World Dream Bank:
Index of Names, Q-S
by Chris Wayan 2001-2010
NAMES People, books, movies, poems, songs, comics, etc. | SUPPLEMENTARY DATA Authors of books and so on | LINKS TO PAGES I skipped bare mentions; most hits will be significant. Q
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"Qerwgeqwr, Erwre", a pseudonymous dreamer
| who clearly can only type with the left hand
| Time Warp
| Qi Gao, Emperor of China, or at least a chunk of it
| Xiao Dao, a young dreamer in a dark age
| Black Dragon
| Quaggas (zebralike animals)
| Archer, William, dreamer
| Che Fanno gli Inglesi?
| Quayle, Dan, politician
| Oingo Boingo, band
| It's a Dead Man's Party
| Quayle, Dan, vice president
| Dopp, Susan Marie, surrealist painter
| Dopp
| Quest Crosstime, novel
| Norton, Andre, writer
| The Aztec Empire's Reservations
| Quest Crosstime, novel
| Norton, Andre, writer
| His Deer Wife
| Question, name of a red dog in a dream
| Chast, Roz, cartoonist and dreamer
| Art Envy
| Quinn, Brian, dreamer
| ---
| The Owls of the Gatekeeper on the Forest Bridge
| Quinn, Daniel, writer/dreamer
| ---
| Beetle
| Quinn, James, dreamer
| Pope Sixtus (unclear which one of three)
| "Tell him I saw his head in a box"
| Qu'lad, a shamanic dreamer
| Togumalis, a shamanic dreamer
| Flu Prescription
| R
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Rabid Eye, dream-comics
| Veitch, Rick, dream artist
| Rick Veitch now has his own page
| Rachel, dreamworker
| The Dream Game, how-to book
| Fetal Slideshow
| "Radar" O'Reilly, psychic
| MASH, TV show
| Radar's Bear
| "Radar" O'Reilly, psychic
| MASH, TV show
| Jack Daniels!
| Ragnhild, Queen of Norway, a dreamer
| Halfdan the Black, King of Norway, a dreamnesiac
| Ragnhild's Tree and Halfdan's Curls
| Ragsdale, Floyd, a practical dreamer
| The Committee of Sleep; dream anthology
| Kevlar
| Rai Dragon, a treasure
| Rikutsu, a dreamer
| Battle for the Rai Dragon
| Rainbow Brite, a commercial character
| Clinton, Hillary, politician
| Hillary and Teal
| Rainbow Dash, a cartoon pegasus
| My Little Pony TV series
| Rainbow Splash
| Raine, Kathleen, dream poet,
| now has her own page:
| Kathleen Raine
| Rainer, Tristine, writer
| The New Diary, book on journaling
| I Find Myself Crying
| Rainer, Tristine, writer
| The New Diary, book on journaling
| Loneliness Haiku
| Rainer, Tristine, writer
| The New Diary, book on journaling
| Marcoux's Dreams
| The Rainmaker, film
| Hepburn, Katherine, actor
| Hepburning
| Ralph, Jessie, actor
| After the Thin Man, film, 1936
| Blind Ancestors
| Ram Dass, guru
| ---
| Serafina & Ram Dass
| Ramanujan, Srinavasa, math genius & dreamer
| Lakshmi, Hindu goddess
| Ramanujan
| Ramón y Cajal, Santiago, neurologist & dreamer
| now has his own page:
| Cajal
| Ramona series of kids' novels
| Cleary, Beverly, writer
| Maturity
| Ramsey, Pauline, psychic dreamer
| ---
| A Fountain in the Armenians
| Ramsey, Pauline, psychic dreamer
| ---
| Where's My Mum?
| Ramsey, Pauline, dreamer
| ---
| Exuberant Balloons
| Ramspott, Tad, dreamer and dragon
| ---
| Rednecks
| Ransome, Arthur, writer
| Swallows And Amazons etc, novels
| Green Bird
| Ransome, Arthur, writer
| Swallows And Amazons (novel) and sequels
| Pirate Twins
| Rapoport, Victoria Goro-
| International Association for the Study of Dreams
| The Planter of Seeds
| Rarity, a unicorn actress
| My Little Pony, TV show
| My Little 'Pocalypse
| Rarity, a wise unicorn
| My Little Pony, TV show
| Pinkie Cleans the Windows of Perception
| "Rasselon", a dream blogger
| ---
| Four Dragons
| "Rasselon", a dream blogger
| Castaneda, Carlos, shamanic writer
| Don Juan and the Flyers
| "Rasselon", a dream blogger
| "Seven-Eyed Dragon", a dreamlet
| in Don Juan and the Flyers
| "Rasselon", a dream blogger
| ---
| Older and Younger
| Ratiries, a wolf girl and dreamer
| Heart In My Stomach, alt. title
| Freaky Dream, or, Heart in My Stomach
| Raucher, Esther, dream sculptor
| Dreamworks Quarterly
| The Last Judgment and a Luscious Passivity
| Raven the Skald, an Icelandic bard
| Thorstein Egilson, long-term psychic dreamer
| Eagles in Love with a Swan
| Ray, Man, photographer
| Miller, Lee, photographer
| Black Magic
| Raymond Chandler Evening (song)
| Hitchcock, Robyn, composer
| Pier's End
| Rayon Vert or Summer, film
| Rohmer, Eric, filmer
| Faerie
| Read, Herbert, critic, poet, dreamer
| ---
| I Didn't Dive In
| Read, Jenny, sculptor
| ---
| Eight to a Horn
| Reading the Mind of God, science book
| Trefil, James, writer
| Trefil and Science
| Reagan, Ronald, warmonger
| ---
| Ariel
| Reagan, Ronald, actor
| ---
| The Magic School
| Reagan, Ronald, fool
| Evil Empire jokes
| Laserbomb
| Reagan, Ronald, politician
| ---
| Coolidge's Duck
| Reagan, Ronald, soul-thief
| Reagan, Nancy, puppeteer
| Ronald Reagan Stole My Soul!
| Red Dot (dream picture-poem)
| Roswila, dream-poet
| Dreamku, April 2007
| The Red Heart Of Memories, novel
| Hoffmann, Nina Kiriki, writer
| Self-Possessed
| Red Mars trilogy; science fiction novels
| Robinson, Kim Stanley, writer
| Laserbomb
| Red Mars, Green Mars & Blue Mars
| Robinson, Kim Stanley, writer
| Last Lunar Storm
| Red Mars Trilogy
| Robinson, Kim Stanley, writer
| The Miranda Oath
| Red Mars trilogy
| Robinson, Kim Stanley, writer
| Muir on Mars
| Red Mars trilogy
| Robinson, Kim Stanley, writer
| Poles Now, Tropics Later
| Red Mars trilogy
| Robinson, Kim Stanley, writer
| Slaves on Red Mars | Red Planet, novel
| Heinlein, Robert, writer
| Misfits on Mars
| Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf
| Simsa Valiha, dream character
| The Everest Marathon
| Red Riding Hood
| and a human wolf
| Squirrel Girl
| Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wo(o)lf
| Woolf, Virginia, writer
| Timedoors of the Gods
| Red Riding Hood
| in a Red city
| Ulyanovsk
| Redgrove, Peter, author
| The Black Goddess & the Unseen Real, book
| The Great Dream
| Redon, Odilon, artist
| Noirs, print series
| Bondieu
| Redon, Odilon, artist
| Noirs, print series
| Guilty!
| Redon, Odilon, artist
| Noirs, print series
| Lunamoth
| Redon, Odilon, artist
| Noirs, print series
| Moonmare
| a Redwood City man, an emotional oracle
| Rhine, Louisa, ESP researcher
| Bayshore and Charter
| REFLECTIONS: the Magic of Writing; book
| Jones, Diana Wynne, writer & inadvertent witch
| The Magic of Writing
| Regeana, a dreamer
| ---
| Regeana's Dragon
| Reiser, Gloria, a dreamer
| Somnial Times, a dream zine
| The Baby
| Reiser, Gloria, a dreamer
| Somnial Times, a dream zine
| Toddler Shot By Spouse
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