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World Dream Bank:
Index of Names, Q-S

by Chris Wayan 2001-2010

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Dream titles and places have their own indexes. Authors of dreams ARE here, among other names; for a list of dreamers only, see authors.

Salem's Lot, horror novel
People, books, movies,
poems, songs, comics, etc.
Authors of books
and so on
I skipped bare mentions;
most hits will be significant.

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"Qerwgeqwr, Erwre", a pseudonymous dreamer who clearly can only type with the left hand Time Warp
Qi Gao, Emperor of China, or at least a chunk of it Xiao Dao, a young dreamer in a dark age Black Dragon
Quaggas (zebralike animals) Archer, William, dreamer Che Fanno gli Inglesi?
Quayle, Dan, politician Oingo Boingo, band It's a Dead Man's Party
Quayle, Dan, vice president Dopp, Susan Marie, surrealist painter Dopp
Quest Crosstime, novel Norton, Andre, writer The Aztec Empire's Reservations
Quest Crosstime, novel Norton, Andre, writer His Deer Wife
Question, name of a red dog in a dream Chast, Roz, cartoonist and dreamer Art Envy
Questionnaires (strange ones) Jury duty The Starship Cure
Quinn, Brian, dreamer --- The Owls of the Gatekeeper on the Forest Bridge
Quinn, Daniel, writer/dreamer --- Beetle
Quinn, James, dreamer Pope Sixtus (unclear which one of three) "Tell him I saw his head in a box"
Qu'lad, a shamanic dreamer Togumalis, a shamanic dreamer Flu Prescription
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Rabid Eye, dream-comics Veitch, Rick, dream artist Rick Veitch now has his own page
Rachel, dreamworker The Dream Game, how-to book Fetal Slideshow
"Radar" O'Reilly, psychic MASH, TV show Radar's Bear
"Radar" O'Reilly, psychic MASH, TV show Jack Daniels!
Ragnhild, Queen of Norway, a dreamer Halfdan the Black, King of Norway, a dreamnesiac Ragnhild's Tree and Halfdan's Curls
Ragsdale, Floyd, a practical dreamer The Committee of Sleep; dream anthology Kevlar
Rai Dragon, a treasure Rikutsu, a dreamer Battle for the Rai Dragon
Rainbow Brite, a commercial character Clinton, Hillary, politician Hillary and Teal
Rainbow Dash, a cartoon pegasus My Little Pony TV series Rainbow Splash
Raine, Kathleen, dream poet, now has her own page: Kathleen Raine
Rainer, Tristine, writer The New Diary, book on journaling I Find Myself Crying
Rainer, Tristine, writer The New Diary, book on journaling Loneliness Haiku
Rainer, Tristine, writer The New Diary, book on journaling Marcoux's Dreams
The Rainmaker, film Hepburn, Katherine, actor Hepburning
Ralph, Jessie, actor After the Thin Man, film, 1936 Blind Ancestors
Ram Dass, guru --- Serafina & Ram Dass
Ramanujan, Srinavasa, math genius & dreamer Lakshmi, Hindu goddess Ramanujan
Ramón y Cajal, Santiago, neurologist & dreamer now has his own page: Cajal
Ramona series of kids' novels Cleary, Beverly, writer Maturity
Ramsey, Pauline, psychic dreamer --- A Fountain in the Armenians
Ramsey, Pauline, psychic dreamer --- Where's My Mum?
Ramsey, Pauline, dreamer --- Exuberant Balloons
Ramspott, Tad, dreamer and dragon --- Rednecks
Ransome, Arthur, writer Swallows And Amazons etc, novels Green Bird
Ransome, Arthur, writer Swallows And Amazons (novel) and sequels Pirate Twins
Rapoport, Victoria Goro- International Association for the Study of Dreams The Planter of Seeds
Rarity, a unicorn actress My Little Pony, TV show My Little 'Pocalypse
Rarity, a wise unicorn My Little Pony, TV show Pinkie Cleans the Windows of Perception
"Rasselon", a dream blogger --- Four Dragons
"Rasselon", a dream blogger Castaneda, Carlos, shamanic writer Don Juan and the Flyers
"Rasselon", a dream blogger "Seven-Eyed Dragon", a dreamlet in Don Juan and the Flyers
"Rasselon", a dream blogger --- Older and Younger
Ratiries, a wolf girl and dreamer Heart In My Stomach, alt. title Freaky Dream, or, Heart in My Stomach
Raucher, Esther, dream sculptor Dreamworks Quarterly The Last Judgment and a Luscious Passivity
Raven the Skald, an Icelandic bard Thorstein Egilson, long-term psychic dreamer Eagles in Love with a Swan
Ray, Man, photographer Miller, Lee, photographer Black Magic
Raymond Chandler Evening (song) Hitchcock, Robyn, composer Pier's End
Ray, Man, surrealist photographer Miller, Lee, photographer Black Magic
Man Ray, surrealist photographer Miller, Lee, photographer Bumbree Syndrome
Ray, Man, surrealist photographer Leiris, Michel, surrealist & dream journalist Gauze
Rayon Vert or Summer, film Rohmer, Eric, filmer Faerie
Read, Herbert, critic, poet, dreamer --- I Didn't Dive In
Read, Jenny, sculptor --- Eight to a Horn
Reading the Mind of God, science book Trefil, James, writer Trefil and Science
Reagan, Ronald, warmonger --- Ariel
Reagan, Ronald, actor --- The Magic School
Reagan, Ronald, fool Evil Empire jokes Laserbomb
Reagan, Ronald, politician --- Coolidge's Duck
Reagan, Ronald, soul-thief Reagan, Nancy, puppeteer Ronald Reagan Stole My Soul!
Red Dot (dream picture-poem) Roswila, dream-poet Dreamku, April 2007
The Red Heart Of Memories, novel Hoffmann, Nina Kiriki, writer Self-Possessed
Red Mars trilogy; science fiction novels Robinson, Kim Stanley, writer Laserbomb
Red Mars, Green Mars & Blue Mars Robinson, Kim Stanley, writer Last Lunar Storm
Red Mars Trilogy Robinson, Kim Stanley, writer The Miranda Oath
Red Mars trilogy Robinson, Kim Stanley, writer Muir on Mars
Red Mars trilogy Robinson, Kim Stanley, writer Poles Now, Tropics Later
Red Mars trilogy Robinson, Kim Stanley, writer Slaves on Red Mars
Red Planet, novel Heinlein, Robert, writer Misfits on Mars
Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf Simsa Valiha, dream character The Everest Marathon
Red Riding Hood and a human wolf Squirrel Girl
Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wo(o)lf Woolf, Virginia, writer Timedoors of the Gods
Red Riding Hood in a Red city Ulyanovsk
Redgrove, Peter, author The Black Goddess & the Unseen Real, book The Great Dream
Redon, Odilon, artist Noirs, print series Bondieu
Redon, Odilon, artist Noirs, print series Guilty!
Redon, Odilon, artist Noirs, print series Lunamoth
Redon, Odilon, artist Noirs, print series Moonmare
a Redwood City man, an emotional oracle Rhine, Louisa, ESP researcher Bayshore and Charter
REFLECTIONS: the Magic of Writing; book Jones, Diana Wynne, writer & inadvertent witch The Magic of Writing
Regeana, a dreamer --- Regeana's Dragon
Reiser, Gloria, a dreamer Somnial Times, a dream zine The Baby
Reiser, Gloria, a dreamer Somnial Times, a dream zine Toddler Shot By Spouse
Reitz, Jennifer Diane, writer/cartoonist Unicorn Jelly, webcomic Croc Boy
Reitz, Jennifer Diane, writer/cartoonist Unicorn Jelly, webcomic Jelly Rebellion
Reminisce, tag name of Neri, Ruby, muralist Corpse-Bug
Reminisce, tag name of Neri, Ruby, muralist Watercats
Rendell, Ruth, writer The Orchard Wall, BBC mystery Escape by Intuition
Renker, Skip, dream-poet Dreamworks Quarterly Palm Dream
Renoir, Jean, filmmaker A Day in the Country (film) Marine Geology's Not It
Renoir, Auguste, artist Surviving Picasso, film Brandy's Curse
Repent, Harlequin! said the Ticktockman (short story) Ellison, Harlan, writer The Magic Words
Republican convention in Dallas, 1984 Joe Bob, pseudonymous reporter Dallas Gmork
Return to Oz, film Baum, L. Frank, writer Fox Mother
"Rêve d'Abysses", dream-painting Girondé, Marie-Claude, dream artist Dream of Abysses:
Revenant, poem Wayne, Jane O., poet After He Died
Reverend D Mrs. T, predictive dreamer Cart with Husband
Les rêves et les moyens de les diriger, book Dreams and how to direct them, translation Hervey de Saint-Denys
Revolution from Within, book Steinem, Gloria, writer Self-Made Girls
Rezmerski, John Calvin, science fictional poet Alchemy of Stars: Rhysling Award Winners Showcase A Dream of Heredity
Rhadamanthe, one of the Judges of Hell Joyce, James, writer & psychic dreamer Minos, Eaque and Rhadamanthe
Rhine Feather, Sally, writer on ESP The Gift, study of premonitions see intro to list of Predictive Dreams
RHINE, LOUISA E., ESP researcher Louisa Rhine now has her own page Louisa Rhine
Rhine Maidens, three treasure-guardians Wagner, Richard, composer The Spell Blurs Women
Rhysling Award (1987), science fictional poetry award Rezmerski, John Calvin, shape-poet A Dream of Heredity
Ribeiro, Sidarta, writer on dreams The Oracle of Night, book Birds at War
Ribeiro, Sidarta, writer & dreamer The Oracle of Night, book Witches, Manhunt, Tiger & Shark
Richards, Keith, musician Rolling Stones, band Satisfaction
Rickheit, Hans, dream cartoonist Somnial Times, dream zine Nightmare Quartet
Ries, Alex, species designer Rowan, Elia, interplanetary dreamer Kinship in Winter
Rikutsu, a dreamer Rai Dragon, a treasure Battle for the Rai Dragon
The Ring of Ritornel, novel Harness, Charles, writer Doctor Ventril
Ritual Blood Designs, dream title Sultan, Jenny Badger, dream artist When Blood Flows, the Danger is Past
Riverworld series, novels Farmer, Philip Jose, writer Bollywood Love
Roadmender, novel/spiritual tract Fairless, Michael, writer Gospel Girl
Roan Stallion, narrative poem Jeffers, Robinson, poet Tigerborn
The Robber Bride, novel Atwood, Margaret, writer A Writer's Muse
Robbins, Trina, cartoonist Crumb, biographical film Crumb
Robert, a predictive dreamer Krippner, Stanley, dream researcher Thrown Free
Robert Holdstock, writer Mythago Wood, novel God-Shields
Robert's wife, a predictive dreamer Rhine, Louisa, ESP researcher A Stirring Failure
Roberts, Julia, actor Notting Hill, film Julie's Dating Ad
Roberts, Julia, actor Hook, film Oriole Girl
Roberts, Keith, writer The Inner Wheel, novel The Fairy Wife
Roberts, Thomas J, writer An Aesthetics of Junk Fiction, criticism Junk Fiction?
Roberts, Wally, a dying dreamer Doty, Mark, poet Atlantis: 2: Reprieve
Robertson, Morgan, predictive novelist Titanic disaster The Titan
Robinson, Kim Stanley, writer Red Mars trilogy, novels Laserbomb
Robinson, Kim Stanley, writer Red Mars trilogy, novels Last Lunar Storm
Robinson, Kim Stanley, writer Red Mars trilogy, novels The Miranda Oath
Robinson, Kim Stanley, writer Red Mars trilogy, novels Muir on Mars
Robinson, Kim Stanley, writer Red Mars trilogy, novels Poles Now, Tropics Later
Robinson, Kim Stanley, writer Red Mars trilogy, novels Slaves on Red Mars
Robinson, Kim Stanley, writer High Sierra: A Love Story, book Thoreau's Mountain
Rochan, an out-of-body dreamworker Brown paper bag verifying a psychic dream Rochan's Dream
Rocky Horror Show, film and play Rocky, a monster Rocky Love
Roddenberry, Gene, director see also STAR TREK DREAMS Batman's Love
Roethke, Theodore, poet --- The Dream
Rogers, Andrea, dreamer Reklaw, Jesse, illustrator Disney's Make-Out Date
Rogoff, Alice, editor Haight-Ashbury Literary Journal The Sphinx Approves
Rohmer, Eric, filmer Summer or Green Ray or Rayon Vert, film Faerie
Rojas Contreras, Ingrid, writer The Man who could Move Clouds, memoir Oil Derrick
Rolling Stones, band Richards, Keith, musician Satisfaction
Romafest, annual meeting of Roma in Camargues, France Dylan, Bob, songwriter One More Cup of Coffee
Romana, a Timelord Ward, Lalla, BBC actress Rhinzl's Shadow
Ronald, a telepathic dreamer New Dimensions of Deep Analysis, book on ESP in therapy Ronald's Forbidden Field
Roosevelt, a dreamlet Doe, Jane, dreamer Don't Shoot the Ibex
Rosberg, Rose, dream poet Dreamworks Quarterly Second Reading
Rose and the Thorn, old comic book (Who wrote and drew this? Can't find a copy...) Rose and the Thorn
A Rose For Ecclesiastes, short story Zelazny, Roger, writer Misfits on Mars
Rosemary, an involuntary oracle Rhine, Louisa, ESP researcher Rosemary and Frances
Rosen, Sylvia, dream-poet Dreamworks Quarterly Moon-Striped Tiger Prowling
Rossetti, Christina, poet and dreamer --- "Death! Death!"
Rossetti, William, diarist Hunt, William Holman, painter & predictive dreamer Crocodile King
Roswila (Patricia Kelly), dream-poet Roswila now has her own page ROSWILA
Rothenstein, Michael, illustrator Price, Nancy, dreamer The Fearful Insect
Rothenstein, Michael, illustrator Price, Nancy, dreamer Tawny Owl
Rousseau, Henri, painter Yadwigha, a possible dreamer The Dream
Rousseau, Henri, painter --- Rose and the Thorn
Rousseau, Henri, painter --- Rousseau's Flutist
Rowan, Elia, interplanetary dreamer --- Kinship in Winter
Rowland, R. J., early Scottish dreamer Scott, Sir Walter, writer Rowland's Dream
Rowling, JK: now has her own page JK Rowling
Roxana, my friend & writing buddy --- Blow 'em Up!
Roxana, my friend & writing buddy --- China Beach
Roxana, my friend & writing buddy --- The Core Issue
Roxana, my friend & writing buddy --- The Prime Directive
Roxanne, film Cyrano De Bergerac, Steve Martin Nixon Nose
Roya, a grieving dreamer Krippner, Stanley, dream researcher Roya's Bird
Royston, Robin, prodromal dream collector "Nancy", dreamer and cancer survivor Bad Nancy!
Rubber Soul, album Beatles, composers Potlatch Smoke
Ruefle, Mary, poet Cold Pluto, poetry collection Before Bed
Rumford, James, illustrator Battuta, Ibn, world traveler Battuta's Dream
Rumi, poet and mystic --- Batman's Love
Rushdie, Salman, writer Midnight's Children, novel His Racist Son
Rushdie, Salman, writer Midnight's Children, novel Midnight's Children
Ruskin, John, recurring nightmare sufferer Hudson, Liam, dream theorist Lamia
Russell, George ("AE"), writer, dreamer AE now has his own page: AE
Russo, Richard, a writer on dreams Cubist Emperor, a stiff dream character The Lady Loves the Horse
Rustling Leaves, dreamer's pseudonym Magpie, a dream character The Mountain, the Magpie and the Road
Ruthie, a Brooklyn woman Rhine, Louisa, ESP researcher Ruthie's Call
Ryan, Paul, politician Hurley, Maebh, dreamer Paul Ryan
Ryman, Geoff, writer & dreamer The Tiger Garden, dream anthology Oz Was
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S---, a sometimes psychic dreamer --- First Night in Fiji
S---, a sometimes psychic dreamer --- Nocturne
Miss S., a rather gothic dreamer Priestley, JB, writer Gravestone
Sabel, Judy, writer Houston, James D., author & teacher Cider and Wine
Sacks, Oliver, writer on the brain The Man Who Mistook his Wife for a Hat, book The Man Who Mistook...
Sacks, Oliver, neurologist and musicophile Mahler, Gustaf, composer Kindertotenlieder
Sacks, Oliver, neurologist and prosopagnostic Prosopagnosia (inability to recognize faces) Telepathy vs. Autism
Sacks, Oliver, neurologist Woodring, Jim, visionary cartoonist The Woodring Layer
Sacrifice, alternate title of dream Sultan, Jenny Badger, dream artist Great Goddess
Saddam Hussein, dictator Rossetti, Christina, dream-poet Crocodile King
Sadoff, Ira, dreamer Dreamworks Quarterly Nightmare 1944
Safina, Carl, nature writer Becoming Wild, book God of the Gulf
Saint Bridget, a manifestation of the Goddess Sultan, Jenny Badger, dream-painter Saint Bridget
Saint-Denys, Hervey, now has his own page: Saint-Denys
a Saint Louis woman Rhine, Louisa, ESP researcher Just Knowing
Saknussemm, Kristopher, dream Dreamworks Quarterly Triskelion
Saleh, Julia, dreamer --- Shiny-Eyed Creature
King, Stephen, childhood nightmare-sufferer Gallows
"Sally Anne", pseudonym for a dreamer Barasch, Marc Ian Rasputin Claus
The Salt Garden, short story Atwood, Margaret, writer Andromeda
Saltz, Gail, nonfiction writer The Power of Different Secret Screen
Samona, Adela, dreamer & mom Samona, Alexandrina, girl with pastlife memories Alexandrina
Samona, Alexandrina, girl with pastlife memories Samona, Adela, dreamer & mom Alexandrina
Samosata, Lucian, ancient satirist Megroz, Rodolphe, dream collector Sculptor or Writer?
SAMUEL WIGGINS, a short dream Flora, Michael, dreamer in Google Dreams
Samuels, Andrew, Jungian writer "D", an anonymized dreamer Smokestacks
(To) San Fernando Spring a dreampoem in... Girl in the Water
(View of) San Quentin Prison, painting Birk, Sandow, painter Bernal Islet, 2250
Sand, George --- The Darii
The Sandman, series of metaphysical comics Gaiman, Neil, writer Hare Heaven
Santa Claus, a charity case "Sally Anne", pseudonym for a dreamer Rasputin Claus
Santa Claus impersonators, about twelve of them Santa Clump
SAO, dream artist Shawn Allen O'Neal now has his own page: SAO
Sara, a dreamworker Ann Faraday dream workshops Pay Cut
Sarah, a dreamworker Sundance Community Dream Journal Mmm, Good!
Sarashina (Takasue no Musume), early dream-writer Amaterasu, sun-goddess who speaks in dreams Amaterasu's Mirror
Sarashina (Takasue no Musume), early dream-writer Amida Buddha Amida
Sarashina (Takasue no Musume), early dream-writer Her sister, name unrecorded, a dreamer too Reborn as a Cat
Sartre, Jean-Paul Existentialism Centaur by Sartre
Saruman, a scientific wizard Emily Joy, a shamanic dreamer Window in the Sky
Saruman, wizard (& community college teacher) Gandalf, wizard (& teacher) Lizard or Wizard?
Satan, Santa, St Nick, Old Nick... all those guys see also: the Devil, and demon dreams Satanagram
Satrapi, Marjane, writer and cartoonist Persepolis and Persepolis 2, graphic novels Marjane
Saucer Full of Loneliness (short story) Sturgeon, Theodore, writer Poisoned!
Savage, Samuel (Kent, d.1772?), a predictive dreamer John Wesley, Methodist & dream collector Samuel Savage
Savalas, Telly, actor Kojak, TV show Freddy Krueger's Politics
Sawyer, Jamie, dreamer --- Whipping Nightmares
Sawyer, Jamie, dreamer --- Attahuah
Saya, Oktober, igil maker Ösküs-ool, dreamer Igil
Sayles, John, filmmaker Secret of Roan Inish, film Kiosk
A Scanner Darkly, novel Dick, Philip K., writer The Tiger and the Wolf
Schaeff, Ann Wilson writer Escape from Intimacy, book Apologetic Ogre
Schiaparelli, Giovanni, astronomer Brun, Emmy Ingeborg, astronomer Mars globe, 1909
Schlafly, Phyllis, right-wing activist --- The Magic School
"SchlofM", pen name for a dreamer --- Travel
Schmidt, Dan, dreamer Reklaw, Jesse, illustrator Funeral Foodfight
Schneemann, Carolee, dream artist Dreamworks Quarterly Fresh Blood
Schneemann, Carolee, dream artist Women Dreaming-into-Art, book The Madonna Speaks
Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe, writer Information Respecting... the Indian Tribes..., book Wabase's Vision
Schreiber, Flora, writer Sybil, book Pier's End
Schulz, Charles, cartoonist Peanuts, comic strip Cubist Charlie Brown
Scofield, Paul, actor Greene, Graham, dreamer A Game of Croquet
Scorsese, Martin, director Dog Day Afternoon, movie Beryl's Dog Days
Scott, dreamer Dreamworks: an Interdisciplinary Quarterly Nuclear Nightmares
Scott, Joyce, artist Cuddley Black Dick #1, sculpture Temenos
Scott, Walter, Sir, writer Rowland, R. J., early Scottish dreamer Rowland's Dream
Scoy, Charles, dreamer --- Army Orgy
Scribner, Orion has withdrawn his dream art-- sorry!
The Sea Wolf, novel London, Jack, writer The Sea-Wolf's Brain
Sea-Hag, a cliche witch see also mystic dreams of Popeye The Sea-Hag Riot
Seamus O'Cullen Astra and Flondrix, novel Bumbree Syndrome
The Second Coming, poem W.B. Yeats Annunciation to the Sphinx
The Second Coming, poem Yeats Cheetah
Second Dawn, short story Clarke, Arthur C., writer A Valley Near Hope
Secret of Roan Inish, film Sayles, John, filmmaker Kiosk
The Secret Service Obama, Barack, politician Stop Obama's Assassination
Seeker, novel McDevitt, Jack, writer Telepath Country
Segar, Elzie, cartoonist and writer Popeye, comic strip POPEYE
Selena, an epic dreamer formerly named Jo Selena now has her own page
Self, Dave, cartoonist & naturalist Jasha Linsombres, a krelkin Jasha
Sendak, Maurice, artist Brundibar, a play Sendak made the sets for The Brundibar Sea
Sendak, Maurice, artist Dear Mili, illustrated fairy tale Fuck Griffin
Sendak, Maurice, artist Where The Wild Things Are, book Invoke the Animal Powers...
Sendak, Maurice, artist Where The Wild Things Are, film Bison and Spindle
"Senoi" dreamwork, a hoax W. Domhoff's The Mystique of Dreams Manta-Squid
Serena, Wayan's ex-lover who shows up in many dreams under her old name Cheryl
Serenity science fiction TV series Obama, Barack, politician Stop Obama's Assassination
Serling, Rod, TV showrunner Marianne, dreamer The Outer Limits
Serling, Rod, TV showrunner Night Gallery, show Dickens & Caftan
Seven Arrows & Song of Heyoehkah Storm, Hyemeyohsts, writer The Lady Bathes in Grief
Seven Arrows & Song of Heyoehkah Storm, Hyemeyohsts, writer Salia and Chur
"Seven-Eyed Dragon", a dreamlet Rasselon, a dream blogger Don Juan and the Flyers
Sevigny, Chloë, actor Boys Don't Cry, movie Boys Don't Cry
Seward, Fannie, abolitionist Tubman, Harriet Fanny Seward's Death
Sewing machine Howe, Elias, inventor Sewing Advice from Cannibals
Sex & Zen, film, from Carnal Prayer Mat, book Li Yu, writer Princess of Passion
Sexton, Anne, poet and suicide J.D. McClatchy, poet and dreamer Anne Sexton
Shakespeare, William, playwright Improvised Shakespeare Players, troupe Bird-Sense
Shakespeare, William, playwright Improvised Shakespeare Players, troupe The Cuteness Pageant
Shakespeare, William Hamlet, play Filling the Ancestor's Shoes
Shakespeare, William, playwright Hamlet, play Foxboy
Shakespeare, William, playwright Hamlet, play Freeway to Detention
Shakespeare, William, playwright Hamlet, play My Mother's Closet
Shakespeare, William, playwright A Midsummer Night's Dream & The Tempest, plays Slaves Don't Dance
Shakespeare, William, playwright The Taming of the Shrew, play Spin, Spin, Fly Again
Shakespeare, William, playwright The Tempest, play Caliban in England
Shakespeare, William, playwright The Tempest, play Her Cutie Mark
Shakespeare, William The Tempest, play The Miranda Oath
Shall We Swim?, digital painting Yakovlev, Vad, furry artist Critters of the Montana Front
Shallow Pool of Time, book Peavey, Fran, writer The Ethics of Lucidity
Shamhat, sex-priestess of Ishtar Temple, Uruk Gilgamesh of Uruk, dreamer Enkidu
Shan-miao, a woman who became a dragon Uisan, Korean Buddhist saint c.670 AD Zemmyo
Shannon, Samantha, writer The Mime Order, alt-world novel Cyclotron of flowers
Shanower, Eric, cartoonist Rodriguez, Gabriel, cartoonist Saturation Dial
Shanower, Eric, cartoonist Rodriguez, Gabriel, cartoonist Overlay
Sharits, Paul, dreamer Dreamworks Quarterly Paul Pulls the Trigger
Sharp, Margery, author Miss Bianca, kids' fantasy novel Floating Horses
Shasé, an imaginative artmodel --- Figure Drawing: Now Hold That Pose!
Shaw, Adam, dreamer Reklaw, Jesse, illustrator Bird Assassin
Shaw, George Bernard, playwright Archer, William, dreamer Chesterton's Pounce
Shaw, George Bernard, playwright Yeats, W.B., dream-poet and playwright The Smiling Shaw Machine
Shaw, George Bernard, playwright Price, Nancy, actor, writer, dreamer Strange Audition
Shaw, George Bernard, playwright Pygmalion, play Futility
Shaw, Jim, prolific dream artist Shaw now has his own page: Jim Shaw
Shawn & Feffer, characters on... Boy Meets World, TV show Exploration Game
Shawnodese, a dreamworker Dreaming with the Wheel, book Suvy and John Doe
Shea, Lisa, epic dreamer Somnial Times, a dream zine Mutant Wedding
Sheila, a dreamer Greg, her dead friend Greg's Gift
Shekerjian, Regina de Cormier, writer Dreamworks Quarterly Ojibway Dream Net
Sheldon, Alice ("James Tiptree"), writer --- Dancing with Emily Bronte
Sheldon, Alice ("James Tiptree"), writer Houston, Houston, Do you Read?, story Houston
Sheldon, Alice ("James Tiptree"), writer A Momentary Taste of Being, story Hawking country
Sheldon, Alice ("James Tiptree"), writer Your Faces, O My Sisters! Your Faces Filled of Light! Let me Pass!
Sheldon, Alice ("James Tiptree"), writer The Women Men Don't See, story Time-Bubble
"Shelley" (pseud.), a therapist, now has her own page: Shelley
Shelley, Mary, writer Shelley, Percy, poet, dreamer Deja Reve
Shelley, Mary, writer Frankenstein, A Modern Prometheus, novel Frankenstein's Origin
Shelley, Mary, writer Frankenstein, A Modern Prometheus, novel My Lips are Sealed
Shelley, Mary, writer --- Quadruple Wedding
Shelley, Mary, writer Frankenstein, A Modern Prometheus, novel Two-Headed Beast
Shelley, Percy, poet, dreamer Shelley, Mary, writer Deja Reve
Shelley, Percy, poet Hunt, Marianne, dreamer Marianne's Dream
Sherwood, Martha, dreamer Reconciliation
Shetterly, Will, writer Nevernever, novel Rhamphorhynchus
Shikasta, novel Lessing, Doris, writer Hebradio
Shikimori's not Just a Cutie, manga Maki, Keigo, manga writer & artist The Cloud Over Her
a ship engineer's wife Rhine, Louisa, ESP researcher Tin Fish
Shirayama, Kamome, manga artist Witch Hat Atelier, a manga Silky's Massage
Shoeshine, film Desowitz, William, dreamer A Film-Oriented Dream
Shonin, Myoe, Japanese monk and dreamer Myoe now has his own page: MYOE SHONIN
Shuler, Dustin, sculptor and dreamer Dreamworks Quarterly Destruction of the Nightmare Towers
Sickafoose, Munro, writer Knives, story in anthology "Armless Maiden" The Abuse Panelists
Siddartha, soon to be called the Buddha a bunch of monks cleaning up his act Buddha's Five Dreams
Siegfried and Roy, stage magicians Monica M., a predictive dreamer Tiger Podium
Silent Call, alternate title of a set of three dreams by Wayan, Jack Daniels
Silk Roads, book Frankopan, Peter, writer Giraffe Camouflage
Silky, Wayan's spirit wife Silky has her own page: SILKY
Silky, a soft-sculpture Cat-taur portrait Fringe Festival, an experimental theatre fest Leopards at the Fringe
Silky, a soft-sculpture Cat-taur portrait of... my spirit wife, met in dreams Foam Furs
The Silmarillion & The Lord of the Rings, novels now have their own page; see Tolkien & Middle Earth
Silver, Sarah, artist Patches, her fursona Patches Paws at Flying Fish-Toast Friends
Silverberg, Robert, writer Lord Valentine's Castle, novel An Ill-Formed Tale
Silverberg-Willis, Luana, dancer/choreographer --- Dance Resistance
Silverberg-Willis, Luana, dancer, teacher, activist --- A Beam of Flight
Silverlock, novel Myers, John Myers, writer The Lake Demon
Simon, Kelly, dreamer Furious Fictions, 90s literary zine WHERE IS MY MOTHER?
Simon, Paul, composer "Train in the Distance", song The Addiction
Simone, pseudonymous dreamer Delaney, Gayle, dream researcher Sexual Dreams
Simpson, O.J., athlete "OJ Simpson Trial", endless TV drama Guardian Angels Feud
Simpson, Dana, cartoonist Phoebe and Her Unicorn, comic series Bonobocare, or the Children's Crusade
Simpson, Dana, cartoonist Phoebe and Her Unicorn, comic series Rainbow Splash
Simpson, Dana, cartoonist Phoebe and Her Unicorn, comic series Werecat Syndrome
The Simpsons, TV show Simpson, Bart, and Simpson, Lisa, cartoon kids The Appliance
The Simpsons, TV show Simpson, Bart, cartoon character Cabin in the Sky
The Simpsons, TV show Simpson, Bart, and Simpson, Lisa, cartoon kids I Was a Sex Slave
The Simpsons, TV show Simpson, Lisa, cartoon character Saucer Attack
Simsa Valiha, a shy alien Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf The Everest Marathon
Sin-leki-unnunni, writer/editor of Gilgamesh Gilgamesh of Uruk, dreamer Enkidu
Sinatra, Frank, singer --- Three-Eyed Wolf
Sinclair, Mary Craig, psychic Sinclair, Upton, writer Mental Radio
Singer-songwriters The Bazaar Cafe, San Francisco Mirrorcunt
"A single sparrow in a cage," (poem) Blake, William, poet/artist Man Triumph Ant
The Singularity (futurological concept) Vinge, Vernor, writer Dino Singularity
La Sirene, Haitian sea-goddess Phillips-Tailed Mermaid, dream painting The Mermaid Tow
The Sirian Experiments, novel Lessing, Doris, writer Hebradio
Sisterhood is Powerful, book Morgan, Robin, writer The Vacuum Cleaner Quartet
"The Skeleton Key", ghost story Hoffmann, Nina Kiriki, writer Marjane
Skiznot, pen name of a dreamer --- After the Flood and the Pig-Eared Baby Alligator
"Skywalker, Allison", pen name of a dreamer --- The Glowing Clit
Skywalker, Luke, a life-force follower Emily Joy, a shamanic dreamer Window in the Sky
Skywatcher, a drawing Boulet, Susan Seddon, artist Burn His Tree
Skywhales (animation) --- Animation Today--No Pearls, Lotsa Swine
"Sky Whales", dream painting Jenny Badger Sultan, dream artist Fluid Dream Connections
Sleep, Dreams and Somnambulism, book Macario, Maurice, early dream researcher Prodromal Dreamlets
Sleep & Its Derangements, 1869 book Hammond, William, pre-Freudian dream theorist Volition on the Brink
Sleep & Its Derangements, 1869 book Hammond, William, pre-Freudian dream theorist Thumbsucker!
Sleep & Its Derangements, 1869 book Lavalette, Antoine, prisoner & dreamer Flayed Column
Sleeping In Flame, novel Jonathan Carroll, writer God-Shields
Sleepwalker, a series of prints Goro-Rapoport, Victoria The Planter of Seeds<>
Slovo, Shawn, writer A World Apart, film On Molly's Forehead
Smallville, TV show, and Superman, comic Lex Luthor, villain Larry's Multiverse
Smith, Adam The Wealth of Nations, capitalism's bible Ode to Spam
Smith, Cordwainer Alpha Ralpha Boulevard, story Alpha Ralpha Boulevard
Smith, Cordwainer, writer Angerhelm, story Angerhelm
Smith, Cordwainer, writer Think Blue, Count Two, story Arteria
Smith, Cordwainer, writer The Dead Lady of Clown Town, story Kiss of a Savage
Smith, Cordwainer, writer the Ballad of Lost C'mell (story) Titania
Smith, Karen, dreamer Somnial Times, dream zine Why Me?
Snickerpenguins, nuclear troublemakers Cave Elves, shy geniuses Razi and the Holy Wino of Shasta
Snoid, a raving monster from the Id Snoid Comix, and others by R. Crumb Ishi and Snoid
Snoopy, a cartoon beagle Peanuts, comic strip A Vial Crime
Snow Tiger, novel Bagley, Desmond, writer Baby, I'll Blow your Mind
Snufkin, a wanderer Moomintroll novels Torturer
Snyder, Gary, poet and mountaineer --- Grotto of Breasts
Snyder, Gary, poet and mountaineer Dreamworks Quarterly Journey IX
Soccer with a Plum, dream Jenny Badger Sultan, dream artist Fluid Dream Connections
Socrates, philosopher Plato, philosopher Socrates's Swan
Sofa Jungle, a dreamlet Doe, Jane, dreamer Don't Shoot the Ibex
The Soggy Diapers, a dream-band with a bad name A Crooked Band
Solar Lottery, novel Dick, Philip K., writer Lucid on the Moon
Solnit, Rebecca, writer The War Of the World, grim article Creature Becomes Creator
Solnit, Rebecca, anarchist writer A Paradise Built in Hell, book Evil Archy
Solnit, Rebecca, anarchist writer A Paradise Built in Hell, book The Fur Side
Solnit, Rebecca, anarchist writer A Paradise Built in Hell, book A Hisa On Olympus
Solnit, Rebecca, writer A Field Guide to Getting Lost, book A Snake Prompt
Solnit, Rebecca, anarchist writer A Paradise Built in Hell, book World Builders
Solomon, King of Israel and vivid dreamer Giordano, Luca, painter Solomon's Choice
Solomon, King of Israel and vivid dreamer Makeda, Queen of Sheba in Ethiopian tradition Theft of the Ark
Somers, Suzanne, acress & and abuse activist Three's Company, TV show Birdsuit!
Somers, Suzanne, acress & and abuse activist Three's Company, TV show Black & White, or Color?
Somers, Suzanne, acress & and abuse activist Three's Company, TV show Peeling her Skin
The Somethingmancer, artist Anne Marie, human child or dogtaur? Self-Censor?
Du sommeil, des rêves et du somnambulisme, book Macario, Maurice, early dream researcher Prodromal Dreamlets
Somnial Times now has its own page: Somnial Times
Song of Heyoehkah & Seven Arrows, books Storm, Hyemeyohsts, writer The Lady Bathes in Grief
Song of the Pearl, novel Nichols, Ruth, writer Learning Scales
Songlines, book Chatwin, Bruce, writer The Ripple Effect
Songs of Experience, illustrated poetry book Blake, William, poet/artist The Angel
Songs of Innocence, illustrated poetry book Blake, William, poet/artist Lost Ant
Sophocles, poet, playwright... detective? Hercules, a demigod Goblet of Gold
Sorcha, a dreamer the Pope The Shrinking Pope
Sorcha, a slightly cynical dreamer Spitzer, Cilda, wronged wife It Must Be Someone She Ate
Le Sorcier, painting in Trois Freres Cave, France Shortis, Sam, shamanic dreamer Deer-Man Dancing
The Sorrows of Young Werther, novel Goethe, J. W. von, writer To Keep Him Company
Sou, Inaida, manga writer I was Reincarnated as the Villainess in an Otome Game, manga The Cloud Over Her
The soul selects her own society, poem Dickinson, Emily, poet My Gate
Source Book On Pornography, book --- Apologetic Ogre
Southey, Robert, writer and dreamer The Beatorio Creating Wings
Southey, Robert, writer and dreamer Adam, the first man Old Adam
Southey, Robert, writer and dreamer --- Rib-Crusher
Southey, Robert, writer and dreamer The Sorrows of Young Werther, novel To Keep Him Company
Spaceballs, film (Star Wars parody) Brooks, Mel, filmmaker Mounting Problems
Spaceling, novel Piserchia, Doris, writer Mine Back Door
Sparkle, Twilight, Equestrian scholar My Little Pony, cartoon show Family Jesters
Sparkle, Twilight, an Equestrian scholar My Little Pony, cartoon show Incremental Heavens
Sparkle, Twilight, a unicorn in a co-op My Little Pony, cartoon show Satyr and Twilight
Speak of the Devil, grim graphic novel Hernandez, Gilbert, cartoonist Demon Budgeting
Spell for Chameleon, novel Anthony, Piers, writer On the Night of Change
Spencer, Maia, a cledonic dreamer Cyclops, a regular guy You Really Aren't Lunch
Spencer, Wen, writer & dreamer Elfhome fantasy series I Had the Strangest Dream, and You were There
Spencer, Wen, writer Elfhome fantasy series The Oni Plague
Spencer, Wen, writer Wood Sprites sf novel Green Screen Angel
Spencer, Wen, writer Wood Sprites sf novel Nip Off His Nose
Spider Grandmother, folkloric figure --- Spider Crone
Spinrad, Norman, writer Pictures at Eleven, novel Aelfwine
Spirits that Walk in Shadow, novel Hoffmann, Nina Kiriki, writer Rabbit-Eared Doe
Spitzer, Cilda, wronged wife Sorcha, a slightly cynical dreamer It Must Be Someone She Ate
Spivack, Kathleen, dream poet Dreamworks Quarterly Nightmare next to my Lover
Splash, film Hannah, Daryl, actor Auspicious Tractor Hate
Mr.Spock, a half-Vulcan see also Star Trek dreams Batman's Love
Mr.Spock, a half-Vulcan see also Star Trek dreams Spock's Spirits
Mr.Spock, a half-Vulcan see also Star Trek dreams Misfits on Mars
Spotted Fawn, multimedia artist also known as Strong, Amanda Spotted Fawn Dodges Arrows
Spring, a very solid goddess De la Mare, Walter, dreamer Primavera
Squire, John Collings, dream-poet Megroz, R.L., dream collector Under
the Squirtgun bringing down Chihuahua, Destroyer of Worlds The Power Behind the Gods
Stablein, Marilyn, dreamer Stablein now has her own page: Marilyn Stablein
Stalin, Josef, dictator and standup comedian? Banana Slug
Star Beast, novel Heinlein, Robert, writer Misfits on Mars
Star Man's Son, novel Norton, Andre I Can't Join
Star Rider, novel Piserchia, Doris, writer Mounting Problems
Star Rider, novel Piserchia, Doris, writer The White Mare of Transform Ranch
STAR TREK (TV series and films) now have their own page: STAR TREK DREAMS
Star Wars, film series Anonymous #37, a nightmare sufferer Yes, You can Die in a Dream
Star Wars films Spaceballs, Mel Brooks parody Mounting Problems
Starhawk, writer --- Poltergeist
Starhawk, writer Dreaming the Dark, book Why Progress is Slow
Starhawk, writer Dreaming the Dark, book Ring of White Water
Starhawk, writer Dreaming the Dark, book Starhawk the Witch
Starlight Glimmer, an egalitarian unicorn My Little Pony, cartoon show Incremental Heavens
Stars in my Pockets like Grains of Sand, novel Delany, Samuel, writer Undo the Paralysis
Startide Rising, novel Brin, David, writer Rose and the Thorn
Starvibes, pen name of a dreamer 1stargirl, former pen name I Died and Walked among the Living
Starvibes, pen name of a dreamer 1stargirl, former pen name Speckled Eggs
Starvibes, pen name of a dreamer 1stargirl, former pen name Swimming Cats
Steelclaw, Ratiries, a wolf girl and dreamer Heart In My Stomach, alt. dream title Freaky Dream, or, Heart in My Stomach
Stein, Gertrude, writer McKillip, Patricia, writer McKillip's New Book
Steinem, Gloria, writer Revolution from Within, book Self-Made Girls
Steinem, Gloria, writer Emily Joy, a shamanic dreamer Window in the Sky
Stevanovic, Ivica, artist Vandermeer, Jeff, writer & dreamer Vandermeer's Stair
Steve (age 6), predictive dreamer Rhine, Louisa, ESP researcher Septic
Stevens, Cat, songwriter Sitting (song, in "Catch Bull at Four") Thank the Moon...
Stevenson, Noelle, writer, cartoonist & dreamer The Fire Never Goes Out, graphic memoir Brother
Stevenson, Robert Louis, writer and dreamer "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde", novella Stevenson's Brownies
Stewart, James, actor It's a Wonderful Life (film) Titania
Stewart, James, actor Rear Window (film) Wolves Evolve
Stewart, Patrick, actor Prince of Egypt, film The Egyptian God
Stewart, Patrick, actor Picard, Jean-Luc, starship captain Picardian Angels
Stewart, Patrick, actor Picard, Jean-Luc, starship captain Ick! Dogs!
Stewart, Patrick, actor See also: Star Trek dreams Shrunken Men
Stickgold, Robert, dreamer When Brains Dream, book on dreams Vivisection
Stills, Lemon, industrial worker, muse Levine, Philip, poet They Feed They Lion
Stockton, Frank, writer The Griffin and the Minor Canon, novel Fuck Griffin
a Stockwith woman, (d.1757), a predictive dreamer John Wesley, Methodist & dream collector Don't go to the Market
Stone, Ruth, poet What Love Comes To: poetry collection The Möbius Strip of Grief
Stonehenge, a real place Potatohenge, an imaginary place Stone Dancer, or, Potatohenge
Storm, Hyemeyohsts, writer Seven Arrows & Song of Heyoehkah, books The Lady Bathes in Grief
Storm, Hyemeyohsts, writer Seven Arrows & Song of Heyoehkah, books Salia and Chur
Storm, Mardi, dream sculptor Burning Man art Twilight Anima Rising
Storm over Warlock, Ordeal in Otherwhere, novels Norton, Andre Asilomar of Dreams
Storm over Warlock, Ordeal in Otherwhere, novels Norton, Andre, writer The Everest Marathon
Storm over Warlock, Ordeal in Otherwhere, novels Norton, Andre, writer Gyrlfalcon
Storm over Warlock, Ordeal in Otherwhere, novels Norton, Andre, writer Wyvern
Strachan, Margaret, friend/witness Mudie, Annie Howie, psychic dreamer New Brighton Murder
Strange, Dr., movie & comics character --- Soul Restored and Red Robe Of Initiation
Strange Universe (TV show) Washoe, signing chimp Animal Speech, Animal ESP
Strangers on a Train, film Hitchcock, Alfred, filmmaker Hitchcock Bird
Stranglehold, mystery novel Gorman, Ed, writer Triskelion
Street, Picabo, athlete --- Arteria
Stricker, Sharon, writer & dreamer Dreamworks Quarterly She is the Snake
Strippers in Delirium (dream painting) Girondé, Marie Claude, painter The Mad Unveilers
Strong, Amanda, multimedia artist Metis people of Canada Spotted Fawn Dodges Arrows
Sturgeon, Theodore, writer Godbody, novel Arteria
Sturgeon, Theodore, writer A Saucer of Loneliness (short story) Poisoned!
Sturgeon, Theodore, writer The Wabbler (story) Baby, I'll Blow your Mind!
Sturges, Jock, photographer Art for Teachers of Children (film) Jennifer Montgomery
The Subterrene, an underworld/drilling vessel Catz, Caroline & Faulkner, Lisa, cyborg detectives Adorable Cyborgs
Suddhodana, King, Siddartha's father Maya, Queen, Siddartha's mother Prophetic Dream of Buddha's Father
Suetonius, historian Nero, Roman emperor and nightmare-sufferer Enter, Nero!
Suetonius, historian Julius Caesar & his wife Calpurnia Calpurnia's Dream
Sullivan, Kathleen, dream writer Ferrimani, Brenda, dream painter Surrender to the White Buffalo
Sultan, Henry, dream painter --- Celebrate Both
Sultan, Jenny Badger, dream artist Jenny now has her own page: JENNY BADGER SULTAN
Summer (Rayon Vert), film Rohmer, Eric, auteur Faerie
Sundance Community Dream Journal Sarah, a dreamworker Mmm, Good!
"Sunshine", a dreamworker, now has his own page: SUNSHINE
Sun-tzu, ancient Chinese writer The Art of War (book) Mentor
Superman, comic book, and Smallville, TV show Luthor, Lex, a villain Larry's Multiverse
The Supreme Court of the United States (in an unjust mood) Moose
The Supreme Court of the United States (a shifty bunch) The Ripple Effect
Surviving Picasso, film Renoir, Auguste, artist Brandy's Curse
Suzuki, Shunryu, monk --- Spiritual Discipline? Please, Mistress, No!
Sverrir Sigurðarson, King of Norway Gunnhildr, his mom, a predictive dreamer Gunnhildr's Birth Dream
Swallows And Amazons novels Ransome, Arthur, writer Pirate Twins
Swallows And Amazons etc, novels Ransome, Arthur, writer Green Bird
Swank, Hilary, actor Boys Don't Cry, movie Boys Don't Cry
Swedenborg, Emanuel, early dreamworker & psychic now has his own page: Swedenborg
the Swedish Navy Lindgren, Astrid Astrid and Me
Sweetie Belle, a songwriting unicorn My Little Pony, TV show Giraffe Camouflage
Swift, Jonathan, a fantasy writer Magritte, Rene, a surrealist painter Laputans Lecture Brobdingnag
Switchfoot, a band Meant To Live, a song Window in the Sky
Sybil, book Schreiber, Flora, writer Pier's End
Sybil Sue Blue, sf/mystery novel Brown, Rosel George, writer Sybil Sue Flannery
Sylvia (play) Waymire, Kellie, actor Sylvia Sings
Sylvia, Claire, transplant patient & recurrent dreamer Garfield, Patricia Heart and Lungs
Symonds, John Addington, writer & dreamer --- White-Faced
Synchronicity, a book by... Jung, Carl, psychologist Superimposed
Synchronicity, a book by... Jung, Carl, psychologist Scarab
Synchronicity, a book by... Jung, Carl, psychologist Superimposed
Szymborska, Wislawa, dream-poet --- In Praise of Dreams
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