knew he was Death, the Mower... CAUTION: SPIRITUALITY AND PUNS |
MUGS: by Wayan; 1985/12/25, a dream of weird Christmas gifts A shop sells coffee cups covered in tales & creatures begging to be drawn... |
MUPPET WITNESS: by Bill Tjaden, art by Jesse Reklaw; pre-2000; an absurd dream I work in a witness protection program. We hide the Muppet on the bottom of an empty swimming pool, hand him a long straw, and fill it with... |
MY ART'S IN THE MUSEUM, ALL RIGHT: by Wayan; 1996/2/19, a dream on self-theft. At last, I get shown in the museum! Sort of. Homeless people sell my art from carts in the lobby. Stolen!... |
MY CHANCE: by Howard Nemerov, 1980 or before, a comic dreamlet An actor-manager type is putting on Hamlet, and he offers me a role; I'm breathless, my chance has come at last! He'd like me to play... |
MY CUBIST CONSCIENCE: by Wayan; 1982/8/5; a dream warning of overharsh ethics. I dreamed I was trapped in the maze of my pacifist vegetarian feminist anarchist eco-conscience... |
MY EDUCATION: by William S. Burroughs, 1959-94, a recurrent dream theme or mantra. At the airport, I'm told I can't take my flight; I must finish my education first. Decades have passed, and I still dream of borders and officials who won't let me go until they decide I've finished my... |
MY EX-WIFE: by Wayan; 1982/3/23, a dream on delusions--and maybe ESP A woman with two teenagers breaks in and says she's my ex-wife and they're my kids. I'm in my twenties; I CAN'T have teenage kids. And I have no ex-wife! Just my girlfriend Cassandra. Forty years later it all makes sense. It's not about me then, but John now... CAUTION: ADULT THEMES--TRULY STUPID ADULT THEMES. E.S.P., TOO. |
MY FUTURE ART: by Jim Shaw; between 1987 & Jan. 1995; a self-fulfilling dream prophecy This woman shows me a book of my art. I'm not sure I want to see them--some pieces are from my future... |
MY LITTLE 'POCALYPSE: by Wayan, 2019/5/10; a predictive dream of a TV show making extinction cute The 'toon actors from My Little Pony gleefully volunteer to die horribly in a TV documentary on the impact in Yucatan that killed off the... dinosaurs? No! Unicorns, griffins, pegasi and dragons! As I draw the dream, I get an email from the maker of a TV documentary on climate catastrophe... |
MY NEW JOB: by Wayan; 1987/4/20, a haiku-ish dream joke? At the library, my boss says we're restructuring, modernizing. My new job is to... |
MY POETIC LICENSE: by Wayan; 2008/10/5, a self-referencing dream poem; Dreamverse #33 Renewing one's life has its costs. What if you can't pay the price? A dreamlet of warning and shame... |
MY SOUL: by Lee Kennedy; 1994, a spiritual dream. Aliens take me to meet my soul. It's on a pedestal in a quasi-Roman villa. I'm ashamed to see my soul's just a tribble. But it sings soulfully, and when happy, it purrs... |
MY SPLEEN: by Ned, as told by Gayle Delaney, 1979 or before, a diagnostic dream-pun DAY: I write, exploring my jealousy toward my wife, though I know she's not cheating on me. DREAM: Doctors remove my spleen and wake it up! Now my spleen is out to do me in... |
NAMELESS HAT: by Elizabeth Kew; 1930s?, a comic dream. Giant worms put me on trial for wearing a nameless hat, but I like their punishment so I taunt the judge... |
NEST, EGGS AND LEGS: by Jenny Badger Sultan; l993/9/7, a comic mystical dream Two friends send energy through me, transforming me. Now that my legs are detachable, I can sit comfortably on my eggs... |
NED'S KISS by Ned's mom and sister Ethel; pre-1961, cledonic dreams of a playful revenant I wished I could kiss my son farewell. That week, Ethel called. "I dreamed Ned kissed you, not me! I was hurt. He laughed like anything and kissed me too..." |
NERO'S TOOTH: by Vespasian, c.65 CE, an oracular dream fulfilled alarmingly soon Vespasian dreamed he and his family would rise only when Emperor Nero lost his teeth. The next day, a surgeon happened to show Vespasian a tooth he'd just extracted from... |
NIC THE UNICORN: by Roger Martinez; 2013; a dream encounter I met Nic as he steppd out of the elevator. We were both spooked. Nic asked if I believed in mermaids and unicorns. I said “yes.” I asked Nic if he believed in dreamers, and after a pause... |
NIXON AND CHOU: by John Wren-Lewis, c.1973, a character-evaluation dream of Ann Faraday DREAM: I'm in the White House. Nixon blows his nose on the curtains! I think "despite his crudity, he reached out to China." DAY: my wife Ann has a cold--she's Nixon! The dream concedes she has private flaws, but she's pioneered dream research... |
NIXON'S BLANKET POLICY: by Wayan; 1974/5/30, a political dream. After a class in nonverbal communication, I meet Richard Nixon under embarrassing circumstances... |
NO ROOM ON THE MOON!: by Wayan; 2014/7/7; poem of a frustrating surreal dream I want to catch a crescent moon home--our transit system's been buying up old moons and running them across town--but tourists reserved all the seats... |
NOCTURNAL HAIRCUTS: by two of Pliny the Younger's servants; 96 CE. Subliminal? Oracular? Prank? Two boys dream robed figures climb in the window to cut their hair--and find, awake, someone has. While Pliny... |
NON OMNIS MORIAR: by Carole Lindberg; Dec. 2012, a comic apocalyptic dream The world was ending. Volcanoes, floods. Refugees trudged by in the mud, carrying their belongings on their backs. I think I better get dressed to go. But I can't find anything appropriate to wear... |
NORTH FLEET OF THE RAIN: by Wayan; 1974/7/10, an alien-invasion-solution dream A vast galactic fleet hovers around Earth, demanding Rain. Whaaat? I fight an alien leader, and find out what their long drought has been... CAUTION: UFO SEX |
NOT A LICK OF E.S.P.: by Wayan; 2021/10/22, a sex dream not about sex (or ESP) After an impatient bookseller puts me down, I dream I'm licking a girl who nothing pleases... |
NOUVELLE BARBIE BODS: by Patagia, 2012/12/22, a playful poem on a dream-diorama I visited my friend Chris Wayan's workshop and found him building a dance troupe of joyfully obscene centaurs out of Barbie dolls... |
O LA LA, WHAT A STRANGE DREAM: by Julie Doucet; 1989, a comic space sex dream Mom gave me cookies for my three-year solo spaceflight. Special cookies for both ends of me... CAUTION: NUDITY, BAD SEX ADVICE |
THE OBSERVER EFFECT, OR, WATCH THE WATCH: by Wayan; 1997/1/21, a dream of time and opticks. After seeing an Einstein biography I find myself in the bathrooms of Thought-Experiment High, and... CAUTION: DARK SIDE OF AN ICON |
ODESSA STEPS: by Wayan; 2022/3/18, a predictive dream? I hope! A man's stalking me and my friends. We try to escape but a circus is in the way. My friends shrink to babies, so I pop them in a stroller and flee over steep hills, bouncing down stone stairs! "OW!" the babies howl! Hey... why do I feel deja vu? CAUTION: INTERPRETATION INSULTS BOTH RUSSIA AND NATO |
OLD ADAM: by Robert Southey; 1804/12/7, a comic dreamlet. I meet the original Adam. He complains Eve neglects him, but he hopes to meet one of his cleverer descendants... |
OLD HAT: by Wayan; 1988/1/5, a "normal" (i.e. incoherent) dream. The Goddess gave birth in my workplace. Her fever-dreams become real around us... CAUTION: BIRTH SCENE, LIBRARIANS' ORGY |
OLDER AND YOUNGER: by 'Rasselon'; 2009/11/17, a dream of erotic deviousness The older sorceress I'm in bed with plans to marry me off to a younger woman, but I distract her with my tongue... CAUTION: BEDROOM HUMOR |
ONE FRUIT REMAINS UNEATEN: by Catshall; November 1983, a journal dotted with dreams My day life as an artist and explorer of the San Francisco underground scene gets regularly commented on by my dreamlife... CAUTION: SEX, BONDAGE |
ORANGE: by Jim Shaw; c.1994; a wordplay dream? A coy, giggling giant orange bounces onto a man's bed, trying to seduce him, and... |
ORBITING MOM: by Wayan; 1997/1/7, an uh-oh dream. I'm trying to get a moontan when my mom appears. My astral body starts orbiting her like a moon. Uh-oh... |
ORCA TOWS: by Wayan; 1984/5/25, a dream with impact. I show an Ohio friend the latest California sport. But we haven't quite worked out how to land just yet... |
ORE PIRATES, by Wayan, 2009/5/29; a dream-poem, Dreamverse #45 I'm in a movie version of prehistoric Baja California, mining nuggets that howl, when pterodactyl-worshiping pirates glide in trying to snatch our ore... |
ORGY BELOW THE SURFACE: by Rick Veitch; 1994 or before; an embarrassing dream Under the surface of my comics panels, a tiny horde is having an orgy. I can't publish this, it's too embarrassing! Wait a minute. That one is me... CAUTION: MICRO-ORGY |
OWL TAVERN: by Dan O'Neill; before 1994/11/2, a dream-comic I stumble into a bar where the TV stars from my childhood are drunkenly arguing metaphysics--Howdy Doody, Beany & Cecil, Flipper... |
PALE BLUE: by Wayan; 1997/5/12, a dream on denial. I pray for love and promptly meet Blue, whose mom treats her like a kid. We change that, but it's messy... |
PAPER BAG: by Pete Peterson, art by Jesse Reklaw; pre-2000; a comic dreamlet God issued me a paper bag to go over my head & protect my eyes when facing him--at first. But as I advanced spiritually, I tore... |
PASSIONVILLE: by Wayan; 1982/7/10; a surreal dream written as a poem We're stuck in an empty town whose streetnames are all emotions. And they change. Rage becomes Giggle. Tedium, Terror! Devious town... |
PENGUINS TALK ONLY TO...: by Wayan; 1987/7/25, a comic dream-poem. Talking animals flood my bedroom. Well, they'll talk to me--but they're cliquish. Hippos snub cats snub bears snub deer, and no one talks to penguins, for... |
PIANO AND CROCODILES: by Wayan; 1987/9/6, a predictive dream with teeth. My parents host a dinner party, but squeeze us all onto a piano stool. I plink away nervously. The guests flee. My sister blames me, but I suspect it's my dad's pet crocodiles! Next day... |
PIANOBED: by Wayan; 2012/1/22, a health-advisory dream. I forgot how to play my pianobed, so I just thrash around in it. And thus thrash music is born (sorry)... |
PIE HOLE: by Wayan; 2021/9/12, an Emperor's New Clothes dream with a twist |
I'm shyly making love with a classmate, Cynthia. Classmates gawk & point, through the pie-hole in the ceiling. But our perspective reveals that under our critics' skirts... CAUTION: UPSKIRT NUDITY |
PIGEON SHAMAN: by Rick Veitch; Feb 1974, a dream-comic on Jungian shadows. |
Bums tap on the diner window. I tell them to buzz off, until I really look at the latest--a shaman dressed as a huge pigeon. He's no panhandler!... |
PIKE JOURNAL: by Wayan; 1984/11/14, a small psychic dream. |
I'm peeking at Pike's Peak with Gregory Peck, as we seek my dream-journals in the Hawaiian jungles... CAUTION: STUPID PSYCHIC PUNS |
PINHEAD HEAVEN: by Wayan; 2013/7/12, an absurd dream-poem |
I'm in heaven. But... what can you do up here? And it's so small. Where is everyone?... CAUTION: WE FIND OUT |
THE PIRATE TWINS: by Wayan; 1996/7/25, a dreamtale on intrigue. |
I love the Twins. They love intrigue. So when a hired crocodile sabotages our Egyptian treasure-hunt... CAUTION: BAD GIRLS |
PIXY CONCUSSION: by Wayan; 2006/3/11, a diagnostic sex-dream comic, 9 p. (or illus. text) |
Janet's obsessed with a creepy guy till her pixy friend Kay decides to "knock some sense into her cunt"--literally... CAUTION: LANGUAGE, NASTY LOVE SPELL, PIXIE NUDITY |
PLANET-SCULPTING APE: by "AE" (George Russell); mid-1870s, a childhood characterological dream. |
On a cloud in space I met an ape molding a model of Earth, glancing at the original far below. We were much alike... |
PLANETARY EYE: by Wayan; 2023/7/9, a surreal world-building dream |
I'm building a planetary model a kilometer across, inset in Bernal Hill like an eye in a socket. My intern Silky kicks the globe, scuffing a caravan trail in a desert. Needs to be crookeder... CAUTION: FATSHAMING? OR CALLING OUT SKINNYSHAMING? |
THE PLAY: by Georges Perec; February 1972, a dream with the attention span of a gnat. Dream #108 |
I'm in a play. Fear, then joyful sex, then ranching, then silly hats, as a man drones on about class struggle. Weird chairs, pingpong, coffee, impossible double utterances. At last I tell friends my dream--backwards. Then I write the dream down on slices of cheese... CAUTION: SEX ONSTAGE |
PLUM CRAZY: by Wayan; fall 1973, an early surreal but nondream poem |
Plums float through the autumn air, sending us airmail kisses. If we'll accept delivery... |
PLUMBER'S HELPER: by Katherine Metcalf Nelson; 1981/12/8; a punning spiritual dream |
A stopped-up mystical toilet gets cleared by an unexpectedly colorful tool; but then, you never anticipate what'll unplug your, um, "head"... |
POIROT AND THE DICKHEADS: by Wayan; 2010/3/11, a comic antilucid dream | I'm detective Hercule Poirot, but I'm losing my case and my brain-- because my story isn't by Agatha Christie, it's a knockoff... CAUTION: PINK DILDO HATS |
POLITICS BITES: by Emanuel Swedenborg, 1744/4/13, a dream of... read the title! |
Swedenborg's in bed with a woman, but she has teeth down there. Oh, now and she's not a woman, but his political buddy Johan! Well, maybe it means not to get involved with women, or men, or... politics? CAUTION: JUST WEIRD |
POTATO ENGINE by Jonathan Carroll, 1996 or before, a comic dream |
I live in LA. I buy a used car whose engine, it turns out, is a big potato. How cool--an edible motor! But it breaks down--clogged by black gunk. Must I replace it with ordinary metal? I want a potato engine... |
THE POWER BEHIND THE GODS: by Wayan; 1972/10/25, a dream on the uses of universe-hopping |
I meet the terrible Power Behind the Gods. I don't like it. So I get my squirtgun & shoot its butt. The enraged Power chases me as blindly as I hoped! I jump into a secular universe, and... CAUTION: SACRILEGE |
PREGNANCY FROM HELL: by Wayan; 1994/6/6, a predictive dream-farce. |
I'm pregnant with the Antichrist. This is going to ruin my vacation! Why do I think this is all about money? |
PRESIDENT OF THE WORLD: by Wayan; 2009/10/19, an illustrated dream poem; Dreamverse #61 |
I get stuck with a one-year mandatory gig as President of the World, just as Saudi Arabia collapses, and fools rush in... |
PRESIDENTIAL TACO: by Robert Adams, art by Jesse Reklaw; pre-2000; a dream farce |
I botched President Clinton's taco. And on the way home, I fell in the river. Luckily, Jesse Jackson happened by and pulled me out, restoring my faith in... |
THE PRIME DIRECTIVE: by Wayan; 1994/3/9, a pro-meddling dream. |
A bunch of primitives try to trick their way into the Federation, slipping around the Prime Directive... |
PSYCHIC CAT: by Scott Bartell, art by Jesse Reklaw; pre-2000; a comic dreamlet |
Our neighbors keep dropping by with gifts and favors for our cat. Why? He'd gained magical powers by amassing 10,000 dead mice... |
PSYCHIC FAMILIES ARE SO MUCH FUN: by Wayan; 1980/7/21, a true story of ESP. |
My sister's avoiding our nosy parents, but I sense they'll run into her soon. I just didn't know HOW soon... |
PYLONS: by Louis MacNeice; Jan. 1940. A surreal political dream. |
I was on a steamer run amok, in a boiling yellow incredible sea out of which great pylons rose... |
THE PYRAMID COW: by Wayan; 1999/12/18, a dreamtale. |
Protestors occupy the Transamerica Pyramid and install a cow as CEO... a Cash Cow? |
RACK: by Wayan; 2006/4/4; a comic business-bondage dream |
My friend Chris gets tied up at the office--that's his job, looking martyred! But when the boss is away... CAUTION: NUDITY |
RATTLER BANQUET: by Wayan; 1993/1/29, a pointed nightmare; it leaves punctures! |
My parents invite me out to dinner, but there's a rattlesnake under the table, and my mom chases it up my leg. I wake to find two holes in my knee... |
RAVEN AT 5 O'CLOCK: by Raven and Wayan; 1996/11/30. Shared but stupid psychic dreams. |
My girlfriend Raven dreams I keep poking her awake, while I dream that a giant raven gives me weird advice... |
RAVEN'S MIRROR: by Wayan, 2022/8/15, a surreal shamanic dreamlet |
A raven summons a levitating mirror that shows her face as a human, and tries out moods & expressions based on Tarot cards plucked from a tree... |
RECURRING SCHOOL NIGHTMARE: by Julie Doucet; July 1995, a dream of... oh, read the title! |
Trapped in elementary school, Julie is forced to study the alphabet until she declares "I'm a professional cartoonist, goddammit!"... |
RELIEF CARAVAN: by Marilyn Stablein; 1968, a dream while visiting Nepal... for six years |
Famine. Our Tibetan monastery's prayers are answered. A caravan of yaks comes over the pass, bearing... |
REMARKABLE: by Joseph Wilkins; 1754, an out-of-body dream |
Wilkins visits his parents in a dream. Only they think he's a ghost, and panic--in the real world... |
A RENAISSANCE WOMAN: by Wayan; 1997/7/3, a dreamtale. |
I'm an abused girl turning tricks to survive. But this is San Francisco: I join a prostitutes' co-op, and meet... CAUTION: PROSTITUTES WITH SELF-RESPECT, OH NO! |
REQUIEM FOR GINGER: MAGNIFICAT: by Lily; 2008/1/31, a dream on facing loss. |
I dream I’m telling a tall tale about a cat-funeral with hung-over mice pulling the hearse. But it all turns a bit too real... |
RESHAPE MY FACE: by Wayan; dreamed 1988/9/21; a dream on the benefits of indulgence |
Lounging in the sun, I do a magical make-over--molding my bones to give myself more room for intuition, judgment, nerve--all the while feeling shallow & indulgent for self-improving!... |
REVELATION: by Roz Chast, 2023 or before, a smelly space dream |
Turns out you can float in deep space without a helmet. But there's this weird disturbing smell, like an electrical fire... |
THE RICH WRECK THE WELL: by Jim Shaw; between 1987 & Jan. 1995, a dream of Heaven |
A movie version of heaven. Souls line up for rejuvenation from a great fountain. But fat old rich guys crash the line, demanding to be first... CAUTION: UGLY NUDITY, UGLY BEHAVIOR, POLITICALLY PREDICTIVE |
ROCKY LOVE: by Wayan; 1984/1/18, a dream farce. |
A friend's tragic accident confines him to disco roller skates for life! Worse yet, he's in a Rocky Relationship... CAUTION: "ROCKY HORROR" REFS, SEX |
THE ROYAL NONESUCH: by Wayan; 1988/4/15, a dream on the media. |
My mom and sister take me to see a bondage film. But the movie steals my pants! I should have known... CAUTION: WORSE THAN PEEWEE HERMAN |
RUNAWAY MOONS: by Wayan; 2011/4/6, an absurd nightmare poem |
New moons appear. I try to mash them into a spare Earth, but botch the orbits. So now, runaway moons rumble down a steep San Francisco hill... CAUTION: ALWAYS SET PARKING BRAKE |
SAGAN: by Wayan; 1996/5/3, a psychic dream in response to Carl's challenge. |
DAY: on the radio Carl Sagan calls those who've experienced ESP or UFOs "proto-fascists"... DREAM: a flying pewter teapot orbits a round blue vase--like a starship round the Earth... NEXT WEEK: My mom calls. She's selling that pewter pot after a century in the family... CAUTION: DISSES SAGAN |
SAVONAROLA: by Mrs C., circa 1867; a dream mocking excess self-criticism |
Mrs C. dreamed she was the ascetic preacher Savonarola, who wanted to burn all vanities. In her audience she saw... Mrs C! So she, Savonarola, aimed her barbs at all of C's flaws... |
THE SAN DIEGO CENTAURS: by Wayan; 1985/1/9, a slice-of-life dream. |
In San Diego, I fly around disrupting the UFO games in the junkyard, till I reconnect with a centaur friend |
SANTA CLUMP: by Wayan; 2009/9/16, an absurd dream-poem; Dreamverse #54 |
I find myself sitting on toy trains and fake snow as I'm told a fable: how a herd of department-store Santas got tragically lost in a blizzard... |
SATANAGRAM: by Wayan; 1998/8/1, a Christmas song lyric. |
A hard-hitting rap on Satan's dumbest disguise. Yet he's gotten away with it! The shocking truth... CAUTION: LANGUAGE! SACRILEGE! MUCILAGE! (FOR THE BIG WHITE BEARD) |
SATORI ACCORDING TO GHOST: by Wayan; 1998/4/11, a longterm predictive dream |
A Buddhist student, troubled by a corporation marketing a product called "Satori", summons the ghost of her beloved mentor for advice... |
SATURN BEACH: by Wayan; 1990/4/18, a playful advisory dream |
Sunbathing on Saturn's rings with a girl who's preparing for reincarnation--like me. She's cute, but she chucks litter in the Bay of Rebirth. Maybe not Ms. Right, then... |
SAVED BY A CYMBAL: by Wayan; 2021/11/29, a dream punning about dreamwork! |
Stranded on an island where a marching band drowned, I escape by paddling across the Pacific using a rusty, er, cymbal... |
SCROLLS: by Chris Wayan 1989/2/17, & Mark Varitz 1989/2/18; parallel dreamlets |
CHRIS: I find what may be a magic potion, if it has a scroll hidden in the liquid... MARK: I'm underwater. Spirits dance around me, on top of sunken scrolls... |
THE SEA-HAG RIOT: by Wayan; 1989/6/5, a wild dream hiding a warning. |
Aliens, hypnotherapy, dancing molars, riots, witches, flying pianos, lettuce... yet there is a point. |
SEE-THROUGH BAGS: by Marilyn Stablein; 1968, a dream while visiting Nepal... for six years |
I give plastic sandwich bags to people in Tibet. They go wild for them. Shortage! An air shipment from Delhi breaks open; Tibetans with butterfly nets... |
SELF-MADE COW: by Wayan; 2013/4/10, a surreal psychic dream. |
I'm in Santa Cruz with my friend, a shocking-pink stuffed toy cow with sewed-on accessories: big red lips, a floral wig, and a third eye. I wake, draw the dreamcow--and my sister calls from Santa Cruz to sing me a song about... |
SENTENCED TO CHEESE: by a Birmingham physician; early 1850s? a classic subliminal nightmare |
One night as I slept over a cheese shop, I dreamt I was trapped in a huge cheese, as a rat-horde gnawed... CAUTION: YOU ARE LUNCH |
SEXUAL DREAMS: by Felicia, Simone, Anons 60-61 & a UCSC student; 1994 or earlier, as told by Gayle Delaney |
Five short playful dreams exploring sex. Because too many therapists get in the habit of thinking all dreams must wrestle with unhappiness... |
SHARK, SHARK, SHARK!: by Thomas Madden; 2017/12/3, a non-nightmare about fear |
I'm in a crowd as a man lectures about sharks. He points at me and asks "Shall I throw him in with...?" |
SHHHH!: by Wayan; 1981, daydream in ink. |
A sudden image of a woman whose other lips not only talked, they wouldn't shut up. Worse yet, they... CAUTION: NUDITY |
SHIRT GIRL: by Zooop and Wayan; 1993/10/17, a shared, embarrassing telepathic dream. |
A fictional niece acting sexy in a shirt, plus... water balloons? I woke, and a friend told me HER dream... CAUTION: DREAM INCEST, KIDS WITH GUNS, GENERAL WEIRDNESS |
SHOUT IN A CROWD, or, How to Survey Galactic Civilization: by Wayan; dreamed 2014/4/15, |
a dream exposing what my brain's up to when I forget my dreams! I wander the galaxy in my dreams, finding and testing crowds to see if anyone reacts to the sound of shouted English or Chinese. One in a thousand does! This implies... CAUTION: SCIENCE AND SHAMANISM DON'T MIX (or do they?) |
THE SHRINKING POPE: by Sorcha; 2005/4/1, a Jane Bond dream |
I’m the only one who can stop the plot to kill the Pope--but if he keeps shrinking like that, will it matter? CAUTION: RECOVERING CATHOLIC |
SIBERIAN TIGER VERSUS MUPPETS: by Chris Wayan 2020/12/9; a what-if dream |
I wake in a strange frozen bedroom. Oh. My bed is Siberia! That means there are tigers. Clearly the way to defend myself is with giant stuffed toys... |
SILK PINS: by Wayan; 1992/5/13, a self-mocking dream. |
I'm a trade rep for Terra, on a new world. But an old rival, a rep from another world, arrives, and... |
SINK JOHN: by Wayan; 1981/5/25, a dreamtale on "when in Rome..." |
My friend sleeps with an alien. He's ugly, but I don't care. What bothers me is, he eats bits of himself... CAUTION: SEX, RECREATIONAL CANNIBALISM, PROSTITUTION, THE KITCHEN SINK |
SIPHONIAN QUARTET: by Wayan; 2010/4/10, four baffling parallel-world dreams |
1: Purple squid saboteurs flood our cliffhouse. 2: My oyster-ranching girlfriend has a snobby aunt. 3: I wake in a stranger's bondage fantasy--ugh! 4: Shepherds on the sea-floor watch for gliderwolves... CAUTION: EMBARRASSING BONDAGE DREAM |
SIX AND A HALF EXPERTS VIEW THE BEAST: by Wayan; 2018/12/11-2019/1/31 |
(a poem answering Wallace Stevens's 13 Ways of Looking at a Blackbird) As the beast in question (and recalling the fable Six Blind Men and the Elephant) I don't mind letting six half-blind humans have their say--as long as I get my own... CAUTION: UNICORNS |
SKUNK? SWALLOW!: by Wayan; 1981/5/7, a dream-joke with a point. |
When I see two scary men on the trail, naturally, I swallow my skunk! I really don't recommend... |
SKY-THAW; 2012/6/8 by Wayan; a comic, surreal, political dream-poem |
While watching two rooftop actors (one a chicken) I noticed the icebergs in the sky were melting at last... |
SLEIPNIR: by Wayan; 1987/3/31, a dumb physics dream. |
I'm at a physics conference. A new force has been discovered that may just allow travel faster than light. Strange, how'd the Vikings know?... |
SLUG ETHICS: by Wayan; 1974/10/7, an undream tale. |
A man who wants to love and respect all life has unwanted kitchen guests: a wave of slugs... |
THE SMILING SHAW MACHINE: by W.B. Yeats; 1894/4/19, a nightmare about popular success. |
After Shaw's Arms and the Man eclipsed my own play The Land of Heart's Desire, I dreamt I was haunted by... |
SNOT-BIRD FORGERY!: a dream by Samuel Pepys, 1667/6/29, & a nightmare by Thomas Macaulay, c.1857 |
Samuel Pepys dreamt of kidneystones, pee, come, & snot--or did he? Thomas Macauley dreams his niece confesses... |
SO AROUSAL MEANS REM?: by Wayan; 1999/5/19, a dream on dreams. |
My sexual orientation shifts arbitrarily, turned on one second, off the next. Who's at the controls? CAUTION: SEXUAL CONFUSION |
SOME ASSEMBLY REQUIRED: by Wayan; 1978/10/26, a dreamtale. |
A demigoddess and a wizard meddle with humans. But do even THEY know what they're assembling? |
SORRY, MY MISTAKE: by Roz Chast, 2023 or before, a apologetic apocalyptic dream |
The lights go out, the world's ending. Roz tries to make party snacks and keep folks calm. At last she notices lights out the window. Other buildings seem fine. Is it really the Apocalypse? Or... |
SOULS IN THE MUD: by Wayan; 1981/1/14, a thoughtful dream. |
I'm being hunted in Reincarnation Swamp, as I worry--the human population boom means experienced souls are scarce. Are most folks you meet really dogs, cats... rats? CAUTION: MYSTIC ELITISM |
SPARROWHAWK: by "Anonymous #14"; pre-1963, a tiny, precise predictive dream |
I dreamt a sparrowhawk perched on my shoulder. Next day a friend was given a stuffed sparrowhawk. He... |
SPEAKING FERN: by Wayan; 1991/3/25, a dream-prank. |
A dead fern in my backyard starts sending me messages in some strange language... |
SPLAT!: by Wayan; 1995/12/11, a science-fiction dream. |
Our physics project is top secret, but a stranger strolls into a meeting and opens a can of green light... |
SPLINTER: by Wayan; 1981/3/14, a dream of love and nagging. |
I love Splinter, but her mom insists I got BOTH of them pregnant. Then I notice I'm pregnant too... CAUTION: SEX, NAGGING |
SPOCK'S SPIRITS: by Wayan; 2000/3/12, a financial-advice dream. |
Lost in a dark maze of machine-shops, I follow Mr. Spock, who's drunk, and talks to tree-spirits... CAUTION: ALCOHOL AS INSPIRATION? |
SPONTANEOUS DUCK: by Wayan; 2010/9/14, two dreams on feeling magically inadequate |
I spy on a girl learning magic in a quilted ditch. She lets me join her telekinesis lesson! Can my mind move a balloon? Then I tour a witch-world where normality's shameful. One kid's not witch or normal--he keeps turning into Donald Duck! CAUTION: DISNEY = DISABILITY? |
SPOON CHALLENGE: by Emily Joy; 2006/8/30, a mathemagical dreamlet. |
I want to drink the elixir, but negative 20 spoons block me! Can I remove them? With warped teacup logic & reciprocals… |
SQUASH WITH WHITE SAUCE: by Wayan; 1983/12/17, not a symbolic dream, no no |
I'm in a department store trying on clothes when I notice there's a large zucchini growing from my crotch... CAUTION: SQUASHY PENIS, ICKY RECIPE |
SQUIRREL GIRL: by Wayan; 1973/10/19, a dream poem of love & rockets |
Squirrel Girl and I try to find a private room, but Hal the mad computer in 2001 spies on us and our spaceship captain orders us to clean the ion tubes... CAUTION: SQUIRREL NUDITY |
A SQUIRRELY BUSINESS PLAN: by Wayan; 2009/3/2, a Looney-Toons dream |
I'm slow to catch on that this skunk's slidetalk isn't a business pitch; it's about seduction... CAUTION: ABSURD LOVE TRIANGLE, KINKY SKUNK |
SQUISH!: by Farelle-Moon; early 2006, drawn 2006/4/6, a comic furry sex dream |
I went to bed with a stuffed wolf, and found myself in a hot tub with a cute wolf guy, only now I seemed to be the plush one... CAUTION: FURRY NUDITY |
STALLION, NOT MARE: by Wayan; 2018/2/12, a road-rage weirdo provokes an even weirder dream |
DAY: a stranger screams "BITCH! Plant a TREE!" Thinks I'm female and wants to fight over an old bumper sticker? DREAM: I'm a horse detective. In shades, lipstick, & high heels I try to pass as a mare. Absurd! A stallion in drag... CAUTION: HORSE NUDITY. OH WAIT, THAT'S NORMAL. |
STEAMROLLER: by Richard Wilbur, late 20th Century; an embarrassing dream. |
As the steamroller flattened me I became quite a lovely stained-glass window... |
STEPHANIE GODOT: by Wayan; 1994/12/14, a waking comedy of two dreamworkers. |
My unconscious sabotages a lunch date with my friend Stephanie. The tricks get weirder, till... |
STINKING RICH: by Wayan; 1993/1/20, a dream about class rage. Stupid class rage. |
I envy and resent a rich family's mansion so much I break in and sabotage their giant meat freezer... CAUTION: HOSTILITY, ENVY, WASTE OF BAD FOOD |
STRANGE AUDITION: by Nancy Price; 1948, a predictive theatre-dream |
I dream the actors auditioning for George Bernard Shaw’s play are blends of human, avian, and lion. Next morning I find a card from Shaw asking if I'd fancy playing a lion in his... |
SUBMERGED IN THE WAVE: by Jenny Badger Sultan, 1988/8/3, a comic nightmare |
I'm holding a pornographic novel, trying to keep it dry, as huge waves flood the room. The book and I are both going to get drenched... |
SUCK MY CONE!: by Wayan, 1995/1/11, a bluesy dream. |
Nerds built the blues. Rick Moranis, famous blues-nerd, makes a groupie suck his ice cream cone... CAUTION: MOCKS MUSIC, RACE, VANILLA ICE (CREAM)... |
THE SUMMONERS: by Jim Shaw; between 1987 & Jan. 1995, a mysterious dream |
Two nude women (drawn Wally Wood style) dance ritually in a forest, summoning a worm-snake-dragon with a ring of fangs... CAUTION: NUDITY |
SURPRISE THAT PENIS: by Wayan; 1986/2/18, a subtly psychic dream. |
I hijack a Lacewing Chopper to install a new rubber-band engine, but the motor becomes a talkative penis, and... CAUTION: ONE WEIRD WEENIE |
SUZETTE: by Wayan; 1981/2/20, a defiant sex/art dream with no one to defy |
I dreamed I drew our dog and me mating, then found the drawing on a gallery wall for all to see... CAUTION: CARTOON BESTIALITY |
THE SWAFFHAM TINKER: by John Chapman and a London shopkeeper; c.1454, two interlocked dreams |
Chapman dreams he must walk 100 miles to London Bridge; on the bridge, a stranger says "dreams are nonsense! Why, I dreamt of buried treasure 100 miles away, in some town called..." |
SWALLOWED!: by Wayan; 1990/7/30, a warning dream. |
An ancient pictograph inspires me to try a meditative technique: shrinking and letting myself be eaten... CAUTION: DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME |
SWALLOWING NUMBERS: by Jim Shaw; between 1987 & Jan. 1995; a surreal eating dreamlet |
I was late for something, so I opened my pocket watch and swallowed a bunch of numbers... |
SWEATERPANTS FOR CHRIST!: by Wayan; 2011/6/30, a comic sartorial nightmare poem |
I pull my mom's sweater onto my legs but get tangled (and bits of anatomy dangle). Worse, I'm emulating Jesus. Is this any way to get a date? CAUTION: WARDROBE MALFUNCTION, GENDER MALFUNCTION, MOM MALFUNCTION |
SYBIL SUE FLANNERY: by Wayan, 1986/10/29, a dream noir. |
I'm Sybil Sue, a hard-boiled shapeshifting shamus, on the track of the most wanted bankrobbers in LA: the Bad Girls... CAUTION: IN BETWEEN GUNSHOTS, THE BAD GIRLS SWEAR |
TAHOE TAROT: by Wayan; 1988/4/13, a silly mystic flying dream. |
My sister and I are playing cards in the air high over Lake Tahoe. The stakes? The world. But we both cheat... |
TAKE UP YOUR PENN; Dreamed 2015/12/18 by John Wallace; a sly dream |
Illusionist Penn Jillette pulls a large-scale prank with an ending not even I see coming... |
TAROT: HAW!: by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1978. |
Humor's one of the big emotions--laughter's as loud and uncontrollable as crying or orgasm... |
TARTAN ACID SPIDER TORPEDO: by "Thomas Mountain"; 2008/1/31, a cliffhanger dream. |
I get speared by Irish warriors, slipped an LSD dose, chased by giant spiders, torpedoed--hey, I'm not bored! |
TEETH IN HIS THIGH: by Wayan; 2008/10/30, an embarrassing dream-poem: Dreamverse #37 |
The Conference on Love has two sexy speakers. One says "my teacher's stalking me" but she clings to him. Love? Hate? Both? CAUTION: EXHIBITIONISM--but what are these two exhibiting? |
TEHURA TRIES COMICS: by Wayan; 1994/7/19. pencil, Xerox, erasable crayon. |
I dreamed a sphinx artist visited humanity and drew the crazy natives. I copied her sketchbook... CAUTION: NUDITY, PAGANISM, SLACKERISM, ACTUAL IDEAS |
"TELL HIM I SAW HIS HEAD IN A BOX": by James Quinn; Jan/Feb 2003; peculiar ghost dream |
Inside a Renaissance reliquary, I see a dried-up head--but is it St. Sixtus really? Weeks later... I dream I'm in a cafe joking with my mom's ghost. I say "If you meet a guy called St. Sixtus, tell him..." CAUTION: READ THE TITLE |
TEMENOS: by Wayan; 1997/6/17, a psychic dream. |
I'm at a Robert Bly camp for men only. But I'm no man--not even human--some faun or satyr-like species... CAUTION: THIS 'TEMENOS' IS A SACRED PHALLIC IMAGE |
TEN CLARKS AND LOISES: by Jim Shaw; c.1994, an epic dream on... poseurs? |
Hand-puppets, a devil and a witch, have sex, and implant a lunar ghost embryo into Lois Lane; now Lois & Clarkes, ten clones each, pretend to be puppets... CAUTION: PUPPET SEX; EVERYONE A FAKE |
TEN RULES OF LIFE: by Wayan, 1994/5/4, a nondream fount of wisdom. |
After reading 170 capsule biographies of famous people I conclude life-plans are a joke. But I do deduce ten negative rules--ten universal don'ts--that may be of use... CAUTION: CYNICAL, BUT 170 OBITUARIES WILL DO THAT |
(A comic frustration dream hiding a warning) Our tennis game's spoiled by rubber rackets, fierce grandmas, Good and Evil (those identical twins) and a bully on stilts... |
THE TERROR OF ACCOUNTING: by Wayan, 2011/11/27, a twin-realities half-lucid nightmare |
I'm biking on a crowded, steep San Francisco hill, but at the same time an inexplicably terrifying office meeting gets superimposed. And the AI feeding me the virtual office gets all snarky about my fear... |
TEST: by Wayan; 1994. Dream-inspired digital poster/quiz. |
I dreamed I had to take a bewildering test on who is allowed in the military. I flunked. So will you... CAUTION: MOCKS HOMOPHOBES |
THAR SHE BLOWS!: by Madeline; 2008/3/27, a pirate mermaid shipwreck sex dream. |
On the run I meet a lycan, a pirate, and a mermaid. She causes a flood, and something floats by I just have to grab... CAUTION: INTERRUPTED SEX
| THAT WIND: by Wayan; 1986/8/29; an undream poem on a daymare |
Nightmares can warn. But when awake, what warning can you get from nonstop ill-luck? |
THERAPIST GARBLES "I" & "YOU": by Wayan, 1987/12/28, a dream warning of bad therapy |
In therapy, I'm wrestling with sex. But workmen invade--hammer & hang pictures. MY pictures! And my therapist keeps confusing me and her, and our sexual orientations! She means well, but... CAUTION: NUDE PORTRAIT |
THE THING ABOUT DREAMS: by Julia Wertz, a dream autobiography, 1980-2010 |
As a kid, my nightmares were of Sesame Street characters. In my teens I graduated to slasher nightmares and recurring lucid dreams. Alcohol trashed my dreams for years, but now they're not nightmares--just surreal. Hitler wrecks my sex life! What a spoilsport... CAUTION: (MOSTLY FRUSTRATED) SEX |
THIS CAN'T BE REM!: by Wayan; 1981/8/18, a predictive stinky dream. |
An article claimed smell is rare to absent in dreams. My dreams felt insulted and sent me a stinky one! But why THAT stink? Well... next morning on my way to work... |
THORHADD'S FOURTEEN DREAMS: by Thorhadd of Berufjord, c.1018; 14 warning dreams (2 predictive) |
Thorhadd's been slandering his enemy Thorstein. He spars publicly with a dream expert who interprets all his dreams as: "Your tongue just can't quit!" True. It can't... CAUTION: VIKING EGOS (AND BODY COUNT) |
THOSE BITCHES! OOPS, I MEAN... GREAT GODDESS!: by Wayan; 1988/8/19, a dyslexic dream. |
I live in a beehive. We must mate with dogs. I'm assigned a bitch. But I'm allergic to gods! Oops, I mean... CAUTION: SEXUAL THEME, DOGGESS WORSHIP |
THREE-YEAR PREGNANCY: by Ithmonike of Pellene, c.320 BCE, Two dreams of an odd god. |
I was barren. I asked Asklepios, God of Healing, to make me pregnant. Soon I was--for 3 years, until... |
THROATS and SLOT MACHINE: by Jim Shaw; between 1987 & Jan. 1995, two odd dreamlets |
THROATS: Men put babies into giant throats inset in a funhouse wall; SLOT MACHINE: I see a slot machine generating random art-speak phrases... |
THUMBSUCKER!: by a patient of William Hammond, c.1868, an epic comic taste dream |
I paint my thumb with bitter aloes to break my habit of sucking it at night. I dream of wormwood, ox gall, mineral salts. I consult Dr. Save Me and even the Pope, but... |
THUS BE: by Patricia Garfield, 1970/7/10, a worm-turns dream |
I'm overcharged at a grocery store--the checker confused my food with someone else's. I grab him, fly high up and drop him, splat. I chant "Thus be: Splat! Squashed flat..." CAUTION: DEATH PENALTY SEEMS A BIT MUCH |
TIGER HONEYMOON: by Wayan, 1987/3/16, a dream of a trickster |
I buy a charming ruin in the woods. Newlywed tigers prowl! The tiger bride tells me "He expects predictability. But I'll show him what a tiger really is..." |
TIME IS A CROC: by Wayan; 1993/3/29, a dream on time. |
Golfing in the basement with Giselle! But her ball goes through a Stargate to land on a world where the water hazards are hazards... |
TIME TO QUIT SWINGING: by Wayan; 2015/2/25, a punning, erotic, cledonic dream |
In the steampunk world of the Parasol Protectorate, I'm on a swing, fondling four friends who I'm in love with--all four! I won't give any up. Yet it's time to quit swinging... CAUTION: SEX ED CLASS, POLYFIDELITY |
TINA FEY TRIES TO FLY: by Wayan; 2017/4/24, a mystical feminist farce of a dream |
In a world where speech is in Mayan glyphs, comedian Tina Fey (dressed for prom night) climbs a Tibetan peak to learn levitation. But the flying monks are scared of women... CAUTION: COOTIES; ROWDY JESUS; MAY FLUNK THE BECHDEL TEST |
TIPCAT: by Anonymous #57; c.1920; a funny little dream-poem |
Four lines of comic nonsense composed in a dream... |
TO KEEP HIM COMPANY: by Robert Southey; 1806/1/23; a Wertheresque suicide dream-comedy |
My German friend resolved to commit suicide, so I agreed to poison myself to keep him company... |
TO SAVE HUMANITY: by Roz Chast, 2023 or before, a spit-swappin' dream |
Worldwide drought. I have a mutation making me produce lots of saliva, so to keep people alive, I drool into their open mouths. Gross, but it's take my drool or die... CAUTION: UGH |
TOADFISH TOWERS: by Wayan; 1992/8/6, a psychic little dreamtale. |
I'm in Houston, gawking at giant starfishy towers looming through the smog. Their shapes are familiar... |
TOASTING FORK: by Charles Dickens, August 1843, a surreal tragicomic dream. |
A gentleman clad but in a sheet notified me that an old friend had died of a terrible disease. What disease? Well... |
TORNADO FADE: by Rick Veitch; 1994 or before; a time-travel nightmare |
We escape tornadoes by fading out and rematerializing in a future dream... But one of the tornadoes manages to follow us from the old dream to new... |
TORRENT OF CONSCIOUSNESS: by Anonymous #41, 1996?, a surreal word-association dream |
Asparagus, wings, an unhinged hand, a boxed ghost, butter, sister incest, tomato-pincushions, secret volcanoes, one-eyed integers, chickenleg dresses, mirrors and bananapeel beds... |
TORTILLA EARS: by Wayan; 1994/6/2, a short shamanic dream. |
Why's Mexico City built where it is? And why is corn called "ears"? It turns out these questions are linked... |
A TOUR OF YOUR BRAIN: by Wayan's brain, 3.4MB (MP3 + lyrics), May 2004, a rock-jig. |
A lobe-by-lobe musical tour of your brain with Buddha as your tourguide... |
TOWELS: by Hilary Mantel, 1982; a comic anti-stress dream |
I dreamed I was a chubby, happy, boneless creature made of purple towels. Five snaps held my head on, so if I got a headache I just pulled it off... |
TRANSLUCENCY AS AN ADAPTATION IN ARBOREAL CRUSTACEANS: by Anonymous #46, early 1994?, an epic dream |
Arboreal marsupials with megaphones narrate a Polynesian documentary, while the rare translucent lobster sings its death song, sacrificing itself for lunch CAUTION: WILL CAUSE VEGETARIANISM |
TRESPASSER TRIANGLE: by Wayan, 2022/3/6, a comic frustration dream |
My girlfriend and I find ourselves naked in my neighbor's yard! A second neighbor spots us, and knowing my house is empty, she breaks in! The first neighbor, seeing her home's empty, breaks into hers. We go home, stomping loud so our burglar flees back home, driving her burglar out, and... CAUTION: UNINTENTIONAL NUDE PICNIC |
TRICERATOPS, or, THE GUY WHO SCRIPTS MY DREAMS: by Wayan, 1982/8/24; a dream on dreams |
Stuck in a horror movie, I get to meet the triceratops-headed monster who scriptwrites all my nightmares. But he's open to suggestions... |
THE TROUBLE WITH TUBAS: dreamed 1997/7/1 by Wayan; song composed in a dream
Improv singing with my friend Mark, this bizarre songlet popped out: "It's my understanding you shouldn't make love to a tuuubaaaa." Silly, but when I woke, I realized I sorta had been... |
TROUT BECK by Nancy Price; summer 1933, an aerial comic dream-epic |
I'm carried off by a crane to meet birdfish, singing sheep, fell-spirits, mad shopkeepers and devil-bulls... |
TRUMP ON THE RUN: by Wayan; 1990/3/8, a suspiciously predictive dream |
The manhunt is on for Donald Trump, rich sociopath. But he too is pursuing something: happiness... |
TV DEVIL FLU: by Wayan; 1994/10/24, a comic nightmare hiding useful advice. |
A "friend" gives me her TV. No wonder! Turns out it's haunted by a small-minded devil who cheats on all his deals... |
TWENTY-SIX LETTERS, or, A Complete Summary of Poesy; by Cory & Wayan, early Aug. 1992; a haiku slam | You get 26 dice with letters on every face. Roll them all. Your haiku must use every letter. Go! |
ULYANOVSK: by Wayan, 1987/11/4, a predictive & advisory dream |
DREAM: I'm a Soviet Potato Fest. Reds, grannies, food. A girl's told a life-and-death lie about a canine... NEXT DAY: I read a version of Red Riding Hood, and the dream's weird elements suddenly make sense. CAUTION: SOVIET CLICHÉS, E.S.P. SPECULATION |
UN-AMERICAN FANTASIES: by Wayan; 1996/7/19, a dreamtale. |
The All-American Family visits the fabulous Un-American Fantasy Store, where Mom is in for a shock... CAUTION: MILD NUDITY, LANGUAGE |
UNCLE JUPITER: by Wayan; 1998/9/3, a dreamtale. |
My uncle is Jupiter. Not the god, the planet. All my relatives are planets. So am I. And I'm invaded... |
UNHAPPY CAMPERS: by Wayan; 1997/9/1, a stupid dream. |
I dream we're on a miserable camping trip. So why, when I wake, do I think it's a diagnostic dream? It's that triple pun... |
AN UNPRODUCTIVE SQUIRREL: by Wayan; 2013/11/27, an advisory shamanic dreamlet |
I meet a giant squirrel. But a Committee condemns the squirrel for such long periods of unproductive hibernation. The squirrel points out a teensy flaw... |
UNRESOLVED OR JUST... DIFFERENT?: by Wayan; 1989/9/26, a dream on dreams. |
In my dreams, a co-worker tells me HER dreams. Their focus is so unlike mine! Dream goals really differ... |
URBAN ARTHUR: by Anonymous #47, early 1994?, an alarming dreamlet |
You're in a subway station. You put coins in a coffee machine. Down drops the Holy Grail. And begins to fill with blood... |
USEFUL PIGS: by Wayan; 1995/1/2, a comic nightmare. |
In my nightmare, TV ads push new, supposedly eco-friendly uses for pigs, until this alarming ad... |
THE VERIZON EXPERIMENT: by Wayan; 2014/3/31, three linked dreamlets, the last self-flagging as predictive |
1: A nature spirit's physics experiment proves that time forks. But how much? How dense is the multiverse? 2: I sculpt a model of this multiverse. A physicist likes it; the nature spirit likes it more. So she swipes it... 3: A 'friend' offers refugees my bedroom, crowding me and my work into a corner. I wake. The phone rings... |
VERY FUNNY, MR. MOSLEY: by Wayan; 2009/10/8, a comic nightmare poem; Dreamverse #58 |
Trapped in a blend of Joan of Arcadia and The Tempest Tales, I'm tired of being the pratfall sidekick... |
THE VIDEOGRAPHER'S APPRENTICE: by Wayan; 1994/7/29, a predictive/warning dream. |
Blondie Wiggle builds a Video Igloo. But I'm allergic--TV kills me! A BAD omen for our video project... CAUTION: TV KILLS (BUT YOU KNEW THAT) |
THE VISION: by Robert Herrick; 1648, an eroti-political dream poem |
I dreamt Anacreon the poet reeled with drink and lust--and I am wild and wanton like to him... |
THE VOICE OF GOD (THIS IS IMPORTANT!): by Rick Veitch; 1994 or before; a mystical "oops" dream |
God speaks in surreal images from the sky, and I hurry to write down what God says. But I find I wrote mere squiggles on the page... |
WALRUSHMORE: by Wayan; 1982/1/8; a dream pun with political bite |
In my sister's house I saw a magazine cover showing that famous national monument in the Black Hills: Mt Walrushmore... |
WAYMO BALLOONISTS: by Wayan; 2021/7/16, a surreal predictive dream |
Huge balloons labeled "Waymo" in bad Chinese are taking over San Francisco. But the sexy balloonists seem to be more into masturbation than conquest... CAUTION: EXHIBITIONISM OR OBJECTIFICATION? |
WERTZ!: by Wayan; 2023/10/14, a night of cartoonist-inspired dreams |
After seeing Julia Wertz's cartoon history of her entire dreamlife (on one big page!) I dream Wertz style all night! I don't mind the nightmares--what gets me down is comics' black & white... CAUTION: NIGHTMARES, SEX |
WHAT A CONCEPT: by Anonymous #39, 1996? A logical dreamlet |
I visit a tribe into simplicity, proud of the fact they limit themselves to 99 concepts. I point out their limit is a concept, so they really have 100. They are not amused... |
WHAT GOD BELIEVES IN: by Wayan; 1984/9/23, a dream of working for a difficult deity |
God's my boss, but like a bratty little brother, he's Not Speaking To Me. It's slowing down our office... CAUTION: CHRISTIANS WON'T WANT TO KNOW |
WHAT MEN HIDE BEHIND: by Wayan; 1992/11/30, an alarming comic dream |
The real pursuit of happiness: she pursues me, and I run in shame and hide! But she's persistent... |
WHAT TO DO IN A WIZARD'S LAIR: by Wayan; 2013/4/23, a comic dreamlet |
A friend who's a sorceror's apprentice shows me his Dark Master's tower. And his Dark Master's bed strewn with all his stuffed animals! I just can't resist... |
WHAT WILL THE NEWSPAPERS SAY?: by CE Lawrence, before 1939; an astronomical nightmare |
I dreamt I could clearly see the sun's corona, like a lion-mane of fire. But the corona dwindled; then the very sun dimmed, shrank, and went out. I thought... CAUTION: POLITICAL? |
WHAT YOU IMAGINE HAPPENS: by Wayan; 1982/2/21; a dreampoem on quarks. Or spooks. |
I'm stuck on a runaway bus. So we decide to picture the axle falling off, and it obeys! But the bus zooms on, carried by a horde of little animals... CAUTION: ESP SKEPTICS WILL LOATHE THE AFTERWORD (true story, though) |
WHERE THE WILD THINGS PLAY: by Anonymous #45, 1996? |
In a jungle river, I fish for giant kite-bass, then relax and have a drink. A lot of very drunk porpoises dance on the bar. I worry their skin will dry out. Alcohol is so dehydrating! |
THE WHITE WAVE: by Jenny Badger Sultan, 1988/8/3, a comic nightmare |
I'm holding a pornographic novel, trying to keep it dry, as huge waves flood the room. The book and I are both going to get drenched... |
WHO'LL BE MY LOVE?: by Wayan; 1986/4/14, a dream noir farce; part 4 of UNICORN TAG. |
I'm a hardboiled detective wincing as I grill a meek little psychic (probably me) about squish-softboiled topics like unicorns and love... CAUTION: SMUTTY UNICORN MAKES EVEN COPS BLUSH |
WHY I BECAME THE SEA: by Wayan; 1980/6/19, a vengeful flying/transformation dream. |
I get so mad at some gaybashing cops and gangsters that I become the sea itself and chase them... CAUTION: UNCHARITABLE REPRESENTATION OF OUR SAINTS IN BLUE |
WORKIN' FOR PEANUTS: by Wayan; 1990/12/11, a crude but perceptive dream. |
I'm an elephant working in a diner. In the bathroom, I inadvertently summon the Genie of the Urinal... CAUTION: PISSED PACHYDERM |
THE WORLD NEWS: by Nathaniel Hawthorne; 1843; a dream-job (and career advice?) |
I dreamt the world itself hired me, at a generous salary, to report its great affairs exactly as they happen... |
A WORLD TOO WEIRD FOR WORDS: by Wayan, 2011/1/21, a utopian dream--or is it? |
I'm in a college class studying a bizarre alternate Earth where anarchist co-ops never evolved and (of all things) money rules all... CAUTION: SCORNS CAPITALISM |
WRITE A LITTLE DREAM WITH ME: by Patagia, 2015/10/16, a comic poem on dreamwork |
Sharks unicorns and moonbeams / Lost loves and karma chocolate I-beams Raw telepathic bundles of beans / Write a little dream with me... |
XANTHUS: by a client of Artemidorus, c.150 CE, a prodromal dreamlet |
A man dreamed he was the River Xanthus at Troy. I interpreted it to mean he'd bleed for years, but not die of it... |
YAKETY YAK: by Wayan; 1984/5/1, a dysfunctional dreamtale. |
I'm at a family dinner. Killer Grampa, kid-hating Ma, larcenous Dad. Then a bum offers some advice... |
YELLOW SERENADE: by Wayan; 1979/2/22, an absurd dreamtale. |
Restrain yourself! Or you too may end up on a giraffe rollerskating down the freeway singing perverted popsongs... |
YOU CHIPHEAD! : by Wayan, 1997/1/31, a sarcastic dream. |
Chips are faster than brains these days, so everyone's upgrading--everyone but me... |
"YOU'RE SO GAY!": by Wayan; 2013/1/24. A psychic dream of a time-short oracle.
I'm in line to meet a shockingly accurate psychic. But she's running late, so as I frame my question... CAUTION: I'M NOT GAY BUT I SURE AM QUEER |
YOUR TURN: by Julian Green; 1933/10/18, a surreal but fair-minded dream. |
I was nineteen again, riding my horse down a bad road in Virginia. After three hours, my horse spoke up... |
YUPPIE BREAKUP: by Wayan; 1991/5/22, a dream on values--or the lack thereof. |
A yuppie idealist discovers her boyfriend's a cheerful, amoral opportunist. They quarrel, and disentangle their lives... CAUTION: SEX IN REVERSE?! |
ZEN INSURANCE: by Anonymous #38, art by Jesse Reklaw; pre-2000; a mystical frustration dream |
My Zen master keeps asking me koans. But every riddle is about insurance forms. I always reply "I am thirsty." He asks another. It goes on forever... |
ZYGOTE: by Wayan; 1999, a comic astral vision. | It's true: after death, angels advise you where to go next. But what if you get an over-eager travel agent?
See also Dream Humor: A-I
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