World Dream Bank:
Index of Names, Q-S
by Chris Wayan 2001-2010
NAMES People, books, movies, poems, songs, comics, etc. | SUPPLEMENTARY DATA Authors of books and so on | LINKS TO PAGES I skipped bare mentions; most hits will be significant. |
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"Qerwgeqwr, Erwre", a pseudonymous dreamer | who clearly can only type with the left hand | Time Warp |
Qi Gao, Emperor of China, or at least a chunk of it | Xiao Dao, a young dreamer in a dark age | Black Dragon |
Quaggas (zebralike animals) | Archer, William, dreamer | Che Fanno gli Inglesi? |
Quayle, Dan, politician | Oingo Boingo, band | It's a Dead Man's Party |
Quayle, Dan, vice president | Dopp, Susan Marie, surrealist painter | Dopp |
Quest Crosstime, novel | Norton, Andre, writer | The Aztec Empire's Reservations |
Quest Crosstime, novel | Norton, Andre, writer | His Deer Wife |
Question, name of a red dog in a dream | Chast, Roz, cartoonist and dreamer | Art Envy |
Questionnaires (strange ones) | Jury duty | The Starship Cure |
Quinn, Brian, dreamer | --- | The Owls of the Gatekeeper on the Forest Bridge |
Quinn, Daniel, writer/dreamer | --- | Beetle |
Quinn, James, dreamer | Pope Sixtus (unclear which one of three) | "Tell him I saw his head in a box" |
Qu'lad, a shamanic dreamer | Togumalis, a shamanic dreamer | Flu Prescription |
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Rabid Eye, dream-comics | Veitch, Rick, dream artist | Rick Veitch now has his own page |
Rachel, dreamworker | The Dream Game, how-to book | Fetal Slideshow |
"Radar" O'Reilly, psychic | MASH, TV show | Radar's Bear |
"Radar" O'Reilly, psychic | MASH, TV show | Jack Daniels! |
Ragnhild, Queen of Norway, a dreamer | Halfdan the Black, King of Norway, a dreamnesiac | Ragnhild's Tree and Halfdan's Curls |
Ragsdale, Floyd, a practical dreamer | The Committee of Sleep; dream anthology | Kevlar |
Rai Dragon, a treasure | Rikutsu, a dreamer | Battle for the Rai Dragon |
Rainbow Brite, a commercial character | Clinton, Hillary, politician | Hillary and Teal |
Rainbow Dash, a cartoon pegasus | My Little Pony TV series | Rainbow Splash |
Raine, Kathleen, dream poet, | now has her own page: | Kathleen Raine |
Rainer, Tristine, writer | The New Diary, book on journaling | I Find Myself Crying |
Rainer, Tristine, writer | The New Diary, book on journaling | Loneliness Haiku |
Rainer, Tristine, writer | The New Diary, book on journaling | Marcoux's Dreams |
The Rainmaker, film | Hepburn, Katherine, actor | Hepburning |
Ralph, Jessie, actor | After the Thin Man, film, 1936 | Blind Ancestors |
Ram Dass, guru | --- | Serafina & Ram Dass |
Ramanujan, Srinavasa, math genius & dreamer | Lakshmi, Hindu goddess | Ramanujan |
Ramón y Cajal, Santiago, neurologist & dreamer | now has his own page: | Cajal |
Ramona series of kids' novels | Cleary, Beverly, writer | Maturity |
Ramsey, Pauline, psychic dreamer | --- | A Fountain in the Armenians |
Ramsey, Pauline, psychic dreamer | --- | Where's My Mum? |
Ramsey, Pauline, dreamer | --- | Exuberant Balloons |
Ramspott, Tad, dreamer and dragon | --- | Rednecks |
Ransome, Arthur, writer | Swallows And Amazons etc, novels | Green Bird |
Ransome, Arthur, writer | Swallows And Amazons (novel) and sequels | Pirate Twins |
Rapoport, Victoria Goro- | International Association for the Study of Dreams | The Planter of Seeds |
Rarity, a unicorn actress | My Little Pony, TV show | My Little 'Pocalypse |
Rarity, a wise unicorn | My Little Pony, TV show | Pinkie Cleans the Windows of Perception |
"Rasselon", a dream blogger | --- | Four Dragons |
"Rasselon", a dream blogger | Castaneda, Carlos, shamanic writer | Don Juan and the Flyers |
"Rasselon", a dream blogger | "Seven-Eyed Dragon", a dreamlet | in Don Juan and the Flyers |
"Rasselon", a dream blogger | --- | Older and Younger |
Ratiries, a wolf girl and dreamer | Heart In My Stomach, alt. title | Freaky Dream, or, Heart in My Stomach |
Raucher, Esther, dream sculptor | Dreamworks Quarterly | The Last Judgment and a Luscious Passivity |
Raven the Skald, an Icelandic bard | Thorstein Egilson, long-term psychic dreamer | Eagles in Love with a Swan |
Ray, Man, photographer | Miller, Lee, photographer | Black Magic |
Raymond Chandler Evening (song) | Hitchcock, Robyn, composer | Pier's End |
Ray, Man, surrealist photographer | Miller, Lee, photographer | Black Magic |
Man Ray, surrealist photographer | Miller, Lee, photographer | Bumbree Syndrome |
Ray, Man, surrealist photographer | Leiris, Michel, surrealist & dream journalist | Gauze |
Rayon Vert or Summer, film | Rohmer, Eric, filmer | Faerie |
Read, Herbert, critic, poet, dreamer | --- | I Didn't Dive In |
Read, Jenny, sculptor | --- | Eight to a Horn |
Reading the Mind of God, science book | Trefil, James, writer | Trefil and Science |
Reagan, Ronald, warmonger | --- | Ariel |
Reagan, Ronald, actor | --- | The Magic School |
Reagan, Ronald, fool | Evil Empire jokes | Laserbomb |
Reagan, Ronald, politician | --- | Coolidge's Duck |
Reagan, Ronald, soul-thief | Reagan, Nancy, puppeteer | Ronald Reagan Stole My Soul! |
Red Dot (dream picture-poem) | Roswila, dream-poet | Dreamku, April 2007 |
The Red Heart Of Memories, novel | Hoffmann, Nina Kiriki, writer | Self-Possessed |
Red Mars trilogy; science fiction novels | Robinson, Kim Stanley, writer | Laserbomb |
Red Mars, Green Mars & Blue Mars | Robinson, Kim Stanley, writer | Last Lunar Storm |
Red Mars Trilogy | Robinson, Kim Stanley, writer | The Miranda Oath |
Red Mars trilogy | Robinson, Kim Stanley, writer | Muir on Mars |
Red Mars trilogy | Robinson, Kim Stanley, writer | Poles Now, Tropics Later |
Red Mars trilogy | Robinson, Kim Stanley, writer | Slaves on Red Mars |
Red Planet, novel | Heinlein, Robert, writer | Misfits on Mars |
Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf | Simsa Valiha, dream character | The Everest Marathon |
Red Riding Hood | and a human wolf | Squirrel Girl |
Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wo(o)lf | Woolf, Virginia, writer | Timedoors of the Gods |
Red Riding Hood | in a Red city | Ulyanovsk |
Redgrove, Peter, author | The Black Goddess & the Unseen Real, book | The Great Dream |
Redon, Odilon, artist | Noirs, print series | Bondieu |
Redon, Odilon, artist | Noirs, print series | Guilty! |
Redon, Odilon, artist | Noirs, print series | Lunamoth |
Redon, Odilon, artist | Noirs, print series | Moonmare |
a Redwood City man, an emotional oracle | Rhine, Louisa, ESP researcher | Bayshore and Charter |
REFLECTIONS: the Magic of Writing; book | Jones, Diana Wynne, writer & inadvertent witch | The Magic of Writing |
Regeana, a dreamer | --- | Regeana's Dragon |
Reiser, Gloria, a dreamer | Somnial Times, a dream zine | The Baby |
Reiser, Gloria, a dreamer | Somnial Times, a dream zine | Toddler Shot By Spouse |
Reitz, Jennifer Diane, writer/cartoonist | Unicorn Jelly, webcomic | Croc Boy |
Reitz, Jennifer Diane, writer/cartoonist | Unicorn Jelly, webcomic | Jelly Rebellion |
Reminisce, tag name of | Neri, Ruby, muralist | Corpse-Bug |
Reminisce, tag name of | Neri, Ruby, muralist | Watercats |
Rendell, Ruth, writer | The Orchard Wall, BBC mystery | Escape by Intuition |
Renker, Skip, dream-poet | Dreamworks Quarterly | Palm Dream |
Renoir, Jean, filmmaker | A Day in the Country (film) | Marine Geology's Not It |
Renoir, Auguste, artist | Surviving Picasso, film | Brandy's Curse |
Repent, Harlequin! said the Ticktockman (short story) | Ellison, Harlan, writer | The Magic Words |
Republican convention in Dallas, 1984 | Joe Bob, pseudonymous reporter | Dallas Gmork |
Return to Oz, film | Baum, L. Frank, writer | Fox Mother |
"Rêve d'Abysses", dream-painting | Girondé, Marie-Claude, dream artist | Dream of Abysses: |
Revenant, poem | Wayne, Jane O., poet | After He Died |
Reverend D | Mrs. T, predictive dreamer | Cart with Husband |
Les rêves et les moyens de les diriger, book | Dreams and how to direct them, translation | Hervey de Saint-Denys |
Revolution from Within, book | Steinem, Gloria, writer | Self-Made Girls |
Rezmerski, John Calvin, science fictional poet | Alchemy of Stars: Rhysling Award Winners Showcase | A Dream of Heredity |
Rhadamanthe, one of the Judges of Hell | Joyce, James, writer & psychic dreamer | Minos, Eaque and Rhadamanthe |
Rhine Feather, Sally, writer on ESP | The Gift, study of premonitions | see intro to list of Predictive Dreams |
RHINE, LOUISA E., ESP researcher | Louisa Rhine now has her own page | Louisa Rhine |
Rhine Maidens, three treasure-guardians | Wagner, Richard, composer | The Spell Blurs Women |
Rhysling Award (1987), science fictional poetry award | Rezmerski, John Calvin, shape-poet | A Dream of Heredity |
Ribeiro, Sidarta, writer on dreams | The Oracle of Night, book | Birds at War |
Ribeiro, Sidarta, writer & dreamer | The Oracle of Night, book | Witches, Manhunt, Tiger & Shark |
Richards, Keith, musician | Rolling Stones, band | Satisfaction |
Rickheit, Hans, dream cartoonist | Somnial Times, dream zine | Nightmare Quartet |
Ries, Alex, species designer | Rowan, Elia, interplanetary dreamer | Kinship in Winter |
Rikutsu, a dreamer | Rai Dragon, a treasure | Battle for the Rai Dragon |
The Ring of Ritornel, novel | Harness, Charles, writer | Doctor Ventril |
Ritual Blood Designs, dream title | Sultan, Jenny Badger, dream artist | When Blood Flows, the Danger is Past |
Riverworld series, novels | Farmer, Philip Jose, writer | Bollywood Love |
Roadmender, novel/spiritual tract | Fairless, Michael, writer | Gospel Girl |
Roan Stallion, narrative poem | Jeffers, Robinson, poet | Tigerborn |
The Robber Bride, novel | Atwood, Margaret, writer | A Writer's Muse |
Robbins, Trina, cartoonist | Crumb, biographical film | Crumb |
Robert, a predictive dreamer | Krippner, Stanley, dream researcher | Thrown Free |
Robert Holdstock, writer | Mythago Wood, novel | God-Shields |
Robert's wife, a predictive dreamer | Rhine, Louisa, ESP researcher | A Stirring Failure |
Roberts, Julia, actor | Notting Hill, film | Julie's Dating Ad |
Roberts, Julia, actor | Hook, film | Oriole Girl |
Roberts, Keith, writer | The Inner Wheel, novel | The Fairy Wife |
Roberts, Thomas J, writer | An Aesthetics of Junk Fiction, criticism | Junk Fiction? |
Roberts, Wally, a dying dreamer | Doty, Mark, poet | Atlantis: 2: Reprieve |
Robertson, Morgan, predictive novelist | Titanic disaster | The Titan |
Robinson, Kim Stanley, writer | Red Mars trilogy, novels | Laserbomb |
Robinson, Kim Stanley, writer | Red Mars trilogy, novels | Last Lunar Storm |
Robinson, Kim Stanley, writer | Red Mars trilogy, novels | The Miranda Oath |
Robinson, Kim Stanley, writer | Red Mars trilogy, novels | Muir on Mars |
Robinson, Kim Stanley, writer | Red Mars trilogy, novels | Poles Now, Tropics Later |
Robinson, Kim Stanley, writer | Red Mars trilogy, novels | Slaves on Red Mars |
Robinson, Kim Stanley, writer | High Sierra: A Love Story, book | Thoreau's Mountain |
Rochan, an out-of-body dreamworker | Brown paper bag verifying a psychic dream | Rochan's Dream |
Rocky Horror Show, film and play | Rocky, a monster | Rocky Love |
Roddenberry, Gene, director | see also STAR TREK DREAMS | Batman's Love |
Roethke, Theodore, poet | --- | The Dream |
Rogers, Andrea, dreamer | Reklaw, Jesse, illustrator | Disney's Make-Out Date |
Rogoff, Alice, editor | Haight-Ashbury Literary Journal | The Sphinx Approves |
Rohmer, Eric, filmer | Summer or Green Ray or Rayon Vert, film | Faerie |
Rojas Contreras, Ingrid, writer | The Man who could Move Clouds, memoir | Oil Derrick |
Rolling Stones, band | Richards, Keith, musician | Satisfaction |
Romafest, annual meeting of Roma in Camargues, France | Dylan, Bob, songwriter | One More Cup of Coffee |
Romana, a Timelord | Ward, Lalla, BBC actress | Rhinzl's Shadow |
Ronald, a telepathic dreamer | New Dimensions of Deep Analysis, book on ESP in therapy | Ronald's Forbidden Field |
Roosevelt, a dreamlet | Doe, Jane, dreamer | Don't Shoot the Ibex |
Rosberg, Rose, dream poet | Dreamworks Quarterly | Second Reading |
Rose and the Thorn, old comic book | (Who wrote and drew this? Can't find a copy...) | Rose and the Thorn |
A Rose For Ecclesiastes, short story | Zelazny, Roger, writer | Misfits on Mars |
Rosemary, an involuntary oracle | Rhine, Louisa, ESP researcher | Rosemary and Frances |
Rosen, Sylvia, dream-poet | Dreamworks Quarterly | Moon-Striped Tiger Prowling |
Rossetti, Christina, poet and dreamer | --- | "Death! Death!" |
Rossetti, William, diarist | Hunt, William Holman, painter & predictive dreamer | Crocodile King |
Roswila (Patricia Kelly), dream-poet | Roswila now has her own page | ROSWILA |
Rothenstein, Michael, illustrator | Price, Nancy, dreamer | The Fearful Insect |
Rothenstein, Michael, illustrator | Price, Nancy, dreamer | Tawny Owl |
Rousseau, Henri, painter | Yadwigha, a possible dreamer | The Dream |
Rousseau, Henri, painter | --- | Rose and the Thorn |
Rousseau, Henri, painter | --- | Rousseau's Flutist |
Rowan, Elia, interplanetary dreamer | --- | Kinship in Winter |
Rowland, R. J., early Scottish dreamer | Scott, Sir Walter, writer | Rowland's Dream |
Rowling, JK: | now has her own page | JK Rowling |
Roxana, my friend & writing buddy | --- | Blow 'em Up! |
Roxana, my friend & writing buddy | --- | China Beach |
Roxana, my friend & writing buddy | --- | The Core Issue |
Roxana, my friend & writing buddy | --- | The Prime Directive |
Roxanne, film | Cyrano De Bergerac, Steve Martin | Nixon Nose |
Roya, a grieving dreamer | Krippner, Stanley, dream researcher | Roya's Bird |
Royston, Robin, prodromal dream collector | "Nancy", dreamer and cancer survivor | Bad Nancy! |
Rubber Soul, album | Beatles, composers | Potlatch Smoke |
Ruefle, Mary, poet | Cold Pluto, poetry collection | Before Bed |
Rumford, James, illustrator | Battuta, Ibn, world traveler | Battuta's Dream |
Rumi, poet and mystic | --- | Batman's Love |
Rushdie, Salman, writer | Midnight's Children, novel | His Racist Son |
Rushdie, Salman, writer | Midnight's Children, novel | Midnight's Children |
Ruskin, John, recurring nightmare sufferer | Hudson, Liam, dream theorist | Lamia |
Russell, George ("AE"), writer, dreamer | AE now has his own page: | AE |
Russo, Richard, a writer on dreams | Cubist Emperor, a stiff dream character | The Lady Loves the Horse |
Rustling Leaves, dreamer's pseudonym | Magpie, a dream character | The Mountain, the Magpie and the Road |
Ruthie, a Brooklyn woman | Rhine, Louisa, ESP researcher | Ruthie's Call |
Ryan, Paul, politician | Hurley, Maebh, dreamer | Paul Ryan |
Ryman, Geoff, writer & dreamer | The Tiger Garden, dream anthology | Oz Was |
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S---, a sometimes psychic dreamer | --- | First Night in Fiji |
S---, a sometimes psychic dreamer | --- | Nocturne |
Miss S., a rather gothic dreamer | Priestley, JB, writer | Gravestone |
Sabel, Judy, writer | Houston, James D., author & teacher | Cider and Wine |
Sacks, Oliver, writer on the brain | The Man Who Mistook his Wife for a Hat, book | The Man Who Mistook... |
Sacks, Oliver, neurologist and musicophile | Mahler, Gustaf, composer | Kindertotenlieder |
Sacks, Oliver, neurologist and prosopagnostic | Prosopagnosia (inability to recognize faces) | Telepathy vs. Autism |
Sacks, Oliver, neurologist | Woodring, Jim, visionary cartoonist | The Woodring Layer |
Sacrifice, alternate title of dream | Sultan, Jenny Badger, dream artist | Great Goddess |
Saddam Hussein, dictator | Rossetti, Christina, dream-poet | Crocodile King |
Sadoff, Ira, dreamer | Dreamworks Quarterly | Nightmare 1944 |
Safina, Carl, nature writer | Becoming Wild, book | God of the Gulf |
Saint Bridget, a manifestation of the Goddess | Sultan, Jenny Badger, dream-painter | Saint Bridget |
Saint-Denys, Hervey, | now has his own page: | Saint-Denys |
a Saint Louis woman | Rhine, Louisa, ESP researcher | Just Knowing |
Saknussemm, Kristopher, dream | Dreamworks Quarterly | Triskelion |
Saleh, Julia, dreamer | --- | Shiny-Eyed Creature |
King, Stephen, childhood nightmare-sufferer | Gallows | |
"Sally Anne", pseudonym for a dreamer | Barasch, Marc Ian | Rasputin Claus |
The Salt Garden, short story | Atwood, Margaret, writer | Andromeda |
Saltz, Gail, nonfiction writer | The Power of Different | Secret Screen |
Samona, Adela, dreamer & mom | Samona, Alexandrina, girl with pastlife memories | Alexandrina |
Samona, Alexandrina, girl with pastlife memories | Samona, Adela, dreamer & mom | Alexandrina |
Samosata, Lucian, ancient satirist | Megroz, Rodolphe, dream collector | Sculptor or Writer? |
SAMUEL WIGGINS, a short dream | Flora, Michael, dreamer | in Google Dreams |
Samuels, Andrew, Jungian writer | "D", an anonymized dreamer | Smokestacks |
(To) San Fernando Spring | a dreampoem in... | Girl in the Water |
(View of) San Quentin Prison, painting | Birk, Sandow, painter | Bernal Islet, 2250 |
Sand, George | --- | The Darii |
The Sandman, series of metaphysical comics | Gaiman, Neil, writer | Hare Heaven |
Santa Claus, a charity case | "Sally Anne", pseudonym for a dreamer | Rasputin Claus |
Santa Claus impersonators, | about twelve of them | Santa Clump |
SAO, dream artist | Shawn Allen O'Neal now has his own page: | SAO |
Sara, a dreamworker | Ann Faraday dream workshops | Pay Cut |
Sarah, a dreamworker | Sundance Community Dream Journal | Mmm, Good! |
Sarashina (Takasue no Musume), early dream-writer | Amaterasu, sun-goddess who speaks in dreams | Amaterasu's Mirror |
Sarashina (Takasue no Musume), early dream-writer | Amida Buddha | Amida |
Sarashina (Takasue no Musume), early dream-writer | Her sister, name unrecorded, a dreamer too | Reborn as a Cat |
Sartre, Jean-Paul | Existentialism | Centaur by Sartre |
Saruman, a scientific wizard | Emily Joy, a shamanic dreamer | Window in the Sky |
Saruman, wizard (& community college teacher) | Gandalf, wizard (& teacher) | Lizard or Wizard? |
Satan, Santa, St Nick, Old Nick... all those guys | see also: the Devil, and demon dreams | Satanagram |
Satrapi, Marjane, writer and cartoonist | Persepolis and Persepolis 2, graphic novels | Marjane |
Saucer Full of Loneliness (short story) | Sturgeon, Theodore, writer | Poisoned! |
Savage, Samuel (Kent, d.1772?), a predictive dreamer | John Wesley, Methodist & dream collector | Samuel Savage |
Savalas, Telly, actor | Kojak, TV show | Freddy Krueger's Politics |
Sawyer, Jamie, dreamer | --- | Whipping Nightmares |
Sawyer, Jamie, dreamer | --- | Attahuah |
Saya, Oktober, igil maker | Ösküs-ool, dreamer | Igil |
Sayles, John, filmmaker | Secret of Roan Inish, film | Kiosk |
A Scanner Darkly, novel | Dick, Philip K., writer | The Tiger and the Wolf |
Schaeff, Ann Wilson writer | Escape from Intimacy, book | Apologetic Ogre |
Schiaparelli, Giovanni, astronomer | Brun, Emmy Ingeborg, astronomer Mars globe, 1909 | |
Schlafly, Phyllis, right-wing activist | --- | The Magic School |
"SchlofM", pen name for a dreamer | --- | Travel |
Schmidt, Dan, dreamer | Reklaw, Jesse, illustrator | Funeral Foodfight |
Schneemann, Carolee, dream artist | Dreamworks Quarterly | Fresh Blood |
Schneemann, Carolee, dream artist | Women Dreaming-into-Art, book | The Madonna Speaks |
Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe, writer | Information Respecting... the Indian Tribes..., book | Wabase's Vision |
Schreiber, Flora, writer | Sybil, book | Pier's End |
Schulz, Charles, cartoonist | Peanuts, comic strip | Cubist Charlie Brown |
Scofield, Paul, actor | Greene, Graham, dreamer | A Game of Croquet |
Scorsese, Martin, director | Dog Day Afternoon, movie | Beryl's Dog Days |
Scott, dreamer | Dreamworks: an Interdisciplinary Quarterly | Nuclear Nightmares |
Scott, Joyce, artist | Cuddley Black Dick #1, sculpture | Temenos |
Scott, Walter, Sir, writer | Rowland, R. J., early Scottish dreamer | Rowland's Dream |
Scoy, Charles, dreamer | --- | Army Orgy |
Scribner, Orion | has withdrawn his dream art-- | sorry! |
The Sea Wolf, novel | London, Jack, writer | The Sea-Wolf's Brain |
Sea-Hag, a cliche witch | see also mystic dreams of Popeye | The Sea-Hag Riot |
Seamus O'Cullen | Astra and Flondrix, novel | Bumbree Syndrome |
The Second Coming, poem | W.B. Yeats | Annunciation to the Sphinx |
The Second Coming, poem | Yeats | Cheetah |
Second Dawn, short story | Clarke, Arthur C., writer | A Valley Near Hope |
Secret of Roan Inish, film | Sayles, John, filmmaker | Kiosk |
The Secret Service | Obama, Barack, politician | Stop Obama's Assassination |
Seeker, novel | McDevitt, Jack, writer | Telepath Country |
Segar, Elzie, cartoonist and writer | Popeye, comic strip | POPEYE |
Selena, an epic dreamer | formerly named Jo | Selena now has her own page |
Self, Dave, cartoonist & naturalist | Jasha Linsombres, a krelkin | Jasha |
Sendak, Maurice, artist | Brundibar, a play Sendak made the sets for | The Brundibar Sea |
Sendak, Maurice, artist | Dear Mili, illustrated fairy tale | Fuck Griffin |
Sendak, Maurice, artist | Where The Wild Things Are, book | Invoke the Animal Powers... |
Sendak, Maurice, artist | Where The Wild Things Are, film | Bison and Spindle |
"Senoi" dreamwork, a hoax | W. Domhoff's The Mystique of Dreams | Manta-Squid |
Serena, Wayan's ex-lover who shows | up in many dreams under her old name | Cheryl |
Serenity science fiction TV series | Obama, Barack, politician | Stop Obama's Assassination |
Serling, Rod, TV showrunner | Marianne, dreamer | The Outer Limits |
Serling, Rod, TV showrunner | Night Gallery, show | Dickens & Caftan |
Seven Arrows & Song of Heyoehkah | Storm, Hyemeyohsts, writer | The Lady Bathes in Grief |
Seven Arrows & Song of Heyoehkah | Storm, Hyemeyohsts, writer | Salia and Chur |
"Seven-Eyed Dragon", a dreamlet | Rasselon, a dream blogger | Don Juan and the Flyers |
Sevigny, Chloë, actor | Boys Don't Cry, movie | Boys Don't Cry |
Seward, Fannie, abolitionist | Tubman, Harriet | Fanny Seward's Death |
Sewing machine | Howe, Elias, inventor | Sewing Advice from Cannibals |
Sex & Zen, film, from Carnal Prayer Mat, book | Li Yu, writer | Princess of Passion |
Sexton, Anne, poet and suicide | J.D. McClatchy, poet and dreamer | Anne Sexton |
Shakespeare, William, playwright | Improvised Shakespeare Players, troupe | Bird-Sense |
Shakespeare, William, playwright | Improvised Shakespeare Players, troupe | The Cuteness Pageant |
Shakespeare, William | Hamlet, play | Filling the Ancestor's Shoes |
Shakespeare, William, playwright | Hamlet, play | Foxboy |
Shakespeare, William, playwright | Hamlet, play | Freeway to Detention |
Shakespeare, William, playwright | Hamlet, play | My Mother's Closet |
Shakespeare, William, playwright | A Midsummer Night's Dream & The Tempest, plays | Slaves Don't Dance |
Shakespeare, William, playwright | The Taming of the Shrew, play | Spin, Spin, Fly Again |
Shakespeare, William, playwright | The Tempest, play | Caliban in England |
Shakespeare, William, playwright | The Tempest, play | Her Cutie Mark |
Shakespeare, William | The Tempest, play | The Miranda Oath |
Shall We Swim?, digital painting | Yakovlev, Vad, furry artist | Critters of the Montana Front |
Shallow Pool of Time, book | Peavey, Fran, writer | The Ethics of Lucidity |
Shamhat, sex-priestess of Ishtar Temple, Uruk | Gilgamesh of Uruk, dreamer | Enkidu |
Shan-miao, a woman who became a dragon | Uisan, Korean Buddhist saint c.670 AD | Zemmyo |
Shannon, Samantha, writer | The Mime Order, alt-world novel | Cyclotron of flowers |
Shanower, Eric, cartoonist | Rodriguez, Gabriel, cartoonist | Saturation Dial |
Shanower, Eric, cartoonist | Rodriguez, Gabriel, cartoonist | Overlay |
Sharits, Paul, dreamer | Dreamworks Quarterly | Paul Pulls the Trigger |
Sharp, Margery, author | Miss Bianca, kids' fantasy novel | Floating Horses |
Shasé, an imaginative artmodel | --- | Figure Drawing: Now Hold That Pose! |
Shaw, Adam, dreamer | Reklaw, Jesse, illustrator | Bird Assassin |
Shaw, George Bernard, playwright | Archer, William, dreamer | Chesterton's Pounce |
Shaw, George Bernard, playwright | Yeats, W.B., dream-poet and playwright | The Smiling Shaw Machine |
Shaw, George Bernard, playwright | Price, Nancy, actor, writer, dreamer | Strange Audition |
Shaw, George Bernard, playwright | Pygmalion, play | Futility |
Shaw, Jim, prolific dream artist | Shaw now has his own page: | Jim Shaw |
Shawn & Feffer, characters on... | Boy Meets World, TV show | Exploration Game |
Shawnodese, a dreamworker | Dreaming with the Wheel, book | Suvy and John Doe |
Shea, Lisa, epic dreamer | Somnial Times, a dream zine | Mutant Wedding |
Sheila, a dreamer | Greg, her dead friend | Greg's Gift |
Shekerjian, Regina de Cormier, writer | Dreamworks Quarterly | Ojibway Dream Net |
Sheldon, Alice ("James Tiptree"), writer | --- | Dancing with Emily Bronte |
Sheldon, Alice ("James Tiptree"), writer | Houston, Houston, Do you Read?, story | Houston |
Sheldon, Alice ("James Tiptree"), writer | A Momentary Taste of Being, story | Hawking country |
Sheldon, Alice ("James Tiptree"), writer | Your Faces, O My Sisters! Your Faces Filled of Light! | Let me Pass! |
Sheldon, Alice ("James Tiptree"), writer | The Women Men Don't See, story | Time-Bubble |
"Shelley" (pseud.), a therapist, | now has her own page: | Shelley |
Shelley, Mary, writer | Shelley, Percy, poet, dreamer | Deja Reve |
Shelley, Mary, writer | Frankenstein, A Modern Prometheus, novel | Frankenstein's Origin |
Shelley, Mary, writer | Frankenstein, A Modern Prometheus, novel | My Lips are Sealed |
Shelley, Mary, writer | --- | Quadruple Wedding |
Shelley, Mary, writer | Frankenstein, A Modern Prometheus, novel | Two-Headed Beast |
Shelley, Percy, poet, dreamer | Shelley, Mary, writer | Deja Reve |
Shelley, Percy, poet | Hunt, Marianne, dreamer | Marianne's Dream |
Sherwood, Martha, dreamer | Reconciliation | |
Shetterly, Will, writer | Nevernever, novel | Rhamphorhynchus |
Shikasta, novel | Lessing, Doris, writer | Hebradio |
Shikimori's not Just a Cutie, manga | Maki, Keigo, manga writer & artist | The Cloud Over Her |
a ship engineer's wife | Rhine, Louisa, ESP researcher | Tin Fish |
Shirayama, Kamome, manga artist | Witch Hat Atelier, a manga | Silky's Massage |
Shoeshine, film | Desowitz, William, dreamer | A Film-Oriented Dream |
Shonin, Myoe, Japanese monk and dreamer | Myoe now has his own page: | MYOE SHONIN |
Shuler, Dustin, sculptor and dreamer | Dreamworks Quarterly | Destruction of the Nightmare Towers |
Sickafoose, Munro, writer | Knives, story in anthology "Armless Maiden" | The Abuse Panelists |
Siddartha, soon to be called the Buddha | a bunch of monks cleaning up his act | Buddha's Five Dreams |
Siegfried and Roy, stage magicians | Monica M., a predictive dreamer | Tiger Podium |
Silent Call, alternate title of | a set of three dreams by Wayan, | Jack Daniels |
Silk Roads, book | Frankopan, Peter, writer | Giraffe Camouflage |
Silky, Wayan's spirit wife | Silky has her own page: | SILKY |
Silky, a soft-sculpture Cat-taur portrait | Fringe Festival, an experimental theatre fest | Leopards at the Fringe |
Silky, a soft-sculpture Cat-taur portrait of... | my spirit wife, met in dreams | Foam Furs |
The Silmarillion & The Lord of the Rings, novels | now have their own page; see | Tolkien & Middle Earth |
Silver, Sarah, artist | Patches, her fursona | Patches Paws at Flying Fish-Toast Friends |
Silverberg, Robert, writer | Lord Valentine's Castle, novel | An Ill-Formed Tale |
Silverberg-Willis, Luana, dancer/choreographer | --- | Dance Resistance |
Silverberg-Willis, Luana, dancer, teacher, activist | --- | A Beam of Flight |
Silverlock, novel | Myers, John Myers, writer | The Lake Demon |
Simon, Kelly, dreamer | Furious Fictions, 90s literary zine | WHERE IS MY MOTHER? |
Simon, Paul, composer | "Train in the Distance", song | The Addiction |
Simone, pseudonymous dreamer | Delaney, Gayle, dream researcher | Sexual Dreams |
Simpson, O.J., athlete | "OJ Simpson Trial", endless TV drama | Guardian Angels Feud |
Simpson, Dana, cartoonist | Phoebe and Her Unicorn, comic series | Bonobocare, or the Children's Crusade |
Simpson, Dana, cartoonist | Phoebe and Her Unicorn, comic series | Rainbow Splash |
Simpson, Dana, cartoonist | Phoebe and Her Unicorn, comic series | Werecat Syndrome |
The Simpsons, TV show | Simpson, Bart, and Simpson, Lisa, cartoon kids | The Appliance |
The Simpsons, TV show | Simpson, Bart, cartoon character | Cabin in the Sky |
The Simpsons, TV show | Simpson, Bart, and Simpson, Lisa, cartoon kids | I Was a Sex Slave |
The Simpsons, TV show | Simpson, Lisa, cartoon character | Saucer Attack |
Simsa Valiha, a shy alien | Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf | The Everest Marathon |
Sin-leki-unnunni, writer/editor of Gilgamesh | Gilgamesh of Uruk, dreamer | Enkidu |
Sinatra, Frank, singer | --- | Three-Eyed Wolf |
Sinclair, Mary Craig, psychic | Sinclair, Upton, writer | Mental Radio |
Singer-songwriters | The Bazaar Cafe, San Francisco | Mirrorcunt |
"A single sparrow in a cage," (poem) | Blake, William, poet/artist | Man Triumph Ant |
The Singularity (futurological concept) | Vinge, Vernor, writer | Dino Singularity |
La Sirene, Haitian sea-goddess | Phillips-Tailed Mermaid, dream painting | The Mermaid Tow |
The Sirian Experiments, novel | Lessing, Doris, writer | Hebradio |
Sisterhood is Powerful, book | Morgan, Robin, writer | The Vacuum Cleaner Quartet |
"The Skeleton Key", ghost story | Hoffmann, Nina Kiriki, writer | Marjane |
Skiznot, pen name of a dreamer | --- | After the Flood and the Pig-Eared Baby Alligator |
"Skywalker, Allison", pen name of a dreamer | --- | The Glowing Clit |
Skywalker, Luke, a life-force follower | Emily Joy, a shamanic dreamer | Window in the Sky |
Skywatcher, a drawing | Boulet, Susan Seddon, artist | Burn His Tree |
Skywhales (animation) | --- | Animation Today--No Pearls, Lotsa Swine |
"Sky Whales", dream painting | Jenny Badger Sultan, dream artist | Fluid Dream Connections |
Sleep, Dreams and Somnambulism, book | Macario, Maurice, early dream researcher | Prodromal Dreamlets |
Sleep & Its Derangements, 1869 book | Hammond, William, pre-Freudian dream theorist | Volition on the Brink |
Sleep & Its Derangements, 1869 book | Hammond, William, pre-Freudian dream theorist | Thumbsucker! |
Sleep & Its Derangements, 1869 book | Lavalette, Antoine, prisoner & dreamer | Flayed Column |
Sleeping In Flame, novel | Jonathan Carroll, writer | God-Shields |
Sleepwalker, a series of prints | Goro-Rapoport, Victoria | The Planter of Seeds<> |
Slovo, Shawn, writer | A World Apart, film | On Molly's Forehead |
Smallville, TV show, and Superman, comic | Lex Luthor, villain | Larry's Multiverse |
Smith, Adam | The Wealth of Nations, capitalism's bible | Ode to Spam |
Smith, Cordwainer | Alpha Ralpha Boulevard, story | Alpha Ralpha Boulevard |
Smith, Cordwainer, writer | Angerhelm, story | Angerhelm |
Smith, Cordwainer, writer | Think Blue, Count Two, story | Arteria |
Smith, Cordwainer, writer | The Dead Lady of Clown Town, story | Kiss of a Savage |
Smith, Cordwainer, writer | the Ballad of Lost C'mell (story) | Titania |
Smith, Karen, dreamer | Somnial Times, dream zine | Why Me? |
Snickerpenguins, nuclear troublemakers | Cave Elves, shy geniuses | Razi and the Holy Wino of Shasta |
Snoid, a raving monster from the Id | Snoid Comix, and others by R. Crumb | Ishi and Snoid |
Snoopy, a cartoon beagle | Peanuts, comic strip | A Vial Crime |
Snow Tiger, novel | Bagley, Desmond, writer | Baby, I'll Blow your Mind |
Snufkin, a wanderer | Moomintroll novels | Torturer |
Snyder, Gary, poet and mountaineer | --- | Grotto of Breasts |
Snyder, Gary, poet and mountaineer | Dreamworks Quarterly | Journey IX |
Soccer with a Plum, dream | Jenny Badger Sultan, dream artist | Fluid Dream Connections |
Socrates, philosopher | Plato, philosopher | Socrates's Swan |
Sofa Jungle, a dreamlet | Doe, Jane, dreamer | Don't Shoot the Ibex |
The Soggy Diapers, a dream-band | with a bad name | A Crooked Band |
Solar Lottery, novel | Dick, Philip K., writer | Lucid on the Moon |
Solnit, Rebecca, writer | The War Of the World, grim article | Creature Becomes Creator |
Solnit, Rebecca, anarchist writer | A Paradise Built in Hell, book | Evil Archy |
Solnit, Rebecca, anarchist writer | A Paradise Built in Hell, book | The Fur Side |
Solnit, Rebecca, anarchist writer | A Paradise Built in Hell, book | A Hisa On Olympus |
Solnit, Rebecca, writer | A Field Guide to Getting Lost, book | A Snake Prompt |
Solnit, Rebecca, anarchist writer | A Paradise Built in Hell, book | World Builders |
Solomon, King of Israel and vivid dreamer | Giordano, Luca, painter | Solomon's Choice |
Solomon, King of Israel and vivid dreamer | Makeda, Queen of Sheba in Ethiopian tradition | Theft of the Ark |
Somers, Suzanne, acress & and abuse activist | Three's Company, TV show | Birdsuit! |
Somers, Suzanne, acress & and abuse activist | Three's Company, TV show | Black & White, or Color? |
Somers, Suzanne, acress & and abuse activist | Three's Company, TV show | Peeling her Skin |
The Somethingmancer, artist | Anne Marie, human child or dogtaur? | Self-Censor? |
Du sommeil, des rêves et du somnambulisme, book | Macario, Maurice, early dream researcher | Prodromal Dreamlets |
Somnial Times | now has its own page: | Somnial Times |
Song of Heyoehkah & Seven Arrows, books | Storm, Hyemeyohsts, writer | The Lady Bathes in Grief |
Song of the Pearl, novel | Nichols, Ruth, writer | Learning Scales |
Songlines, book | Chatwin, Bruce, writer | The Ripple Effect |
Songs of Experience, illustrated poetry book | Blake, William, poet/artist | The Angel |
Songs of Innocence, illustrated poetry book | Blake, William, poet/artist | Lost Ant |
Sophocles, poet, playwright... detective? | Hercules, a demigod | Goblet of Gold |
Sorcha, a dreamer | the Pope | The Shrinking Pope |
Sorcha, a slightly cynical dreamer | Spitzer, Cilda, wronged wife | It Must Be Someone She Ate |
Le Sorcier, painting in Trois Freres Cave, France | Shortis, Sam, shamanic dreamer | Deer-Man Dancing |
The Sorrows of Young Werther, novel | Goethe, J. W. von, writer | To Keep Him Company |
Sou, Inaida, manga writer | I was Reincarnated as the Villainess in an Otome Game, manga | The Cloud Over Her |
The soul selects her own society, poem | Dickinson, Emily, poet | My Gate |
Source Book On Pornography, book | --- | Apologetic Ogre |
Southey, Robert, writer and dreamer | The Beatorio | Creating Wings |
Southey, Robert, writer and dreamer | Adam, the first man | Old Adam |
Southey, Robert, writer and dreamer | --- | Rib-Crusher |
Southey, Robert, writer and dreamer | The Sorrows of Young Werther, novel | To Keep Him Company |
Spaceballs, film (Star Wars parody) | Brooks, Mel, filmmaker | Mounting Problems |
Spaceling, novel | Piserchia, Doris, writer | Mine Back Door |
Sparkle, Twilight, Equestrian scholar | My Little Pony, cartoon show | Family Jesters |
Sparkle, Twilight, an Equestrian scholar | My Little Pony, cartoon show | Incremental Heavens |
Sparkle, Twilight, a unicorn in a co-op | My Little Pony, cartoon show | Satyr and Twilight |
Speak of the Devil, grim graphic novel | Hernandez, Gilbert, cartoonist | Demon Budgeting |
Spell for Chameleon, novel | Anthony, Piers, writer | On the Night of Change |
Spencer, Maia, a cledonic dreamer | Cyclops, a regular guy | You Really Aren't Lunch |
Spencer, Wen, writer & dreamer | Elfhome fantasy series | I Had the Strangest Dream, and You were There |
Spencer, Wen, writer | Elfhome fantasy series | The Oni Plague |
Spencer, Wen, writer | Wood Sprites sf novel | Green Screen Angel |
Spencer, Wen, writer | Wood Sprites sf novel | Nip Off His Nose |
Spider Grandmother, folkloric figure | --- | Spider Crone |
Spinrad, Norman, writer | Pictures at Eleven, novel | Aelfwine |
Spirits that Walk in Shadow, novel | Hoffmann, Nina Kiriki, writer | Rabbit-Eared Doe |
Spitzer, Cilda, wronged wife | Sorcha, a slightly cynical dreamer | It Must Be Someone She Ate |
Spivack, Kathleen, dream poet | Dreamworks Quarterly | Nightmare next to my Lover |
Splash, film | Hannah, Daryl, actor | Auspicious Tractor Hate |
Mr.Spock, a half-Vulcan | see also Star Trek dreams | Batman's Love |
Mr.Spock, a half-Vulcan | see also Star Trek dreams | Spock's Spirits |
Mr.Spock, a half-Vulcan | see also Star Trek dreams | Misfits on Mars |
Spotted Fawn, multimedia artist | also known as Strong, Amanda | Spotted Fawn Dodges Arrows |
Spring, a very solid goddess | De la Mare, Walter, dreamer | Primavera |
Squire, John Collings, dream-poet | Megroz, R.L., dream collector | Under |
the Squirtgun bringing down | Chihuahua, Destroyer of Worlds | The Power Behind the Gods |
Stablein, Marilyn, dreamer | Stablein now has her own page: | Marilyn Stablein |
Stalin, Josef, dictator | and standup comedian? | Banana Slug |
Star Beast, novel | Heinlein, Robert, writer | Misfits on Mars |
Star Man's Son, novel | Norton, Andre | I Can't Join |
Star Rider, novel | Piserchia, Doris, writer | Mounting Problems |
Star Rider, novel | Piserchia, Doris, writer | The White Mare of Transform Ranch |
STAR TREK (TV series and films) | now have their own page: | STAR TREK DREAMS |
Star Wars, film series | Anonymous #37, a nightmare sufferer | Yes, You can Die in a Dream |
Star Wars films | Spaceballs, Mel Brooks parody | Mounting Problems |
Starhawk, writer | --- | Poltergeist |
Starhawk, writer | Dreaming the Dark, book | Why Progress is Slow |
Starhawk, writer | Dreaming the Dark, book | Ring of White Water |
Starhawk, writer | Dreaming the Dark, book | Starhawk the Witch |
Starlight Glimmer, an egalitarian unicorn | My Little Pony, cartoon show | Incremental Heavens |
Stars in my Pockets like Grains of Sand, novel | Delany, Samuel, writer | Undo the Paralysis |
Startide Rising, novel | Brin, David, writer | Rose and the Thorn |
Starvibes, pen name of a dreamer | 1stargirl, former pen name | I Died and Walked among the Living |
Starvibes, pen name of a dreamer | 1stargirl, former pen name | Speckled Eggs |
Starvibes, pen name of a dreamer | 1stargirl, former pen name | Swimming Cats |
Steelclaw, Ratiries, a wolf girl and dreamer | Heart In My Stomach, alt. dream title | Freaky Dream, or, Heart in My Stomach |
Stein, Gertrude, writer | McKillip, Patricia, writer | McKillip's New Book |
Steinem, Gloria, writer | Revolution from Within, book | Self-Made Girls |
Steinem, Gloria, writer | Emily Joy, a shamanic dreamer | Window in the Sky |
Stevanovic, Ivica, artist | Vandermeer, Jeff, writer & dreamer | Vandermeer's Stair |
Steve (age 6), predictive dreamer | Rhine, Louisa, ESP researcher | Septic |
Stevens, Cat, songwriter | Sitting (song, in "Catch Bull at Four") | Thank the Moon... |
Stevenson, Noelle, writer, cartoonist & dreamer | The Fire Never Goes Out, graphic memoir | Brother |
Stevenson, Robert Louis, writer and dreamer | "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde", novella | Stevenson's Brownies |
Stewart, James, actor | It's a Wonderful Life (film) | Titania |
Stewart, James, actor | Rear Window (film) | Wolves Evolve |
Stewart, Patrick, actor | Prince of Egypt, film | The Egyptian God |
Stewart, Patrick, actor | Picard, Jean-Luc, starship captain | Picardian Angels |
Stewart, Patrick, actor | Picard, Jean-Luc, starship captain | Ick! Dogs! |
Stewart, Patrick, actor | See also: Star Trek dreams | Shrunken Men |
Stickgold, Robert, dreamer | When Brains Dream, book on dreams | Vivisection |
Stills, Lemon, industrial worker, muse | Levine, Philip, poet | They Feed They Lion |
Stockton, Frank, writer | The Griffin and the Minor Canon, novel | Fuck Griffin |
a Stockwith woman, (d.1757), a predictive dreamer | John Wesley, Methodist & dream collector | Don't go to the Market |
Stone, Ruth, poet | What Love Comes To: poetry collection | The Möbius Strip of Grief |
Stonehenge, a real place | Potatohenge, an imaginary place | Stone Dancer, or, Potatohenge |
Storm, Hyemeyohsts, writer | Seven Arrows & Song of Heyoehkah, books | The Lady Bathes in Grief |
Storm, Hyemeyohsts, writer | Seven Arrows & Song of Heyoehkah, books | Salia and Chur |
Storm, Mardi, dream sculptor | Burning Man art | Twilight Anima Rising |
Storm over Warlock, Ordeal in Otherwhere, novels | Norton, Andre | Asilomar of Dreams |
Storm over Warlock, Ordeal in Otherwhere, novels | Norton, Andre, writer | The Everest Marathon |
Storm over Warlock, Ordeal in Otherwhere, novels | Norton, Andre, writer | Gyrlfalcon |
Storm over Warlock, Ordeal in Otherwhere, novels | Norton, Andre, writer | Wyvern |
Strachan, Margaret, friend/witness | Mudie, Annie Howie, psychic dreamer | New Brighton Murder |
Strange, Dr., movie & comics character | --- | Soul Restored and Red Robe Of Initiation |
Strange Universe (TV show) | Washoe, signing chimp | Animal Speech, Animal ESP |
Strangers on a Train, film | Hitchcock, Alfred, filmmaker | Hitchcock Bird |
Stranglehold, mystery novel | Gorman, Ed, writer | Triskelion |
Street, Picabo, athlete | --- | Arteria |
Stricker, Sharon, writer & dreamer | Dreamworks Quarterly | She is the Snake |
Strippers in Delirium (dream painting) | Girondé, Marie Claude, painter | The Mad Unveilers |
Strong, Amanda, multimedia artist | Metis people of Canada | Spotted Fawn Dodges Arrows |
Sturgeon, Theodore, writer | Godbody, novel | Arteria |
Sturgeon, Theodore, writer | A Saucer of Loneliness (short story) | Poisoned! |
Sturgeon, Theodore, writer | The Wabbler (story) | Baby, I'll Blow your Mind! |
Sturges, Jock, photographer | Art for Teachers of Children (film) | Jennifer Montgomery |
The Subterrene, an underworld/drilling vessel | Catz, Caroline & Faulkner, Lisa, cyborg detectives | Adorable Cyborgs |
Suddhodana, King, Siddartha's father | Maya, Queen, Siddartha's mother | Prophetic Dream of Buddha's Father |
Suetonius, historian | Nero, Roman emperor and nightmare-sufferer | Enter, Nero! |
Suetonius, historian | Julius Caesar & his wife Calpurnia | Calpurnia's Dream |
Sullivan, Kathleen, dream writer | Ferrimani, Brenda, dream painter | Surrender to the White Buffalo |
Sultan, Henry, dream painter | --- | Celebrate Both |
Sultan, Jenny Badger, dream artist | Jenny now has her own page: | JENNY BADGER SULTAN |
Summer (Rayon Vert), film | Rohmer, Eric, auteur | Faerie |
Sundance Community Dream Journal | Sarah, a dreamworker | Mmm, Good! |
"Sunshine", a dreamworker, | now has his own page: | SUNSHINE |
Sun-tzu, ancient Chinese writer | The Art of War (book) | Mentor |
Superman, comic book, and Smallville, TV show | Luthor, Lex, a villain | Larry's Multiverse |
The Supreme Court of the United States | (in an unjust mood) | Moose |
The Supreme Court of the United States | (a shifty bunch) | The Ripple Effect |
Surviving Picasso, film | Renoir, Auguste, artist | Brandy's Curse |
Suzuki, Shunryu, monk | --- | Spiritual Discipline? Please, Mistress, No! |
Sverrir Sigurðarson, King of Norway | Gunnhildr, his mom, a predictive dreamer | Gunnhildr's Birth Dream |
Swallows And Amazons novels | Ransome, Arthur, writer | Pirate Twins |
Swallows And Amazons etc, novels | Ransome, Arthur, writer | Green Bird |
Swank, Hilary, actor | Boys Don't Cry, movie | Boys Don't Cry |
Swedenborg, Emanuel, early dreamworker & psychic | now has his own page: | Swedenborg |
the Swedish Navy | Lindgren, Astrid | Astrid and Me |
Sweetie Belle, a songwriting unicorn | My Little Pony, TV show | Giraffe Camouflage |
Swift, Jonathan, a fantasy writer | Magritte, Rene, a surrealist painter | Laputans Lecture Brobdingnag |
Switchfoot, a band | Meant To Live, a song | Window in the Sky |
Sybil, book | Schreiber, Flora, writer | Pier's End |
Sybil Sue Blue, sf/mystery novel | Brown, Rosel George, writer | Sybil Sue Flannery |
Sylvia (play) | Waymire, Kellie, actor | Sylvia Sings |
Sylvia, Claire, transplant patient & recurrent dreamer | Garfield, Patricia | Heart and Lungs |
Symonds, John Addington, writer & dreamer | --- | White-Faced |
Synchronicity, a book by... | Jung, Carl, psychologist | Superimposed |
Synchronicity, a book by... | Jung, Carl, psychologist | Scarab |
Synchronicity, a book by... | Jung, Carl, psychologist | Superimposed |
Szymborska, Wislawa, dream-poet | --- | In Praise of Dreams |
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